Hardware Assisted Garbage Collection - functional-programming

I was thinking on ways that functional languages could be more tied directly to their hardware and was wondering about any hardware implementations of garbage collection.
This would speed things up significantly as the hardware itself would implicitly handle all collection, rather than the runtime of some environment.
Is this what LISP Machines did? Has there been any further research into this idea? Is this too domain specific?
Thoughts? Objections? Discuss.

Because of Generational Collection, I'd have to say that tracing and copying are not huge bottlenecks to GC.
What would help, is hardware-assisted READ barriers which take away the need for 'stop the world' pauses when doing stack scans and marking the heap.
Azul Systems has done this: http://www.azulsystems.com/products/compute_appliance.htm
They gave a presentation at JavaOne on how their hardware modifications allowed for completely pauseless GC.
Another improvement would be hardware assisted write barriers for keeping track of remembered sets.
Generational GCs, and even more so for G1 or Garbage First, reduce the amount of heap they have to scan by only scanning a partition, and keeping a list of remembered sets for cross-partition pointers.
The problem is this means ANY time the mutator sets a pointer it also has to put an entry in the appropriate rememered set. So you have (small) overhead even when you're not GCing. If you can reduce this, you'd reduce both the pause times neccessary for GCing, and overall program performance.

One obvious solution was to have memory pointers which are larger than your available RAM, for example, 34bit pointers on a 32 bit machine. Or use the uppermost 8 bits of a 32bit machine when you have only 16MB of RAM (2^24). The Oberon machines at the ETH Zurich used such a scheme with a lot success until RAM became too cheap. That was around 1994, so the idea is quite old.
This gives you a couple of bits where you can store object state (like "this is a new object" and "I just touched this object"). When doing the GC, prefer objects with "this is new" and avoid "just touched".
This might actually see a renaissance because no one has 2^64 bytes of RAM (= 2^67 bits; there are about 10^80 ~ 2^240 atoms in the universe, so it might not be possible to have that much RAM ever). This means you could use a couple of bits in todays machines if the VM can tell the OS how to map the memory.

Yes. Look at the related work sections of these 2 papers:
Or at this one:

There was an article on lambda the ultimate describing how you need a GC-aware virtual memory manager to have a really efficient GC, and VM mapping is done mostly by hardware these days. Here you are :)

You're a grad student, sounds like a good topic for a research grant to me.
Look into FPGA design and computer architechture there are plenty of free processor design availiable on http://www.opencores.org/
Garbage collection can be implemented as a background task, it's already intended for parallel operation.

I'm pretty sure that some prototypes should exist. But develop, and produce hardware specific features is very expensive. It took very long time to implement MMU or TLB at a hardware level, which are quite easy to implement.
GC is too big to be efficiently implemented into hardware level.

Older sparc systems had tagged memory ( 33 bits) which was usable to mark addresses.
Not fitted today ?
This came from their LISP heritage IIRC.
One of my friends built a generational GC that tagged by stealing a bit from primitives. It worked better.
So, yes it can be done, but nodody bothers tagging things anymore.
runT1mes' comments about hardware assisted generational GC are worth reading.
given a sufficiently big gate array (vertex-III springs to mind) an enhanced MMU that supported GC activities would be possible.

Probably the most relevant piece of data needed here is, how much time (percentage of CPU time) is presently being spent on garbage collection? It may be a non-problem.
If we do go after this, we have to consider that the hardware is fooling with memory "behind our back". I guess this would be "another thread", in modern parlance. Some memory might be unavailable if it were being examined (maybe solvable with dual-port memory), and certainly if the HWGC is going to move stuff around, then it would have to lock out the other processes so it didn't interfere with them. And do it in a way that fits into the architecture and language(s) in use. So, yeah, domain specific.
Look what just appeared... in another post... Looking at java's GC log.

I gather the biggest problem is CPU registers and the stack. One of the things you have to do during GC is traverse all the pointers in your system, which means knowing what those pointers are. If one of those pointers is currently in a CPU register then you have to traverse that as well. Similarly if you have a pointer on the stack. So every stack frame has to have some sort of map saying what is a pointer and what isn't, and before you do any GC traversing you have to get any pointers out into memory.
You also run into problems with closures and continuations, because suddenly your stack stops being a simple LIFO structure.
The obvious way is to never hold pointers on the CPU stack or in registers. Instead you have each stack frame as an object pointing to its predecessor. But that kills performance.

