<ul> with <li> inside CSS column are not wrapping properly - css

Lalalal, I am going insane with the CSS...
I can't achieve the simplest layout here, something is breaking.
I want 2 columns next to each other:
[**** 300px ****][******** 500 px ********]
2nd column heading
Some text.. - 1st bullet point text
- 2nd bullet...
- 3rd...
I have these divs:
<div class="faq_item">
<div class="faq_link">
Video/screenshot coming soon..
<strong>Q: How to add an item to a group? </strong>
<li> Place your finger on one of the four icons at the bottom toolbar.</li>
<li> Move your finger with the icon to drag it to the group to which you wish to add the item.</li>
<li> Release your finger.</li>
<li> Enter the price, adjust the quantity if needed, and press the 'return' button.</li>
And the CSS:
.faq_item strong {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.faq_item span {
display: block;
.faq_item {
margin:0 0 30px 50px;
.faq_item div {
.faq_link {
div.faq_item hr {
My problem is that 1st div inside sits on top of the 2nd div when the code is at it is now. Once I eliminate the longest "li" tags, the whole div aligns properly (2 divs inside are next to each other). I don't understand why don't "li" wraps as it should normally and with 2 divs as inline-block they should be next to each other and not stacked vertically.
Please advise. Thank you!

Try putting your content inside a table.
It Worked for me.

Here's resource with perfect 2column CSS layout (and bunch others) Generally, you have to get floating right

Here you go:
<style type="text/css">
.wrapper {
.faq-link {
.faq-list {
.left {
.right {
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="left faq-link">
Video/screenshot coming soon..
<div class="right faq-list">
<strong>Q: How to add an item to a group? </strong>
<li> Place your finger on one of the four icons at the bottom toolbar.</li>
<li> Move your finger with the icon to drag it to the group to which you wish to add the item.</li>
<li> Release your finger.</li>
<li> Enter the price, adjust the quantity if needed, and press the 'return' button.</li>
There are a couple of traps here. Padding will screw everything up, so you have to account for it in the padded class (i.e. padding:0 10px; adds a total of 20 pixels to the width, so if .faq-link had padding:0 10px; declared, the width would be 280px). Also, anything placed below these floated columns will need the clear:both css property.

Another method would be to drop your 2 divs in a container, then use margin to position the text where needed.
<div class="faq_container">
<div class="faq_link">
<div class="faq_item">
with css:
margin: 0 0 30px 350px;
.faq_link {
float: left;
This simply means the content div ignores the link div to the left, with the added bonus, that if you need something else on the right hand side you can simply float it there and edit the margins of the conent div to allow it to fit.

I created a fiddle for this - http://jsfiddle.net/vJYxt/
Let me know if this works for you.


CSS scrollable-y, visible-x

My question is related to CSS overflow-y:visible, overflow-x:scroll
but I am still not able to solve my problem. I want a scrollable sidebar on y-axis with a visible tag hanging on the x-axis.
My HTML setup:
<div> ... //want it to be visible x
I tried to use this:
.div { overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:visible; }
.li { position:relative; }
.div { position:absolute; top:0px; left:-100px; display:inline-block; }
Generally if you want the to view the scroll in the div you should use
Please make sure to add a class otherwise the scroll will appear in the outer div too, Or use the hierarchy.
div ul li div{ overflow-x:scroll }
.my-div-scroll{ overflow-x:scroll }

inline divs that adjust width automatically

In case of 2 divs. one is static and other is dynamic. That is one div width should be 400px (This one I call as static div as it has static width) and the other div should occupy the rest width (This one I call as dynamic div as it has dynamic width). And, the dynamic div has no fixed width and should occupy all the remaining and should float right where as static div floats on left. My main issue is while stretching the browser when the website is active, there comes the major issue. I neither want the divs to overlap or go down. I want the dynamic div's width to adjust such that the menus remain constant.
My example code:
<style type="text/css">
background-color:#930; /* Just to differentiate DIV */
background-color:#CF0; /* Just to differentiate DIV */
<div id="wrap">
<div id="static">
Logo comes here
<div id="dynamic">
<div class="menus">
<div class="menus">
<div class="menus">
<div class="menus">
<div class="menus">
<div class="menus">
In the above code, menus are displayed pretty far from logo whereas I need them to be just besides logo (but shouldn't be float left.) And, the width of the dynamic div should be adjusted such that they are displayed without wasting space.
If this is out of CSS then anybody please suggest me with JS/jQuery code.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Just remove float:right from #dynamic:
JS Bin demo
To evenly distribute the menu items, do this:
background-color:#CF0; /* Just to differentiate DIV */
width: 100%;
JS Bin demo: http://jsbin.com/emulux/2
A third installment...
Set a percentage width on the static div like 20% and set 80% to the dynamic div:
background-color:#930; /* Just to differentiate DIV */
width: 20%;
background-color:#CF0; /* Just to differentiate DIV */
width: 80%;
JS Bin demo
THis should do the trick..
background-color:#930; /* Just to differentiate DIV */
display:inline; /*New Line */
/* float:right;*/
background-color:#CF0; /* Just to differentiate DIV */

