Preventing UNC Share error at build time -

At work we have a bunch of sites hosted on our development server. The folder containing all these sites is mapped as a network drive.
In VisualStudio I open the root of the site as a WebSite and when I build the site I alwys get this error.
Error 4 An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring changes to
'I:\Sitename\wwwroot\' because the
network BIOS command limit has been
reached. For more information on this
error, please refer to Microsoft
knowledge base article 810886. Hosting
on a UNC share is not supported for
the Windows XP
Platform. I:\Sitename\wwwroot\web.config
I've checked out the KB article and made the registry changes it suggests but this didn't help.
Does anyone know of a fix or workaround for this?

Instead of using a mapped drive, use full UNC path and give your current logged in user access to that path: \\MachineName\Sitename\wwwroot\web.config
Chances are high you will get a different effect from that , especially if the Mapped drive was being mapped with different credentials.

Take a look at this hotfix:
It cures the problem

Changing the FCNMode using that hotfix doesn't always fix the problem.
I made a very detailed answer to this problem here:
That answer is an accumulation of all the technet, msdn, and blog reference material I could find on the subject, and what we ended up having to do to fix the problem. Disabling Jumbo Frames (HP Server NIC problems causing another error) and SMB2+ combined with the registry edits were what ended up saving us with our high traffic IIS sites. The registry edits alone only made it so the network bios limit errors would not show up as fast under normal load.


Physical Memory, CPU usage and I/O processes being max out on GoDaddy hosting

I have made a website in WordPress on GoDaddy Linux Hosting. I am getting an error after each edit in WordPress backend that all the resources are getting utilized and site stops working due to CPU usage, physical memory and I/O processes being filled completely.
Is there any way to resolve this problem?
First thing you can do is to disable all plugins and check again for high CPU load.
If this solves the problem then you should activate your plugins again one by one and check if your CPU load.
You can also use Query Monitor to check what cause that high CPU load.
Another thing you should check is the PHP version installed on server. On cPanel you should have something like MultiPHP Manager. Change the PHP version to 7.x.
We had the same problem in the last few days
After the used php 7.3, the problem was completely solved
my server load went up to 52, but now it's under 1. Of course, there were other problems that created some areas of databases (not my WordPress script).
also you can see all sql process in phpmyadmin: from top tab-> Status Status -> process
if you access root server and need to Upgrading PHP with EasyApache for php 7.3 Need to select this
High CPU in WP can be helped by improving the indexes on wp_postmeta as discussed here:
It happens because the resources you are using are not optimized.
You can go to cpanel>optimize site> and put the mime types you want to optimize eg. img/png img/jpg.
This might help you out.
You need to contact to your hosting provider and upgrade your plan for high resources. Or you can contact your developer to optimize the site code to reduce the CPU usage.

A custom proxy yields Incompatible magic value 1012089682

I have a custom http proxy that one worked. I have made some changes to its authentication process. And now when I try to launch an applet I get "Incompatible magic value 1012089682 in class file ...". Regular html files are transferred without any errors.
In my other web research I found this article discussing an ascii vs binary transfer issue.
My problem with debugging this is that the get of the jar file doesn't show up in tamper data on the browser nor in the access log of the webserver containing the proxy, nor in my proxy error log. So I am some what baffled. any help in how to get more information to solve this would be appreciated.
The technology is antique, but the company doesn't want to pay for upgrades. The proxy is an NSAPI plugin running in IWS 6 (SunOne webserver)
Thank you.
There was indeed a bug in my proxy code. I am not exactly sure what caused the symptoms described above, but fixing the code so that it didn't re-authenticate every time fixed my issue.

