ASP.NET Fileupload and AJAX -

I have a little problem with the FileUpload and uploadpanels.
As most of you probably knows you cannot use the asp:FileUpload control without forcing a postback. At least not what I know of, let me know if I am wrong.
Now my problem is:
I have a usercontrol with a FileUpload and a button that says "Upload". This UserControl is loaded into a UpdatePanel.
Now I want to register to the upload button inside the usercontrol as a postback trigger.
Is there any way to do this?
Does anyone know of a way to make fileuploads without postbacks?
Best Regards
The real napster

Solved this issue
If anyone meets this challenge it can be solved by doing this in your UserControl
ScriptManager sman = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);

You need to add a trigger to your UpdatePanel control to force the button that submits the page to perform a full postback. An example would be:
<asp:postbacktrigger controlid="btnSave" />


ASP.NET webform Fileupload inside an ascx which is inside an updatepanel in the aspx

here is some code in my page :
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelEQSelector" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<uc12:EQSelector ID="custEQSelector" OnEqChange="custEQSelector_OnEqChange" runat="server" />
Inside my user Control, I'm asked to add a fileuploader.
After coding it simply, I tested and my fileuploader is always empty.
I've searched a while and discovered that it was a normal behavior.
The solution to make it work is to add a PostBackTrigger for the updatePanel.
When I tested it in my aspx page, I achieved to do it and my fileUploader had the file.
Then I tried to add it dynamically (to finally do it in my control), it worked with that :
PostBackTrigger trigger = new PostBackTrigger();
trigger.ControlID = this.btnTest.ID;
But I can't manage to make this code work in my control (I passed my updatePanel as a parameter to my control set in Load, the fileUpload is always empty)
Do you see a solution ?
Does it postback, but leaves the control empty? or is it not posting back at all. If it's not posting back at all I'd add this
to the page_load of the user control.
If it is posting back, but the control is empty, then I'd wager there is probably some dodgy html somewhere on the page and the values are getting lost.

How do I force page to postback when I'm in code behind that called by UpdatePanel

When an UpdatePanel Calls a method in server and for example this method change
textBox1.Text = "12312"
and this textBox1 was out of updatePanle scope
it dosn't change it text till a postback happend to the page
so I need after that calculation and chaging the Textbox's text in the server, I need to forcepage to do postback
plz can any one help ?
If you want to force a refresh you could try: Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri)
This should force a redirect to the current page.
Hope this helps
If you wish for a control within the UpdatePanel to perform a standard postback, define a PostBackTrigger within the UpdatePanel, setting the ControlID to the ID of the control you wish to perform the postback.
<asp:UpdatePanel ...
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="ControlIDToPostBack" />
Or you could add the TextBox control you wish to update to another UpdatePanel setting both of the UpdatePanel's UpdateMode properties to Always.
This will ensure that the content within both UpdatePanel controls is updated for all postbacks that originate from the page. Which includes asynchronous postbacks.
<asp:UpdatePanel ... UpdateMode="Always"

How can I refresh a dropdownlist during an event of another dropdownlist without refreshing whole web page?

I am developing my first website, my requirement is to refresh DropDownListB at SelectedIndexChanged event of DropDownListA, I have set AutoPostBack="True" for DropDownListA. Now the problem is whole web page gets refreshed, its unnecessary for me, is there any other technique that i can use to refresh only that control or only that panel rather than refreshing whole page?
Put the dropdowns inside
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server">
// Dropdowns
and include <asp:ScriptManager ID="sm" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager> at the top
1- You can simply place the dropdown in an UpdatePanel, this will avoid a complete post back.
You can get more details on UpdatePanel here
2- You can use jQuery AJAX to fetch the data in JSON format and bind it to the dropdown list, this approach is more efficient but little complex in comparison to UpdatePanel
You can find so many articles on this if you search this on google , like
You can find a similar implementation here

Button not processing onClick method

I have a button on an ascx control that calls a method on the onClick event:
<asp:Button id="bUpdateText" onClick="FUpdate" ValidationGroup="Update" CausesValidation="False" Text="Update" cssclass="button" runat="server" />
Normally I use this control on it's own page and the button works. This time round however, I am loading this control into a Div that is present on the home page of my site (that way I can show the contents with a little bit of JQuery). However, when I bring the control in this way, the onClick event doesn't fire and I am not sure what could cause that.
Sorry I don't have any code sample but the nature of the site makes it difficult to provide any that would make sense.
In short, what would stop this event firing now?
p.s I have tried adding validation groups to all other buttons and validation controls on the page and there is only ONE form present on the page.
EDIT: I have only just added the validation stuff in to see if that does anything. By default it has been like this and still didn't work:
<asp:Button id="bUpdateText" onClick="FUpdate" Text="Update" cssclass="button" runat="server" />
As mentioned as well, this works when I use this control on it's own page (loaded directly into Default.aspx) so I don't think the case of onClick matters.
EDIT2: I have just noticed that when I click this button, other validation controls on my page are being triggered even though they have their own DIFFERENT validation group?! Taking these controls out doesn't help though.
I have found out what is causing the issue.
This control that I am now including is called on the Page_Finalize() and I am guessing that by this point the viewstate has forgotten it needs to do anything. Loading this control on the page load sorts it out.
Thanks for looking.
To start, if you set the 'causesValidation' property to false, you do not need a validation group.
Additionally, I believe that ASP cares about case when dealing with the OnClick command.
i.e. it should be OnClick not onClick
Yeah, annoying and small, but that might be your problem
You can use Firebug to see what happen in Update validationGroup. it looks like your page execute only client-side button click because of Update validationGroup.

DropDrop selection event refresh all the UpdatePanel in Ajax

I am using AJAX extension in visual studio 2005.
First of all i am created a Web custom control which contains Dropdown list.
I have also set AutoPostBack="true" for getting its SelectionEventChange event.
I am added this web control on another page inside a UpdatePanel.(i added dynamically on another page).
MyControl = (MyControl) LoadControl("MyControl.ascx")
My problem is when i select the values from dropdown it refersh my whole update panel.
What can i do please help me.
I searched in google and somebody says Use triggers
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="DropDownList1" EventName="SelectedIndexChanged" />
But on AJAX Extension i am not getting it please Help me.
Triggers tag is part of update panel. Also look at some other important properties of UpdatePanel and search on how to use and referesh nested update panels.
Add this web custom control inside another(other then one you are already having, that is, have Multiple UpdatePanels) UpdatePanel, and call .Update() manually, in order to refresh only the web control.
Dont forget to set the UpdateMode to Conditional.
