Does disabling a .NET control prevent it from posting back -

I have a custom made ASP control which is based on a select (drop down menu). If I disable my control by adding the word "disabled" in its html, I start getting null pointer errors when processing the form data.
I figure, either the browser doesn't post back disabled form items or ASP.NET ignores them when processing the form data. I'm not sure which one it is. I'm trying to understand where I'm loosing data.
Thanks for your help.
PS. I realize that there are better way to create and disable controls than manually editing html but there's a context here that doesn't allow me to do otherwise.

Yes setting control's Enable = false is prevents control's value to be added posted data collection.
you can use readonly attribute instead.
here in MSDN it says :
The Text value of a TextBox control
with the ReadOnly property set to true
is sent to the server when a postback
occurs, but the server does no
processing for a read-only text box.
This prevents a malicious user from
changing a Text value that is
read-only. The value of the Text
property is preserved in the view
state between postbacks unless
modified by server-side code.
Also here is the Microsoft's reply to a bug report related to topic.
but if you use in classical way like that it will work :
txt2.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");

It will prevent the control from posting back but remember this web paradigm is a client/server technology. A person could modify the client data (HTML and / or Javascript) and force a postback no matter what you send him.
Therefore don't rely on this for security sensitive operations such as money manipulation and so on.
Always do a check on the server-side too for sensitive operations.


Tampering With Control Text in ASP.NET

I was recently discussing this with someone, and I wasn't sure if this is an issue or not.
We are creating an ASP.NET website and if the user performs an action on a page we might create a database query using the Text values on controls that we have previously populated.
Could a user do something malicious like modify the text of a label control in their browser, then hit the update button and when we pull that label's .Text we end up inserting that value into the database?
It's easily done via firebug, for example, yes. Make sure you sanitize/validate any input coming in to prevent SQL injection or any other malicious intent.
Have a read of this MSDN article for more help.

Can an asp:Button with Visible=False be submitted by a malicious user?

Such a button is not rendered to the browser, so is there any way a malicious user would be able to trigger the action defined by the invisible button? e.g. with a JavaScript call to WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions? Would ASP.NET accept a POST that appeared to be triggered by this button, even though it wasn't rendered?
Short answer yes.
It is always up to you (the developer) to ensure data received from user input (in this case a post) is valid. Having said that the framework will do a lot of verification for you, such as "suspicious looking post values".
It is possible to construct a post to a web endpoint, even if the page you display does not have a submit button.
This would be an example of security through obscurity and is generally not a best practice. Asp.Net "submit" buttons modify a hidden form field called __EVENTTARGET. The handlers will inspect this field when determining a button click "event". This value can be spoofed if the attacker knew the name of the event target.
Hiding/showing UI elements are good for improving the user experience, but you should always validate (on the server) user input before performing any business actions.
I don't believe it would, if it's not rendered it shouldn't accept the postback. .net uses hidden fields on the page to know which controls were on the page and can verify that during postback, so it knows what triggered the post back. if the control was not there to begin with it shouldn't accept it.
Yes, this is definitely possible. ASP.NET accepts all POST values for controls defined on the page, visible or not. Beware too of i.e. textfields that are set to "read-only". Don't use readonlyControl.Text after the post, and trust that it has the same value as it had the last time you set it.
Take a look at what is posted when you perform a submit with ASP.NET with i.e. Chrome Developer tools, Fiddler, etc, and you should be able to figure out how to add your own value to an "invisible" text field.

How do I decide what to store in viewstate?

I have been writing a bunch of generic ASP.NET controls, and one thing I can't seem to wrap my mind around is when to store values in viewstate, and when to assume it's OK not to.
On one hand, it makes sense to store the entire state of the control in viewstate, including properties like:
Text box values entered by the user (or any form data)
Configuration options like height or page size
Even how the control has been composed - for example storing all the data a grid view is built from, or the grid itself.
Ignoring performance, the more you can shove in viewstate the better, because it means the control will behave exactly the same across postbacks and never "accidentally" revert a value or "forget" it was disabled. But viewstate is not free. Storing everything means the control will now output both the HTML and all its internal properties to create that HTML, which would almost always more than double the output.
My question is not about performance, but about strategy. On what criteria do I decide to put a property in viewstate? I was thinking something along these lines:
If the user can't change a property, then the server will always set it explicitly, so it's OK to leave it out of viewstate. Even for something like color=red, the user doesn't set this property directly; they will click a button elsewhere which indirectly sets this property. That button or its owner should keep the state, not the control that renders the color red.
This logic implies that the only properties that should go into viewstate would be:
Form elements like <input> (and with Request.Form[c.UniqueID] this can be avoided still)
Properties that the user can control interactively directly on the control.
Does this logic make sense? It seems weak and I'd like to hear more from experts.
Use ViewState for things that are not necessary for your control to work.
Use ControlState for things that are necessary for your control to work even if ViewState is disabled.
The initial values and the control hierarchy(even html-controls) are compiled into Temporary ASP.NET Files when the page is first requested. So they don't need to be stored anywhere when they are never changed (and even ViewState will not save them).
A control does only store properties in ViewState which have changed during the page's life-cycle(since TrackViewState). A control which state was changed is "dirty". For example if you change TextBox1.Text in page_load, ViewState.IsItemDirty("TextBox1.Text") would return true. These values will be stored in ViewState.
Look here and here. (I really recommend to read both articles)
Control State vs. View State Example
Check this article on MSDN covering when, where and what to use the plethora of state management options available in ASP.NET the view state section is posted below for convenience - checking your requirements against the advantages and disadvantages should guide you on usage on a case by case basis:
Whole article here:
Viewstate Excerpt:
View State
Web Forms pages provide the ViewState property as a built-in structure
for automatically retaining values between multiple requests for the
same page. View state is maintained as a hidden field in the page. For
more information, see ASP.NET State Management Overview.
You can use view state to store your own page-specific values across
round trips when the page posts back to itself. For example, if your
application is maintaining user-specific information — that is,
information that is used in the page but is not necessarily part of
any control — you can store it in view state.
Advantages of using view state are:
No server resources are required The view state is contained in a
structure within the page code.
Simple implementation View state does not require any custom
programming to use. It is on by default to maintain state data on
Enhanced security features The values in view state are hashed,
compressed, and encoded for Unicode implementations, which provides
more security than using hidden fields.
Disadvantages of using view state are:
Performance considerations Because the view state is stored in the
page itself, storing large values can cause the page to slow down when
users display it and when they post it. This is especially relevant
for mobile devices, where bandwidth is often a limitation.
Device limitations Mobile devices might not have the memory capacity
to store a large amount of view-state data.
Potential security risks The view state is stored in one or more
hidden fields on the page. Although view state stores data in a hashed
format, it can still be tampered with. The information in the hidden
field can be seen if the page output source is viewed directly,
creating a potential security issue. For more information, see ASP.NET
Web Application Security and Basic Security Practices for Web
I think you're right to be concerned about viewstate bloat, but what other options are available to you? If you don't store your variable data there, where will you put it? (You may wish to consider removing some configuration items- perhaps not let the user change so many properties). hidden fields - being modified?

This is a clarification question: I'm studying for MCTS 70-515 and in my training kit it states that Hidden Fields: "users can view or modify data stored in hidden fields"
Now I'm aware that users can view the source of the page and then that would display the hidden field data. But I'm curious as to the modification part. How would a user modify a hidden field data and how would it affect the site? Even if they modify the data via View Source they can't save the page and then post the data back to the server.
What am I missing that the author is assuming I know?
OK well all the answers said the same thing (at this time). I guess if the author would of said "savvy" user then that might of tipped me off. I guess I've always assumed that users wouldn't know of Firebug or any other tool that can do manipulation after the page has been displayed to the user.
Thank you for all your answers. I appreciate it!
The hidden field is just a key-value-pair represented as a key-value-pair when serialized and sent to the server, just like any other form element. There are a number of ways to modify hidden fields - one is to use FireBug or some other "developer console" in the browser, another is to manually write the request and send it to the server.
In addition to using a debugging tool such as Firebug, the user could change the value of a hidden field indirectly though other interactions (with JavaScript) making the change for them. Normally, the user would be unaware of the technical detail of what they are doing (they neither know about, nor care about the fact a hidden field got changed)
Other tools, such as Fiddler, may intercept the web request and change the value of the hidden (or any) field as it is being transfered to the server on a postback.
It is possible to change the value of a hidden field on the server during a postback, as you know, or on the client using JavaScript.
Example using jQuery:
Once the page has been loaded by the browser, it is stored in the DOM ( which is what JavaScript manipulates and is used by the browser to build a HTTP request which is sent back to the server as a postback.
Easy, open up a program like FireBug and change the element value. Remember, markup is client side, so the server is trusting the client to send back the right data -- however, this is easily circumvented.
It is best to store data that is essential to the security of your application in session's, whereas the data remains on the server side and is tied to the client. ASP.NET can make up of hashes to prevent the unauthorized modification of fields, amoung other things.

ViewState or HiddenField

If I have a simple piece of data to store (an integer or string for example) I might choose to store that in ViewState, or using a HiddenField control.
Why would I choose one over the other?
Hard for the user to decode (thought not impossible), which might be desirable
Value can be used in JavaScript
Are there other pros and cons?
Not really, ViewState is actually stored in a hidden field so the only real difference is the encoding.
Unless you need to manipulate the value with JavaScript or you hope to turn off ViewState on this page altogether then I'd use ViewState. Mostly just because there are third party tools (like this one) which understand ViewState and which won't understand your custom hidden field.
From a maintainability point of view, I'd use ViewState. It's less code for you to write, which comes down to fewer points of failure in your software. It also means that any developers coming after you will have an easier time maintaining your solution.
If you're not entirely comfortable with that, write a property accessor on the page that acts as a facade to retrieve the value from the ViewState. Later, if you feel compelled to convert it to a hidden field, the accessor can handle that switch seemlessly for the rest of the code. Just be sure you document your reasons for doing so.
Viewstate is only good on the page you are on or posting back to. With a hidden field you can access the data on the next page you navigate to (as well as other data) by using PreviousPage method of the Page object like so:
string term = ((TextBox)Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("txtSearchTerm")).Text;
The ViewState is stored in the page itself so it increases the page size and it may cause performance issues.
Also we can configure the application to save the viewstate on server rather than on page itself which might protect from some security issues.
The hidden field are invisible on page and their values can be viewed in view source but the value of view-state are encoded and are not readable.
The hidden field value are posted on next page. (Note: use server.transfer to get the value of hidden fields).