ASP.NET 3.5 and KB2533623, KB2507938

If I install either KB2533623 or KB2507938 on a Win 7 or a Win 2008, it kills my ASP.NET 3.5 application. The actual error I receive when loading the project is :
Invalid access to memory location. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E6).
I don't have the full stack trace, but the error is coming from the LoadAllAssembliesFromAppDomainBinDirectory() call. Now the MS updates have made modifications to the way "insecure libraries" are loaded. My guess is that is causing me the problem. Removing these 2 updates will resolve the problem. It's not a machine specific problem, because this has happened on a total of 6 machines across 2 operating systems and managed by 3 different groups (so not just a bad image or something).
Assuming I need to secure my libraries, are we talking about just signing them? And if a 3rd party library is not signed, what then? Is there a way to tell ASP.NET to accept the libraries?
MSDN article talks about setting directories to load from. If this will resolve the issue, can I implement this before ASP.NET attempts to load all of the libraries from the bin folder?
Tony, I am not sure if following is the solution for you, but I don't have enough reps to put in a comment.
So some questions and suggestions:
1. On the front end do you get a HTTP 500 error?
2. Are these dlls in the bin folder of the web app?
If answer to any of above is yes, try this 'hack' -> Right click on the bin folder in Explorer and give [System]\Users access to the folder (where system is the name of the machine). First try with readonly, then try read write.
Normally your admin will baulk at doing this on production site. So someone will have to tell us how to 'actually' fix the issue.
You could also try the solution for the user running the AppPool.
I have had 500 errors with Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll in bin folder and this is how I have resolved it.
Hope this helps.

Error while deploying setup web project of vs 2003

I am getting error as
The specified psth is unavailable.The Internet Information Server might not be running or the path exists and is redirected to another machine. Please check the status of this virtual directory in the Internet Services Manager
there isn't much information to go on in that message however I think it's one of two possibilities:
Your path as wrong (can you provide it?)
The folder in IIS isn't set (can you check this?)
All of which is from the error message so I'm not being very helpful, but from experience I think it's most likely to be the path so I would double check and then check again where your deploying to.

DotNetNuke 3.0.x on SQLServer 2005/Net 2.0.Win2003 - possible?

I've promised to take a look at an old DotNetNuke installation for a client with the intention of making a few, hopefully minor, changes. The installation is rather old - I believe version 3.0.013 - and the production copy is running against SQL Server 2000, Windows 2003 and .Net 1.1.
As the production server is live and significantly used we need a development installation first. I have attempted to install a copy on my local server - Windows 2003, SQL Server 2005, .Net 2.0, and although with a few tweaks I can successfully get it to display the site, I cannot login, or even access the login module (ie just putting in blank username and password attempting to generate a 'must enter username' type error) without getting the error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'
I've spent some time trying to get around this error, without success, although I am hampered by not having used this package before.
So my questions are
Has anyone managed to run DotNetNuke 3.0.x with this configuration (or do I need to setup a box with SQL 2000 and .Net 1.0 to get it to run)?
Any suggestions where I should start looking for this error, or has anyone come across anything similar before?
EDIT: Eventually chickened out and installed in on an old webserver with Win2003/SQL 2000/Net 1.1 and it went in fine on an identical install. So I guess the answer is no, it doesn't work straight out of the box.
My feeling is that you shouldn't have any trouble running in the above mentioned environment. But taking a closer look at the error itself will help us to prove that.
If the error is occurring only when you navigate to the Login module, it may be an issue loading the authentication provider. The best way to find out is to look in the DNN Event Log and take a look at the full error message.
Because you can't login to access the Event Log, you should probably just take a look at the row created in the database when you receive the error. The table is called EventLog and there may be a little bit of friction in parsing the error message out, as all of the details are stored in the database in an XML format.
In general, when moving a site from one environment to another there are only a couple of things that you'd need to do:
make sure you can connect to the database
set the file system permissions
It sounds like you already have database connectivity because you can load the site.
However, you may want to double check (just re-apply) the file system permissions for the root of the website on the machine in question. Make sure the identity of the website (typically ASP.NET Machine Account or Network Service) has 'Modify' permissions on the root website directory. Perhaps the web site can't load a particular assembly due to lack of permissions.
