How does one call method exists in a page from another page? -

I'm working on a page, in which other pages are opened from it in a modal way.
I need to call function exists in opener page to update certain controls in it.
I'm using to open another window but in this case Page.PreviousPage for opened page is null.
I'm using
<%# PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/PreviousPage.aspx" %>
to refer to Previous Page.
Any suggestions?
FYI: all aspx pages are AJAX-Enabled.

You can't call a method in the code behind of a Page class to update controls in a page that is displayed. The instance of the Page class only exists while the page is rendered, once the page is displayed in the browser, the Page object no longer exists.
The PreviousPage property is used when you make a post from one page to another, but it doesn't contain the Page object that was used to render the page, it contains a recreated Page object that will not be used to render anything at all. You can only use it to read information from the fields based on the information that was posted from it.
If you want to update the opener page you either have to do it on the client side using Javascript (), or reload the page so that the server side code can repopulate it. A combination of them both would be to use AJAX to update the page.
You can for example use Javascript to access the opener and change the content of an element:
window.opener.document.getElementById('Info').innerHTML = 'updated';
You can also call a Javascript function in the opener page:
That which gives you more possibilities, like making an AJAX call to load data from the server.

You can submit the parent page back to the server using javascript. You can use window.opener function in the javascript to access the parent page.


Stuck in iFrame, how to get out?

I'm using ASPX web pages (WebPage1.aspx) and have an HTML iFrame defined in this page. I dynamically define the iFrame src (via code behind) when my ASPX web page loads ... all good so far.
The web page that gets loaded into my iFrame supports a "ReturnURL" that I've defined when I set the src for the iFrame. Something like:
src = ""
The web page (Somewebpage.aspx) has a "Return" button, the user clicks the Return button and they should get redirected back to the "ReturnURL" I specified (
What happens is gets displayed in my iFrame on This IS NOT what I wanted, I wanted to simply be return to
Is there a solution to this problem within the context of ASPX and code behind?
Cheers, Rob.

Finding master page control from within iFrame

I have one main master page say MasterPage1. In that master page I have a splitter. In that splitter there is an iframe. Within that iframe we load another master page say "MasterPage2". In MasterPage2 we load a page on which different User Controls are rendered.
Now I want to find a control on MasterPage1 from my User Control loaded on the page in MasterPage2.
Please help....
Problem To your Scenario:
masterpages and content pages are rendered as a single object, thus the page class is able to reference every element found in both the objects(master and content page). When you are rendering an iframe the iframe content is requested by client hence no reference exists. so it is not possible to reference each other on server.
Solution to the problem
From above you must have realized all the problem is the reference , so you will have to hack inti it. the simplest way I can think is to use querystring.
call the iframe page with querystring containing a identifier to the masterpage like mpage=mpage1,mpage=mpage2 etc.
Now in masterpage2 request the querystring to find which masterpage is applied and proceed. This way you will have little relaxaction because masterpage1 content cannot be changed but masterpage2 can be.
Now you will need to work more to what you need. Proceed only if this is the only way to solve the real problem(I think the problem is not masterpage but the solution to the problem that is making you to do these weired things).
Well for that you will have to use javascript and handlers which will render and return the rendered usercontrol. But i seriously say not to use this setup in production and find other alternative by changing your code to use usercontrol instead of iframe.

100% code-behind form post

I am looking for a way to wire up an ASP:LinkButton to appear as a link but in the background (100% in the code behind, no dummy pre-filled form in the markup) do a form post (target=_blank). I have a form action, method and parameters to pass that I will query for in the "click" event of the LinkButton. What is the best way to accomplish this?
Well there are LOTS of ways to do what i think you are trying to do :)
One problem; standard pop-up's don't fire event handler calls as they are mapped via post-back to the page i believe.
If you are happy with GET only submissions:
Add your link button with no target set and setup a post back event handler for click
setup your URL and pass it back to the page into a JS function that will load right away eg or use jquery etc.
in the JS function you load the URL using with the target set to "_blank"
User clicks the link, all code is server-side that works out the URL to show, page refreshes back to where it was and a popup window then loads showing the new URL
Setup the link to have target="_blank"
make it call a new page or the same page with a querystring argument you can pre-process in the page_load()
in the new page or controlling block of code, do your calculations and Response.Redirect() to the new target
User clicks the link, no page refresh just a new popup right away with a redirect to the new page. This is a cleaner solution i think!
IF you need POST support:
Dynamically create either elements or a string of HTML representing a form with all the needed input elements and output it into the popup window (using option b as a rough start template) and have a onload submit the form right away which will perform a POST to the URL you decided via server-side script giving the same effect as option b but with a form level POST.

How to react in ASP.NET code-behind class when a hyperlink is clicked inside the page's IFrame?

