Has anybody used YAWS server as an HTTP Proxy? - http

I am planning to setup an YAWS webserver as a HTTP proxy server .
I am basically trying to achieve a high throughput HTTP proxy server which should be able to take webscale load.
The requirement is to be able to redirect certain URI's to our company's enterprise portal.
Has anybody used this setup in production ?
Does anybody know of any issues with the slated requirements?
Thanks in advance!

Yaws reverse proxy stuff is pretty experimental, I wouldn't use it if that's all you need from it. Rather, I'd look at Varnish or even Squid.

YAWS is a fine application server but not more, to serve static files or for proxying it's far from ideal. We use haproxy and lighttpd in front of Yaws for better performance.


Load balancing go servers in Beanstalk

I'm trying to load balance go servers in AWS beanstalk that uses GRPC/Protobuf for data serialization. Beanstalk makes offers nginx as reverse proxy for client-server communication which makes use of http1.1 protocol. This is resulting in bogus messages exchanged between proxy and server but client messages never seem to reach the server as intended. Any clean ideas would help here.
Nginx doesnt support http/2 to backend yet. Some of us are working on a fix for this but will take another quarter before we could get to upstream it. You can either wait for that or use Envoy (https://github.com/lyft/envoy) in front which supports grpc and http/2 natively. Hope this helps.

What will happen if I enable HTTP/2 in Nginx without web app supporting it?

I have Nginx 1.9.5 installed which has HTTP/2 support. My website is running in a uWSGI container, and uWSGI doesn't support HTTP/2 for now.
If I enable HTTP/2 for Nginx, my assets will definitely load faster since I'm serving them on my own server using Nginx. What I want to know is if my website will still work. Thank you!
Sure you can.
Nginx just like a diplomatist, web users don't know the inner, and they don't need to care the inner, Nginx was responsible for the request from outside, and send the same message to your inner container.
HTTP/2.0 works well no matter your container communicate with Nginx via HTTP or uWSGI. It only be used between Nginx and your users.

Why use gunicorn with a reverse-proxy?

From Gunicorn's documentation:
Deploying Gunicorn
We strongly recommend to use Gunicorn behind a proxy server.
Nginx Configuration
Although there are many HTTP proxies available, we strongly advise that
you use Nginx. If you choose another proxy server you need to make sure
that it buffers slow clients when you use default Gunicorn workers.
Without this buffering Gunicorn will be easily susceptible to
denial-of-service attacks. You can use slowloris to check if your proxy
is behaving properly.
Why is it strongly recommended to use a proxy server, and how would the buffering prevent DOS attacks?
According to the Nginx documentation, a reverse proxy can be used to provide load balancing, provide web acceleration through caching or compressing inbound and outbound data, and provide an extra layer of security by intercepting requests headed for back-end servers.
Gunicorn is designed to be an application server that sits behind a reverse proxy server that handles load balancing, caching, and preventing direct access to internal resources.
By exposing Gunicorn's synchronous workers directly to the internet, a DOS attack could be performed by creating a load that trickles data to the servers, like the Slowloris.
The reason is that there are many slow clients that need time to consume server responses, while Gunicorn is designed to respond fast. There is an explanation of this situation for a similar web server for Ruby called Unicorn.

HTTPS Proxy for existing HTTP application

I have a running HTTP web application and I am facing problems to make it run over HTTPS.
I am thinking of bringing some HTTPS Proxy that accepts user requests and forward it to the HTTP web app.
What do you think of that? and How can I accomplish that?
Setting up stunnel is a no-brainer - and its available for Unix/Linux/Posix/MSWindows (you might have mentioned what OS you are using).
(Also you can run the program to encrypt or decrpyt, at the server or at the client side)
It's possible to run Apache Httpd (for example) using HTTPS and use mod_proxy_http as a reverse proxy to forward the requests to your existing HTTP server. Of course, for this to be of any use, you'd need the reverse proxy and the target server to be connected in such a way that connections cannot be sniffed or altered.
You may find that the existing server needs certain extra settings for it to be aware it's using HTTPS (for example, special Valves in Apache Tomcat to set the HTTPS flag to true).
Apache httpd reverse-proxy?

What is the benefit of using NginX for Node.js?

From what I understand Node.js doesnt need NginX to work as a http server (or a websockets server or any server for that matter), but I keep reading about how to use NginX instead of Node.js internal server and cant find of a good reason to go that way
Here http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/theater/video.php?v=dahl-node Node.js author says that Node.js is still in development and so there may be security issues that NginX simply hides.
On the other hand, in case of a heavy traffic NginX will be able to split the job between many Node.js running servers.
In addition to the previous answers, there’s another practical reason to use nginx in front of Node.js, and that’s simply because you might want to run more than one Node app on your server.
If a Node app is listening on port 80, you are limited to that one app. If nginx is listening on port 80 it can proxy the requests to multiple Node apps running on other ports.
It’s also convenient to delegate TLS/SSL/HTTPS to Nginx. Doing TLS directly in Node is possible, but it’s extra work and error-prone. With Nginx (or another proxy) in front of your app, you don’t have to worry about it and there are tools to help you securely configure it.
But be prepared: nginx don't support http 1.1 while talking to backend so features like keep-alive or websockets won't work if you put node behind the nginx.
UPD: see nginx 1.2.0 - socket.io - HTTP/1.1 - Proxy websocket connections for more up-to-date info.
