should we teach pointers in a "fundamentals of programming" course? - pointers

I will be teaching a course on the fundamentals of programming next Fall, first year computer science course. What are the pros and cons of teaching pointers in such a course? (My position: they should be taught).
Edit: My problem with the "cater your audience" argument is that in the first couple of years in University, we (profs) do not know if students would like to be scientists or not... we wish we knew, but we have to strike a balance between those who will remain in school (4 years does not a scientist make), and those who will be engineers.
Final decision: At least references, but possibly pointers without pointer arithmetic.

At the very least you should teach references or some equivalent concept. I think you should probably take it easy on things like pointer arithmetic, c arrays and strings, but indirection is a very important concept in computer science, and students should be introduced to it.

Pointers underpin a huge number of concepts in other, higher level languages, and I'm firmly of the opinion that you need to teach a certain amount of the lower-level stuff to facilitate a good understanding of why we bother with anything higher level at all.
Once you understand a bit about how memory is allocated, and how it's addressed and manipulated with pointers, explaining a lot of other constructs gets easier. For example, explaining a NullPointerException in Java, or even the concept of references in such languages is child's play if you've got someone who understands pointers in C (and better still, if they also grok references in C++).

Absolutely teach them. Understanding indirection is essential for programming, whether it's with pointers, references, dynamic binding, or any number of other things. Now obviously don't start off with them, but understanding indirection is at least as important as understanding control flow ideas.
The con of course is that some people just won't get it and will do poorly or drop out. If this is a course for people who want to be CS majors then don't sweat it because you're just giving them incentive to switch majors earlier rather than later. If it's more or a general ed course for people who are kind of interested in programming, then they should probably still be introduced, but not graded harshly or heavily.

During my first year as a CS student, I took a Java course in fall which was the general intro. The professor didn't teach pointers directly, but he did teach the concept of references, and why you can modify objects and not when primitives when either is passed in an argument.
During my 2nd semester, I took the next course in the series, which was about C, and this class heavily relied on pointers.
For an intro to programming class, I'd say just mention references, but not pointers directly.

I think that a "fundamentals of programming" course should at least touch on basic processor architecture and assembly language, and if it does, you can't really make a case for not discussing pointers.
If you only teach higher-level (byte-code) languages, then I guess pointers would confuse the audience.

Pros: solid understanding of the way that memory is used by the machine, the difference between (and pitfalls of) pointers to data on the heap vs. pointers to data on the stack, passing methods by address, etc.
Cons: complex for an audience who is not yet knowledgeable (or has not had enough time to assimilate the concepts) of computer architecture, including what is stack, what are registers, calling conventions, etc.
So, to summarize, it depends a lot on your audience and on the language(s) you'll tackle (pointers will be meaningless in the context of LISP or Java), as well as on how deep you are willing to go in the direction of what is heap, what is stack, how scope is translated into stack (i.e. why never to return a pointer to a local variable), etc.
When I taught pointers to an engineering class I ultimately fired up a debugger on a simple "hello world" program, and showed the students the actual machine code, register values and corresponding memory dumps, with the stack manipulation and parameter passing, etc., but they were ready for it. Would your audience be receptive to such a drill-down expedition, to ensure solid understanding of what's going on behind the scenes, and would you be willing to go to such lengths? :)

I think you shouldn't teach it first. But later, once basic concepts of programming are acquired.
A good example is the last Stroustrup book : Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ where he teach how to make a parser, I/O (streams) usage and GUI usage before even talking about pointers!
I think it will be a good reference for teaching because it is more natural to understand the way we build ideas instead of how much constraints (memory management for example) we have to handle at the same time to make a software work. I really recommand you this book to have a fresh perspective about teaching fundamentals of programming.

It really depends on the goal of your course - teaching programming and teaching computer science are two separate goals, and though they are not mutually exclusive, introductory classes generally do not teach both equally well. Here's an example of the difference: say we want to learn how to sort a list. A programming course in C++ would teach you to use the syntax of a std::sort function template, and homework might be writing several comparison functors. A computer science course would explain to you what a merge sort is, what the algorithm looks like in pseudo-code, and its performance/space characteristics, and homework would be writing the sort function itself.
So if you are teaching introductory programming, then yes, you should teach your students about pointers.
If you are teaching computer science, then no, there is no need to understand pointers at an introductory level.

Anybody who calls themselves a good programmer must know how pointers work; being a good programmer implies that they do not know only a single programming language, but that they know how programming languages work in general, allowing them to adapt to programming languages they haven't seen before.
This doesn't mean that a fundamentals of programming course should be teaching pointers, however.
If your goal is to give these people a complete, well rounded familiarity with programming languages in general, then yes pointers shall be part of that.
If your way of introducing them to programming is to use one programming language at first, with the intention of covering other languages in subsequent courses, and pointers are not relevant to that language, then there's no need to talk about pointers yet.
I think there's a lot to be said by starting people out in one language only, rather than trying to cover every style of language at once.
My first introductory programming course used Haskell. It wasn't until a subsequent course using C that pointers were introduced (I was already a good C and C++ programmer when I took the course; those subjects were mandatory).


Concepts that surprised you when you read SICP?

SICP - "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
Explanation for the same would be nice
Can some one explain about Metalinguistic Abstraction
SICP really drove home the point that it is possible to look at code and data as the same thing.
I understood this before when thinking about universal Turing machines (the input to a UTM is just a representation of a program) or the von Neumann architecture (where a single storage structure holds both code and data), but SICP made the idea much more clear. Scheme (Lisp) helped here, as the syntax for a program is exactly the same as the syntax for lists in general, namely S-expressions.
Once you have the "equivalence" of code and data, suddenly a lot of things become easy. For example, you can write programs that have different evaluation methods (lazy, nondeterministic, etc). Previously, I might have thought that this would require an extension to the programming language; in reality, I can just add it on to the language myself, thus allowing the core language to be minimal. As another example, you can similarly implement an object-oriented framework; again, this is something I might have naively thought would require modifying the language.
Incidentally, one thing I wish SICP had mentioned more: types. Type checking at compilation time is an amazing thing. The SICP implementation of object-oriented programming did not have this benefit.
I didn't read that book yet, I have only looked at the video courses, but it taught me a lot. Functions as first class citizens was mind blowing for me. Executing a "variable" was something very new to me. After watching those videos the way I now see JavaScript and programming in general has greatly changed.
Oh, I think I've lied, the thing that really struck me was that + was a function.
I think the most surprising thing about SICP is to see how few primitives are actually required to make a Turing complete language--almost anything can be built from almost nothing.
Since we are discussing SICP, I'll put in my standard plug for the video lectures at, which are the best Introduction to Computer Science you could hope to get in 20 hours.
The one that I thought was really cool was streams with delayed evaluation. The one about generating primes was something I thought was really neat. Like a "PEZ" dispenser that magically dispenses the next prime in the sequence.
One example of "the data and the code are the same thing" from A. Rex's answer got me in a very deep way.
When I was taught Lisp back in Russia, our teachers told us that the language was about lists: car, cdr, cons. What really amazed me was the fact that you don't need those functions at all - you can write your own, given closures. So, Lisp is not about lists after all! That was a big surprise.
A concept I was completely unfamiliar with was the idea of coroutines, i.e. having two functions doing complementary work and having the program flow control alternate between them.
I was still in high school when I read SICP, and I had focused on the first and second chapters. For me at the time, I liked that you could express all those mathematical ideas in code, and have the computer do most of the dirty work.
When I was tutoring SICP, I got impressed by different aspects. For one, the conundrum that data and code are really the same thing, because code is executable data. The chapter on metalinguistic abstractions is mind-boggling to many and has many take-home messages. The first is that all the rules are arbitrary. This bothers some students, specially those who are physicists at heart. I think the beauty is not in the rules themselves, but in studying the consequence of the rules. A one-line change in code can mean the difference between lexical scoping and dynamic scoping.
Today, though SICP is still fun and insightful to many, I do understand that it's becoming dated. For one, it doesn't teach debugging skills and tools (I include type systems in there), which is essential for working in today's gigantic systems.
I was most surprised of how easy it is to implement languages. That one could write interpreter for Scheme onto a blackboard.
I felt Recursion in different sense after reading some of the chapters of SICP
I am right now on Section "Sequences as Conventional Interfaces" and have found the concept of procedures as first class citizens quite fascinating. Also, the application of recursion is something I have never seen in any language.
Coming from a primarily imperative background (Java, C#, etc. -- I only read SICP a year or so ago for the first time, and am re-reading it now), thinking in functional terms was a big revelation for me; it totally changed the way I think about my work today.
I read most part of the book (without exercise). What I have learned is how to abstract the real world at a specific level, and how to implement a language.
Each chapter has ideas surprise me:
The first two chapters show me two ways of abstracting the real world: abstraction with the procedure, and abstraction with data.
Chapter 3 introduces time in the real world. That results in states. We try assignment, which raises problems. Then we try streams.
Chapter 4 is about metalinguistic abstraction, in other words, we implement a new language by constructing an evaluator, which determines the meaning of expressions.
Since the evaluator in Chapter 4 is itself a Lisp program, it inherits the control structure of the underlying Lisp system. So in Chapter 5, we dive into the step-by-step operation of a real computer with the help of an abstract model, register machine.

