CLR Debugger, ASP.NET -- how to increase timeout? -

I'm trying to debug a problem (exception being thrown) in an ASP.NET MVC program using the Microsoft CLR Debugger. It works pretty well, except after a minute or two, the debugger gets detached (the web request times out or something?) and I can no longer inspect its state.
This is extremely frustrating. How can I make the server/debugger (not sure who is at fault here) stay open until I tell it to stop?

Its on the IIS side, check this on how to configure/fix:

From the link:
In IIS 7 go to the Application Pools and select the Advanced Settings for the pool which you process runs in. In the Process Model section you can do one of two things;
Set the Ping Enabled property to False. This will stop IIS checking to see if the worker process is still running and keep your process alive permanently (or until you stop your debugged process)
If you prefer to allow IIS to continue the monitoring process then change the Ping Maximum Response Timeout value to something larger than 90 seconds (default value).


ASP.NET Application Pool process often gets stuck

We have a webserver (WinSrv2019) running a few ASP.NET 4.8 websites with a huge traffic.
Each site is running in its personal 64-bit Application Pool (Integrated Pipeline), .NET CLR Version v4.0.
One of the websites gets stuck apparently and stops responding.
Sometimes it continues a few minutes, sometimes it can remain stucked for a hour.
During this period our inter-application logs are empty.
Moreover, IIS log that logs incoming requests is empty as well and incoming requests during this period aren't being logged.
On the client side browser doesn't get any error, but just continue waiting for response.
Since it happens with the single site only, we've excluded the option that the problem refers server hardware. The server resources usage aren't get over 50%
On the second hand we don't have idea what can cause Application Pool to get stuck in this way.
Please advice.
How we can investigate this issue?
Is there any tool allowing to "debug" what happens inside IIS on the low level?
Thanks in advance

w3wp.exe is restarting but all GET requests are eventually queued and serviced?

I have a w3wp.exe that is restarting on my IIS server (see specs below). Memory gradually climbs to ~3G then it randomly restarts itself about every 1-2min.
Memory Usage:
The odd thing is that once this memory drop (what looks like a restart - btw...the app pool does not get recycled/restarted) happens GET requests are queued but then serviced as soon as the service warms/starts up (causing a delay in responses to our clients - who were initially reporting delayed reponse times on occasion).
I have followed this link to get a stack dump once the .exe restarts (private bytes go to ~0) but nothing gets logged (no .dmp file) with diag debug once the service restarts.
I see tons of warnings in my webserver (IIS) log but that's it:
A process serving application pool 'MyApplication' suffered a fatal
communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The
process id was '1732'. The data field contains the error number.
ASK: I'm not sure if this is a memory limitation, if cacheing is not playing well with my threads/tasks, if cacheing is blowing up, if there is watchdog service restarting my application, etc,. Has anybody run across something similar with w3wp.exe restarting? It's hard to tell because diagdebug is not giving me a dump once it restarts.
MVC4 Web API servicing GET requests (code is debug build with debug=true)
Uses MemoryCache with Model and Business Objects with cache eviction set to 2hrs...uses
Task (TPS) for each new request.
Database: SQL Server 2008R2
Web Servers: Windows Server 2008R2 Enterprise SP1 (64bit, 64G RAM)
IIS 7.5
One application other LOB applications running on this server
Your first step is to reproduce the problem in your test environment. Setup some kind of load generation app (you can write it yourself pretty easily) and get the same problem happening. Then turn off debug in web.config and see if that fixes the issue. Then change it to be a release build and test again.
I've never used memorycache - try reducing the cache eviction time or just turn it off and see if that fixes the issue. Good luck :)

impact of disabling recycling of worker process in IIS application pool

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS which takes a long time (around 5 hours) to execute. the WCF service basically generates some reports using SSRS (SQL server reporting services) and saves them to a locaton on the server. this service was actually stopping after generating few reports, so I disabled the "recycling of worker process", "shut down worker processes after being idle" and "limit kernel request queue" in application pool and that fixed the issue and all the reports were generated regardless of the amount taken to generate them. but I am not sure if this is the right fix for this and I would like to know what is the impact of unchecking these settings in application pool for the WCF service in IIS? and is there any better way to get around this problem?
For any long running process it is much better to do it outside of IIS.
In this case I would have a regular windows service running that monitored a request queue. When a request comes in to generate a report, it would then spin off a thread to perform the generation.
The web service would be responsible for 3 things. First, adding an item to the queue to be handled. Second, checking status on the queue as to whether the report is ready. Third, sending the completed report back to the calling client.
This would allow the client to essentially do a fire and forget on the report request and call back later to check on it's status. Further it would mean that if IIS recycled for whatever reason you are still OK.
For bonus points I would add some error handling code that when the windows service restarted it could restart report jobs that were in the middle of execution. This would make it a bit more robust and allow you to reboot the server at any point.
I have disable also all the automatic shut down process from iis for my application with out any issue. I have monitor the memory limits and of course the program work smoothly with out any issues on memory.
I think that this automatic shut down triggers are designed mostly for process that keep too many web sites together and possible some of them have not good programming. But if you are the master of your iis, and you have check your program that have not memory issue, then is better to not shut it down, or at least control the shut down process with some way.
Ok is better to make long running process outside IIS, but is not so simple to develop it, not so simple to install it, not so simple to check it out.

