Hide default options in right click context menu in flex - apache-flex

I'm developing a flex application and I want to add it a context menu. I got it with this code:
var myMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var defaultItems:ContextMenuBuiltInItems = myMenu.builtInItems;
defaultItems.print = false;
var item:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Go to google");
item.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, menuItemSelectHandler);
this.contextMenu = myMenu;
But I have a problem. The menu shows four default options (Settings, about flash...) I would like to hide them. With defaultItems.print = false; I hid the print option, but I don't know how to hide others.
Does anybody know how to do that?

There is a technique to hide the Settings, about flash etc. from the context menu in Flash. The high level concept is to use JavaScript in the HTML container to disable the right-click on top of the SWF. Capture the event and then forward it to your Flex app using the ExternalInterface API which allows you to call Flex functions from JavaScript. Call a function defined in your Flex app to display a custom ContextMenu with only the menu items you want. This sidesteps the hardwired behavior in Flash/Flex where a right mouse click always causes a ContextMenu with the Settings, About stuff to come up.
A detailed walkthrough can be found at this link.

As the reference for ContextMenu says,
You cannot remove the Settings menu
item from the context menu. The
Settings menu item is required in
Flash so that users can access the
settings that affect privacy and
storage on their computers. You also
cannot remove the About menu item,
which is required so that users can
find out what version of Flash Player
they are using.
So you'll just have to live with the Settings and About items. For other default items, see the reference for ContextMenuBuiltInItems.


open new tabs on NavBarItem clicked in Devexpress

I'm developing some Windows forms app with Devexpress, and I have something like below, a set of tabs are open which are related to "System parameters" and I want to a new set of tabs to open in place of older tabs when I click on Error navBarItem and also it should be vise versa, I saw this in demos but I don't know how to do it myself, thanks
I suggest you use a UserControl for each set of options, and when you click on an item of your navigation bar, you do the following :
Set the visible property of the current user control to false
Check if the user control associed to the clicked item exist, if yes, set it's visible property to true (reactivate it), otherwise, create an new instance of it, and dock it.
To manage this, you should have a a list of the user controls already opened, so you can reactivate them when needed.
This link may help you :-)

How to print from flex app by clicking print in context menu

I want my flex 4 application to print proper picture when I click on print in context menu of Adobe Flash Player. Is it possible?
Proper picture - picture just a bit different then you see at the screen. I mean some colors are different.
The "print" context menu item is not suitable for printing from Flex applications. It is more appropriate for Flash applications created with Flash Professional. You should implement your own printing functionality.
If you wish to print from the context menu then you could create a Custom "context menu" in flex via the ContextMenu and ContextMenuItem classes. See also Working with Menus in the AS3 Developer's Guide.
To change the context menu:
var my_cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var printItem:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Print proper image");
this.contextMenu = my_cm;
Don't forget that you can't use the "Print" caption, because it is reserved for the internal print function (see Restrictions).

Flex: Custom context menu for a component

I have a Flex application, running with Flash Player, not AIR, that contains a Tree that I would like to put a custom context menu on.
Tried just doing <mx:Tree ... contextMenu="{MyClassWithStatic.menu}">, but that didn't do anything.
Went searching, and found this quote from some Adobe docs somewhere
In Flex or Flash Builder, only top-level components in the application can have context menus. For example, if a DataGrid control is a child of a TabNavigator or VBox container, the DataGrid control cannot have its own context menu.
so went upwards, trying each parent element until I reached my <Application>-element, which is consistent with what they wrote.
Tried making a Flex component, based on Group (the default) which contained my tree, and the context menu on the top-level element there, hoping it would work, but to no avail.
Is there any other way to manage this that I haven't found yet?
The code I use to create the menu:
var menuItems:Array = [];
var rename:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Rename");
rename.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, renameSelectedHandler);
menu.customItems = menuItems;
You're right, the contextmenu only works on top level components. It's a limitation of Flex which is annoying and shouldn't be there in the first place. There's not much you can do since there is no way to capture the event other than using some Javascript trickery, but even then, it doesn't tell you where you were clicking.
If I were you, I would just forget the concept and go away from using right click altogether if possible.
I can't be sure, as all the code isn't' there. But you seem to have ignored your own research. Don't use your new component, or anything which "contains" your tree. Then just stick the Tree in your application.
Also I've a memory of TreeItemRenderer not being the same as in other UIcomponents. Maybe, test your "menu" code with a Datagrid first and make sure it works. Good luck
I did not try it myself, but after reading the comments on http://michael.omnicypher.com/2007/02/flex-trees-with-context-menu_14.html it looks like you could add a context menu to the tree's item renderer.
The article and comments at http://blog.arc90.com/2008/04/21/adding-a-contextmenu-to-a-flex-tree/ are worth a look too.

