Creating a drag and drop application in ASP.NET 3.5 -

I need to make a client able to drag and drop images into category-folders in an ASP.NET 3.5 web-app.
I was hoping that an option existed, that was almost as easy to use as the Reorderlist from Ajax Control Toolkit, and where I did not have to look into JQuery or similar handcoding.
What are your recommendations?
Similar questions have been asked before, like this 6 months ago...: AJAX Drag/Drop? where MooTools is recommended, but 6 months is a long time in the ASP.NET/Ajax world, so maybe a better and even simpler option exists now?
Commercial components are also an option - well up to 200$ anyway.

My experience with the Reorder List in the Ajax Control Toolkit, as with many other 3rd party providers, is that most of them don't seem to be worth the effort. Definitely try them before you buy.
Unfortunately a lot of the samples/components out there are all too client-based and always seem to fall short on real-world uses and the sorts of interaction you need with ASP.Net applications (e.g. handling postback). Dragging a div around isn't that complicated, but that's all a lot of examples do. If your needs don't exactly mirror their offering try something else.
The Manning book ASP.NET AJAX in Action is a good reference on code for performing drag and drop. It uses Microsoft.Web.Preview, but this hasn't been updated in quite some time which is a worry. I have created a pretty good drag and drop UI with MS's PreviewDragDrop, it does work cross-browser, and it's pretty easy to code. Preview DLL's aside, the Manning book is great for understanding Microsofts AJAX API.
However, since jQuery is going to be shipped and supported with Visual Studio, I would recommend using it over anything else in a vain attempt to future-proof yourself.
A final piece of advice is never outsource your core competency. If this page is a core part of your offering you're better off implementing it yourself using library code like jQuery or Microsoft.Ajax rather than relying on a 3rd party component. However, if it's just a minor part of your site, then go ahead and use 3rd party controls.
Ref: My Version of Microsoft.Web.Preview.dll is 1.1.61025.0.

i have been very very happy with telerik's treeview control and use it for almost any application which needs a treeview drag and drop.
they allow free development licenses (not production though) so i guess you should give it a try. go to and have a look

This is another Mootools suggestion, but you might find the Mif.Tree plugin useful. It's an MIT license. There are also code examples for each of the demos and API docs.

After spending 4-5 painful days of hacks, double-hacks and hacks to get around other hacks, I have come to the same conclusion as you. Especially the reorderlist from the ajax control toolkit drove me to the very edge of insanity.
It seems to me there is no real way around learning JQuery and simply doing the stuff myself. I used to shy away from doing client-side code, but with AJAX so much code has moved away from being just serverside.
JQuery has just been moved to the top of my personal study program.

Jquery has drag and drop controls.
Maybe that will help...


Maintainability: jQuery or the Ajax Control Toolkit?

My team is currently working on a substantial update to an existing ASP.NET 3.5 application which uses the Ajax Control Toolkit on virtually every page. We've found that in many cases that its use is unwarranted (clearly a previous developer decided to "Ajaxafy" everything), and a richer - and simpler - experience can be found using jQuery.
We've also found that the AjaxControlToolkit can be a pain to work with frankly in terms of maintainability and performance when you have half a dozen developers working it. We're debating scrapping its use completely, and going with jQuery for the UI experience. We're fortunate to have enough time to do this safely, and every feature we use can be replicated without any problems (AutoComplete, Calendar Control, etc).
It seems Microsoft are siding with jQuery with its addition to Visual Studio lately, and the current Ajax Control Toolkit isn't in ASP MVC (client side files only). Therefore I'm personally siding with jQuery for the moment, as it seems to have a future, while the Control Toolkit's future is a little more cloudy.
However, from a maintainability perspective, how is jQuery to work with?
It's essentially just Javascript, so no plugins required. Are updates stable, and do they often break existing functionality?
We use jquery extensively with 3.5 and have upgrade jquery and jquery ui about 3 times without a hitch. Both times we have had noticeable speed increases. Maintenance has never been an issue in about 2 years of use with 5 developers.
We find jQuery very readable and enjoyable to code with.
Don't give up on AJAX just yet. Both AJAX and jQuery are useful as long as you're using them to do what they're suited to. I really don't see too much of a difference in maintainability, it's all still code. You need to test new releases/updates before putting them into production; vet any 3rd party code you're integrating into your code base, and make sure that you're not using AJAX/jQuery to pound a square peg into a round hole.
As to the pros/cons of AJAX vs jQuery:
AJAX beats out jQuery when it comes to:
Server-Side integration
CLR Features and Feel
jQuery beats out AJAX when it comes to:
Being Lightweight
DOM Selection
Attribute / CSS Manipulation
The ACT isn't in MVC because the control structure is deeply embedded in the web forms product; most vendors (like Telerik, Component Art etc) are actually writing a separate code-base for MVC because of the complexity of making it work with two frameworks, although Telerik did a good job of it (you can use the web form controls in MVC, though the MVC-specific controls are much nicer to use).
I like JQuery, and for a project, I believe we are going to go Telerik/JQuery and plugins, so that is always a good bet.
Also, the ACT does have a lot of scripts and may not be applicable in all scenarios, but the real issue is adding too much AJAX when it isn't warranted, something that can be a problem with any other framework too.
jQuery is tested pretty extensively. I don't remember a break caused by an update, you mileage may vary. They would likely know about any compat problems and warn about them in the release notes or elsewhere.