Several great minds at MIT back in the 80s created the SCHEME-79 chip, which directly interpreted a dialect of Scheme, was designed with LISP DSLs, and had hardware-gc built in.

Why would it "speed things up"? What exactly should the hardware be doing?
It still has to traverse all references between objects, which means it has to run through a big chunk of data in main memory, which is the main reason why it takes time. What would you gain by this? Which particular operation is it that you think could be done faster with hardware support? Most of the work in a garbage collector is just following pointers/references, and occasionally copying live objects from one heap to another. how is this different from the instructions a CPU already supports?
With that said, why do you think we need faster garbage collection? A modern GC can already be very fast and efficient, to the point where it's basically a solved problem.


Language without explicit memory alloc/dealloc AND without garbage collection

I was wondering if it is possible to create a programming language without explicit memory allocation/deallocation (like C, C++ ...) AND without garbage collection (like Java, C#...) by doing a full analysis at the end of each scope?
The obvious problem is that this would take some time at the end of each scope, but I was wondering if it has become feasible with all the processing power and multiple cores in current CPU's. Do such languages exist already?
I also was wondering if a variant of C++ where smart pointers are the only pointers that can be used, would be exactly such a language (or am I missing some problems with that?).
Well after some more research apparently it's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_counting
I was wondering why this isn't more popular. The disadvantages listed there don't seem quite serious, the overhead should be that large according to me. A (non-interpreted, properly written from the ground up) language with C family syntax with reference counting seems like a good idea to me.
The biggest problem with reference counting is that it is not a complete solution and is not capable of collecting a cyclic structure. The overhead is incurred every time you set a reference; for many kinds of problems this adds up quickly and can be worse than just waiting for a GC later. (Modern GC is quite advanced and awesome - don't count it down like that!!!)
What you are talking about is nothing special, and it shows up all the time. The C or C++ variant you are looking for is just plain regular C or C++.
For example write your program normally, but constrain yourself not to use any dynamic memory allocation (no new, delete, malloc, or free, or any of their friends, and make sure your libraries do the same), then you have that kind of system. You figure out in advance how much memory you need for everything you could do, and declare that memory statically (either function level static variables, or global variables). The compiler takes care of all the accounting the normal way, nothing special happens at the end of each scope, and no extra computation is necessary.
You can even configure your runtime environment to have a statically allocated stack space (this one isn't really under the compiler's control, more linker and operating system environment). Just figure out how deep your function call chain goes, and how much memory it uses (with a profiler or similar tool), an set it in your link options.
Without dynamic memory allocation (and thus no deallocation through either garbage collection or explicit management), you are limited to the memory you declared when you wrote the program. But that's ok, many programs don't need dynamic memory, and are already written that way. The real need for this shows up in embedded and real-time systems when you absolutely, positively need to know exactly how long an operation will take, how much memory (and other resources) it will use, and that the running time and the use of those resources can't ever change.
The great thing about C and C++ is that the language requires so little from the environment, and gives you the tools to do so much, that smart pointers or statically allocated memory, or even some special scheme that you dream up can be implemented. Requiring the use them, and the constraints you put on yourself just becomes a policy decision. You can enforce that policy with code auditing (use scripts to scan the source or object files and don't permit linking to the dynamic memory libraries)

