How send parameters with javascript tag? -

How can I send parameters (with QueryString) within a javascript tag as the source attribute to a ASP.NET page?
Example: <script language="javascript" src="myDomain/myPage.aspx?id=123&no=43"></script>
And what I have to do in "myPage.aspx"?
For example I want to send a picture to the script tag according to it's src querystring.

The script tag is used to include javascript code in the page. If you want to show an image on the page, even one generated dynamically, you want to use an img tag, not a script tag.
<img src="myDomain/myPage.aspx?id=123&no=43" alt="some text" />
Normally, you'd use an HttpHandler for this (ashx instead of aspx) and it would simply need to construct the image (or read it from a file) and then send the data down in the response with the correct MIME-type, length, etc.
See this reference on how to retrieve images from a DB using an HttpHandler.

It's not clear what you intend to do in your myPage.aspx. Since it is a script tag, it should be generating javascript code. But I don't see any reason why you'd need to dynamically generate your javascript code. Javascript variables basically have global scope, so define the image in a variable before including the script tag.
So in your html page you would do something like this in your header:
<script type="text/javascript">
var imageURL = '';
<script src="myScript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
And then in myScript.js:
alert("The image URL is: " + imageURL);
//do whatever processing with the image that you need to do...
Google Analytics used to work like this (before they went to a more object-oriented approach).

Why would you send a picture to a script tag? Basically what you have will work client side. In MYPage.aspx you need to output what you want to send.
I'd recommend using an HttpHandler which is a great to dynamically provide things like CSS, Javascript or images System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session null in global.asax
What's the best way to display an image from a sql server database in

All you have to do is give your <SCRIPT> tag a SRC attribute pointing to an ASPX page, just like you wanted. The only trick is that you have to have the ASPX page that returns javascript set the contentType to text/javascript. (Make sure it sends back only valid javascript.)
Here are two files to prove that it works:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<script src="JavascriptLibraryTest.js.aspx?Color=red" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
show Server Generated Javascript
<%# Page Language="C#" %>
Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
string color = Request["Color"];
string now = DateTime.Now.ToString();
function showServerGeneratedJavascript(){
alert('<%=now %>\n<%=color %>');


Add .js files at the bottom of the page from User Control

I have a user control on my web forms app and I need to reference a js file on the user control.
I would like to add this js file at the bottom of the output html page but I don't know how to do it from User Control.
I have following script references on my master page;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
and they are staying just after the </body> tag at the bottom. I'm using my user control like below on a web form page;
<userControl:SearchEngine ID="SearchEngine" runat="server"></userControl:SearchEngine>
and from this user control, I would like to add the a js at the bottom of the outputted html markup after the 3rd js file which you can see above.
any idea?
Try using RegisterClientStartUpScript() method to inject it at the end of the page:
Add a literal control at the bottom and set its text property with the content of the javascript file.

How do I inject a script URL containing an ampersand with ASP.NET?

I have a server control that needs to programmatically inject a JavaScript reference into the page. It is to reference Microsoft's Bing map control which requires &s=1 to be appended to the script URL for use over SSL. The problem is that the .NET Framework encodes the attributes and changes the & to an & (verified with Reflector). At some point after that the & is removed altogether.
Desired script tag:
<script type="text/javascript"
Attempt 1:
var clientScriptManager = this.Page.ClientScript;
if (!clientScriptManager.IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered(this.GetType(), "BingMapControl"))
this.GetType(), "BingMapControl",
Attempt 2:
HtmlGenericControl include = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
include.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
Any ideas?
Desired script tag:
<script type="text/javascript"
Actually, no. In fact, your desired script tag is:
<script type="text/javascript"
You do want the & to be encoded as &. Why? Because the HTML standard says so. See, for example, Section C.12. Using Ampersands in Attribute Values (and Elsewhere) of the XHTML 1.0 standard:
In order to ensure that documents are compatible with historical HTML user agents and XML-based user agents, ampersands used in a document that are to be treated as literal characters must be expressed themselves as an entity reference (e.g. "&"). For example, when the href attribute of the a element refers to a CGI script that takes parameters, it must be expressed as rather than as
Out of curiosity... is this code just an example? I generally only use RegisterClientScript and its ilk if there is some dynamic portion that needs to be set at runtime. Otherwise, you can just write it statically in an aspx, ascx, or js file.
Have you tried a Literal control? I know I've done this very thing recently. I'll have to dig up my code.
It seems like all controls added to Header are html.encode-d
Quick solution is to add a property ScriptUrl
public string ScriptUrl
return "";
and in aspx
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ScriptUrl %>"></script>
And that's all

