How can I print a value in my page from Database -

How do I display information in my page (take it from DB) in 2008
Currently I use GridView, but it display the information in a TABLE. I want to display it in a normal line.
for example:
I have this table in my DB
alt text
I want to print an information in my page as:
You are A and your ID is: 1
without using GridView.

How are you getting your data from the database to your gridview? Also do you want to display only a single record or would you display multiple records?
The Repeater is a great control if you want to display all the records. You can bind it the same way your binding the grid then define your template to render the html however you want.
If you only want to display a single record you could just do this in the code behind of the page. For example:
if (!IsPostBack) //Make sure this only runs first time we call page
//Get your data from the DB, can't help here unless
//you provide more details.
MyData data=....
myLabel.Text="You are " + data["name"].ToString() ....
If you update your question with more details about your data source (are you using a data table custom objects etc...). I can update my answer with a better exampkle

Related webform Repeater, Update a set of textbox, Add to the List / Array

I am working on old webform application which uses Repeater.
The Repeater is a set of Name and address textbox fields. I have 3 sets of Name and Address information, basically, 3 sets of records in the object list to bind.
On the UI, I changed/update one of the Name and Address. I noticed in the list, which it iterate or loops through the repeater control
foreach (RepeaterItem item in this.NameAddressRepeaterControl.Items)
I see that an extra recod is added to the items.
I am used to fixed textboxes. When I update the textbox, I write code to take Exactly what is filled in the textbox and populate the DTO object to pass to the data layer to perform database transaction to update the database records.
When the new updated record is added to the Repeater Control list, I don't know which records is updated and which is the new records.
I am checking out OnItemDataBound and OnItemCommand to see if there is a way to get the old value from one of the field and also record the value of the new value. Is this possible?
The form contains 1 Save button and it will loop through the Repeater.Items to see what Name/Address to extract, but the new and old company exist in this list.
Instead of looping through the RepeaterControl.Items, Is there a way to extract from directly the visible Repeater control? If there are 3 repeater Name/Address control, is there a way to get all the info from each of the 3 sets of Repeater controls? The Repeater wraps around a user control, NameAddressCtrl.
I prefer not to replace the Repeater controls with fixed textboxes.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I reviewed the code several time and add additional code to keep track what was add and changed in the repeated and only passed the information to be saved to the db. The solution was to write additional code. I did not change anything with the repeater behavior. Thanks for the comments and help.

Creating and populating tables dynamically

Hello I'm developing a asp. Net page where I want to populate many tables in the ui
But I want it to be dynamic.
Eg: If I retrieve only 2 rows as per search criteria then I want to display only 2 tables.
I tried dynamic table creation using string builder but I got a null reference because the table Id was not being read . Is there any other way where I can create tables dynamically in the html page or should I do it in the code behind itself , then get the Id using flow control and then populate the table. Please help!!!
The problem of creatig tables dynamically has been rectified but now i cannot retrive their ids so that i can print values retrived from the datatbase in it using id.text command.
this is my code
StringBuilder htmlTable = new StringBuilder();
htmlTable.AppendLine("<td><asp:Label runat='server' id='lblt0'></asp:Label></td>");
litTable.Text = htmlTable.ToString();
//litTable is the id of my asp:literal tag
You cannot create a table with a runat=server tag in this manner. Adding items to a literal control can only create client side markup not server side controls.
Your best route is to use a GridView as suggested or an HtmlTable
If your example really is as trivial as the one you provided an HtmlTable might be the easiest route. Though if you want to populate your table from a database or some other data source a GridView is your best option.

Populate a value in combobox dynamicly

I have a form where user picks a Item# and gets info for the selected Item. This form got enhanced by adding another filter, using a combobox control, to select a 'warehouse'.
I could use a lookup for the warehouse(the list is huge) to chosse a 'warehouse' but what am trying to do to query warehouse on Item# value and populate into combobox.
Tried to attached a screen shot, unfotunately, the system doesn't let me do it. If I need to put more details, please let me know.
Is it doable?
I would suggest you to do this with a temporary table. Create one in AOT, and declare it as global variable in your form.
When Item (datasource field or design control, choose what's more accurate for you) is modified, just delete table content, and fill it at your needs.
In the control lookup method, call temporary table lookup method, i.e. "static void lookup(TMPTable _tmpTable)". Do a SysTableLookup, with a standard query over TMPtable, but it's important to use QueryBuildDataSource.setCursor(_tmpTable) (I don't remember now where was method setCursor() in Query or QueryRun, search for it a bit).