Is functional programming the next step towards natural-language programming? [closed]

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This is my very first question so I am a bit nervous about it because I am not sure whether I get the meaning across well enough. Anyhow, here we go....
Whenever new milestones in programming have been reached it seems they always have had one goal in common: to make it easier for programmers, well, to program.
Machine language, opcodes/mnemonics, procedures/functions, structs, classes (OOP) etc. always helped, in their time, to plan, structure and code programs in a more natural, understandable and better maintainable way.
Of course functional programming is by no means a novelty but it seems that it has experienced a sort of renaissance in recent years. I also believe that FP will get an enormous boost when Microsoft will add F# to their mainstream programming languages.
Returning to my original question, I believe that ultimately programming will be done in a natural language (English) with very few restrictions or rules. The compiler will be part of an AI/NLP system that extracts information from the code or should I say text and transforms it into an intermediate language which the compiler can compile.
So, does FP take programming closer to natural-language programming or is it rather an obstacle and mainstream OOP will lead us faster to natural-language programming?
This question should not be used to discuss the useability or feasability of natural-language programming because only the future will tell.
Sorry, I don't agree at all. Code is ultimately a blueprint for making things (objects), so it has to be very precise and rule-governed in order to function reliably. Natural language won't take over programming any sooner than sketching ideas on napkins will take over mechanical engineering.
I personally have come to the conclusion natural language programming is somewhat crack.
English is not exactly suited to be used fully as a programming language, too many abstract words that have no-correlation in programming, such as emotive terms and other abstract notions that have no place in programming, so to say programming could ever be "natural language" would follow, that "natural language" could be programming, but it isn't.
Now while I get what you're saying here, the problem is the english language has too many scrap terms and repeated names for the same things, so we'd be using something that isn't even specific to the domain of programming, for the task of programming.
I think its more suited that people understand that programming is in fact a highly specialized language, and use their brains and learn to code in a language, which is simple, declarative, and has a consistent definition, unlike English, where definition is highly subjective.
Once you learn the ins and outs of a language, and learn its schematics and behaviors, you can combine them to do new things.
Take Perl, everyone lambasts it for being line noise, but when you know many programming languages, once you get past the initial hurdles of "OMG LINE NOISE", there is a degree of intuitiveness about it where you can make stuff up you never read about and then see it magically works just as you expected.
And IMHO, domain specific languages trump spoken ones for targeted problem solving.
"So, does FP take programming closer to natural-language programming or is it rather an obstacle and mainstream OOP will lead us faster to natural-language programming?"
Neither. Both operate on the same principle that you have to be specific about what you want the computer to do. There must be no room for uncertainty, and neither paradigm has anything to do with natural languages. They tackle an entirely different problem: That of managing and structuring complex code and large codebases.
The big obstacle in natural languages is the parsing. It is impossible to unambiguously parse natural language. Even humans can't do it without a lot of context information (facial expressions, tone of voice), and even then, we still get it wrong quite often.
OOP and FP are only about what happens after parsing. Which meaning is assigned to each semantic element, once it's been identified and parsed.
Perhaps we'll one day be able to program in natural language. I doubt it'll happen within the next couple of decades, but it may happen one day. But today's programming paradigms will neither speed up this process or delay it. They simply have nothing to do with it, and won't help solving the parsing problem.
I don't think that functional programming is any closer to natural language programming than OO programming. Functional programming has a very verb-oriented syntax. When you program in Lisp or Scheme, you spend a lot of time thinking about functions and what actions you want to take on your data. In OO programming, you spend most of your time thinking about objects, hence it seems very noun-oriented. However, in Smalltalk, C++, and Java, you also have methods, which allow you to apply verbs to all of your nouns (so to speak).
I don't think that OO programming will necessarily lead us to natural language programming, but from my point of view it's a little bit closer than functional programming. Functional programming, to me, seems a little bit closer to math than to natural language. That's not such a bad thing, since maybe math is the language we should be thinking in when we program anyway.
Just FYI, Inform 7 is probably the closest anyone has gotten to natural-language programming. It is a language for a very specific domain: writing interactive fiction, the kind of software that began with "adventure games".
The current spurt of interest in Functional Programming result primarily of C# 3.0's cool new features is basically to enable parallelism and denotes a shift towards multi-core computing. IMHO, I don't think we can consider this a next step towards 'natural language programming'
If you are looking for the next evolution in programming languages, I would look to DSLs. DSL allows for highly customized languages that enable sophisticated biz users to configure a system without having to worry about coding details such as datatypes, threads and UI widgets.
Functional languages will have their place in "highly parallel processing" space.
Do you think subjective questions will get this here order for "Windows Internals the 5th Element" added to the database and shipped to my address? If so, natural language programming will be very close to functional programming, since I asked my question in a somewhat functional manner. If not, then natural language programming won't get my order shipped, will it? Functional programming can work because it still has nothing to do with natural languages.
No. Functional programming will take us closer to proving compilers. That is compilers that prove more assertions about your code. The more compilers can prove for us, the closer software development comes to be engineering rather than art.
A NLP programming language is probably more of a "do what I mean not what I say" style language. That is probably the opposite of the direction functional languages go.
"All programming languages are converging towards LISP."

