Visual Studio Website Compilation error: Child nodes not allowed -

"Child nodes not allowed" seems to be notorious compilation error on website if you do some googling.
Environment: WinXp, VS2008 and VS2008 SP1, .NET 3.5 SP1
Behavior: create a brand new website (not web application), then just build it, you got compilation error "Child nodes not allowed" on the Web.config on line where it says providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v3.5"/>
I got this problem after I re-installed vs2008. Now, a lot of people are suggesting fixes but none worked for us. Only one guy mentioned he successfully got rid of this problem by re-installing windows, but we don't want to go that far if we don't have to. There is another person who opened a ticket to MS but hasn't gotten back a response yet.
If there is anyone out there who has similar environment like us and know how to get around this problem, we'd really appreciate it!!!
Edit The weirdest part of all this is that I don't know how I got it. It is a brand new box and brand new installation.

My colleague just found a fix for this dreadful problem, it is a .NET Framework Cleanup Utility at|_Tools/dotnetfx20|_cleanup|
Just download, run and restart your machine and re-install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (since the cleanup util removes all the .NET Frameworks for you)! Really hope this could help others who have the same problem, it's been 4 days fighting with this one issue, thanks Microsoft!
Thank you guys very much for your input, I voted up for you both, appreciate it!

You probably need to reinstall Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

I haven't got that specific error, but try the following (if you haven't already):
Since you re-installed the vs 2008, try re-applying the SP1
Clear all the temporary folders it generates for the web sites.


Simple Website not building

I am new to ASP .Net programming. I know C,C++ and C#. I have got the book named ASP.Net 4.5.1 in C# and VB by Imar Spaanjaars.
I have got Visual Studio 2013 ultimate installed as well.
What is bothering me ?
I did exactly as the author told and I getting the errors when building
error. See screen shot.
Any help would be much appreciated.
It seems your project misses some dll in the project bin folder. Could you please check?
Otherwise it may be that you need to configure Nuget, in order to download automatically those missing packages.

Visual Studio 2013 -> New Project -> ASP.Net MVC App -> Unspecified error e_fail

Well, I think I have banged my head a lot to get the answer on this issue, hence raising this again.
Some people might get answer here Visual Studio 2013 > New project > unspecified error (exception from hresult: 0x80004005 (e_fail))
I have Windows 7 Pros SP1, 64bit proc.
I installed VS 2013 Prof.
Clicked New project and started with New MVC 4 Internet facing application.
Thats it. End of the story. Somehow VS dont buzz forward and just gives unspecified error (exception from hresult: 0x80004005 (e_fail))
I tried cleaning \Documents\IISExpress\config folder, resetting IIS Express, reinstalling VS, reinstalling IIS Express and nothing helps. Dont know why VS wants to add IIS Express to new solution, but can experts help me to get started with VS 2013..?
Do you tried to start another project type
Is not easy to know what's not working good but, in my opinion is the VS. Uninstall the VS and install another time. Download the last version of VS from Microsoft website.
Solution was quite simple. We need to disable the default encryption of Documents\IISExpress folder from property window.

VS2013 MVC 5 Add controller missing

before posting, I read all the posts related to this query, as well as the ones in forums. There is a filed bug related to this problem which was filed as solved, but still unsolved in the current version (VS2013.4).
The problem is that my Visual Studio 2013 is missing the "Add Controller" option, so I have no way of scaffolding new controllers in my MVC 5 projects. Some clarifications:
It is a new MVC5 project, not MVC4->MVC5 migration.
Updated all nuget packages, all VS related stuff as well.
Repaired VS2013
Uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled VS2013
Upgraded it
Installed the .NET Web Tools from the DVD and from internet.
Changed the project GUIDs as some suggest (btw, those solutions seem to work only for MVC4 or less, not for VS2013 MVC5)
I have a virtual machine at work with win8.1 64bits and VS2013.4 that does have "add controller" option (same config as my home laptop, but in a virtual machine). Also tried to copy the same .csproj settings with no luck.
So, basically, unless someone came across another solution I still may have not tried yet, is to format and reinstall everything.
I don't know if this is applicable to your case and if it will directly help you, but I had some problems with Microsoft development tools and hidden buttons when using them on my touch screen enabled laptop
The solution was to turn off windows/controls scaling in Control panel (set it back to 100%)

Installed nuget package depends on older version of System.Web.Mvc.dll after Publish

I have an MVC4 application developed with Visual Studio 2010.
Project works fine on IIS Express.
When publishing it to IIS8 and trying to access it I get an exception saying the System.Web.Mvc, Version= assembly could not be loaded.
The calling assembly is AttributeRouting.Web.Mvc, which is a NuGet package I use.
The way I understand it, my project referes to version of System.Web.Mvc, while the package I'm using depends on
If Visual Studio/IIS Express can run it perfectly, how come the published version has this problem?
I read a lot only today, but still couldn't figure it out.
Is this what Binding Redirect used for?
I'm kind'a lost here, feeling like I don't really have any direction.
Any advice is welcomed.
Thanks in advance,
I simply (Well it wasn't so simple) installed MVC3 in addition to versions 2 and 4.
Problem disappeared without the need of any further changes.
Download and install MVC3 from Microsoft's website.
In case installation failes:
Extract the setup file.
Open ParameterInfo.Xml in an editor.
Remove completely the <Exe> tag that refers to the vs10-kb2483190
Run setup again.
Thank you very much for your help #Augusto.
Hope this helps someone someday :)

The custom tool 'msdiscocodegenerator' failed

I get this error when attempting to reference a Web Service in my Compact Framework application. Hunting through Google seems to indicate it's a common occurance, but there's been no useful suggestions as to what causes it, and how to fix it. I can successfully access the web service from a WinForms application by adding a Service Reference but the CF project only has the Web Reference option.
I am running Visual Studio 2008 on Vista.
Has anybody actually solved this problem after encountering it?
Maybe yes... I forget as it was over a year ago. I needed to use a WCF service (presented as a web service) on CF 2.0 device. But I had issues with generating the wrapper.
What I think I did in the end was do it on the desktop and then copy that generated code into the device project. I had to remove a few bits to get CF compatability but it worked in the end.
Sorry for being so vague but my memory is like that sometimes. :)
This issue has been identified as BUG from Microsoft and fixed in latest version of visual studio. you can install VS 2013 and try. It was working properly after I upgrade my Visual Studio to 2013 version.
