ASP.NET Interacting objects in canvas -

Have a problem: I want my bubbles to move in a canvas and interact(they beat with each other and change the direction of move). I learned how to move them, but cannot make them interact. Object is an image that I draw with drawImage(,,).
How can I make it?
Thank you.

Found an answer on this website:


Codecademy exercise - How do I rotate the camera with A-Frame's inspector?

There's no need to show the code as the Codecademy exercise tries to explain how the inspector works. So basically I've learned how to make the camera start or to move in the scene. So my question isn't about moving the camera. Rather, what I want is (using the inspector) to rotate the scene in order to look up at a certain character through the ground.
Where in the element subsection can I find the coordinates of the scene? I know the camera is positioned at (0,0,0) by default and you can move around using the ASWD movement keys. Although I don't think I can see from the ground using those keys.
I hope I'm being specific enough and there's no issue with the question. I've Googled for some time but I haven't found an answer. So if an answer is out there, sorry for not having found it.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: enter image description here
I've managed to enter into the A-Frame inspector (as I was using the default one) and drag the <a-entity> as I think this is the camera object. Now, how can I try and see this picture from the ground?
Thanks for editing my question. Feel free to do it. Have a nice day.
You're doing this Codecademy exercise?
I think you should find out where you can modify the a-plane primitive. Then play around with its rotation property.

QML Canvas: How to use CanvasWindow and CanvasSize properly

I have a qml canvas with many elements, and when I zoom in, the elements needs to redrawn, if the canvas size grows too much, the rendering is delayed and quite visible.
I couldnt use the canvassize, canvaswindow properly to render only part of the scene, didnt find any proper examples to use this.
Could some expert please guide me with very minimalistic code.
Also, I see that these properties are marked as not to be used in future, does anyone know what is it that replaces ?

Changing the colour/transparency of a div on rollover or using an imagemap

I have a map which is one image. I need to have five hit areas on that image and when you rollover one of those areas, that div / part of the image / imagemap needs to go grey.
I don't want to use multiple images - I want to keep the map as one image.
Can anybody please help me - I've been searching most of the day for a solution and can't find one.
Thanks in advance.
The most straight forward solution is probably an image map using maphilight. You can find an example there with the code available here.

CSS: On-mouse-over functionality from plot covered by a 'sheen' layer

I have a javascript plot on my page with "data point highlighter" functionality: when the mouse hovers over the point, you can see the coordinates popup. I also want to place a semi-transparent "sheen" image layer over the plot to make it look glossy. I can achieve this with the z-index, but the on-mouse-over functionality of the js plot stops working. Is there a way to have the sheen layer on top and still have the on-mouse-over of the layer below (the plot layer)? Many thanks...
I can't think of a way to do that easily, apart from splitting apart the plot image and the area that reacts to the mouseover, and placing the latter above the sheen - which may be bothersome to do.
If it's semi-transparent, though, would it be an option to do the whole thing the other way round? Placing the "sheen" below the plot, and making the plot semi-transparent?
This is not possible. Shame.
Actually, I believe it is possible, but it's a bit of a messy workaround, and, in essence, involves capturing mouse/cursor position x/y location and mapping that to the plot layer -- not the easiest or optimal task, let alone completely inefficient. I realize this is an older question, but thought I'd point this out for future users.
Update: Firefox has a CSS property geared toward this in the 3.6:

Flex Drag and resize

I need to draw Line, Circle, and rectangle by mouse drag on canvas and then i need to to move and resize the drawn shapes.
How i can perform this in flex as i am new on this platform.
Please suggest me the method or refer any example with source to make it understand to me.
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance.
There is no such native feature in Flex. But, there are a couple of options, commercial and not: (free) (payed)
You can do it by hand, if you wish, it's not very hard. I advice you to use Degrafa ( for the actual drawing since it is way easier than native drawing API and it is opensource.
