hidden fields - being modified? -

This is a clarification question: I'm studying for MCTS 70-515 and in my training kit it states that Hidden Fields: "users can view or modify data stored in hidden fields"
Now I'm aware that users can view the source of the page and then that would display the hidden field data. But I'm curious as to the modification part. How would a user modify a hidden field data and how would it affect the site? Even if they modify the data via View Source they can't save the page and then post the data back to the server.
What am I missing that the author is assuming I know?
OK well all the answers said the same thing (at this time). I guess if the author would of said "savvy" user then that might of tipped me off. I guess I've always assumed that users wouldn't know of Firebug or any other tool that can do manipulation after the page has been displayed to the user.
Thank you for all your answers. I appreciate it!

The hidden field is just a key-value-pair represented as a key-value-pair when serialized and sent to the server, just like any other form element. There are a number of ways to modify hidden fields - one is to use FireBug or some other "developer console" in the browser, another is to manually write the request and send it to the server.

In addition to using a debugging tool such as Firebug, the user could change the value of a hidden field indirectly though other interactions (with JavaScript) making the change for them. Normally, the user would be unaware of the technical detail of what they are doing (they neither know about, nor care about the fact a hidden field got changed)
Other tools, such as Fiddler, may intercept the web request and change the value of the hidden (or any) field as it is being transfered to the server on a postback.

It is possible to change the value of a hidden field on the server during a postback, as you know, or on the client using JavaScript.
Example using jQuery:
Once the page has been loaded by the browser, it is stored in the DOM ( which is what JavaScript manipulates and is used by the browser to build a HTTP request which is sent back to the server as a postback.

Easy, open up a program like FireBug and change the element value. Remember, markup is client side, so the server is trusting the client to send back the right data -- however, this is easily circumvented.
It is best to store data that is essential to the security of your application in session's, whereas the data remains on the server side and is tied to the client. ASP.NET can make up of hashes to prevent the unauthorized modification of fields, amoung other things.


Can an asp:Button with Visible=False be submitted by a malicious user?

Such a button is not rendered to the browser, so is there any way a malicious user would be able to trigger the action defined by the invisible button? e.g. with a JavaScript call to WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions? Would ASP.NET accept a POST that appeared to be triggered by this button, even though it wasn't rendered?
Short answer yes.
It is always up to you (the developer) to ensure data received from user input (in this case a post) is valid. Having said that the framework will do a lot of verification for you, such as "suspicious looking post values".
It is possible to construct a post to a web endpoint, even if the page you display does not have a submit button.
This would be an example of security through obscurity and is generally not a best practice. Asp.Net "submit" buttons modify a hidden form field called __EVENTTARGET. The handlers will inspect this field when determining a button click "event". This value can be spoofed if the attacker knew the name of the event target.
Hiding/showing UI elements are good for improving the user experience, but you should always validate (on the server) user input before performing any business actions.
I don't believe it would, if it's not rendered it shouldn't accept the postback. .net uses hidden fields on the page to know which controls were on the page and can verify that during postback, so it knows what triggered the post back. if the control was not there to begin with it shouldn't accept it.
Yes, this is definitely possible. ASP.NET accepts all POST values for controls defined on the page, visible or not. Beware too of i.e. textfields that are set to "read-only". Don't use readonlyControl.Text after the post, and trust that it has the same value as it had the last time you set it.
Take a look at what is posted when you perform a submit with ASP.NET with i.e. Chrome Developer tools, Fiddler, etc, and you should be able to figure out how to add your own value to an "invisible" text field.

Creating DOM elements on the fly - check if the data is not harmful

I already posted a question closely related to the this one. I watched the Mix10 video with P. Haacked and S. Hanselman.
I am building an AJAX-powered site whose input forms are created on the fly.
All the code to accomplish this is done within a script tag or a javascript file. For example the following DOM elements are created when the page loads and are wrapped into an existing div defined in a view:
When I click the submit button I need to get the values of the input form whose id is 'Name':
$("#Name").val() and then I return a Json object: { Name: name };
For this kind of scenario there is no way to use Html.Encode() or AntiXss.HtmlEncode() on the client-side. The only way to check if the input is not harmful is done on the server-side (via a service layer).
This seems a limitation. All is fine if and only if a view has a set of predefined inputs. When it is time to create them on the fly, the situation is different.
Have you thought of that situation guys?
Thanks for the attention you have put on this.
Brussels, Belgium
I'm not sure I fully understand your question, but must point out that client side checks for input harmfulness are worthless anyway - anyone wanting to submit a harmful input will just remove the safety checks. This is probably why there is no client side API to check for them.
As such, why bother with them client side, as you will have to re perform them on the server side? About the only useful nature of the client side check is to warn a user, pre submission, that they are accidentally including harmful code. Is this really something that happens regularly with your users?