Is mathematics necessary for programming? [closed]

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I happened to debate with a friend during college days whether advanced mathematics is necessary for any veteran programmer. He used to argue fiercely against that. He said that programmers need only basic mathematical knowledge from high school or fresh year college math, no more no less, and that almost all of programming tasks can be achieved without even need for advanced math. He argued, however, that algorithms are fundamental & must-have asset for programmers.
My stance was that all computer science advances depended almost solely on mathematics advances, and therefore a thorough knowledge in mathematics would help programmers greatly when they're working with real-world challenging problems.
I still cannot settle on which side of the arguments is correct. Could you tell us your stance, from your own experience?
To answer your question as it was posed I would have to say, "No, mathematics is not necessary for programming". However, as other people have suggested in this thread, I believe there is a correlation between understanding mathematics and being able to "think algorithmically". That is, to be able to think abstractly about quantity, processes, relationships and proof.
I started programming when I was about 9 years old and it would be a stretch to say I had learnt much mathematics by that stage. However, with a bit of effort I was able to understand variables, for loops, goto statements (forgive me, I was Vic 20 BASIC and I hadn't read any Dijkstra yet) and basic co-ordinate geometry to put graphics on the screen.
I eventually went on to complete an honours degree in Pure Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science. Although I focused mainly on analysis, I also studied quite a bit of discrete maths, number theory, logic and computability theory. Apart from being able to apply a few ideas from statistics, probability theory, vector analysis and linear algebra to programming, there was little maths I studied that was directly applicable to my programming during my undergraduate degree and the commercial and research programming I did afterwards.
However, I strongly believe the formal methods of thinking that mathematics demands — careful reasoning, searching for counter-examples, building axiomatic foundations, spotting connections between concepts — has been a tremendous help when I have tackled large and complex programming projects.
Consider the way athletes train for their sport. For example, footballers no doubt spend much of their training time on basic football skills. However, to improve their general fitness they might also spend time at the gym on bicycle or rowing machines, doing weights, etc.
Studying mathematics can be likened to weight-training or cross-training to improve your mental strength and stamina for programming. It is absolutely essential that you practice your basic programming skills but studying mathematics is an incredible mental work-out that improves your core analytic ability.
While advanced mathematics may not be required for programming (unless you are programming advanced mathematics capability) the thought process of programming and mathematics are very similar. You begin with a base of known things (axioms, previously proven theories) and try to get to someplace new. You cannot skip steps. If you do skip steps, then you are required to fill in the blanks. It's a critical thought process that makes the two incredibly similar.
Also, mathematicians and programmers both think critically in the abstract. Real world things are represented by objects and variables. The ability to translate from concrete to abstract also links the two fields.
There's a very good chance that if you're good at one, you will probably be good at the other.
computer science != programming
OK, seriously, I know good and bad programmers who were English and Psychology majors and some that were Computer Science majors. Some very famous guys that I admire as developers didn't have a CS background. Larry Wall(Perl), for example, was a linguist.
On the other hand, it helps to know something about the domain you are working on because then you can at least see if your data makes sense and help your customer/users drill down to what they really want.
And yes, there's the issue of computational complexity and efficient data structures and program correctness. That's stuff you learn in Computer Science and that's useful to know in almost any domain, but it's neither necessary nor sufficient.
I guess I am going to be the first person to say you do need math. As others have said math is not all that important for certain aspects of development, but the fundamentals of critical thinking and structured analysis are very important.
More so, math is important in understanding a lot of the fundamentals that go into things like schedulers, optimizations, sorting, protocol management, and a number of other aspects of computers. Though the math involved from a calculation level is not complex (its mostly High school algebra) the theories and applications can be quite complex as a solid understanding of math through calculus will be of great benefit.
Can you get by without it, absolutely, and you shouldnt let a less then thorough knowledge of math hold you back, but if you had the chance, or the inclination I would study as much math as you could, calculus, numeric theory, linear algebra, combinatorics, practical applications, all of it has both practical and theoretical applications in a wide range of computer science.
I have known people who were highly successful on both sides of the fence (those without a strong focus on math, and those who went to school for physics or math), but in both groups they enjoyed numerical problems and learning about algorithms and math theory.
I have a maths degree, but I can't remember requiring that maths a single time in my career. It was useful in terms of training my mind for logical thinking, but I've not written any code using fluid dynamics, quantum theory or Markov Chains. (The last is the most likely to come up, I suspect.)
Most line-of-business developers won't need advanced maths most of the time. Sometimes knowing trigonometry can help, and certainly being able to understand enough maths to implement algorithms described mathematically can be important - but beyond that? Nah.
Don't forget that most programmers aren't advancing computer science - they're building applications. I don't need to know advanced engineering to drive a modern car, even though that car has almost certainly been improved through advanced engineering.
I would argue that having advanced logic (discrete) math can really help. That along with set theory. When dealing with common computer programs, these disciplines can help a lot. However, a lot of the other math I took in university was calculus, which as far as I can see, had very limited usage. Since 90% (or something like that) of programming is doing business apps with very simple math, I would say that for the most part, you can get by with very little math knowledge. However, a good understanding of boolean algebra, logic, discrete math, and set theory can really put you up to that next level.
I'll go against the grain here and say "Yes"
I switch from Civil Engineering to programming (Concrete Sucks!). My math background consists of the usual first year stuff, second and third year Calculus(Diff EQ, volume integrations, Series, Fourier and Laplace transforms) and a Numerical Analysis course.
I find that my math is incredibly lacking for computer programming. There are entire areas of Discrete math and logic that I am missing, and I only survive due to an extensive library of textbooks, Wikipedia and Wolfram. Most advanced algorithms are based on advanced math, and I am unable to develop advanced algorithms without doing extensive research (Essentially the equivalent to a half-course worth of work.) I am certainly unable to come up with NEW algorithms, as I just don't have the mathematical foundations as the shoulders of giants upon which to stand.
It depends on what you are doing. If you do a lot of 3D programming, knowledge of 3D geometry is certainly necessary, don't you agree? ;-) If you want to create a new image format like JPG or a new audio format like MP3, you are also pretty lost if you can't understand a cosine or fourier transformation, as these are the basics most lossy compression are based on. Many other problems can be resolved better if you know your math rather well.