How to use client side code in Visual studio ASP.NET

I am a quite new to web development and I am trying to do some small form updates without causing a postback. For example making a control visible when a drop down list is changed.
I have so far come across some features that achieve this like the RequiredFieldValidator inside an update panels. However, these are specific to a single task.
What are my options to achieve these client side updates in Visual Studio? At the moment I don't know any JavaScript, so I would prefer another solution if it exists.
If you don't know JQuery you should or at least any other Javascript library this will give you an edge and also pump up your resume. The learning curve of these JS frameworks is so short that you'll be creating awesome UI's in no time. I suggest that you take at least two hours to get to know JQuery you won't regret it.
Here's a few great article on using ASP.NET with JQuery:
Here are a few of the best tutorials on JQuery:
For display functionality like you have described, javascript really is the best solution. Take a look at jQuery, it makes writing javascript a lot easier, and you should be up and running with it in no time for tasks like your basic show/hide functionality.
Unfortunately, AJAX stands for 'Asynchronous Javascript and XML' so getting this behaviour without using Javascript is going to land you in a bit of a pickle.
Update Panels do work and are very easy, but they're also very slow in comparison as even if you only see the contents of your panel update, the entire ASP page has to be executed.
I'd urge you to take a deep breath and head over to JQuery.Com and practise the tutorials there. Javascript is easier then you think and JQuery takes a lot of the hardships of cross-browser compatibility out of the picture, leaving you to focus on the real tasks.
Good Luck!

What's the effective technology to use for a slick UI in an ASP.NET application?

We are planning to extend an existing ASP.NET application (a real huge one) to have a slicker UI. One of the requiremnents is to have a way to execute server side code without a postback (As an example, say a user clicks on a link or hovers on a link, a popup comes up which executes server side code or makes calls to the database)
We plan to add more functionality that closely aligns with the behavior of a yahoo or a google customized page.
Is UpdatePanels a way to go or should a lot of it be implemented using JavaScript? One of the main requirements is to keep the pages as light as possible and to have good performance. We don't plan on using any 3rd party components.
What technologies are suggested that will help us add UI heavy features in the future?
Edit: Thanks everyone. It appears that the approach to take is to use a JS library such as JQuery and AJAX (from initial research the PageMethod/WebMethod way of doing it)?
Any more suggestions?
I think that UpdatePanels are actually pretty clunky. (Actually, I think ASP.NET is pretty clunky now that I've moved to ASP.NET MVC). If the page is going to be highly interactive, I'd suggest using some sort of javascript framework, like jQuery, Dojo, MooTools, etc. that will allow you to do AJAX easily as well as manage the user experience client-side. MS is distributing jQuery with Visual Studio and has promised to support it, so you might want to consider that when making your decision.
Stephen Walter did a great talk about the next version of ASP.NET Ajax 4.0. It's not an immediate solution but it's interesting to see where Microsoft is going with their Ajax framework.
There's a lot more to ASP.NET AJAX than the UpdatePanel, and a fair amount of it can be done without heavy JavaScript work. UpdatePanel is quite inefficient in terms of the amount of data send over the wire. As with everything, only optimise when you need - but bear in mind that the UpdatePanel is one of the first places to look for your slowdowns.
Just to give you a different answer than everybody else: why not try silverlight?

ASP.NET MVC users - do you miss anything from WebForms?

