grouping the rows in excel -

I have designed one web page in In that i have used the css file and excel generation button. While i am cliking the button for populating the data from database to excel. It is showing the problem in uploading the css file like that .What will i do the for removing the that error.
For opening the excel sheet I have used the following code that is
Response.ContentType = "application/xls";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=itext.xls");
Is there anything wrong in this?

If I understood correctly, the problem you're having is one I had a long time ago (still in the classic ASP days) where you get an error "missing file" pointing to the css reference when you open the excel file you generated. The workaround I've done at the time was to remove the css reference completely and use inline styles instead.
That will allow you to go home, but if you want a more evolved solution you could make an async request to the server, generate the content there (either in-memory or in a file, depending how big the result is) and then send it back to the client when it's done.


Why does my CSS not work with a different file name?

I have been using a central CSS file to build my site and have added to and modified it over time. I use cloudflare which caches CSS files every few hours, so to avoid this I change the number on the end of the file name each time and update it in my header template. This worked fine for months on two different servers.
But just recently it has decided not to allow this. If I change the CSS's file name and reference link, the CSS will not load. If I set it back to what it was before (site_main61.css) then it works just fine. I've even tried using different characters than increment numbers at the end and still end up with the same result.
This started happening out of the blue; no changes had been made to the server. Could this be a problem with Cloudflare? Something else?
I can provide more details if needed, but I can't think of anything that would be relevant right now.
The problem is not related to forgetting to update the link in html. I've tested this countless times to be sure.
You can add a query string the to end of the file name. It will be cached as a separate file, but it will be the same filename. It's basically a forced recache for the file. Just go to the link in the HTML and add something like this:
<link href="path/to/file/site_main61.css?version=1" ... />
This will work with most caching systems and you no longer have to change the file name.

How to convert a html table to downloadable excel file ASP.NET C#

I need a function to convert any HTML table to a excel file!
I like to add a button to my page and once that button is clicked I pass a complete HTML table in to such a function that will generate an excel file and past the html table into the file with the same layout and design!
I appreciate any help with this request.
I am using c# and
This is a nasty trick, but it works in recent version of excel.
You just save the html table as a normal html file, then just rename it to xls. If your application is a web application use response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=order.xls").
Recent version of excel support Microsoft Office XML Formats, so if the previous solution doesn't work, you may want to try to generate the xml from the html table.
See XML Spreadsheet Reference.
What I do, is to generate the xml from excel in the xml format, then hack into it. You can implement also advanced features like automatic filters, and cool layouts. I used a template engine to generate the xml (Freemarker, it's Java stuff, but I'm sure there are template engines also for .NET)

How can I continue using a web app while a file uploads from 1st screen?

I have a project that needs to upload a large file, while that file is uploading is it possible to progress through a series of other screens, to continue to obtain input from user, then once they get to the final screen, file is uploaded.
Anyone have a trick for something like this ? As i know the file upload happens within a form post/get.
You can do this using an iframe, which simple links to a page with a form to post a file, once the user has selected a file and clicked upload/submit you can hide the iframe and progress into our areas... but things will get tricky where you need to handle errors, ie: incorrect file formats, zero byte files etc... maybe you can download the file and display any errors right at the end of your process/wizard input.

Opening an Excel .xlsx file in IE and following its embedded hyperlinks back to file server

I have an intranet site that lets users open files in the browser (by prompting for download). One of these files is an .xlsx workbook that contains hyperlinks which point to different locations of files (.pdfs, .docs) on the file server in which the .xlsx workbook is located.
It seems the file server path to the workbook is replaced by a "Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/" path, leading to the warning "cannot open the specified file" in Excel.
I tried downloading the Excel document first and then following the links, but they're still opening in the temp internet location
For instance, when hovering over the hyperlinks in excel they read: "file:///C:\Documents And Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet files\Content.IE5\40WSS3CB\" + filename
when they should read: "file:///\servername\Departments\Read\" + filename
How can I still open the excel file in the browser and retain the hyperlinks inside and have them not be replaced by the temporary internet files path?
can someone point me in the right direction ? Thanks!
I did some testing, and it almost comes from the way you store links. If you browse through the dialog of Insert hyperlink, then you will end with relative urls. That is, the common base is stored as a reference to the current xlsx file path, and the remainder is stored and displayed as link.
You are totally in the issue Richard Hare mentions, so following the procedure from the microsoft support site should help. It did the trick on my test at least.
UPDATE to sum up down.with.the.bass comments :
One option to solve this, if doable, is to open xlsx file from its network share location and not through the website. If it is forbidden for whatever reason, you may be able to update the links using a macro.
Do you have an option like "Update links on save" enabled?
In an earlier version of Excel it was set in Tools, Options, General-tab, Web Options-button, Files-tab.
Try unchecking it and resaving the document.
I just did in my server the same task (the one I understood):
Uploaded the hyperlink to some webpage.
test<br />
The "book1.xlsx" file has inside a cell which refers (hyperlinks) to some share directory (i.e \\NHSTXX1\TEST\MS OFFICE EXCEL - \\SERVERNAME\FOLDER\OTHER FOLDER )
And when clicked the hyperlinked cell, it opened the share directory I was looking for.
I tried with Firefox.
hope this help
Hyperlinks shouldn't just mysteriously change. I saved an excel file with a hyperlink in it - opened it with html - saved it - open it in excel again - and the link stays the same. So I'm not sure how this could be happening to you(if I understand your situation correctly).

Firefox response.redirect not working for files

I am trying to allow the user to download an excel file, by using
"http://localhost/myapp/download_folder/example excel file_july.xls")
in page load of an page
but on the client side i a m getting the following screen in firefox 3.5
You can observe that the file name and file type are shown as empty fields. The ok and cancel buttons are not doing anything.
This happens only in firefox 3.5, it is working in firefox later versions and other browsers.
I tried clearing the Response with Response.Clear(), using Response.BinaryWrite with the file byte array and even tried to open the file with the javascript by calling
you are doing it the wrong way.
just as an example, look at what is done in the question body here:
How to download file and reload
in your case you should probably use an overload of Response.Write.
the point is that you should set some Response headers to tell the browser file name, file length and content type at least.
