Flex Drag and resize - apache-flex

I need to draw Line, Circle, and rectangle by mouse drag on canvas and then i need to to move and resize the drawn shapes.
How i can perform this in flex as i am new on this platform.
Please suggest me the method or refer any example with source to make it understand to me.
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance.

There is no such native feature in Flex. But, there are a couple of options, commercial and not:
http://www.rogue-development.com/objectHandles.html (free)
http://www.flashcomguru.com/components/flex_whiteboard/whiteboard_demo/ (payed)
You can do it by hand, if you wish, it's not very hard. I advice you to use Degrafa (http://degrafa.org/) for the actual drawing since it is way easier than native drawing API and it is opensource.


QML Canvas: How to use CanvasWindow and CanvasSize properly

I have a qml canvas with many elements, and when I zoom in, the elements needs to redrawn, if the canvas size grows too much, the rendering is delayed and quite visible.
I couldnt use the canvassize, canvaswindow properly to render only part of the scene, didnt find any proper examples to use this.
Could some expert please guide me with very minimalistic code.
Also, I see that these properties are marked as not to be used in future, does anyone know what is it that replaces ?

ASP.NET Interacting objects in canvas

Have a problem: I want my bubbles to move in a canvas and interact(they beat with each other and change the direction of move). I learned how to move them, but cannot make them interact. Object is an image that I draw with drawImage(,,).
How can I make it?
Thank you.
Found an answer on this website:

3D cube with video on each side in Qt

I've got a project where I need to be able to display video on all six sides side of a cube that moves and rotates in three dimensions, using Qt. I know the question is vague, but I'm completely new to graphics, so a high-level description of which classes I should look and how they should link together would be a lot of help. Should I use GLRenderer or the ordinary one? Is Qt even the right tool for the job?
What you could do, is use QtOpenGL to render the cube. Then you use video texturing.

How to Stretch an image by dragging its sides in Adobe flex?

I want to develop a hair style app in adobe flex. In that ,the wigs should be placed in right position.
So i want to adjust the wigs in x and y directions.
Does anybody know how to stretch an image in x and y direction?
App Reference:
Thanks in advance
Take a look at the very good Transform Tool. I've used it myself and can highly recommend it.
you can put re-size handlers on pretty much anything, for example like this:
Hope that helps
If you want to develop it by yourself, you may have a look on the transformation matrix class. There is a very good tutorial about this:
Otherwise, you may use existing library:
as Richie_W mention, Transform Tool is a good one, the following is Transform Tool Developer Guide:
The following link is Transform Tool using in flex:
TransformManager is also another one:http://www.greensock.com/transformmanageras3/
but this is a commercial one.

Help in creating a card stack

I'm trying to develop a card game with Flex, and I was wondering if there's a way to create an horizontal list (the cards that I have in my hand) having the elements overlapped, like you can see in this example made with openflux:
the thing that's missing here is the possibility to swap the cards with drag and drop.
Any ideas on what I could do to get a similar effect with an horizontallist based component?
If you are using Flex 4, its a pretty straightforward custom layout.
some links to get you started.
Adobe TV
I was looking at a 3D layout the other day for Five3D (an opensource 3d api), and saw an example of a Card game/layout that may give you some inspiration:
