zcat to grep with file name - unix

ls -ltr|grep 'Mar 4'| awk '{print $9 }'|xargs zcat -fq |grep 12345
I'm now using this command to list the records that contain my numeric string how can i alos get this command to print the name of the file the strings were found in?

Use zgrep
BTW. what you're trying to do can be done with find
find -newermt 'Mar 4' -and ! -newermt 'Mar 5' -exec zgrep -l '12345' {} \;

If you use zgrep instead of zcat+grep (which does the same), you do it like this option like this:
ls -ltr | grep 'Mar 4' | awk '{print $9}' | xargs zgrep 12345

Pass the -t option to xargs, causing it to print the command it is running (the zcat command, including the filename) before running it. The command is printed to stderr, so it will not interfere with your pipe.


find and then grep and then iterate through list of files

I have following script to replace text.
grep -l -r "originaltext" . |
while read fname
sed 's/originaltext/replacementText/g' $fname > tmp.tmp
mv tmp.tmp $fname
Now in the first statement of this script , I want to do something like this.
find . -name '*.properties' -exec grep "originaltext" {} \;
How do I do that?
I work on AIX, So --include-file wouldn't work .
In general, I prefer to use find to FIND files rather than grep. It looks obvious : )
Using process substitution you can feed the while loop with the result of find:
while IFS= read -r fname
sed 's/originaltext/replacementText/g' $fname > tmp.tmp
mv tmp.tmp $fname
done < <(find . -name '*.properties' -exec grep -l "originaltext" {} \;)
Note I use grep -l (big L) so that grep just returns the name of the file matching the pattern.
You could go the other way round and give the list of '*.properties' files to grep. For example
grep -l "originaltext" `find -name '*.properties'`
Oh, and if you're on a recent linux distribution, there is an option in grep to achieve that without having to create that long list of files as argument
grep -l "originaltext" --include='*.properties' -r .

Fetch file from particular date

New to Unix and I'm trying to fetch files from a directory having current date.
Tried below command, but it fetches some other file instead
cd /path/; ls -lrt abc833* | grep `date '+%d'`
Also I want to try something like below but it doesn't work
for file in /path/abc833*
if [ `$file | awk '{print $7}'` =`date '+%d'`];then
echo $file
What's the mistake?
Why not use find?
find ./ -ctime 1
returns all files created in last 24 hours. You also forgot to wrap date:
cd /path/; ls -lrt abc833* | grep $(date '+%d')
%d only gives number of day in month today would be "28". that would also match "20:28" or 28th of last month.
Syntax errors were in your first post. You wrapped the date command correctly.
Your second approach is full of syntax errors. And you are trying to execute each file to pass its output to awk => You forgot a ls -l
But same thought error for date there. stat -c %Y <file> gives you the modification time of a file in seconds since epoch, which is maybe easier to calculate.
cd /path/; ls -lrt abc833* | sed 1d | tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f9|grep $(date '+%d')
You can do all the logic in awk:
ls -ltr | awk '{date=strftime("%d"); if($7==date){f="";for(i=9;i<=NF;i++){f=f" "$i} print f}}'
If your file name does not contain spaces it can be simplified:
ls -ltr | awk '{date=strftime("%d"); if($7==date){print $9}}'
And if instead of the file name you want the whole line from ls -ltr
ls -ltr | awk '{date=strftime("%d"); if($7==date){print $0}}'

Adding data line by line in file in Unix

I am extracting file names from one command it returns many file names and i am putting them into one file
code :
echo `find ${FILE_SYSTEM}/${dir_name}/${sub_dir_name} -type f -size +${BADFILES_SIZE} -exec ls -1lutr {} \; | sort -rn | awk '{print $9}'` >> Somefile.txt
The problem here is that i am not getting file names on each line.
Its giving two filenames on 1 line.
But i want to have each filename on 1 line.
Eg :
/informatica/ETD/PC9/scripts/kamil/temp/temp1.txt /informatica/ETD/PC9/scripts/kamil/temp/temp2.txt
I am getting filenames as shown above and i want as shown below.
Please give ur suggestions,
The problem is that you're using echo and backticks. Don't! The echo flattens all its arguments (a list of two files, it seems) into a single line of output.
echo `find ${FILE_SYSTEM}/${dir_name}/${sub_dir_name} -type f -size +${BADFILES_SIZE} -exec ls -1lutr {} \; | sort -rn | awk '{print $9}'` >> Somefile.txt
find ${FILE_SYSTEM}/${dir_name}/${sub_dir_name} -type f \
-size +${BADFILES_SIZE} -exec ls -1lutr {} + |
sort -rn |
awk '{print $9}' >> Somefile.txt

get only the value...not what your grepping for

pdftk file.pdf dump_data output | grep NumberOfPages:
gives me:
NumberOfPages: 5
I don't want it to output NumberOfPages. I want to get in this case just 5. Is there a flag I can say in grep to get just that? I did a man grep and nothing seemed to do the trick.
I think grep doesn't know about how to parse strings in different formats. But other utilities like awk will help you:
pdftk file.pdf dump_data output | grep NumberOfPages: | awk '{print $2}'
pdftk file.pdf dump_data output | grep NumberOfPages: | sed 's\NumberOfPages:\\'
Yes, in GNU Grep you can use the -o operator to get "only" the matching portion of your expression. So something like;
pdftk file.pdf dump_data output | grep -o ' .*'
Could work for you. As other answers have pointed out, if you want only the number you'd be better off using something in addition to grep.
For example:
$ echo 'NumberOfPages: 5' | grep -o ' .*'
Notice the space before the 5 being included.

Output on a single line

The following code is working as expected. But I can not format the output.
It will print something like this:
I want the output on a single line
mysql test someDB
I tried using sed in the script but it did not work.
for dbName in `mysqlshow -uroot -pPassWord | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "$dbName" | egrep -v 'Databases|information_schema';
whenever you want to combine all lines of output into one you can also use xargs:
find |xargs echo
. ./zxcv ./fdsa ./treww ./asdf ./ewr
you can use tr to get your output to one line
<output from somewhere> | tr "\n" " "
To do a variation combining naumcho's and rsp's answers that will work for small numbers of results:
echo $(mysqlshow -uroot -pPassWord | awk '{print $2}' | egrep -v 'Databases|information_schema')
The newline is generated by the echo command most likely, the following should do the same without the newlines (not tested)
mysqlshow -uroot -pPassWord | awk '{print $2}' | egrep -v 'Databases|information_schema'
and has the added bonus of spawning just 1 grep instead of 3 grep processes.
