Multiple images in one - css

I ask myself how use multiple images in one. For example youtube ->
sorry for my english.

What you are referring to are CSS sprites.

Another example on A List Apart. Everyone who works with HTML in some shape or form should read it.


Put a lot of pictures together to make one picture, how to use the picture which you want

Recently i heard about css sprite is a good technology, can reduce the browser downloads, faster web speeds, how does it achieve ?
check this out it will help you alot...
also this for techniques...

dropdown list - show image options to select

I'd be greatful if you can help.
I would like to have a drop downlist that can have a view list of images rather than text content.
many thanks
This is a poor question as you dont give much detail, however if you're working in classic-asp you can easily include jquery (client-side javascript library) and make use of the many plugins that offer this functionality, for example, one of the better ones (only in my opinion of course): - note the examples - very easy to use, example:

Alternative to (Flash) SimpleViewer image gallery?

I am using SimpleViewer to show images on a website. It's a nice and elegant tool. But, as it is using Flash not all devices (e.g. iPad?) will/can show the images. Does anybody know about a non-Flash alternative? Maybe totally CSS cased?
I know this is an old question, but I found something that looks quite a bit like SimplerViewer called Gallerific.
If you check out the example 2 you'll see a layout that looks a lot like SimpleView
Well, I have checked under every rock and I can't find a good non-flash alternative to SimpleViewer (i'm really curious now to if there's one!). There are rumours about it soon being changed to HTML5 (a wise decision), but I don't know if you can wait that long.
I would say the best option is jQuery and CSS, you can personalise and style your gallery as you wish, but you will have to be at least a bit comfortable with html editing. It's not complicated at all, you should give it a try.
You can find lots of jQuery galleries and sliders tutorials here for example:
Do some search engine research to get the best options, there are tons of different galleries.
Good luck!
They have now, see: this comment at the SimpleViewer Forum. It's called Universal Playback.

how to use a photoshop login in web page?

I have designed a log-in page in photoshop, saved the image in png format. but I dont know how to use this image in web page. Please help in this concern or show me the resource or the way I can design a good log-in without compromising on polished look and functionality.
Changing a PSD Template into a CSS Template is not a easy task as it seems. Comprises may steps.
You have to following steps.
Slice the images in your psd template.
Export the images
Try to minimize the use of photoshop generated slices as less as possible. You should try to recreate the effect using CSS the best you can.
You can first try this into Table Structure, which is the default way Photoshop exports the slices and the HTML.
Later on, create a table less layout. It should be pretty easy once you have created the table layout.
I am assuming, you know how to find the tutorials, regarding the steps I have mentioned above.
You need to cut the Photoshop image into several small images, and then use css to style it. I recommend you to learn html and css.
You can have a look at this tutorial on how to create a webpage from a Photoshop file.
slice the psd file or copy merge ,and convert it into html page by using <div> and css. And name it as indexloginpage.html after converting .html what u have created the same in photoshop.
Rename the indexloginpage.html to indexloginpage.aspx and open this file in visual studio.
Apply code as per ur requirements.

Best Way to Sprite Images?

I am now getting to the point that I want to sprite the images on
Most of the images are loaded by JavaScript functions, and I have lots of little images such as the map icons.
Is there any software that supports this? I know that you can use Django-sprites if your images are in Django templates. And you can use GWT similarly, if you want to write some Java code.
What's the best way to go about this for a website that is Python/Django with a Javascript front-end? I never show any HTML unless the user has JavaScript turned off.
You can also use Glue. It's an open-source command line tool to generate css sprites.
There is an online sprite generator. This can help the process greatly.
SpriteMe is a great option, it works as a bookmarklet so you can easily run it on any site you have to see the potential gains.
If you are on Mac, you can have tools for this. These tools are ordering sprites in an efficient way and generates the possible minimum sprite sheet. Also they are generating CSS output for you automatically. Thus, you don't need to fight with coordinates or counting pixels. You can use Sprite Master for this.
You can use is an HTML5 online application.(To be opened with a modern browser)
You just have to drag and drop your images and you can generate the sprite image and the css code to use in your style sheet.
If you wanna generate tighter sprites output, try ZeroSprites.
ZeroSprites uses VLSI floorplanning algorithm.
