Forum for ASP.NET MVC site -

I am buidling a new site for an organisation. I am using ASP.NET MVC. The previous site was PHP based and had a PHPBB forum. This forum opened in an IFrame, so no integration.
We want a site with all functionality integrated. I thought, I probably have to write a forum myself. However there are other ASP.NET open source forums out there just like phpbb.
Is there a way to integrate third-party forums cleanly into my site? Or am I better of coding it myself?

Check my answer to this question, for an ASP .NET MVC based forum:
Who knows a good free open source forum in C#?
If you want an ASP .NET Webforms forum I can recommend you YetAnotherForum.NET.

ASP.NET MVC is still in beta stage and not much free options are available on the .NET side of things.
It's actually a very easy task if you already have experience writing MVC app.
Not counting those that haven't got some stable releases out, most free options such as YAF are written to run as a standalone applications on classic ASP.NET webforms framework and will often requires that you use a certain fixed database platform and thus will require work to patch them so they integrate nicely with the MVC framework.
So I suggest you code it up yourself. Especially if you just want an integrated forum that don't need to have as much features as phpbb.
Or better yet, start an open source project!

The following post has numerous options: ASP.NET MVC Forum Software?


Some framework on top of ASP.NET MVC for easily create backend part of the site?

Good day!
For PHP framework CodeIgniter exists 'app-framework' BackendPro:
What I mean by this is it provides you with functionality to do all the simple repetitive tasks like authentication, permissions and a basic look and feel for your websites control panel. So using your current PHP and CodeIgniter knowledge you can use BackendPro to built a fully working website quickly since you can concentrate on your application instead of the bits to manage the system.
It helps a lot with building quickly backend of the site (grids for entities, common CRUD interface, login\logout etc you know :)). In fact it is a stub for a backend. Does something similar for ASP.NET MVC exists?
Thanks in advance!
You could be interested in this and following articles by Steve Sanderson:
Scaffold your ASP.NET MVC 3 project with the MvcScaffolding package

Developing mvc application

What is mvc ? What are the benefits developing mcv website ? How can I develop mvc website, that is what I have to install,I have installed microsoft visual studio 2005 in my pc then what I have to install to develop mvc website ? I am begginer in developing website.
And which are the best free resource I can use to learn how to develop best mvc website,like ebooks or anything ?
Please give me suggestion.
Below links will surely help you to understand MVC.
ASP.NET MVC Framework Tutorial
ASP.NET MVC Framework Overview
MVC 1 download details
Also now MVC 2 is avaliable.
Two seminal examples have been published with lots of documentation:
Nerd Dinner :
This was built against MVC 1.0 so some of the syntax is a bit outdated but is still applicable and it goes through several facets of your typical MVC application. There is a link on the homepage there to a walk through available in PDF and HTML form.
MVC Music Store :
This example is made to demonstrate some of the new MVC 2.0 features and other new MVC practices. It also has a vast document walking through the creation of the website and its code. Download the code and read the documentation.
These are by no means the best but it comes straight from the source (Microsoft dev team) and are a good start for beginners.
Here's a great place to start:
The reference #Kane gave it great. There are a number of tutorials and videos. But you can also read some blogs like: or
Also there is a great codeplex project kigg that is good to look over and review.
Those are a few more resources to consider. Also don't forget here on SO. There are a lot of the problems that people have encountered and can be a good resource.

