Constant Pointer / structs - pointers

In my programming class, we have
struct Time {
int hours, min, sec;
We are to create a method to compute the difference between two times:
Time *timeDiff(const Time *t1, const Time *t2)
I thought I could create the time difference by getting everything in seconds, and then subtracting the two values, but it seems like extra work to do something like
long hour1 = t1->hours;
long min1 = t1->min;
long sec1 = t1->sec;
And then using these values to get the time in seconds, do something similar for the second time, and then subtract. Any thoughts? Thanks!

The way you've described it sounds exactly right. I might do something like
int sec = t1->sec + 60*(t1->min + 60*t1->hours);
Then similarly for t2, then subtract one from the other and break the result down into minutes and hours.


MomentJS - making fromNow() round down

I was using the following code to calculate the age of a person:
var year = 1964;
var month = 1;
var day = 20;
var age = moment(year + '-' + month + '-' + date, 'YYYY-MM-DD').fromNow(true);
The problem with fromNow() is that it rounds the number up or down depending on the decimal point. I would like it to only round down. In the above example the person's real age is 51 but it's returning 52 because his age is actually something like 51.75.
If I use diff() instead it rounds down which is perfect. But it doesn't give me the pretty text 51 years old.
var age = moment().diff([year, month - 1, date], 'years');
My question is, is there a way to make fromNow() round down?
You can configure a custom rounding function:
The provided solution is correct but I thought I'd add a little explanation as this was the first google result.
Say I have a scenario where I want dates that were 1m 30s ago to display a minute ago rather than two minutes ago:
const minuteAndAHalfAgo = new Date();
minuteAndAHalfAgo.setMinutes(minuteAndAHalfAgo.getMinutes() - 1);
minuteAndAHalfAgo.setSeconds(minuteAndAHalfAgo.getSeconds() - 30)
console.log(moment(minuteAndAHalfAgo).fromNow()); // a minute ago
the relativeTimeRounding function takes a function as an argument which in our case is Math.floor which means the relative time evaluation will be rounded down. This can be found in the docs - you can also specify a relativeTimeThreshold — the point at which to round the number.

Julia: conversion between different time periods

Full disclosure: I've only been using Julia for about a day, so it may be too soon to ask questions.
I'm not really understanding the utility of the Dates module's Period types. Let's say I had two times and I wanted to find the number of minutes between them. It seems like the natural thing to do would be to subtract the times and then convert the result to minutes. I can deal with not having a Minute constructor (which seems most natural to my Python-addled brain), but it seems like convert should be able to do something.
The "solution" of converting from Millisecond to Int to Minute seems a little gross. What's the better/right/idiomatic way of doing this? (I did RTFM, but maybe the answer is there and I missed it.)
y, m, d = (2015, 03, 16)
hr1, min1, sec1 = (8, 14, 00)
hr2, min2, sec2 = (9, 23, 00)
t1 = DateTime(y, m, d, hr1, min1, sec1)
t2 = DateTime(y, m, d, hr2, min2, sec2)
# println(t2 - t1) # 4140000 milliseconds
# Minute(t2 - t1) # ERROR: ArgumentError("Can't convert Millisecond to Minute")
# minute(t2 - t1) # ERROR: `minute` has no method matching
# minute(::Millisecond)
# convert(Minute, (t2-t1)) # ERROR: `convert` has no method matching
# convert(::Type{Minute}, ::Millisecond)
delta_t_ms = convert(Int, t2 - t1)
function ms_to_min(time_ms)
MS_PER_S = 1000
S_PER_MIN = 60
# recall that division is floating point unless you use div function
return div(time_ms, (MS_PER_S * S_PER_MIN))
delta_t_min = ms_to_min(delta_t_ms)
println(Minute(delta_t_min)) # 69 minutes
(My apologies for choosing a snicker-inducing time interval. I happened to convert two friends' birthdays into hours and minutes without really thinking about it.)
Good question; seems like we should add it! (Disclosure: I made the Dates module).
For real, we had conversions in there at one point, but then for some reason or another they were taken out (I think it revolved around whether inexact conversions should throw errors or not, which has recently been cleaned up quite a bit in Base for Ints/Floats). I think it definitely makes sense to add them back in. We actually have a handful in there for other operations, so obviously they're useful.
As always, it's also a matter of who has the time to code/test/submit and hopefully that's driven by people with real needs for the functionFeel free to submit a PR if you're feeling ambitious!