Overcome compilation(?) pause on *secondary* initial ASP.Net application startup?

After deploying an ASP.Net application to a new server, the first user to hit the app gets a long pause, presumably because the app is performing its initial compilation. However, this pause seems to also also occur after the application has timed out and unloaded itself from memory.
The first compilation would be tolerable as it only happpens once, but the 2nd one seems to me like it should be there a workaround to address this issue? It would be nice to be able to extend the application timeout, but I only see a way to extend the session timeout, which I would rather not do, as this would keep all user sessions in memory for a long period of time.
That's IIS shutting down the worker process - the default is a 20 min idle time. In IIS6, you can configure the app pool and turn off the Idle timeout (on Performance tab). In IIS7, it's in the Advanced Settings.
A common way (though looks hackish to me) to keep the worker process alive is to have some program issue web requests to some URL in the application on a regular basis.
You can reduce the initial startup time by precompiling the ASP.NET app with aspnet_compiler.exe. This won't reduce the initial request time to zero (it'll still need to create the worker process and do other housekeeping.) but it'll noticeably reduce it.
I did find some recommended settings for the App Pools in IIS. The intended outcome of these settings is to reduce the number of times your application needs to go through the startup cycle. These settings should apply to IIS 6 as well as IIS 7:
Recycle Worker Process: Disable. Use this only if you have multiple websites and are trying to isolate processes.
Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (time in minutes): Disable unless you are sharing resources on your server. With this setting disabled, your website should not unload, ensuring that startup time for your site is as minimal as possible.

Long running HttpWebRequests

I have a ASP.NET web application running on an IIS6 server. The application is making potentially long running calls to a xml service on a remote machine. Some of the service calls on the remote machine are taking a long time to execute (sometimes up to 4 minutes). The long term solution would be to make the calls asyncronous, but as a short term solution we want to increase the timeout for the calls and the overall httpRequest time out.
My fear with this is that the long running calls will fill up the request queue and prevent the "normal" page requests from completing. How can the server, IIS and application settings be tuned to temporarely resolve the issue?
Currently there are approximately 200 page requests/minute and this results in 270 service requests/minute.
The current executionTimeout is 360 (6 minutes)
The current service call time out is 2 minutes
There's this article on Microsoft's Knowledgebase that has some pretty much all the information you might need:
* Contention, poor performance, and deadlocks when you make Web service requests from ASP.NET applications
I will give you some research I have done regarding some of the specific items handled in the article above. This information below applies to IIS6, comments for IIS7 where applicable.
Increase the Processor Worker Thread pool from 25 to at least 100
The default values for the Threadpool size is 100 because the default value for autoConfig is true.
The values covered by autoConfig is
There is one value that is still 25 that must change is – ASPProcessorThreadMax, this can only be set in the IIS metabase (via adsutil tool) in IIS6. [IIS7’s equivalent is the processorThreadMax value]
So I'm opting not to change the machine.config settings as they are fine and there are other paramaters that would be affected by turning off autoconfig, but rather change ASPProcessorThreadMax from 25 to 100 via the IIS metabase (the only way to change this value).
cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Inetpub\AdminScripts\<nowiki>adsutil.vb</nowiki>s SET W3SVC/AspRequestQueueMax 100
Max connections per server
The autoconfig sets this value to 12*number of cpu’s, that’s how many connections can be made to each address you are connecting to at one time.
Here are some things you can do:
Monitor if requests are waiting in the queue
Monitor the following counter:
Run perfmon
Add counter: ASP.NET Applications/Requests In Application Queue
This will show us if work items are queued because of a shortage of workers.
Check Identity Used by Application Pool
Open IIS Manager
Check which application pool is used by your site in IIS manager.
Choose the Application pool being used in the Application Pools list, then Right Click -> properties and see what account identity is being used.
It should be Network Service by default.