Parse a .Net Page with Postbacks

I need to read data from an online database that's displayed using an aspx page from the UN. I've done HTML parsing before, but it was always by manipulating query-string values. In this case, the site uses postbacks. So, you click on a value in box one, then box two shows, click on a value in box 2 and click a button to get your results.
Does anybody know how I could automate that process?
You may still only need to send one request, but that one request can be rather complicated. ASP.Net is notoriously difficult (though not impossible) to screen scrape. Between event validation and the ViewState, it's tricky to get your requests just right. The simplest way to do it is often to use a sniffer tool like fiddler to see exactly what the http request looks like, and then just mimic that request.
If you do still need to send two requests, it's because the first request also places some state in a session somewhere, and that means whatever you use to send those requests needs to be able to send them with the same session. This often means supporting cookies.
Watin would be my first choice. You would code the selecting and clicking, then parse the HTML after.
I'd look at HtmlAgilityPack with the FormProcessor addon.

Is it necessary to HtmlEncode Textbox values if ASP .Net Request Validation is enabled?

If ASP.NET Request Validation is enabled for a site, do you still need to HtmlEncode and HtmlDecode string information to and from simple forms (e.g. ASP Textboxes)?
If ASP.NET Request Validation is enabled for a site, do you still need to HtmlEncode
ASP.NET Request Validation is a hack to try to work around stupid authors' broken programs. Don't write broken programs.
Any text string you write into an HTML page must be HTML-encoded; this is a matter of correctness, not just security (which is a subset of correctness). Even if Request Validation could magically remove any possible XSS attack (and that is so nothing like the case), failing to HtmlEncode text output would still leave you open to producing malformed output, mangling your data. Say I was making a forum post talking about some variables a, b and c and wanted to say:
a<b b>c b>a
If that was echoed to the HTML source unencoded, I'd get:
ac b>a
and maybe the rest of the page would be bold too. Whoops!
Request Validation is bogus and shouldn't be relied upon. Being on by default and “recommended for all production environments” is sad and makes me seriously doubt the sanity of the ASP.NET team.
If you have written your program correctly, you don't need it and it will just get in your way. (For example, if SO used it, I wouldn't be able to make this post that mentions the <script> tag.) If you haven't written your program correctly, Request Validation isn't going to fix your security holes, it's just going to make them a bit more obscure.
and HtmlDecode string information
You don't usually HtmlDecode anything in a web app. You encode to push content out into HTML, but when content comes back in from a submitted form it is as plain text, not HTML-encoded.
to and from simple forms (e.g. ASP Textboxes)?
Textboxes should be fine; setting their .Text does do any necessary encoding, making the exact string you had appear in the textbox. But. Some things that look like they should be HTML-encoding automatically actually don't. For example:
myTextBox.Text= "a<b b>c"; // Fine!
myLabel.Text= "a<b b>c"; // Broken!
Oh dear. Text does not always mean Text. Sometimes, it actually means HTML. Thank you Microsoft, way to muddy the waters of a topic too many people already find hard to understand.
There's no danger from text in ASP.NET text boxes, whether Request Validation is on or off. The text box control automatically encodes data when displayed in the text box.
When outputting data that originated from the user in other places, it is important to HTML (or JavaScript) encode that data. ASP.NET's Request Validation provides only a minimum level of protection. It is not impenetrable, or even close to it. It is only designed to protect against the most simple attacks.
You still have to encode things as you output them on other parts of your site.
What I mean by other places, is that if the user enters the data into a text box, using the ASP.NET Text Box control is safe because the control automatically encodes the output so it will render safely.
Say, for example, you're working with StackOverflow's user info page. When a user chooses their username they could choose to input something that may be malicious when output in another part of your site. For example my StackOverflow login name is displayed at the top of every page for me, and is also listed on the "Users" page.
On the Users page, AJAX is used to load users. When JavaScript goes to evaluate the user name, it is not bound by the same encoding rules as HTML tags, so I could type something into the user name text box that could cause some breaking behavior when it is output in the User list.
StackOverflow obviously encodes user data correctly when sent to the client, so they're safe. Before sending my user name off to the client, they (presumably) have some JavaScript encoding routine that makes sure that my user name can't become malicious when executed in JavaScript code.
You could also have problems if using it in a non-ASP.NET input control. Input tags use attributes to define content, so you can easily enter text that would get past the Request Validation check but could allow the user to add a malicious "mouseover" attribute.

Does disabling a .NET control prevent it from posting back

I have a custom made ASP control which is based on a select (drop down menu). If I disable my control by adding the word "disabled" in its html, I start getting null pointer errors when processing the form data.
I figure, either the browser doesn't post back disabled form items or ASP.NET ignores them when processing the form data. I'm not sure which one it is. I'm trying to understand where I'm loosing data.
Thanks for your help.
PS. I realize that there are better way to create and disable controls than manually editing html but there's a context here that doesn't allow me to do otherwise.
Yes setting control's Enable = false is prevents control's value to be added posted data collection.
you can use readonly attribute instead.
here in MSDN it says :
The Text value of a TextBox control
with the ReadOnly property set to true
is sent to the server when a postback
occurs, but the server does no
processing for a read-only text box.
This prevents a malicious user from
changing a Text value that is
read-only. The value of the Text
property is preserved in the view
state between postbacks unless
modified by server-side code.
Also here is the Microsoft's reply to a bug report related to topic.
but if you use in classical way like that it will work :
txt2.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
It will prevent the control from posting back but remember this web paradigm is a client/server technology. A person could modify the client data (HTML and / or Javascript) and force a postback no matter what you send him.
Therefore don't rely on this for security sensitive operations such as money manipulation and so on.
Always do a check on the server-side too for sensitive operations.