I have an ASP.Net page containing an IFrame. In the IFrame I load a html document. When the user clicks on a hyperlink in the content of the IFrame, I would need a callback to be called in the code-behind class of the ASP.Net page.
I guess that I need Ajax to do this but I'm not exactly sure about what I need to do. Could you give me some pointers?
By the way I'm fairly new to ASP.Net.
A lot of this depends on what it is you want to do specifically.
The problem you've got is that the DOM of the page in the iframe doesn't appear to be in the DOM of the calling page. All the calling page sees is the iframe tag as a closed tag, like an image tag. Some browsers will detect a click inside an iframe nested within a DIV as a click in the div so you have
<DIV id="iframediv">
<Iframe blah...>
and then you might be able to use jQuery or similar to detect a click inside iframediv and do stuff.
The real solution would be to try not to use an iframe as, like I said, even this solution won't necessarily pay off. I can think of at least one scenario where not using an iframe is not an option so I'll leave that be.
Other than that Willem's suggestions also seem to be sound.
Because the html document is not an aspx page it will not be able to trigger any code-behind. If you can change the page in the iframe make it an aspx page and handle the click on a LinkButton like you would do otherwise.
An other option is to change the link in the html page to call a custom aspx page that handles your needs, but that will redirect the html-page to the new aspx page.
Or indeed change the link to call a webservice through javascript (XMLHttpRequest) and let that webservice do what you wanted to do in code-behind.
Finally I ended up writing a Control Extender for the IFrame. The Control Extender gets the links contained in the IFrame via the following Javascript:
var frame = this.get_element();
var links = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("a");
I then simply attach an event handler that reacts to each link's onclick event. The event handler calls back the ASP.Net side via a WCF service.
Not complicated to do once you know the various technologies.

MVC: capture route url's and pass them to javascript function

Short:Is there a way to have a route-definition that will pass the "CONTROLLER/ACTION" string value to a JavaScript function in stead of actually going straight for the controller action?
More:I have a masterpage which contains the navigation of the site. Now, all the pages need this navigation wrapped around it at all times, but because I didn't want the navigation to constantly load with each pagecall, I changed all my pages to partialviews.
These partial views are loaded via the JQuery.Load() method whenever a menu item is clicked in the navigation.
This all worked very good, up till now because I noticed it's also a requirement of the website to be able to link directly to page X, rather then default.aspx.
So, as an example:The main page is my "default.aspx" page, this utilizes my master page with the navigation around it. And each call to a new page uses a javascript function that loads that particular partial view inside a div that is known in my masterpage. So, the url never changes away from "default.aspx", but my content changes seemlesly.
The problem is, those url's also need to be available when typed directly into the address bar. But, they're partial views, so loading them directly from the address bar makes them display without any masterpages around them. Therefore my question if it might be possible to capture the route typed into the address bar and pass that on to my JavaScript function that will load that route in the content div.
(I hope I explained it ok enough, if not, feel free to ask more information)
You are 100% correct to not want to hard code your URLs in your javascript code as it demolishes one of the primary tenants of MVC to do so. I'm one of those "separation of concerns" guys who will not write a single line of javascript outside of a dedicated .js file so I cannot dynamically specify the URL the way tuanvt has. What I do is use MVCs Url.Action method to emit my service URLs into hidden inputs on the master page (or the specific page if it is not used in multiple places). Then my script file simply pulls the value out of that hidden input and uses it just fine.
ASP.NET MVC View Source
<input id="serviceUrl" type="hidden" value="<%= Url.Action("Action", "Controller") %>" />
JS Source
$.getJSON($("#serviceUrl").val(), function(data) {
//write your JS success code here to parse the data
First challenge, as you are using AJAX to load the partial pages you need client accessible URLs for the javascript to call. Second challenge, you need URLs that will load the HomeController and pass the 'page' portion of the URL into the javascript.
For the first aspect I'd create some abstracted routes, i.e. "/ajaxaccess/{controller}/{action}/{id}" for the partial pages. That would be the first registered route. A second route would accept any controller/action reference and always get processed by the HomeController Index action.
In the /Home/Index action you grab the requested URL and slice it up, take the /{controller}/{action}/... section and pass that into your default.aspx using TempData. In your page check for the existence of the TempData and if it exists use the value therein to trigger your AJAX page load for the partial page (don't forget that you'll need to prepend '/ajaxaccess' (or whatever you choose) to the URL before it's passed to your page.
I'm not going to provide code here as I think the information you'll gain from working through this yourself will be invaluable to you moving forward.
You could use hash anchor (#) on your url and read it with javascript.
var url = document.location.toString();
if (url.match('#')) {
anchor = url.split('#');
// do whatever with anchor[1] ..
You can do something like this, put this in your javascript code on the view:
var szUrl=<%= ViewContext.RouteData.Route.ToString()%>;
Then the current route will be stored on the variable szUrl.