Getting absolute URL to page in code

I am new to ASP.NET and am trying to convert a web application from using hard-coded deployment locations (ie, /base/path/index.aspx) to discovering them at runtime. If I use Response.Redirect(), I can express the path as '~/index.aspx' and, at runtime, ASP.NET will build the correct URL to send the redirect to based on where the web application is deployed.
There are places in the code where Javascript and/or HTML is generated dynamically and sent to the client as part of the response to force a new window. In these cases, I don't know how to get the actual URL that should be opened in the new window. Using ~ doesn't work in this case since the URL is being evaluated by the browser and not the server. Is there a class or method in ASP.NET that will give me the URL I am looking for? I'd look myself, but I don't even know how to properly phrase my question.
The VirtualPathUtility class is what you are looking for.
Specifically you can use these methods:
You could do something like this:
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = '<%= ResolveUrl("~/path/some_page.aspx") %>';, 'name');
<form id="form1" runat="server"></form>
Tilde (~) is basically a shortcut to HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath.
You can use Request.ApplicationPath and build your way to the page.

Loading HTML content containing inline script via jQuery

The Background
I run an ASP.NET site using Graffiti CMS for a local charitable/service organization.
The leaders of the organization want to start integrating a third-party back-end management system that exposes content as full HTML pages.
One of the pages, the officer list, uses inline script to load pictures or placeholders (depending on whether or not there is a picture for the given officer).
I've created a server-side proxy that enables loading the content from these pages using jQuery's .load() AJAX function.
I can display this content fine using an iframe, but that feels really kludgy, and if the size of the content changes, I may need to alter the size of the iframe to ensure it all displays (blech!).
The Problem
If I create a <div> in a Graffiti post, and use $("#divid").load(url) to load the content, the HTML content loads fine, but the inline script is stripped out, so neither the officer images nor the placeholders are displayed.
The Question
Understanding that the reason for the problem is that jQuery is almost certainly trying to protect against potentially bad stuff by removing the inline script before I load it into my DOM, is there a way using jQuery to grab this HTML and load it into my DOM that will preserve the script, but not open major security holes? I do trust the system from which I'm loading the content, if that makes a difference.
Suggestions? I'm looking to keep this as simple as possible...anything too complex, and I'm just as well off to stick with the iframe.
Thanks in advance!
There is an issue when you use document.write. If you have the ability to modify the source pages you can modify them to use the innerHtml technique instead.
To do so you would change something like this:
<div id="testDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<img src='image1.jpg' alt='' />");
To this:
<div id="testDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementByid('testDiv').innerHTML = "<img src='image1.jpg' alt='' />";
Doesn't work for me...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var dynamic = 'begin <script type="text/javascript">alert("hello");<\/script> end';
<div id="test"></div>
The alert box is showing.. but if you replace it with a document.write, nothing in the document.write appears... you have "begin end"
Hope this helps!
Try setting the HTML manually, like this:
$.get(url, function(htmlText) { $('#divid').html(htmlText); });
I'm pretty sure this will execute the scripts.

Usercontrol access Javascript from a Content's Page's Master Page

Hello all I have a problem. I have a masterpage that all of my Content pages inherit from. Within this masterpage I have a script tag pointing to the Javascript file folder ~/Scripts/validation.js
On my content pages I use different usercontrols that require the use of many of the functions within the validation.js file however if I dont put the <script> tag and the Javascript functions within a contentholder on the contentpage the usercontrols do not see these functions and I get errors like OnNameValidation is not defined.
Of course I can copy the Javascript code into all of the pages but that's 30+ pages and a maintenance nightmare if I find a bug in one of the Javascript functions.
So the question (if you haven't already figured out from my long dissertation) is how can I declare the script tag with the path to the validation.js file so that contentpages and their usercontrols etc. can access the functions/code.
What you are trying to do should work, so I suspect that the path to your javascript file is wrong (without seeing your html code I can only assume). Keep in mind that you can only reference the javascript file like this: "~/Scripts/validation.js" if you have the link in a HEAD runat="server" tag. Without the runat="server" it won't find the file. You would have to do something like "../scripts/validation.js"
As a test I would try to call your javascript function in the masterpage, so you can rule out a bad file reference.
I picked up this tip from ScottGu here.
Add this to you user control which enables Intellisense in user controls but always evaluates false:
<% if (false) { %>
<script src="/Scripts/validation.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<% } %>
I am currently doing this in my site by going to the Source code on the master page and putting the following in the head and outside of the ContentPlaceHolder.
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="HeadContent" runat="server">
<script src="CP.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The path you are assigning for your js file is probably not matching in all the pages.
script src="../JavaScript/Scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js"
It should have something like above this if you have separate folder for Scripts, MasterPages, Pages & Controls.
