How can I float a movieclip over a textarea to make it appear like it's part of the text? - apache-flex

Take a look at this demo, how do they accomplish the Inline Changes feature? To me it looks like they are floating a movieclip over the textarea.
What I can't figure out is how they anchored the movieclip to stay in the correct position. If you type something before the movieclip it moves position along with the text, the movieclips even move to the next line when the text word wraps. Does anyone have an idea?

What I think they're doing is keeping track of the index the sprite is representing. Then they have a nice function that moves the sprite to the correct position given the size of the textbox and font. All you need to do after that is bind the positioning function to changes made to the textbox and you've got that effect. Doesn't seem too complicated, as there are already font size/position functions available.
EDIT: Notice how you cannot type code in between the overlapping regions.


How to position buttons according to background in Android?

I'm making an app that needs the following background. Trouble is, I'm not sure how to position the three buttons inside the circle.
Use LinearLayout(vertical), put all the buttons there and use the View subclass called Space, above, inbetween and below the buttons. Then adjust layout:weight until you get the desired proportion. Don't forget to set height to 0 for layout:weight to take effect.

GWT - PopupPanel, change layout when flipped

I'm creating a context menu for certain elements using a PopupPanel; the menu itself is going to be fairly large and complex. What I'm looking to do is to have a list of buttons, plus an image and some text, related to the element clicked.
My problem is that I'd like the buttons to always display directly under the clicked element, because that's convenient for the user; the issue is that when PopupPanel is near the edges of the screen, it automatically changes position to be fully visible, not aligning its left side to the element as usual. I like this behavior, but it moves the position of the buttons away.
So what I'd like to happen is: normally the buttons are on the left of the panel, the other stuff is to the right. When the panel is close to the right of the screen, I'd like the buttons to instead be on the right (and thus under the clicked element) and the other stuff on the left.
Is there a clever way to do this, either in GWT or better yet, using only CSS? PopupPanel itself doesn't seem to tell you when it's going to get flipped, sadly. The only solution I currently have is to manually check the position and width of the popup before showing it and adjust accordingly, but I'm hoping there's a better solution.
Here is what I suggest (based on my own implementation of a similar use case):
Have the position callback implementation accept references (in constructor) on:
PopupPanel element
element on which user right cliked
the content you put in the PopupPanel
Replicate (I know this not DRY but implementation is package private) the code from default position callback
When opening to the right invoke a method that changes the layout of your content (CSS based or otherwise)
I hope it helps. If you find something better let me know.

Dojo GFX widgets displaying float-like behaviour instead of correct positioning

I'm using Dojo GFX to do some simple drawing, but having a problem with IE 7/8 (switching browsers is not an option).
If I create a div, set up a surface and draw some rects, they draw correctly relative to the div, so far so good.
However, what I want to do is create a widget, something with an embedded 'surface' that draws based on some widget-specific data. As such, I have a widget that contains a div, and I draw into this div. When I do that, the rects I create behave as if they are responding to a float:right, appearing in order they are created and ignoring the 'x' parameter.
I assume that this behaviour is something to do with CSS, but I haven't got to the bottom of it yet. Any ideas or solutions gratefully appreciated!
I've disabled all stylesheets and I am not using style attributes. No difference to the behaviour.
I've inspected the markup that gets generated using IE8 dev tools. Apart from the different location of the containing div, the only difference I can see is that the v:roundrect elements have no child elements when created against the widget div, but they do have empty elements like stroke when created against the div referenced by ID.
Reading back through the docs, a difference I can see that might be responsible is that the postCreate method where I am doing my drawing is manipulating a div that has not been added to the dom yet, whereas drawing on a hardcoded div is done when it does exist. Maybe the difference in rendering is something to do with this? Is there a specific lifecycle function which is appropriate to draw in for widgets?
It seems that if you are going to use Dojo GFX and draw on DOM elements that are created as part of a widget in IE7/8, you must actually do the drawing in an override of the startup() method.
Drawing in the postCreate() method causes incorrect rendering resembling a float: left.

QGraphicsView background

Hi i'm trying to get a photoshop-like behaviour for my QGraphicsScene
The grid in the background should not resize with the call of scale. And I must be able to save the picture with QPixmap::grabWidget(view) but without the background grid. I can probably do it with removing the background layer just before saving the picture, but i'm not sure if its cleanest way to do it.
Any ideas ?
Question 1
The grid in the background should not resize with the call of scale.
Use the QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag.
The item ignores inherited transformations (i.e., its position is
still anchored to its parent, but the parent or view rotation, zoom or
shear transformations are ignored). This flag is useful for keeping
text label items horizontal and unscaled, so they will still be
readable if the view is transformed. When set, the item's view
geometry and scene geometry will be maintained separately.
In order to set this flag use the setFlag function when creating the grid item.
Question 2
I must be able to save the picture with QPixmap::grabWidget(view) but without the
background grid.
Call the hide function on the grid item before calling the grabWidget. After you have grabbed it you show it again by calling the show function.

Any advice on 'breaking' an object out of its layout in Flex - for animation purposes?

If I have an object in a layout in Flex what is a good way to 'break it out' of that layout to be able to animate it.
For instance I have an image and a caption arranged at an angle. I want to make the image 'zoom out' slightly when the mouse rolls over it. Since its in a layout container is active if I were to resize it then obviously it would move around everything else.
I dont think I can achieve what I want by just setting includeinlayout=false.
Any experience with best practices on this?
My best idea I'm wondering about is making the image invisible and creating another image at the same location by using the screen coordinate conversion functions. This jsut semes clumsy
Wrap your object in a fixed size Canvas so that the layout upstream will remain the same. Then position the object manually within that container and then set its includeInLayout to false. At that point, you could do whatever you wanted with the interior object. Oh, also set clipContent to false. This should work whether you want it to grow or shrink.
If this is an itemrenderer or something that you've wrapped into a class, you could handle all of this in the class definition and make it transparent to consumers of the object. You'd also be able to write a mouseOver function that did what you wanted with the interior object that should zoom.