New to ASP.NET

I am wanting to learn ASP.Net and am just a beginner. I have done some windows c# forms development before but have no experience of web development.
I have looked at the website but beyond this, does anyone have any ideas as to good learning resources particulary in relation to the differences to windows development. For instance, It seems that the way events work is quite different under ASP to windows forms.
Thanks you all.
Thank you very much. I will have a look at MVC. It looks even more complicated but if this is the way things are going then I would be better maybe to invest my learning in this.
I would advise you at this stage in ASP.NETs life to instead direct your attention at ASP.NET-MVC. This url is a very good resource for learning.
ASP.NET Forms do a good job of hiding the nature of a connection-less HTTP/browser based technology and presenting a familiar Form with controls and lots of useful events environment that Windows Forms developers are used to.
However this approach comes with a price. For any serious project there is no avoiding getting under the hood of ASP.NET forms and properly understanding the underlying technology. At this point you start to realise the significant compromises the ASP.NET Forms has had to make in order to make Windows Forms developers feel at home.
ASP.NET-MVC, on the other, makes no such compromises. Learning MVC means learning how HTTP works up-front. It also has the advantage of being a much more test friendly approach which when used properly will save you days of debugging.
ASP.NET website - seriously, it's a really good resource.
I'd seriously consider starting with ASP.NET MVC. You'll end up learning what you need from ASP.NET "classic" but you'll pick up all the goodness of MVC (testability, seperation of concerns in your code etc) instead of learning bad habits.
Google for "ASP.NET MVC", check out ScottGu's blog, Scott Hanselmans's blog, or search StackOverflow for ASP.NET MVC (use the ASP.NET MVC tag too).
One good place to start...
I know they are a bit out of date, but I still think the two Fritz Onion books give a great look at what's happening in ASP.NET under the hood.
Some resources: (as you mentioned)
scott hanselman's blog (some useful entries)
Windows Client Homepage
W3Schools Tutorials (Useful for more than just .NET, but this is the .NET page)
I've been a .NET Windows Forms (not Web forms) developer for 1 and a half years. Then I switched jobs and started using WebForms for like... 2 years. Then I discovered ASP.NET MVC (January 2008) and since then although I still master ASP.NET WebForms I will always prefer ASP.NET MVC.
My recommendation also goes into ASP.NET MVC. You will have to learn HTTP, HTML and a bit of Javascript but after these you will master web development on ALL PLATFORMS.
A great alternative to ASP.NET MVC is ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor syntax. In fact, the latest release of ASP.NET MVC and the latest release of ASP.NET Web Pages both use the same view engine.
Here is a link to the complete ASP.NET Web Pages book:
Getting Started with WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages
Also, here is the complete WebMatrix Content Guide:
WebMatrix Content Guide
Here's the description:
WebMatrix is a free, lightweight set of web development tools that provides the easiest way to build websites. It includes IIS Express (a development web server), ASP.NET (a web framework), and SQL Server Compact (an embedded database). It also includes a simple tool that streamlines website development and makes it easy to start websites from popular open source apps. The skills and code you develop with WebMatrix transition seamlessly to Visual Studio and SQL Server.

Quick Ramp-up for ASP.NET

I am an experienced .NET applications developer. All of my development experience has been with desktop apps with WinForms/WPF.
The last time I worked with ASP was back in 1998. A lot has changed with ASP.NET, and I realize this. I am wondering what is the best resource for ramping up quickly with ASP.NET and WebForms (not MVC). Any Suggestions?
I always recommend this site:
ASP .NET Learn
It's the official ASP .NET site, there you'll find really good videos that will help you to get up developing quickly in ASP .NET
The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle, must you know, padawan, if seek to master the web, you do
Personally I find that the best way is to start digging in, find either an existing project to enhance or start out building something. The best way for me anyway is to have a problem to solve, by doing this it makes life a lot easier. At least that is the way I learn new technologies.
There are many good reference/tutorial sites out there as well that could help you out a lot, such as
HTML/CSS Tutorials
ASP.NET Quickstart Tutorial
Nice series of videos
.NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit RTM
ASP.NET Learn already mentioned.

OpenID authentication in ASP.NET?

I am starting to build a new web application that will require user accounts. Now that I have an OpenID that I am using for this site I thought it would be cool if I could use OpenID for authentication in my application. Are there any good tutorials on how to integrate OpenID with an ASP.NET site?
See Scott Hanselman's post on using DotNetOpenID in ASP.NET. Andrew Arnott's blog is full of samples on using DotNetOpenID with ASP.NET, including ASP.NET MVC.
I recently hooked up DotNetOpenID for the Subtext 2.0 release. It went really smoothly - the code samples included with the DotNetOpenID download are pretty helpful. The one thing I'd recommend is that you just use the library and avoid the ASP.NET control. It uses table based layout (hardcoded) and is pretty difficult to restyle.
DotNetOpenId available at
Are there any good tutorials on how to integrate OpenId with an ASP.NET site?
Andrew Arnott's post titled "How to add OpenID to your ASP.NET web site (in C# or VB.NET)"
I'm considering the same thing. On the Open ID site, there's a link 'For Developers' # and from there is a link to 'Open Libraries' # and finally from there is one called 'DotNetOpenID' # which is probably what you're looking for.
Good luck.
DotNetNuke may not be a good current example. When we did the integration, DotNetOpenID was not currently supporting OpenID 2.0 spec. I hacked together a fork to get the 2.0 support and have not had a chance to rip it back out for the official DotNetOpenID 2.0 release.
You should check out the DotNetNuke codebase as well, they have been using OpenID for the last several revisions, and you'll find working code for implementing it there.