Best Practices for cache locality in Multicore Parallelism in F#

I'm studying multicore parallelism in F#. I have to admit that immutability really helps to write correct parallel implementation. However, it's hard to achieve good speedup and good scalability when the number of cores grows. For example, my experience with Quick Sort algorithm is that many attempts to implement parallel Quick Sort in a purely functional way and using List or Array as the representation are failed. Profiling those implementations shows that the number of cache misses increases significantly compared to those of sequential versions. However, if one implements parallel Quick Sort using mutation inside arrays, a good speedup could be obtained. Therefore, I think mutation might be a good practice for optimizing multicore parallelism.
I believe that cache locality is a big obstacle for multicore parallelism in a functional language. Functional programming involves in creating many short-lived objects; destruction of those objects may destroy coherence property of CPU caches. I have seen many suggestions how to improve cache locality in imperative languages, for example, here and here. But it's not clear to me how they would be done in functional programming, especially with recursive data structures such as trees, etc, which appear quite often.
Are there any techniques to improve cache locality in an impure functional language (specifically F#)? Any advices or code examples are more than welcome.
As far as I can make out, the key to cache locality (multithreaded or otherwise) is
Keep work units in a contiguous block of RAM that will fit into the cache
To this end ;
Avoid objects where possible
Objects are allocated on the heap, and might be sprayed all over the place, depending on heap fragmentation, etc.
You have essentially zero control over the memory placement of objects, to the extent that the GC might move them at any time.
Use arrays. Arrays are interpreted by most compilers as a contiguous block of memory.
Other collection datatypes might distribute things all over the place - linked lists, for example, are composed of pointers.
Use arrays of primitive types. Object types are allocated on the heap, so an array of objects is just an array of pointers to objects that may be distributed all over the heap.
Use arrays of structs, if you can't use primitives. Structs have their fields arranged sequentially in memory, and are treated as primitives by the .NET compilers.
Work out the size of the cache on the machine you'll be executing it on
CPUs have different size L2 caches
It might be prudent to design your code to scale with different cache sizes
Or more simply, write code that will fit inside the lowest common cache size your code will be running on
Work out what needs to sit close to each datum
In practice, you're not going to fit your whole working set into the L2 cache
Examine (or redesign) your algorithms so that the data structures you are using hold data that's needed "next" close to data that was previously needed.
In practice this means that you may end up using data structures that are not theoretically perfect examples of computer science - but that's all right, computers aren't theoretically perfect examples of computer science either.
A good academic paper on the subject is Cache-Efficient String Sorting Using Copying
Allowing mutability within functions in F# is a blessing, but it should only be used when optimizing code. Purely-functional style often yields more intuitive implementation, and hence is preferred.
Here's what a quick search returned: Parallel Quicksort in Haskell. Let's keep the discussion about performance focused on performance. Choose a processor, then bench it with a specific algorithm.
To answer your question without specifics, I'd say that Clojure's approach to implementing STM could be a lesson in general case on how to decouple paths of execution on multicore processors and improve cache locality. But it's only effective when number of reads outweigh number of writes.
I am no parallelism expert, but here is my advice anyway.
I would expect that a locally mutable approach where each core is allocated an area of memory which is both read and written will always beat a pure approach.
Try to formulate your algorithm so that it works sequentially on a contiguous area of memory. This means that if you are working with graphs, it may be worth "flattening" nodes into arrays and replace references by indices before processing. Regardless of cache locality issues, this is always a good optimisation technique in .NET, as it helps keep garbage collection out of the way.
A great approach is to split the work into smaller sections and iterate over each section on each core.
One option I would start with is to look for cache locality improvements on a single core before going parallel, it should be simply a matter of subdividing the work again for each core. For example if you are doing matrix calculations with large matrices then you could split up the calculations into smaller sections.
Heres a great example of that: Cache Locality For Performance
There were some great sections in Tomas Petricek's book Real Work functional programming, check out Chapter 14 Writing Parallel Functional Programs, you might find Parallel processing of a binary tree of particular interest.
To write scalable Apps cache locality is paramount to your application speed. The principles are well explain by Scott Meyers talk. Immutability does not play well with cache locality since you create new objects in memory which forces the CPU to reload the data from the new object again.
As in the talk is noted even on modern CPUs the L1 cache has only 32 KB size which is shared for code and data between all cores. If you go multi threaded you should try to consume as little memory as possible (goodbye immutabilty) to stay in the fastest cache. The L2 cache is about 4-8 MB which is much bigger but still tiny compared to the data you are trying to sort.
If you manage to write an application which consumes as little memory as possible (data cache locality) you can get speedups of 20 or more. But if you manage this for 1 core it might be very well be that scaling to more cores will hurt performance since all cores are competing for the same L2 cache.
To get most out of it the C++ guys use PGA (Profile Guided Optimizations) which allows them to profile their application which is used as input data for the compiler to emit better optimized code for the specific use case.
You can get better to certain extent in a managed code but since so many factors influence your cache locality it is not likely that you will ever see a speedup of 20 in the real world due to total cache locality. This remains the regime of C++ and compilers which use profiling data.
You may get some ideas from these:
Cache-Oblivious http://supertech.csail.mit.edu/cacheObliviousBTree.html Cache-Oblivious Search Trees Project
DSapce#MIT Cache coherence strategies in a many-core processor http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/61276
describes the revolutionary idea of cache oblivious algorithms via the elegant and efficient implementation of a matrix multiply in F#.