There are also many other programming tasks you will find do not need much math.
If you find the subject fascinating enough to post this, just go ahead and start learning. The rest will come naturally.
Yeah, there is no need for advanced mathematics - if you are programming commercial - off the shelf software.
However when dealing with hardcore stuff such as:
Calculating trajectories to control
a robot
Creating AI-like applications to
support uncertainty and automatic
Playing with 3-D motion and graphics
Some advanced mathematics knowledge might come in handy. And it's not like they are "out-of-this world" problems.
I had to create a software to try to "predict" the necessary amount of paper for an office (and it was hell just to find out the best way to approximate values).
You have to be careful, though, because it is easy to get lost when using advanced things - there is a friend of mine who resorted to using Turing to store the state of a dynamic menu just to display it correctly - humm... perhaps he wnet too far in his imagination.
What type of programming?
In my commercial experience, I have needed no advanced mathematics, but this is heavily dependent on the field you are in.
Computer graphics require a large amount of advanced mathematics. A lot of academic computer programming requires advanced mathematics.
So saying there tends to be a correlation between people who are good at mathematics and people who are good at programming.
I hope this wishy-washy answer helps.
Mathematics are needed for developers in some fields but are almost useless in others.
If you are a game developer and have to work with physics a lot - understanding of math is crucial. If you are working with advanced visual controls - you could not do much without geometry. If you're planning to do some financial calculations - it would REALLY help to have solid knowledge of statistics.
On the other hand over last 5 years I had only 2 or 3 projects where ANY amount of math was required at all. Of these there was only 1 occurrence when a Google search did not help.
At the end of the day even financial calculations are very often something your clients do for you and give you formulas to implement.
So if you're in 'applied software' business you are likely to never use your math degree. If you're in academic software maths are crucial.
I agree with Chris. I would say "Yes", also. But this depends on your market as stated above. If you are simply creating some basic "off-the-shelf" applications or writing tools to help your everyday work...then math isn't nearly as important.
Engineering custom software solutions requires lots of problem solving and critical thinking. Skills that are most definitely enhanced when a mathematics background is present. I minored in Math with my Computer Engineering degree and I give credit to all of my math-oriented background as to why I'm where I am today.
That's my 2 cents, I can tell from reading above that many would not agree. I encourage all to consider that I'm not saying you can't have those skills without a math background, I'm simply stating that the skills are side-effects of having such a background and can impact software positively.
In my experience math is required in programming, you can't get away from it. The whole of programming is based on math.
The issue is not black and white, but more colorful. The question is not whether or not you need math, but how much. The higher levels of math will give you more tools and open up your mind to different paths of though.
For example, you can program if you only known addition and subtraction. When multiplication is required, you will have to perform a lot of additions. Multiplication simplifies repetitive additions. Algebra allows one to simplify math before implementing it into programs. Linear Algebra provides tools for transforming images. Boolean Algebra provides mechanics for reducing all those if statements.
And don't forget the sibling to mathematics, Logic and Philosophy. Logic will help you make efficient use of case or switch statements. Philosophy will help you understand the thinking of the guy who wrote that code you are modifying.
Yes, you don't need much math to write programs. Some programs may require more math than others. More math knowledge will give you an advantage over those who have lesser understanding. In these times, people need every advantage they can get to obtain those jobs.
I've been programming for 8 years professionally, and since I was 12 as a hobby.
Math is not necessary, logic is. Math is horribly helpful though, to say it's not necessary is like saying that to kill a man, a gun isn't necessary, you can use a knife. Well, it is true, but that gun makes it a lot easier.
There are a couple bare minimums, which you should already meet. You need to know basic algebraic expressions and notation, and the common computer equivalents. For example, you need to know what an exponential is (3 to the 3rd is 27), and the common computer expression is 3^3. The common notations for algebra does change between languages, but many of them use a somewhat unified methodology. Others (looking at you LISP) don't. You also need to know order of operations.
You need to understand algorithmic thought. First this, then this, produces this which is used in this calculation. Chances are you understand this or you don't, and it's a fairly hard hurdle to jump if you don't understand it; I've found that this is something you 'get', and not really something you can learn. Conversely, some people don't 'get' art. They should not become painters. Also, there have been students in CS curriculum who cannot figure out why this does not work:
x = z + w;
z = 3;
y = 5;
It's not that they don't understand addition, it's that they aren't grasping the requirement of unambiguous express. If they understand it, the computer should too, right? If you can't see what's wrong with the above three lines, then don't become a programmer.
Lastly, you need to know whatever math is under your domain of programming. Accounting software could stop at basic algebra. If you are programming physics, you'll need to know physics (loosely) and math in 3-dimensional geometry (Euclidean). If you're programming architecture software, you'll need to know trigonometry.
This goes farther then math though; whatever domain you are programming for, you need to soundly understand the basics. If you are programming language analysis software, you'll need to know probability, statistics, grammar theory (multiple languages), etc.
Often times, certain domains need, or can benefit from, knowledge you'd think is unrelated. For example, if you were programming audio software, you actually need to know trigonometry to deal with waveforms.
Magnitude changes things also. If you are sorting a financial data set of 1000 items, it's no big thing. If it was 10 million records, however, you would benefit greatly from knowing vector math actually, and having a deep understanding of sorting at the binary level (how does a system sort alphabetically? How does it know 'a' is less than 'b'?)
You are going to find that as a programmer, your general knowledge base is going to explode, because each project will necessitate more learning outside of the direct sphere of programming. If you are squeamish or lazy about self-learning, and do not like the idea of spending 10+ hours a week doing essentially 'homework', do not become a programmer.
If you like thought exercises, if you like learning, if you can think about abstract things like math without a calculator or design without a sketchpad, if you have broad tastes in life and hobbies, if you are self-critical and can throw away 'favorited' ideas, if you like perfecting things, then become a programmer. Do not base this decision on math, but rather, the ability to think logically and learn. Those are what is important; math is just the by-product.
Of course it depends on what kind of programmer you want to be, or better what kind of programmer your employers want you to be. I think calculus and algebra are essentials, statistic and linear programming is indeed a good tool to have in your briefcase, maybe analysis (derivative, integrals, functions...) could be done without. But if you want to know how things work skin-deep (electronics, for example, or some non trivial algorhytms) "advanced" math is something you'd better not go without anywhere.