Converting a 19 digits time stamp to a real time (from .zvi file format)

After a long day of research,
Is anybody knows how to convert a 19 digits time stamp from the metadata of .zvi file (produce by axiovision, Zeiss) to a real time format ? (The output probably includes milliseconds)
An example time-stamp is: 4675873294709522577
Thanks !
Matlab solution:
The main issue is not the x2mdate conversion (which simply adds the number of days between the year zero, when Matlab starts counting, and the year 1900, when Excel/zvi starts counting), but the same class issue as described above. This conversion to double can be done with typecast in Matlab:
myZVI = 4675946358764751269;
timestampDouble = typecast(int64(myZVI),'double');
myTime = datestr(timestampDouble + 693960, 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF');
693960 is the number of days between year zero and 1900; if you don't need an absolute date but just the difference between two timestamps, you don't even need this; for instance the interval between two of my video frames can be calculated like this:
myZVI2 = 4675946358764826427;
timestampDouble2 = typecast(int64(myZVI2),'double');
myTimeDifference = datestr(timestampDouble2 - timestampDouble,'SS.FFF');
hope this helps:-)
This is a Microsoft OLE Automation Date. But you've read it as a 64-bit long integer instead of the 64-bit double that it should be.
You didn't specify a language, so I will pick C#:
long l = 4675873294709522577L;
byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(l);
double d = BitConverter.ToDouble(b, 0);
Debug.WriteLine(d); // 41039.901598693
DateTime dt = DateTime.FromOADate(d);
Debug.WriteLine(dt); // 5/10/2012 9:38:18 PM
More information in this thread.
An OLE Automation Date is basically the number of whole 24-hour days since 1/1/1900 without any particular time zone reference.

Add 24 hours to timestamp in R and exit loop

launchTime = Sys.timeDate(FinCenter = "America/Los_Angeles")
launchTime looks like:
[1] [2013-06-26 12:52:28]
I would like to add 24 hours to tStamp and call it exitTime.
Now at launchTime I start an R script which has a loop, that runs for say 7 days.
What would be a good way to put in a condition or few lines code that allows for exiting from the loop when the real time reaches exitTime?
Now I would like the condition to check till the accuracy of the day, hour and minute level. Not at the seconds level.
Set something like: exitTime <- as.numeric(Sys.time()+(60*60*24)) (to get one day from the present) second. Then include a conditional in your loop like:
if(as.numeric(Sys.time()) > exitTime)
I don't follow your bit about precision.

Calculating wage by hours worked

Hey all, i am trying to figure out how to calculate the wage for an employee when they clock out. This is the code i am currently using:
Dim theStartTime As Date
Dim theEndTime As Date
Dim totalTime As String
theStartTime = "16:11:06"
theEndTime = "18:22:01"
totalTime = Format(CDbl((theEndTime - theStartTime) * 24), "#0.0")
So workable hours would be: 2h 11m
Right now, with my calculation code above, i get 2.2. What would i need to add in order to get it to calculate the correct time of 2:11 instead of 2:20?
Note that 2.2 hours is not 2:20, it's 2:12.
Format(CDbl((theEndTime - theStartTime) * 24), "#0.0")
Format(theEndTime - theStartTime, "h:mm")
You're getting the right value, just rounding it off when you print. theEndTime - theStartTime is a time span equal to the difference between the two times. As you discovered, multiplying it by 24 will give you the number of hours different. However, you then have to divide by 24 again to use date/time formatting.
Check out all the ways to format dates and time in VB6.
First, I highly suggest going to the .NET framework (with it's easy-to-use TimeSpan class) if possible.
But, dealing in VB6 you should be able to use the DATEDIFF function (and it's been many years since I've touched VB6 so the specific syntax might be a bit off
Dim iHours As Integer, iMins As Integer
iMins = DateDiff("n", theStartTime, theEndTime)
iHours = iMins / 60
iMins = iMins Mod 60
You should also try casting it to the Currency type which can represent all numeric values (within 4 digits to the left of decimal point and 15 digits to the right).
Format(CCur((theEndTime - theStartTime) * 24), "#0.00")