I need a short C programm that runs slower on a processor with HyperThreading than on one without it

I want to write a paper with Compiler Optimizations for HyperTreading. First step would be to investigate why a processor with HyperThreading( Simultaneous Multithreading) could lead to poorer performances than a processor without this technology. First step is to find an application that is better without HyperThreading, so i can run some hardware performance counters on it. Any suggest on how or where i could find one?
So, to summarize. I know that HyperThreading benefits are between -10% and +30%. I need a C application that falls in the 10% performance penalty.
Probably the main drawback of hyperthreading is the effective halving of cache sizes. Each thread will be populating the cache, and so each, in effect, has half the cache.
To create a programme which runs worse with hyperthreading than without, create a single threaded programme which performs a task which just fits inside L1 cache. Then add a second thread, which shares the workload, the works from "the other end" of the data, as it were. You will find performance falls through the floor - this is because both threads now must access L2 cache.
Hyperthreading can dramatically improve or worsen performance. It is completely dependent on use. None of this -10%/+30% stuff - that's ridiculous.
I'm not familiar with compiler optimizations for HT, nor the different between i7 HT and P4's as David pointed out. However, you can expect some general behaviors.
Context switching is very expensive. So if you have one core and run two threads on it simultaneously, switching back and forth one thread from the other always gives you performance penalty. However, threads do not use the core all the time. For example, if the thread reads or writes memory, it just waits for the memory access to be done, without using the core, usually for more than 100 cycles. There are many other cases that a thread need to stall like this, e.g., I/O operations, data dependencies, etc. Here HT helps, because it can ships out the waiting (or blocked) thread, and executes another thread instead.
Therefore, you can think if all threads are really unlikely to be blocked, then context switching will only cause overhead. Think about very computation-bounded application working on a small set of data.

Why has Ada no garbage collector?