Most of the programming I have done involved physics simulations for research including things like electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and structural mechanics. Since the problem domains have advanced mathematics associated with them I would be hard pressed to solve them without using advanced mathematics.
So the answer to your question is - it depends on what you are trying to do.
Advanced maths knowledge is vital if you're going to be writing a new programming language. Or you need write your own algorithms.
However, for most day-to-day programming - from websites to insurance processing applications - only basic maths are necessary.
Someone with a solid mathematical (which is not merely arithmetic) or logic background will cope well with algorithms, variable use, conditional reasoning and data structures.
Not everyone can design a UI.
Not everyone can make efficient code.
Not everyone can comment and document clearly.
Not everyone can do a good algorithm
Mathematics will help you to a point, but only to a point.
I dont think advanced mathemetics knowledge is a requirement for a good programmer, but based on personal experience I think that programmers who have a better grasp at advanced maths also make better programmers. This may simply be due to a more logical mind, or a more logical outlook due to their experiences of solving mathematical problems.
The fundamental concept of maths is the following, devising, understanding, implementation, and use of algorithms. If you cannot do maths then it is because you cannot do these things, and if you cannot do these things then you cannot be an effective programmer.
Common programming tasks might not need any specific mathematical knowledge (e.g. you probably won't need vector algebra and calculus unless you're doing tasks like 3D graphics or physics simulations, for example), but the underlying skillsets are identical, and lack of ability in one domain will be matched by a corresponding lack of ability in the other domain.
Math is a toolbox for creating programs. I recommend Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms. It touches on the more "mathy" stuff.
- Greatest lowest limit (managing resources)
- Random variables (game programming)
- Topological sort (adjusting spreadsheets)
- Matrix operations (3d graphics)
- Number theory (encryption)
- Fast fourier transforms (networks)
I don't think that higher math is a requirement for being a good programmer - as always it depends on what you are coding.
Of course if you are in 3D graphics programming, you'll need matrices and stuff. As author of business software, you'll probably need statistics math.
But being a professional programmer for almost 10 years (and another 10 years amateur) "higher math" is not something that I needed regularily. In about 99.8% of all cases it's just plus, minus, division and multiplication in some intelligent combinations - in most cases it's about algorithms, not math.
Learning higher math, for most programmers, is important simply because it bends your brain to think logically, in a step-by-step manner to get from one thing to another.
Very few programming jobs, though, require anything above high school math. I've used linear algebra once. I've never used calculus. I use algebra every day.
Mathematical knowledge is often useful to a programmer, as are graphic design skill, puzzle-solving ability, work ethic and a host of other skills and traits. Very few programmers are good at everything that a programmer can possibly be good at. I wouldn't agree with any statement of the form "you're not a real programmer unless you can {insert favorite programming ability here}".
But I would be wary of a programmer who couldn't do Math. More so than of one who couldn't draw.
I think it really depends on what you're trying to do, but IMHO, the CS and OS theory are more important than math here, and you really need only the math that they involve.
For example, there's a lot of CS background of scheduling theory and optimization that stands behind many schedulers in modern OSs. That is an example of something that would require some math, though not something super complicated.
But honestly, for most stuff, you don't need math. What you need is to learn the ability to think in base 2 and 16, such as the ability to mentally OR/AND. For example, if you have a byte and within that byte there are two 3-bit fields and 2 wasted bits, knowing which bits are in which fields are active when the byte value is something like 11 will make things slightly faster than having to use pen and paper.
I began programming about the same time I entered my pre-algebra class.. So I wouldn't say math is all that important, though it can help in certain types of programming, especially functional.
I haven't taken Discrete Math yet, but I see a lot of theory stuff with programming written in a math-notation that is taught in this class.
Also, make sure you know how to calculate anything in any base, especially base 2, 8, and 16.
Also, one class that really brought home some concepts for me was this pre-programming class. We got taught unions, intersections, and all that happy stuff and It almost exactly parallels bitwise math. And we covered boolean logic very heavily. What I considered the most useful was when we learned how to reduce complex boolean statements. This was very handy:
(x|y) & (x|z) & (x|foo)
can be simplified to
x | (y & z & foo)
Which I previously did not quite grasp.
Well you generated a number of responses, and no I did not read them all. I am in the middle on this, no you certainly do not need math in order to be a programmer. Assembler vs device drivers in linux are no more or less complicated than the other and neither require math.
In no way shape or form do you need to take or pass a math class for any of this.
I will agree that the problem solving mindset for programming is quite similar to that of math solutions, and as a result math probably comes easily. or the contrary if math is hard then programming may be hard. A class or a degree or any pieces of paper or trophies are not required, going off and learning stuff, sure.
Now if you cannot convert from hex to binary to decimal quickly either in your head, on paper, or using a calculator you are going to struggle. If you want to get into networking and other things that involve timing, which kernel drivers often do but dont have to. You are going to struggle. I know of a very long list of people with math degrees and/or computer science, and/or engineering degrees that struggle with the rate calculations, bits per second, bytes per second, how much memory you need to do something, etc. To some extent it may be considered some sort of knack that some have and others have to work toward.
My bottom line is I believe in will power, if you want to learn this stuff you can and will, it is as simple as that. You dont need to take a class or spend a lot of money, linux and qemu for example can keep you busy for quite some time, different asm langauges, etc. crashable environments for kernel development, embedded, etc. You are not limited to that, but I dont believe that you have to run off and take any classes if you dont want to. If you want to then sure take some ee classes, some cs classes and some math classes..
You need math. Programming is nothing more than math. Any findings of theoretical physics does not become a practical(applicable) implication, unless they are explained in terms of mathematical solutions. None of those can be solved computationally if they cannot be interpreted on computers, and more specifically on programming languages. Different languages are thus designed to solve specific problems. But for the general purpose and wide spread programming languages like java, c, c++ much of our programming tasks involve repetitive(continuous) solution to same problems like extracting values from database, text files, putting them on windows(desktop, web), manipulating same values, sometimes accessing some data from similar devices(but given different brand names, different port and a headache) etc which does not involve more than unitary method, and algebra(counter, some logic), geometry(graphics) etc. So it depends what you are trying to solve.
IMO, you probably need an aptitude for mathematics, without necessarily having much knowledge in the field. So the things you require to be good at maths are similar to the things you require to be good at programming.
But in general, I can't remember the last time I used any sort of advanced maths in day-to-day programming, so no.