Qt Mac multiple menubars/modifiable menubar

I have an application that shows multiple subpanels & the client wants to show different menus for each subpanel.
Mac apps can only have one menuBar per system window, apparently, and it's minimally modifiable (if at all.) I need to remove/add or enable/disable menus on the menubar.
I've thought about making each of the subpanels a system window and attaching a menubar to each, but I don't see any provision for switching to a window's menubar. Besides, I suspect that doing so would create a state/positioning mess for the subpanels.
What I've Found
I've found that if I create the actions as children of the main window, I can add and remove them at will from the menus themselves. So, I can modify the menu contents, but I can't modify the menubar contents.
I've found I can also change the title of the menu to anything at any time. So, if I clear the contents and set the title to an empty string, it has the apparent effect of removing the menu (although it's still there and still highlights).
Barring another solution, have to do that, for now.
Is this possible at all on Mac? If I went down into Cocoa (don't know Cocoa), would I be able to maybe set up multiple menubars, or at least modify the menubar when the subpanel changes?
I was searching something else but as precisely I've just been working this one, what I do is
- delete the current menuBar if there's one
- menuBar=new QMenuBar(0);
- menuBar->setNativeMenuBar(true);
And it seems to work fine. Just for what it's worth.
A Cocoa application has only one menubar active at any given time, and you can modify and replace it. For instance, the (Cocoa) code below adds a new menu (with three items) to the menubar. It is also possible to edit and remove menus as well as menu items.
NSMenu *menubar = [NSApp mainMenu];
NSMenuItem *newBarMenuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"" action:NULL keyEquivalent:#""] autorelease];
NSMenu *newMenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:#"New Menu"] autorelease];
NSMenuItem *menuItem1 = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Action 1" action:#selector(action1:) keyEquivalent:#""] autorelease];
NSMenuItem *menuItem2 = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Action 2" action:#selector(action2:) keyEquivalent:#""] autorelease];
[newMenu addItem:menuItem1];
[newMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
[newMenu addItem:menuItem2];
[menubar addItem:newBarMenuItem];
[menubar setSubmenu:newMenu forItem:newBarMenuItem];
[NSApp mainMenu] returns the application menu. A new menu item is added to the main menu/menubar, representing a submenu that contains three items, one of them being a separator.
It is also possible to replace the menubar by crafting an appropriate menu and sending [NSApp setMainMenu:menubarReplacement].
Yes, this is possible in a Qt app, and fairly common. :)
In your app you probably have code to build your menus, and install them into the menubar (using QMenuBar) in the first place. As Juan correctly points out, to alter the menu bar, you can delete that instance and regenerate a new menubar and its menus as needed.
In my own code, I just keep my original QMenuBar around, and call QMenuBar::clear() on the instance. This is an alternative to the delete/re-instantiate that Juan recommends, although either approach is likely valid. Then I repopulate the menubar with the currently needed menus.
I typically only rebuild the whole QMenuBar when the set of top-level menus, or the title of a top-level menu needs to change. More commonly, I am dynamically regenerating the actual menu items (QActions) and/or their state (like their text, whether they are enabled or not, checked or not, etc) within a given menu.
To dynamically regenerate a single menu's contents only, you can connect a method callback to that particular QMenu's aboutToShow signal, and rebuild the menu's items dynamically within that callback (don't forget to start with QMenu::clear() on the instance or you may end up with duplicate items in the menu!). When the QMenu pops up, it will show your dynamically rebuilt items/states. This method also works for dynamic regeneration of popup/context menus.

Trouble with Flex 3 PopupManager

I'm trying to use the PopupManager class in a Flex3 AIR app to open different kinds of panels but I'm running into some problems with it. I'm using a method like the following with which all panels are opened ..
private function createPopUp(clazz:Class, modal:Boolean = false):IFlexDisplayObject
var p:IFlexDisplayObject = IFlexDisplayObject(PopUpManager.createPopUp(_windowParent, clazz, modal));
return p;
_windowParent is a reference to the application's WindowedApplication root object. I'm running into two kinds of problems with this:
Not all popups appear modal, even if I set the modal parameter to true. This seems to happen if I open a popup panel from within another popup panel.
In some of the popup panels are ComboBoxes and the popdown menu of the comboboxes opens underneath of their parent panel (i.e. under the depth of the panel) so the menu of the combobox becomes partly or fully obstructed.
I've tried different parameters for the PopUpManager.createPopUp() childList parameter (e.g. PopUpManagerChildList.APPLICATION) but that did not change anything.
Hoping that anyone has some tips on these problems!
Nevermind! Figured out I some code that would change the depth of panels that was messing this up.