I know GC wasn't popular in the days when Ada was developed and for the main use case of embedded programming it is still not a good choice.
But considering that Ada is a general purpose programming language why wasn't a partial and optional (traces only explicitly tagged memory objects) garbage collector introduced in later revisions of the language and the compiler implementations.
I simply can't think of developing a normal desktop application without a garbage collector anymore.
Ada was designed with military applications in mind. One of the big priorities in its design was determinism. i.e. one wanted an Ada program to consistently perform exactly the same way every time, in any environment, under all operating systems... that kinda thing.
A garbage collector turns one application into two, working against one another. Java programs develop hiccups at random intervals when the GC decides to go to work, and if it's too slow about it there's a chance that an application will run out of heap sometimes and not others.
Simplified: A garbage collector introduces some variability into a program that the designers didn't want. You make a mess - you clean it up! Same code, same behavior every time.
Not that Ada became a raging worldwide success, mind you.
Because Ada was designed for use in defense systems which control weapons in realtime, and garbage collection interferes with the timing of your application. This is dangerous which is why, for many years, Java came with a warning that it was not to be used for healthcare and military control systems.
I believe that the reason there is no longer such a disclaimer with Java is because the underlying hardware has become much faster as well as the fact that Java has better GC algorithms and better control over GC.
Remember that Ada was developed in the 1970's and 1980's at a time when computers were far less powerful than they are today, and in control applications timing issues were paramount.
First off, there is nothing in the language really that prohibits garbage collection.
Secondly some implementations do perform garbage collection. In particular, all the implementations that target the JVM garbage collect.
Thirdly, there is a way to get some amount of garbage collection with all compilers. You see, when an access type goes out of scope, if you specifially told the language to set aside a certian amount of space for storage of its objects, then that space will be destroyed at that point. I've used this in the past to get some modicum of garbage collection. The declaration voodo you use is:
type Foo is access Blah;
for Foo'storage_size use 100_000_000; --// 100K
If you do this, then all (100K of) memory allocated to Blah objects pointed to by Foo pointers will be cleaned up when the Foo type goes out of scope. Since Ada allows you to nest subroutines inside of other subroutines, this is particularly powerful.
To see more about what storage_size and storage pools can do for you, see LRM 13.11
Fourthly, well-written Ada programs don't tend to rely on dynamic memory allocation nearly as much as C programs do. C had a number of design holes that practicioners learned to use pointers to paint over. A lot of those idioms aren't nessecary in Ada.
the answer is more complicated: Ada does not require a garbage collector, because of real-time constraints and such. however, the language have been cleverly designed so as to allow the implementation of a garbage collector.
although, many (almost all) compilers do not include a garbage collector, there are some notable implementation:
a patch for GNAT
Ada compilers targeting the Java Virtual Machine (i don't know if those projects are still supported). It used the garbage collector of the JVM.
there are plenty other sources about garbage collection in Ada around the web. this subject has been discussed at length, mainly because of the fierce competition with Java in the mid '90s (have a look at this page: "Ada 95 is what the Java language should have been"), when Java was "The Next Big Thing" before Microsoft drew C#.
First off, I'd like to know who's using Ada these days. I actually like the language, and there's even a GUI library for Linux/Ada, but I haven't heard anything about active Ada development for years. Thanks to its military connections, I'm really not sure if it's ancient history or so wildly successful that all mention of its use is classified.
I think there's a couple of reason for no GC in Ada. First, and foremost, it dates back to an era where most compiled languages used primarily stack or static memory, or in a few cases, explicit heap allocate/free. GC as a general philosophy really only took off about 1990 or so, when OOP, improved memory management algorithms and processors powerful enough to spare the cycles to run it all came into their own. What simply compiling Ada could do to an IBM 4331 mainframe in 1989 was simply merciless. Now I have a cell phone that can outperform that machine's CPU.
Another good reason is that there are people who think that rigorous program design includes precise control over memory resources, and that there shouldn't be any tolerance for letting dynamically-acquired objects float. Sadly, far too many people ended up leaking memory as dynamic memory became more and more the rule. Plus, like the "efficiency" of assembly language over high-level languages, and the "efficiency" of raw JDBC over ORM systems, the "efficiency" of manual memory management tends to invert as it scales up (I've seen ORM benchmarks where the JDBC equivalent was only half as efficient). Counter-intuitive, I know, but these days systems are much better at globally optimizing large applications, plus they're able to make radical re-optimizations in response to superficially minor changes.Including dynamically re-balancing algorithms on the fly based on detected load.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to differ with those who say that real-time systems can't afford GC memory. GC is no longer something that freezes the whole system every couple of minutes. We have much more intelligent ways to reclaim memory these days.
Your question is incorrect. It does. See the package ada.finalization which handles GC for you.
I thought I'd share a really simple example of how to implement a Free() procedure (which would be used in a way familiar to all C programmers)...
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Leak is
type Int_Ptr is access Integer;
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Integer, Int_Ptr);
Ptr : Int_Ptr := null;
Ptr := new Integer'(123);
Free (Ptr);
end Leak;
Calling Free at the end of the program will return the allocated Integer to the Storage Pool ("heap" in C parlance). You can use valgrind to demonstrate that this does in fact prevent 4 bytes of memory being leaked.
The Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (a generically defined procedure) can be used on (I think) any type that may be allocated using the "new" keyword. The Ada Reference Manual ("13.11.2 Unchecked Storage Deallocation") has more details.

How do you pre allocate memory to a process in solaris?