There are lots of articles and discussions about the differences between ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC that compare the relative merits of the two frameworks.
I have a different question for anyone who has experience using WebForms that has since moved to MVC:
What is the number one thing that WebForms had, that MVC doesn't, that you really miss?
No-one has mentioned the WebForms validation controls. I am now working on some code that has a few dependant validation rules and implementing client-side validation for these is proving slow.
As a PHP/Classic ASP person, I ventured into webforms world about 5 years ago. After having to handcode things like table grids, calendars, etc, in scripting languages, it seemed like webforms would be a tremendous helping-hand. It was...that is until you need even a slight bit of customization beyond alternating row colors and the like. Yeah, you could have a gridview running with a few drag-and-drop motions. But customizing even what would seem like a simple thing could turn into hours of torture and research.
I also think a lot of the examples given in .NET online are oversimplified for the effect of making webforms look "easy". Sure you can get that gridview to show only 10 records of a 100,000 record table, but do you realize that ALL of the records are being loaded into memory by default? As an example of the over-complicatedness of rectifying that problem, I spent a while creating a pageable gridview that only loads chunks of records, but it wouldn't work. After an hour of research, I found that you had to delete an extra property that the IDE inserts into the codebehind. Not fun when stupid stuff like that sets you behind.
And at every turn, it happens.
Don't even get me started on viewstate.
But then the clouds parted, and .NET MVC was handed to us. Now THAT is a framework. If you are a web developer, you should know whats happening when someone makes a request to your webserver. The abstraction and layer of cruft that webforms put on top of that is a disservice.
For the most part, I'm able to develop applications at the speed of PHP scripting and FINALLY have TOTAL control over the UI. That's what it's all about.
And as an additional note: People need to stop complaining that they are creating "tag soup" in MVC views when they find they have to use <%= %> tags and the like. Drag and drop your gridview onto the page, set all the properties, then view the crap it gives you. And your not nearly done yet, now you have to attach events and put more gridview-related code in your codefile. Talk about messing up the coding experience. I'll take a simple foreach loop anyday.
nothing :)
I really like the way ASP.NET MVC works. I want to control my HTML. I don't need controls. We can get the same functionality with HTML helpers and third party tools, e.g. jQuery and all the available plugins.
Here's an example on how to use a gridview-like with jQuery grid on ASP.NET MVC.
Although Ruby on Rails is a more mature framework, I do think that ASP.NET MVC is on the right track.
I miss the gridview, the simplicity of getting built in sorting and paging in with very little effort. I use grid functionality all the time and have still not found a good alternative in mvc
Well I do miss something :
the ability to have a pageable grid in seconds.
Although it wouldn't be very fair since I also had to create a class to feed to the ObjectDataSource to have an efficient pagination. And also the pagination would work only with the JavaScript on or I would have to write code to read the QueryString (for ex. &pag=2 etc.) and so on.
In fact... I guess there isn't much too miss.
The simplicity of having only one form on a page. I think the html form functionality is kind of awkward and not very intuitive and I guess there is a good reason why the webforms creators tried to abstract away form handling in webforms.
One difference, which I am sure will be rectified over time, is the expansive amount of reference material and examples online for web forms versus the relatively sparse amount for MVC. However, one could argue that a lot of the material on web forms covers topics such as the page life cycle which MVC no longer makes necessary (thank goodness).
Until now nothing really.
I definitely miss MVC every day at work while I look at the ugly WebForms code I want to wipe it all out and now make everything transparent, clean and beautiful.
Of course only time will show whether the new girl is really better than your old wife.
As crazy as it sounds, I miss the calendar control. Not for datepickers or that sort of thing, but for scheduling apps where you want to show a full page month-at-a-glance/outlook style events calendar with selectable or clickable links that you inject via the day render event.
If anyone knows of an MVC alternative, please share! Rolling your own in this case is doable, but kind of a pain.
Viewstate is the thing i miss - until i remember problems it causes.
Then i bend my mind and look for another approaches (smarter model binding, ajax etc.) which usually turns out to be better (but slower to find & implement).
The main thing I miss is the documentation. WebForms, because of it's relative maturity, has a lot of official documentation and also a lot of 3rd party examples and snippets available. However, this is improving all the item and, as MVC gains momentum, I hope it will be on a par.
Nothing as well.
WebForms do so much automatically but frequently I had to hack it to suit my needs.
MVC let me do what I want and I can hack it to get things done better/faster.
I love to control the output and prefer clean, lightweight style.
Output Caching is not really implemented in ASP.NET MVC (as of version 2). There are tricks to get it working, like using Web Controls with the OutputCache directive, or using WriteSubstitution, but all these tricks go against the nature of MVC in some way. Output Caching for anything other than entire action methods is really tricky to get working in ASP.NET MVC, and always induces enormous technical debt. Since Output Caching, especially in the newer versions of IIS, is incredibly performant compared to data layer caching, this is a shame.
simplicity in Dragging and dropping controls.
might be seeing some of this in the near future maybe in mvc4
Reference :-
I will not say i miss because all the changes are happening for good. But yes i would miss the below
The lovely server controls who just give output in a blink.
The behind code file.Double clicking and going to the Code behind for some reason made me superior.
Viewstate magic.
Now i need to get in to headache of POST and GET.

Invite Suggestions of good 3rd-party controls for development

Will anyone suggest good 3rd party controls for development.
Especially gridview.tabcontrols,treeview.Menu
Please suggest controls which scores well on all points below
Easy development,
good performance in run time.
Less page overhead and less page
objects etc.
faster page loading.
I used few but had bad experience on page performance.
Swapna MC
The consensus here at SO seems to be DevExpress. Telerik and ComponentArt are good, too. DevExpress seems to be the fastest performer.
How about "obout" controls.
This is suggested by some one .But i am facing performance issues now.Page load is very slow.I am not sure its the controls causing the problem.
I have experience with Telerik and DevExpress. As others have noted, DevExpress is probably the fastest; however, I still strongly prefer Telerik. Their big advantage is that they have been around a very long time and have a huge support database. Compared to every other .Net control library I've worked with, theirs is, by far, the easiest to get help for.
Considering that each library will have its own nuances and bugs, going with the one with the most vibrant user community and support forum is a smart move.
One more point, DevExpress's AspXPivotGrid is fantastic. Clients absolutely love pivot grids, and they are a smart move for the first report and clients will cut you a lot of slack when they can build their own reports.
telerik ajax controls provide a quite rich client-side api. it's their most attractive side for me.