Is programming a subset of math? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I've heard many times that all programming is really a subset of math. Some suggest that OO, at its roots, is mathematically based, but I don't get the connection, aside from some obvious examples:
using induction to prove a recursive algorithm,
formal correctness proofs,
functional languages,
lambda calculus,
asymptotic complexity,
DFAs, NFAs, Turing Machines, and theoretical computation in general,
and the fact that everything on the box is binary.
I know math is very important to programming, but I struggle with this "subset" view. In what ways is programming a subset of math?
I'm looking for an explanation that might have relevance to enterprise/OO development, if there is a strong enough connection, that is.
It's math in the sense that it requires abstract thought about algorithms etc.
It's engineering when it involves planning schedules, deliverables, testing.
It's art when you have no idea how it's going to eventually turn out.
Programming is one of the most difficult branches of applied mathematics; the poorer mathematicians had better remain pure mathematicians.
--E. W. Dijkstra
Overall, remember that mathematics is a formal codification of logic, which is also what we do in software.
The list of topics in your question is loaded with mathematical problems. We are able to do programming on a fairly high level of abstraction, so the raw mathematics may not be staring you in the face. For example, you mentioned DFAs.. you can use a regular expression in your programs without knowing any math, but you'll find more of a need for mathematics when you want to design a good regular expression engine.
I think you've hit on an interesting point. Programming is an art and a science. There are a lot of "tools of the trade", and you don't necessarily sit down and do a lot of high-level mathematics in order to simply write a program. In fact, when you're programming, you many not really being doing much mathematics or computer science.
It's when we start to solve difficult problems in computer science that mathematics shows up. The deeper you go, the more it will flesh itself out.. often in lower levels of abstraction.
There are also some realms of programming that you don't necessarily have to work in, but they involve more math. For example, while you can certainly learn a language and write some apps without any formal mathematics, you won't get very far in algorithm analysis without some applied math.
OK, I was a math and CS major in college. I would say that if the set A is Math and the set B is CS, then A intersects B. It's not a subset.
It's no doubt that many of the fathers and mothers of computer science were Mathematicians like Turing and Dykstra. Most of the founders of the internet were either Phd's in Math, Physics, or Engineering. Most of the core concepts of computer science come from math, but the act of programming isn't really math. Math helps us in our daily lives, but the two aren't the same.
But there is no doubt that the original reasoning behind the computer was to well, compute things. We have come a long way from there in such a short time.
Doesn't mention programming, but idea is still relevant.
Einstein was known in 1917 as a famous mathematician. It wasn't until Hiroshima that the general public finally came around to the realization that physics is not just applied mathematics.
When people don't understand something, they try to understand it as a type of something that they do understand. They think by analogy. Programming has been described as a field of math, engineering, science, art, craft, construction... None of these are completely false; it borrows from all of these. The real issue is that the field of programming is only about 50 years old. People have not integrated it into their mental taxonomies.
There's a lot of confusion here.
First of all, "programming" does not (currently) equal "computer science." When Dijkstra called himself a "programmer" (more or less inventing the title), he was not pumping out CRUD applications, but actually doing applied computer science. Let's not let that confuse us-- today, there is a vast difference between what most programmers in a business setting do and computer science.
Now, the argument can be made that computer science is a branch of mathematics; but, as Knuth points out (in his paper "Computer Science and its Relation to Mathematics", collected in his Selected Papers on Computer Science) it can also be argued that mathematics is a branch of computer science.
In fact, I'd strongly recommend this paper to anyone thinking about the relationship between mathematics and computer science, as Knuth lays out the territory nicely.
But, to return to your original question: to a practitioner, "enterprise/OO development" is pretty far removed from mathematics-- but that's largely because most of the serious mathematics involved at the lower levels of operation have been abstracted away (by compilers, operating systems, instruction sets, etc.). Similarly, advanced knowledge of the physics of the internal combustion engine are not required for driving a car. Naturally, if you want to design a more efficient car....
if your definition of math includes all forms of formal logic, and programming is defined only by the logic and calculations extant in the code, then programming is a subset of math QED ;-)
but this is like saying that painting is merely putting colored pigments on a surface - it completely igores the art, the insight, the intuition, the entire creative process
one could argue that music is a subset of math by the same reasoning
so i'd have to say no, programming is not a subset of math. Programming uses a subset of math, but requires non-math skills/talent as well [much like music composition]
Disclaimer: I work as an IT consultant and develop mainly portals and Architecture stuff. I have a Psychology degree. I never studied Maths in University. And i get my job done. And usually well. Why? Because I don't think you need to know Maths (as in 'heavy' Maths stuff) to write code. You need analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a high level of abstraction. But Maths does not give you that. It's just another discipline that requires similar skills. My studies in Psychology also apply to my daily work when dealing with usability issues and data storage. Linguistics and Semiotics also play a part.
But wait, just don't flame me yet. I'm not saying Maths are not needed at all for computers - obviously, you need real Math skills when designing encryption algorithms and hardware and etc -- but if, as lots of programmers, you just work an a mid/low level language (like C) or higher level stuff (like C# or java), consuming mostly pre-built frameworks and APIs, you don't really need to understand the mathematical principles behind Fourier transforms or Huffman trees or Moebius strips... let someone else handle that, and let me build value on top of it. I am not stupid. I know the difference between linear and exponential algorithms and data structures and etc. I just don't have the interest to rewrite quicksort or a spiffy new video compression technique.
Well, aside from all that...!
Math is used for many aspects of programming such as
Creating efficient and smart algorithms
Understanding Big O notation
Security (such as RSA)
Many more...
I think that programming needs math to survive. But I wouldn't call it a subset. It's just like blowing glass uses properties of physics, but those artists don't call themselves physicists.
The foundation of everything we do is math.
Luckily, we don't need to be good at math itself to do it. Just like you don't need to understand physics to drive a car or even fly a plane.
The difference between programming and pure mathematics is the concept of state.
Have a look at It's a way of mathematically analyzing things changing through time. Also, Hoare triples is a way of formalizing the input-output behavior of programs. By having some axioms dealing with sequential composition of programs and how assignment works, you can perfectly well deal with state changing over time in a mathematically rigorous way.
If the math you know is insufficient, "invent" some new math to deal with what you want to analyze. Newton and Leibniz did it for analysis (aka calculus, I think). No reason to not do it for computation and programming.
I don't believe I've heard that programming is a subset of math. Even the link you provide is simply a proposed approach to programming (not claiming it's a subset of mathematics) and the wiki page has plenty of disagreements in it as well.
Programming requires (at least some) applied mathematics. Mathematics can be used to help describe and analyze programs and program fragments. Programming has a very close relationship with math and uses it and concepts from it heavily. But subset? no.
I'd love to see someone actually claim that it is one with some clear reasoning. I don't think I ever have
Just because you can use mathematics
to reason about something does not
imply that it is, ipso facto, a
mathematical object. Mathematics is
used to reason about internal
combustion engines, radioactive decay
and juggling patterns. Using
mathematics is not doing mathematics.
I would say...