My problem is:
I have a perl script which uses lot of memory (expected behaviour because of caching). But, I noticed that the more I do caching, slower it gets and the process spends most of the time in sleep mode.
I thought pre-allocating memory to the process might speed up the performance.
Does someone have any ideas here?
I think I am not being very clear here. I will put question in clearer way:
I am not looking for the ways of pre-allocating inside the perl script. I dont think that would help me much here. What I am interested in is a way to tell OS to allocate X amount of memory for my perl script so that it does not have to compete with other processes coming in later.
Assume that I cant get away with the memory usage. Although, I am exploring ways of reducing that too but dont expect much improvement there.
FYI, I am working on a solaris 10 machine.
What I gathered from your posting and comments is this:
Your program gets slow when memory use rises
Your pogram increasingly spends time sleeping, not computing.
Most likely eplanation: Sleeping means waiting for a resource to become available. In this case the resource most likely is memory. Use the vmstat 1 command to verify. Have a look at the sr column. If it goes beyond ~150 consistently the system is desperate to free pages to satisfy demand. This is accompanied by high activity in the pi, po and fr columns.
If this is in fact the case, your best choices are:
Upgrade system memory to meet demand
Reduce memory usage to a level appropiate for the system at hand.
Preallocating memory will not help. In either case memory demand will exceed the available main memory at some point. The kernel will then have to decide which pages need to be in memory now and which pages may be cleared and reused for the more urgently needed pages. If all regularily needed pages (the working set) exceeds the size of main memory, the system is constantly moving pages from and to secondary storage (swap). The system is then said to be thrashing and spends not much time doing useful work. There is nothing you can do about this execept adding memory or using less of it.
From a comment:
The memory limitations are not very severe but the memory footprint easily grows to GBs and when we have competing processes for memory, it gets very slow. I want to reserve some memory from OS so that thrashing is minimal even when too many other processes come. Jagmal
Let's take a different tack then. The problem isn't really with your Perl script in particular. Instead, all the processes on the machine are consuming too much memory for the machine to handle as configured.
You can "reserve" memory, but that won't prevent thrashing. In fact, it could make the problem worse because the OS won't know if you are using the memory or just saving it for later.
I suspect you are suffering the tragedy of the commons. Am I right that many other users are on the machine in question? If so, this is more of a social problem than a technical problem. What you need is someone (probably the System Administrator) to step in and coordinate all the processes on the machine. They should find the most extravagant memory hogs and work with their programmers to reduce the cost on system resources. Further, they ought to arrange for processes to be scheduled so that resource allocation is efficient. Finally, they may need to get more or improved hardware to handle the expected system load.
Some questions you might ask yourself:
are my data structures really useful for the task at hand?
do I really have to cache that much?
can I throw away cached data after some time?
my #array;
$#array = 1_000_000; # pre-extend array to one million elements,
# http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html#Scalar-values
my %hash;
keys(%hash) = 8192; # pre-allocate hash buckets
# (same documentation section)
Not being familiar with your code, I'll venture some wild speculation here [grin] that these techniques aren't going to offer new great efficiencies to your script, but that the pre-allocation could help a little bit.
Good luck!
-- Douglas Hunter
I recently rediscovered an excellent Randal L. Schwartz article that includes preallocating an array. Assuming this is your problem, you can test preallocating with a variation on that code. But be sure to test the result.
The reason the script gets slower with more caching might be thrashing. Presumably the reason for caching in the first place is to increase performance. So a quick answer is: reduce caching.
Now there may be ways to modify your caching scheme so that it uses less main memory and avoids thrashing. For instance, you might find that caching to a file or database instead of to memory can boost performance. I've found that file system and database caching can be more efficient than application caching and can be shared among multiple instances.
Another idea might be to alter your algorithm to reduce memory usage in other areas. For instance, instead of pulling an entire file into memory, Perl programs tend to work better reading line by line.
Finally, have you explored the Memoize module? It might not be immediately applicable, but it could be a source of ideas.
I could not find a way to do this yet.
But, I found out that (See this for details)
Memory allocated to lexicals (i.e.
my() variables) cannot be reclaimed or
reused even if they go out of scope.
It is reserved in case the variables
come back into scope. Memory allocated
to global variables can be reused
(within your program) by using
undef()ing and/or delete().
So, I believe a possibility here could be to check if i can reduce the total memory print of lexical variables at a given point in time.
It sounds like you are looking for limit or ulimit. But I suspect that will cause a script that goes over the limit to fail, which probably isn't what you want.
A better idea might be to share cached data between processes. Putting data in a database or in a file works well in my experience.
I hate to say it, but if your memory limitations are this severe, Perl is probably not the right language for this application. C would be a better choice, I'd think.
One thing you could do is to use solaris zones (containers) .
You could put your process in a zone and allocate it resources like RAM and CPU's.
Here are two links to some tutorials :
Solaris Containers How To Guide
Zone Resource Control in the Solaris 10 08/07 OS
While it's not pre-allocating as you asked for, you may also want to look at the large page size options, so that when perl has to ask the OS for more memory for your program, it gets it in
larger chunks.
See Solaris Internals: Multiple Page Size Support for more information on the difference this makes and how to do it.
Look at http://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Size
You could also inline a c function to do the above.
As far as I know, you cannot allocate memory directly from Perl. You can get around this by writing an XS module, or using an inline C function like I mentioned.
