Flex ColdFusion CFC location - apache-flex

I'm a ColdFusion developer looking to break into Flex. I have a couple test Flex applications Ii'm working on, but am having problem connecting to my CFCs. I've tried:
creating mappings in CFAdmin,
putting the CFC in the same folder as the Flex app,
putting the CFC in the C:\Coldfusion8\Gateway\CFC folder,
all to no avail.
Each time, I get the "Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface" error. What am I missing?
Here is how I'm invoking the CFC for Flex use.
<mx:RemoteObject id="conn" destination="ColdFusion" source="cfc.bulkmail"
result="orderGrid.dataProvider = event.result;" showBusyCursor="true">

You can also go into your remoting-config.xml file ([coldfusionRoot]wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex) and enable the use of mappings on your coldfusion instance. By default Flex is not allowed to use mappings in locating a cfc instance.
<destination id="ColdFusion">
<channel ref="my-cfamf"/>
<!-- define the resolution rules and access level of the cfc being invoked -->
<!-- Use the ColdFusion mappings to find CFCs, by default only CFC files under your webroot can be found. -->
<!-- allow "public and remote" or just "remote" methods to be invoked -->
<!-- cfc property names -->
<!-- Query column names -->
<!-- struct keys -->
what you see is the default. Change the use-mappings key to true and your mappings will now work.

I had similar problems on certain servers. I think it has something to do with how security is setup on your website. I ended up taking the easy route and making my CFC methods remotely accessible and calling them as WebServices.

C:\Coldfusion8\wwwroot\Gateway\CFC is the correct folder
and the cfc.bulkmail is the correct source.
It works, I must've just not had the proper case at one point or the other.
But here's the answer for anyone who has the same problem in the future.


Unable to pass static file through ASP.NET pipeline

I have a ASP.NET web application (Sitecore), and I'm supposed to handle routes that end in .html via ASP.NET. Normally, as I've read, simply adding validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="true" in /Configuration/system.WebServer/modules in web.config should suffice.
However, I'm not seeing this behaviour.
Trying "test.html" gives me the default IIS 404 page, and the code that's supposed to run, doesn't.
The app pool is already in integrated mode and the property validateIntegratedModeConfiguration is already set to true.
What am I missing here?
If your routes have been registered using Sitecore pipelines then you will need to include html in the list of Allowed extensions. Patch the config like below to include whatever extensions you require to be processed:
<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.PreprocessRequest.FilterUrlExtensions, Sitecore.Kernel">
<param desc="Allowed extensions (comma separated)">aspx, ashx, asmx, html</param>

How do I reload asp.net configuration file cache?

I have an asp.net application that sets the configSource attribute on the rewriteRules element in web.config to point to a separate config file:
<rules configSource="App_Data\Config\RewriteRules.config" />
My web app makes edits to the RewriteRules.config file programmatically, but my web app does not pick up the configuration changes after the file is edited and saved.
I have tried calling HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() after editing the file. This successfully restarts my app domain, but the changes in RewriteRules.config are still not picked up. I have tried adding RestartOnExternalChanges="true" to the rewrite element, but this is apparently not supported on the IIS rewrite module. I have also tried ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("rewrite/rules") but this does not seem to have any effect. The only way I can get the changes to take effect is to edit and save the main web.config file, but I am trying to avoid doing this programmatically for security reasons.
I am confused as to why HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() does not cause external config files to be re-read. Is this expected behavior? Does the config file cache somehow exist outside the bounds of the app domain? Is there any practical way to achieve what I am looking to do?
Dude, the problem with your case is, related configSection definition is not marked as restartOnExternalChanges="true" in definition. For example; we created a custom config section for storing application urls in an external file and we create a section definition in web.config file like
<section name="pageUrlFormats" type="Kahia.Web.Configuration.PageUrlFormats.PageUrlFormatsSection, Kahia.Web" restartOnExternalChanges="true" requirePermission="false" />
so that asp.net knows if any change occurs in related file:
<pageUrlFormats configSource="Config\PageUrlFormats.config" />
application domain restarts. This goes same for all config section definitions, including UrlRewrite module's definition.
What you have to do is, find definition of related module. In this scenario, it is at apphost.config at C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
In that file, look for rule section definition, it starts like
<section name="rules"
You have to add restartOnExternalChanges="true" attribute to that config file.
IIS7 configuration system uses the same syntax as the .Net framework configuration system, but is a different implementation that has some behavior differences. The restartOnExternalChanges thing is a feature of the .Net framework configuration system that is not supported by the IIS7 configuration system. The url rewriter module uses the IIS7 configuration system.

Which are the classes used for User Authentication in alfresco.4.2.c in the case of External SSO?

I am trying to implement External SSO in alfresco share. I am using alfresco.4.2.c.
I want to enable debug mode for the classes which are using for Authentication in the case of External SSO.
So please let me know the class names which are using in External SSO.
Depends on which SSO you are integrating say OpenAM, CAS etc
SlingshotUserFactory class is used for default authentication in Alfresco Share
You can override its entry as below in share-config-custom.xml
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="WebFramework">
<!-- SpringSurf Autowire Runtime Settings -->
<!-- Developers can set mode to 'development' to disable; SpringSurf caches,
FreeMarker template caching and Rhino JavaScript compilation. -->
Add below entry in custom-slingshot-application-context.xml
<bean id="webframework.factory.user.custom.slingshot" class="com.test.web.site.ExtSlingshotUserFactory"
now on login it will call your class for authentication

Add a custom class to a pipeline using a .config and patch attribute

I want this line
<processor type="Estate.Packages.ModificationDate.SetModificationDate, Estate.Packages" />
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ExecuteRequest, Sitecore.Kernel" />
in the web.config.
I tried to do this by adding a .config file in the app_config/include folder for the website.
<configuration http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
<processor x:after="*[#type='Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ItemResolver, Sitecore.Kernel']" type="Sitecore.Packages.ModificationDate.SetModificationDate, Sitecore.Packages" />
However, this ain't working. If I add the line in the web.config beneath the ExecuteRequest pipeline everything is working correctly. When I use the .config file nothing happens. (No error message either)
Anybody got a clue of what I'm doing wrong?
I suggest you to have a look at the Show Config tool (browse to http://yoursite/sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx). It shows the final merged Sitecore configuration including all the pluggable configs out there. At least, it will give you a clue whether your injection is in the right place and in the right format. Later on you can play with the value of x:after attribute to find out what's wrong there.
From what I see, you mention you'd like to place your processor under ExecuteRequest, but your code references ItemResolver instead...

Access JAX-RS using Flex

I have a JAX-RS (Rest) web service, that only enables access through SSL.
If I try to acces it though IE feeding the according parameters, I get the correct response.
Now using Flex's HTTPService component like this:
<s:HTTPService id="httpsService"
<text>My Text</text>
The fault event is started with the "HTTP request error" faultstring.
I already added this crossdomain file to the WEB-INF folder of the web service project:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="flexApplicationIp" secure="true"/>
...but as you might have guessed didn't work.
I have a self generated HTTPS certificate on the host of my web service, so I dont'k know if I need to add it on Flex somewhere.
Any ideas?
at least, crossdomain.xml should be placed in root of your war file, because it has to be accessible by flash plugin. according to specification, contents of WEB-INF is NOT directly accessible by clients.
Just added the certificate following the steps mentioned here and voilá... Got it working