Prefer wrap inside sub-div before wrapping whole div

I have two div's that are floated to the left inside a wrapper-div like this:
<div id="container">
<div id="logo">LOGO</div>
<div id="nav">Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4</div>
#container { }
#logo { float: left; margin-right: 10px; }
#nav { float: left; }
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/vZWTc/277/
What happens when reducing the width of the window is that first #nav jumps down below #logo and then it starts wrapping inside. Is there a way (using layout rather than javascript) to first make it wrap inside #nav down to a threshold (say 150px width) and then when that limit is reached allow it to jump below #logo?
The only solution I've come up with is to have a fixed size left bar (the left logo div that is). If it's fixed, the right pane can have a left margin to make room for it and take up the rest of the space, and with it wrap the text if that's necessary. The shortcoming of this is that it won't jump below the left floating div if the window shrinks too much since the nav or the navcontent css is not floating.
Example is available at http://jsfiddle.net/vZWTc/278/ with some additional text for show but it is available in short here.
<div id="container">
<div id="logo">LOGO</div>
<div id="nav">
<div id="navcontent">
<p>Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4</p>
#logo {
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
#nav {
display: block;
#navcontent {
margin-left: 100px;

Layout with continuous background images, but centred content?

I am trying to work out how I would go about creating a website that has 3 separate 'layers' (top navigation, then content, then footer) each with a different background image, that tiles to 100% width... but I want my content to be centred (as if the containing divs had margin: 0 auto applied).
So far I have been attempting to create divs just for the background images, and then absolutely positioning my content divs, but allowing them to automatically centre.
But of corse, I am taking elements out of the 'flow' of the document there, and so my background image divs end up stacking up against each other.
This is really tough to explain so hopefully this example will help:
As you can see, I have my blue div, where the background stretches to 100% BUT I WANT MY NAVIGATION AND A LARGE IMAGE TO CENTRE HERE.
I have my body which is green, then a hp_content div, this would be where all my content would sit, centred, the problem here is you cannot apply a margin or a padding value (i've applied them to show them not working), only a position from the top of the parent/browser, which will lead to problems when making my site responsive I believe.
Then I have my red div which is the same as the top navigation (blue) div, It has a 100% border but I want the footer stuff (twitter feed, latest blog post, and contact details) to be centred here.
Hopefully some one understands what I am trying to achieve and knows how to correctly set a page like this up, any help is much appreciated!
Ok! Try structuring your HTML something like this:
<body class="index">
<section class="top">
<header class="content">
<ul id="">
<li>link 1</li>
<li>link 2</li>
<section class="main">
<div class="content">
<div class="something">This is something else</div>
<section class="footer">
<footer class="content">
Footer content
Then some CSS like:
body, html{
body {
background: green;
body > section{
/* this style will set all the section .content(s) to be 400px wide */
body > section > .content{
margin:0 auto;
section.top {
height: 510px;
background: blue;
/* if you want to individually change widths for each section, do something like this:*/
section.top .content{
/* or not! */
section.main {
section.footer {
height: 400px;
background: red;
Play around: http://jsfiddle.net/FC2Ea/
So for each site section, you'd have a container for all of that section's content with an easy-to-remember class name like ".content". You can set all the content to the same width, or each section's content to different widths depending what you're going for. Either way, the sections will occupy 100% of the browser's width. Good luck! :)
If you add another Div within your each main Div and use style as
<div style="Width: 80%; float:right; margin-right: 150px;">
I guess that might help to an extent ?
<div class="top_shade">
<div style="Width: 80%; float:right; margin-right: 150px;">
<ul id="">

3 divs: one centered and the two others one in each side

I have this markup:
<div class="prevBtn"> <a> < </a> </div>
<div id="player"> some code </div>
<div class="nextBtn"> <a> > </a> </div>
I'm trying to get this layout:
Note: The previos and the next button are close to the #player
And i'm trying like this:
.nextBtn a{
.rightBtn a{
the problem is that it doesn't stay like the layout if the resolution is too big or too small,
How can I achieve this for any resolution?
surround it with a div with 770px + the left and right buttons width (change their widths from percent to a fixed width).
This will guarantee all are together.
Also use a overflow: hidden or a div with clear:both at the end, this will make sure everything is in place.