Collect all parameters from all reports in reportserver folder and populate a sql table

[Thanks to Filburt and Devjosh. I have restructured the post and included my attempt approach. ]
I have a table on my SQL DB call ReportList which is a list of report. I need to go through that list and interrogate the reportserver, eport by report, to populate a table called ReportParameters. The ReportParameters table has a column for ReportOwnerID which needs to contains the ReportID value of the corresponding (owner) report as listed in the ReportList table.
This is in VB.NET 2005 ASP2.0 and I have ended up with a mess. Please help me with the cleanest approach to doing this.
It needs to work so:- I have a listbox of the reports as per REportList and a GridView that list all the parameters (uniquely - most of the parameters are common to many reports) the idea being that the parameters get set once and the report can be kicked off by selecting them in the ReportList CheckListBox and clicking on Execute.
I would like it that as I click on a particular report in the ListView, the relevant parameters in the Gridview get a green background and those that do not apply are red. The leftmost column in the gridview contains tha Parameter NAME (not editable) and the next column must be editable to populate the value.
I have tried on clicking the EXECUTE button , to build a parameters string in a testbox and call that with the Javascript OpenReportWin() function when I open the report in a new window. This works fine, but my biggest issue it interrogating the reportserver reports to get back a list of parameters and dooping them into a table. I have triend to use a hidden DataGrid bound to a ds onto the reportParamaters table; I have tried to poulate it using a datalist but I cannot get the hang of these thionsg and its looking messy. Ther must be a simple clean way of gettting the .GetParameters resultset back from the report server and populating the table without having to create a reportviewer object and cycling through the list of reports - it then has to render each report before you can get that list out.
I will withdraw this for now. I will submit a solution when I am comfortable that I have reahced a clean solution.

What is the best approach for this CRUD search page in ASP.NET

I'm building a heavily CRUD based ASP.NET website and I've got to the phase of the project where I'm trying to build a search webpage that shows the user different subsets of a certain important table based on parameters they enter such as dates and different text fields.
I can't use a fixed SQL statement, because depending on whether they search by date or by something else, the SQL would be different, so instead I have been generating a results list using a table web control that starts out invisible and then is filled and set to visible once the user identifies a search they want to make. I used a table control because its easy to create and modify in the code behind, and I was able to make the needed calls to the database and populate that table as required.
However, the second thing I need with this search page, is the ability to allow the user to select a record from the results and then go edit it using the rest of the CRUD based pages on the site. To do that, I created asp:buttons in the table and gave them all different ids and the same event handler. But since I created the buttons dynamically, it seems the event disappears on callback and my scheme fails, so I'm taking a second look at how to do this.
My current code for the events looks like:
tempcell = new TableCell();
Button tempbutton = new Button();
tempbutton.Text = "Go";
tempbutton.ID = "gobutton" + rowN;
tempbutton.Visible = true;
tempbutton.Click += new EventHandler(tempbutton_Click);
My results table is declared like this:
<asp:Table ID="ResultTable" visible="false" runat="server"
GridLines="Both" CellSpacing="8">
I'd like to be able to identify which record the user selected, so I can send that info on to another page. And of course, I still need to be able to generate results for several different search criteria. Currently I have date, template and code based searches that lead to different stored procedures and different parameters based on what the user has entered.
Any suggestions on this? It seems like the data grids and repeaters require SQL statements in advance to work properly, so I'm not sure how to use them, but if I could then the item command approach would work with the buttons.
Your event will hook up successfully if the button is recreated in the page load event.
Otherwise, use a GridView. It is the perfect solution for simple CRUD, and you can control it as much as you need.