It's partly math, especially at the theoretical level. Imagine designing efficient searching/sorting/clustering/allocating/fooifying algorithms, that's all math... running the gamut from number theory to statistics.
It's partly engineering. Complex systems can rarely achieve ideal levels of performance and reliability, and software is no exception. A lot of software development is about achieving robustness in the face of unreliable hardware and (ahem) humans.
And it's partly art. Creative and idiosyncratic software design often comes up with great new ideas... like assembly language, multitasking operating systems, graphical user interfaces, dynamic languages, and the web.
Just my 2¢...
Math + art + logic
You can actually argue that math, in the form of logical proofs, is analogous to programming --
Check out the Curry-Howard correspondence. It's probably more the way a mathematician would look at things, but I think this is hitting the proverbial nail on the head.
Programming may have originally started as a quasi-subset of math, but the increasing complexity of the field over time has led to programming being the art and science of creating good abstractions for information processing and computation.
Programming does involve math, engineering, and an aesthetic sense for good design and implementation. Algorithms are an extension of mathematics, and the systems engineering side overlaps with other engineering disciplines to some degree. However, neither mathematics nor other engineering fields have the same level of need for complex, flexible, and yet understandable abstractions that can be used and adapted at so many different levels to solve new and evolving problems.
It is the need for useful, flexible, and dynamic abstractions which led first to the creation of function libraries, then class/component libraries, and in more recent years design patterns and service-oriented architectures. Although the latter have more of a design focus, they are a reaction to the increasing need to build high-level abstractional bridges between programming problems and solutions.
For all of these reasons, programming is neither a subset nor a superset of math. It is simply yet another field which uses math that has deeper roots in it than others do.
The topics you listed are topics in Theoretical Computer Science, and THAT is a branch of Pure Mathematics. Programming is an applied science which uses theoretical computer science. Programming itself isn't a branch of mathematics but the Lambda Calculus/theory of computation/formal logic/set theory etc that programming languages are based on is.
Also I completely disagree with Dijkstra. It's either self-congratulatory or Dijkstra is being misquoted/quoted out of context. Pure mathematics is a very very very difficult field. It is so enormously abstract that no branch of applied mathematics is comparable in difficulty. It is one field that requires enormous leaps of imagination. I did my first degree in computer science where I focused a lot on theoretical CS and applied areas like programming, OS, compilers. I also did a degree in Electrical Engineering - arguably the most difficult branch of engineering - and worked on difficult areas of applied mathematics like Maxwell's equations, control theory and partial differential equations in general.
I've also done research in applied and pure mathematics, and to this day I find applied far easier. As for the pure mathematicians, they're a whole different breed.
Now there's a tendency for someone to study an year or two of calculus unhinged from application and conclude that pure mathematics is easy. They have no idea what they're talking about. Studying calculus or even topology unhinged from application does not give you any inkling of what a pure mathematician does. The task of actually proving those theorems are so profoundly difficult that I will defer to a computer scientist to point out the distinction:
"If P = NP, then the world would be a profoundly different place than we usually assume it to be. There would be no special value in 'creative leaps,' no fundamental gap between solving a problem and recognizing the solution once it’s found. Everyone who could appreciate a symphony would be Mozart; everyone who could follow a step-by-step argument would be Gauss..." —Scott Aaronson, (Theoretical Computer Scientist, MIT)
I think mathematics provides a set of tools for programmers which they use at abstract level
to solve real world problems.
I would say that programming is less about math than it used to be as we move up to 4th Generation Languages. Assembly is very much about math, C#, not so much. Thoughts?
If you just want the design specs handed out to you by your boss, then it's not much math but such a work isn't fun at all... However, coming up with how to do things does require mathematical ideas, at least things like abstraction, graphs, sometimes number theory stuffs and depending on the problems, calculus. Personally, more I've been involved with programming, more I see the mathematical side to it. However, most of the times IMO, you can just pick up the book from library and look up the basics of the thing you need to do but that requires some mathematical grasp upfront.
You really can't design "good" algorithms without understanding the maths behind it. Searching in google takes you only so far.
Programming is a too wide subject. Good software based not only on math (logic) but also on psychology, linguistics etc. Algorithms are part of math, but there are many other programming-related things besides algorithms.
As a mathematician, it is clear to me that Math is not equal to Programming but that the process which is used to solve problems in either discipline is extremely similar.
Solving a higher level mathematics questions requires analytical thinking, a toolbox of possible ways of solving problems, experience with the field, and some formalized ways of constructing your answer so that other mathematicians agree. If you find a particularly clever, abstract, or elegant way of solving a problem, you get Kudos from your fellow mathematicians. For particularly difficult math problems, you may solve the problem in stages, and codify your stage arguments using things called conjectures and proofs.
I think programming involves the same set of skills. In programming, the same set of principles applies to the solving and presenting of solutions to problems. When you have a partial solution to a programming dilemna, you include it as part of your personal library and use it as part of another bigger problem later. These skills seem very similar to the skills used in mathematics.
The major difference between Math and Programming is the latter has a lot more in common between different disciplines of programming than Math does. Two fields of mathematics can be very, very different in presentation and what is used to communicate the field. By contrast, programming structures, to me at least, look very similar in many different languages.
The difference between programming and pure mathematics is the concept of state. A program is a state machine that uses logic (maths) to transition between states. The actual logic used to transition between states is usually very simple, which is why being a math genius doesn't necessarily help you all that much as a programmer.
Part of the reason I'm a programmer is because I don't like math. I have no problem with math itself, and I'm fine with it conceptually, I just don't like doing calculations by hand. When I found I could tell a computer what the math problem is and let it do the calculating for me, a life-long passion and career was born.
To answer the question, according to my alma mater, math == programming since they allowed me to take Intro to C++ to fulfill my math requirement.
Edit: I should mention my degree is in telecommunications which, at the time, had only the standard liberal arts math requirement of one semester.
Math is the purest form of truth. Everything inherits from math.
It's interesting to compare programming with music too. In UK, anyway, there are computing based undergrad university courses that will accept applicants on the bases of music qualifications as supposed to computing due to the logic, patterns, etc. involved.
Maths is powerful, programming is powerful, if maths is a subset of programming then it is equally true to state that programming is a subset of maths.
Maths is described using language, often written down. Therefore is maths a subset of writing too?
Historicly maths came before computer programming, but then lists and processes probably preceded maths, both of which could be equally thought of as mathematical or do with programming.
Cirtainly programming can be represented using maths, so there is some bases for it being true that programming is a sub-set of maths. However a computer program could also implement maths, representing information symbolically, as maths typically does when done on paper, including the infinite and only somewhat defined, from the fundamental axioms, as well as allowing higher level structures to be defined that use each other and other sorts of relationships beyond composition, supporting the drawing of diagrams and allowing the system to be expanded. Maths is equally a subset of programming.
While maths can represent structures such as words, maths is by design about numbers. Strings for example are more programmatic than mathematic.
It's half math, half man speak, duh.

Why should I learn Lisp? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I really feel that I should learn Lisp and there are plenty of good resources out there to help me do it.
I'm not put off by the complicated syntax, but where in "traditional commercial programming" would I find places it would make sense to use it instead of a procedural language.
Is there a commercial killer-app out there that's been written in Lisp ?
Lisp is a large and complex language with a large and complex runtime to support it. For that reason, Lisp is best suited to large and complicated problems.
Now, a complex problem isn't the same as a complicated one. A complex problem is one with a lot of small details, but which isn't hard. Writing an airline booking system is a complex business, but with enough money and programmers it isn't hard. Get the difference?
A complicated problem is one which is convoluted, one where traditional divide and conquer doesn't work. Controlling a robot, or working with data that isn't tabular (languages, for example), or highly dynamic situations.
Lisp is really well suited to problems where the solution must be expandable; the classic example is the emacs text editor. It is fully programmable, and thus a programming environment in it's own right.
In his famous book PAIP, Norvig says that Lisp is ideal for exploratory programming. That is, programming a solution to a problem that isn't fully understood (as opposed to an on-line booking system). In other words: Complicated problems.
Furthermore, learning Lisp will remind you of something fundamental that has been forgotten: The difference between Von Neumann and Turing. As we know, Turing's model of computation is an interesting theoretical model, but useless as a model for designing computers. Von Neumann, on the other hand, designed a model of how computers and computation were to execute: The Von Neumann model.
Central to the Von Neumann model is that you have but one memory, and store both your code and your data there. Notice carefully that a Java program (or C#, or whatever you like) is a manifestation of the Turing model. You set your program in concrete, once and for all. Then you hope you can deal with all data that gets thrown on it.
Lisp maintains the Von Neuman model; there is no sharp, pre-determined border between code and data. Programming in Lisp opens your mind to the power of the Von Neumann model. Programming in Lisp makes you see old concepts in a new light.
Finally, being interactive, you'll learn to interact with your programs as you develop them (as opposed to compile and run). This also change the way you program, and the way you view programming.
With this intro I can finally offer a reply to your question: Will you find places where it outshines "traditional" languages?
If you are an advanced programmer, you need advanced tools. And there is no tool more advanced than Lisp.
Or, in other words: The answer is yes if your problems are hard. No otherwise.
One of the main uses for Lisp is in Artificial Intelligence. A friend of mine at college took a graduate AI course and for his main project he wrote a "Lights Out" solver in Lisp. Multiple versions of his program utilized slightly different AI routines and testing on 40 or so computers yielded some pretty neat results (I wish it was online somewhere for me to link to, but I don't think it is).
Two semesters ago I used Scheme (a language based on Lisp) to write an interactive program that simulated Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" routine. Input from the user was matched against some pretty complicated data structures (resembling maps in other languages, but much more flexible) to choose what an appropriate response would be. I also wrote a routine to solve a 3x3 slide puzzle (an algorithm which could easily be extended to larger slide puzzles).
In summary, learning Lisp (or Scheme) may not yield many practical applications beyond AI but it is an extremely valuable learning experience, as many others have stated. Programming in a functional language like Lisp will also help you think recursively (if you've had trouble with recursion in other languages, this could be a great help).
In response to #lassevk:
complicated syntax??
The syntax for lisp is incredibly simple.
Killer app written in lisp: emacs. Lisp will allow you to extend emacs at will to do almost anything you can think of that an editor might do.
But, you should only learn lisp if you want to, and you may never get to use at work ever, but it is still awesome.
Also, I want to add: even if you find places where lisp will make sense, you will probably not convince anyone else that it should be used over java, c++, c#, python, ruby, etc.
I can't answer from first-hand experience but you should read what Paul Graham wrote on Lisp. As for the "killer-app" part, read Beating the averages.
I programmed in Lisp professionally for about a year, and it is definitely worth learning. You will have unparalleled opportunity to remove redundancy from your code, by being able to replace all boilerplate code with functions where possible, and macros where not. You will also be able to access unparalleled flexibility at runtime, translating freely between code and data. Thus, situations where user actions can trigger the need to build complex structures dynamically is where Lisp truly shines. Popular airline flight schedulers are written in Lisp, and there is also a lot of CAD/CAM in Lisp.
Lisp is very useful for creating little DSLs. I've got a copy of Lisp in a Box running at work and I've written little DSLs to interrogate SQL server databases and generate data layers etc in C#. All my boiler plate code is now written in lisp macros that output to C#. I generate HTML, XML, all sorts of things with it. While I wish I could use Lisp for everyday coding, Lisp can bring practical benefits.
If you like programming you should learn Lisp for the pure joy of it. XKCD perfectly expresses the intellectual enlightenment that ensues. Learning Lisp is for the programmer what meditation is for the Buddhist monk (and I meant this without any blasphemous connotation).
Any language looks a lot harder when one doesn't use the common indentation conventions of a language. When one follows them of Lisp, one sees how it expresses a syntax-tree structure quite readily (note, this isn't quite right because the preview lies a little; the r's should align with the fns in the recursive quicksort argument):
(defun quicksort (lis)
(if (null lis)
(let* ((x (car lis))
(r (cdr lis))
(fn (lambda (a)
(< a x))))
(append (quicksort (remove-if-not fn
(list x)
(quicksort (remove-if fn
I found that learning a new language, always influences your programming style in languages you already know. For me it always made me think in different ways to solve a problem in my primary language, which is Java. I think in general, it just widens your horizon in term of programming.
I took a "lisp class" in college back in the eighties. Despite grokking all the concepts presented in the class, I was left without any appreciation for what makes lisp great. I'm afraid that a lot of people look at lisp as just another programming language, which is what that course in college did for me so many years ago. If you see someone complaining about lisp syntax (or lack thereof), there's a good chance that they're one of those people who has failed to grasp lisp's greatness. I was one of those people for a very long time.
It wasn't until two decades later, when I rekindled my interest in lisp, that I began to "get" what makes lisp interesting--for me anyway. If you manage to learn lisp without having your mind blown by closures and lisp macros, you've probably missed the point.
Learning LISP/Scheme may not give you any increased application space, but it will help you get a better sense of functional programming, its rules, and its exceptions.
It's worth the time investment just to learn the difference in the beauty of six nested pure functions, and the nightmare of six nested functions with side effects.
One of the most commonly repeated
myths about Lisp is that it's "dead."
While it's true that Common Lisp isn't
as widely used as, say, Visual Basic
or Java, it seems strange to describe
a language that continues to be used
for new development and that continues
to attract new users as "dead." Some
recent Lisp success stories include
Paul Graham's Viaweb, which became
Yahoo Store when Yahoo bought his
company; ITA Software's airfare
pricing and shopping system, QPX, used
by the online ticket seller Orbitz and
others; Naughty Dog's game for the
PlayStation 2, Jak and Daxter, which
is largely written in a
domain-specific Lisp dialect Naughty
Dog invented called GOAL, whose
compiler is itself written in Common
Lisp; and the Roomba, the autonomous
robotic vacuum cleaner, whose software
is written in L, a downwardly
compatible subset of Common Lisp.
Perhaps even more telling is the
growth of the Web
site, which hosts open-source Common
Lisp projects, and the number of local
Lisp user groups that have sprung up
in the past couple of years.
If you have to ask yourself if you should learn lisp, you probably don't need to.
Learning lisp will put Javascript in a completely different light! Lisp really forces you to grasp both recursion and the whole "functions as first class objects"-paradigm. See Crockfords excellent article on Scheme vs Javascript. Javascript is perhaps the most important language around today, so understanding it better is immensely useful!
"Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot."
--Eric S. Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker"
I agree that Lisp is one of those languages that you may never use in a commercial setting. But even if you don't get to, learning it will definitely expand your understanding of programming as a whole. For example, I learned Prolog in college and while I never used it after, I gave me a greater understanding of many programming concepts and (at times) a greater appreciation for the languages I do use.
But if you are going to learn all means, read On Lisp
Complicated syntax? The beauty of lisp is that it has a ridiculously simple syntax. It's just a list, where each element of the list can be either another list or an elementary data type.
It's worth learning because of the way it enhances your coding ability to think about and use functions as just another data type. This will improve upon the way you code in an imperative and/or object-oriented language because it will allow you to be more mentally flexible with how your code is structured.
Gimp's Script-Fu is lipsish. That's a photoshop-killer app.
Okay, I might be weird but I really don't like Paul Graham's essays that much & on Lisp is a really rough going book if you don't have some grasp of Common Lisp already. Instead, I'd say go for Siebel's Practical Common Lisp. As for "killer-apps", Common Lisp seems to find its place in niche shops, like ITA, so while there isn't an app synonymous with CL the way Rails is for Ruby there are places in industry that use it if you do a little digging.
To add to the other answers:
Because the SICP course (the videos are available here) is awesome: teaches you Lisp and a lot more!
Killer app? Franz Inc. has a long list of success stories, but this list only includes users of AllegroCL... There are probably others. My favourite is the story about Naughty Dog, since I was a big fan of the Crash Bandicoot games.
For learning Common Lisp, I'd recommend Practical Common Lisp. It has a hands-on approach that at least for me made it easier than other books I've looked at.
You could use Clojure today to write tests and scripts on top of the Java VM. While there are other Lisp languages implemented on the JVM, I think Clojure does the best job of integrating with Java.
There are times when the Java language itself gets in the way of writing tests for Java code (including "traditional commercial programming"). (I don't mean that as an indictment of Java -- other languages suffer from the same problem -- but it's a fact. Since the topic, not Java, I won't elaborate. Please feel free to start a new topic if someone wants to discuss it.) Clojure eliminates many of those hindrances.
Lisp can be used anywhere you use traditional programming. It's not that different, it's just more powerful. Writing a web app? you can do it on Lisp, writing a desktop application? you can do it on Lisp, whatever, you can probably do it on Lisp, or Python, or any other generic programming (there are a few languages that are suited for only one task).
The biggest obstacle will probably be acceptance of your boss, your peers or your customers. That's something you will have to work with them. Choosing a pragmatic solution like Clojure that can leverage the current install base of Java infrastructure, from the JVM to the libraries, might help you. Also, if you have a Java program, you may do a plug-in architecture and write Clojure plug-ins for it and end up writing half your code in Clojure.
Not a reason but (trivial) AutoCAD has LISP & DCL runtime support. It is a convenient way to write complex macros (including ActiveX automation) if you don't want to use VBA or their C++ or .NET SDKs, or if a DIESEL expression doesn't cut it.
A lot of AutoCAD's functions are actually LISP routines.
This is a topic i myself have pondered for a while but I have not really come to a decision, as usual time is the main problem... ;)
And since I can´t find these links sofar in this post i add them for public interest:
Success and Failure story:
Lisping at JPL
Really impressive success story:
Lisp in use at the Orbitz corporation
Comparison and analysis of whether to use Lisp instead of Java:
Lisp as an Alternative to Java
Syntax is irrelevant, readability is not!
Not saying this is a killer app but it looks like it could be cool
Killer app? The flight search engine by ITA Software is one.
As for "why", it will most probably make you a better developer and is extremnely unlikely to make you a worse one. It may, however, make you prefer lisp dialects to other languages.
