Drupal: xmlsitemap file is not generated - drupal

I have chosen XMLSiteMap module from the most popular usage statistics on Drupal site,
so I assume the module is not too buggy. But the map file is absent.
I've installed this module on my Windows machine into drupal/sites/default/modules.
I've activated all the submodules of XMLSiteMap in admin menu.
Per docs, I've also run cron.php manually to create sitemap.xml in drupal/sites/default/files - but it's just not present there even when second re-install.
How can I force to create sitemap.xml?
(also tried with and w/o clean URLs - still no help).
Also, if there any good reliable alternative for this module?

Are you sure you've installed it properly? Please check the Status report (admin/logs/status in Drupal 5, admin/reports/status in Drupal 6) to ensure that you've got everything right.
It's possible that you haven't set the permissions of sites/default/files properly yet for example.

I'm not sure if this will help you, but if you are looking for an actual created sitemap.xml file rather than navigating to it in the browser I don't believe one is created by the module. I think the module creates a menu callback to create the sitemap file, so a request for sitemap.xml is handled by Drupal's menu system, rather than creating an actual file. There will however be a cached version in sites/default/files/xmlsitemap.
Apologies if this is an oversimplification of the question asked.
I have not had any problems with the reliability of the module myself.

Also make sure you have the latest version installed, it just came out yesterday:
Also, see this issue, seems related to your problem:

I'd probably recommend trying the 6.x-2.x branch which I've been rewriting to kind of solve all the annoying bugs and architectural problems of the 6.x-1.x branch. It's currently incomplete, but it works for nodes and menu items currently. Taxonomy terms and user profiles will be added soon.
You can find the link to it on the project page. Sorry I can't link since I'm a new user. :)

Running the CRON worked for me:


How to version control with WordPress

I want to set up a system where a developer can work on a separate server on a wordpress website.
My question is: If in the meantime changes are made to the live site (like plugin updates, new plugins, new posts, new comments, etc), how is one able to import a new feature (e.g. a new page) from the development server on the live site while making sure that previous changes on the live site don't get deleted?
I am looking to understand how this all works. In a sense, I would like to have some kind of version control system.
Thanks in advance :)
You can version control your own code using git. Basically we would init a new git repo and commit changes onto this repository. This can lie separately outside of the core files. i.e you only need to include the wp-content directory and ignore all the other core wordpress files.
Here is a good article on how to do a really good versioning system for a website.
The posts and pages (basically content) in a wordpress site however lies in the database.Any changes made there will be permanent.
The only option is to keep taking regular backups of the content. You can do this by using an automated backup tool.
If you really want to version control your database, here is an article that helps:
This one is a tricky one. You cant host a single website on two servers. Just imagine a website having 2 hosted urls..!! No way.. You can never do that.
You better create a new user and give access to him. Look carefully in the settings and be a admin. You will have a chance to approve or reject what the second user changes.
Hope this helps.

DNN 6.2 URL hacked

I am running one of my client's websites on DotNetNuke 6.2. Yesterday I noticed that the menu links for the website appear to have been hacked.
So when I click on a link which is supposed to go to: www.wossname.com/search.aspx
It instead takes me to: http://www.wossname.comlley.com.auomnern.edumd400b40cn/Search.aspx
So basically I think that someone has hacked the URL generation bit of DNN and added some malicious code to our DNN installation. I am aware that I should upgrade to the latest version of DNN but I am looking for a short term fix to keep the site running in the interim.
Is their any solution to this?
Sorry about asking an off topic question. I was under the impression that it would be a scripting issue and would be related to code. Anyway I just happened to check the database and noticed that multiple aliases are being created. So if you are having a similar problem simply delete those aliases and you should get the site running in the interim. Of course do update your version of DNN ASAP!

Can Wordpress automatic update harm my website?

Recently I got to know that my Wordpress site is automatically updating itself when a new version of Wordpress is available. I know that this automatic feature is available in
Wordpress since sometimes back. But I have some questions about this
1) Can this be risky in any case?
2) Doesn't it a matter the way how we have installed Wordpress? (e.g plugins and security settings)
3) Does Wordpress have a way to recover our website if anything happen?
4) Don't they keep any backup before do the update?
Could you please give me your answers to the above?
I'll answer each of your questions to the best of my knowledge:
1) Can this be risky in any case?
The automatic updates are mostly security updates. Though you can never be 100% sure it doesn't break anything, security updates don't deprecate functions or change much on how the CMS works. This means that nearly every plugin and theme can still use the same functions without issue.
2) Doesn't it a matter the way how we have installed Wordpress? (e.g plugins and security settings)
This ofcourse matters, to some extend. But if a site is working in Wordpress 3.8.3, it will still work in Wordpress 3.8.4. If a site however uses functions that will be deprecated, you might have problems when upgrading from 3.8 to 3.9. However, major updates aren't done automatically, and still need to be done manually, giving you the opportunity to make a backup beforehand.
3) Does Wordpress have a way to recover our website if anything happen?
No, it doesn't. You CAN however turn of the automatic updates. But, as stated at question 1, the risks aren't very big with the security updates.
4) Don't they keep any backup before do the update?
No they don't. It is your own responsibility to keep backups of your website.
I hope this answers your questions. If something is unclear, please let me know in the comments, and I'll look into it for you.
If your themes and plugins use functions from Codex then I think your are much safer. Make sure the plugins and themes are using functions to get directories and URI's through functions defined by Codex, what I mean to say is:
use: get_template_directory_uri();
instead of xyz.com/wp-content/themes or even home_url('/wp-content/themes'); and other things like that.
yes sometime it can create a mess and it won't allow to admin to login.
most command questions asked are
Can't login after automatic update
login failed after wordpress update.
here is a very quick fix for all of them.
Here is all answer of your questions, please check below:
1. Can this be risky in any case?
The automatic updates are good for security purpose but some times it will break our function work in website because some plugin developer will not update own code according to wp updates so it would be good you can manually updates all things after checking plug-ins compatibility with new version.
2. Doesn't it a matter the way how we have installed Wordpress?
No it always matter, because some times wordpress core developer changes the function and they will be depreciate in new version so it would be good, always take backup of website and manually do the updates.
3. Does Wordpress have a way to recover our website if anything happen?
No, but you can install wp plugin and schedule it to take backup in each week.so you can at-least get the latest backup of website. I always use the back up plugin in my websites.
4. Don't they keep any backup before do the update?
No they don't take backup of website. but wp always show notification when you start update please take backup.

does drupal path module affect other modules

Have been asked to shift a custom made module of drupal site to another site (which is based on Openpublish d7). That module primarily is for providing web service data when a specific url is called (thus the module is implementing menu_hook).
However when adding and activating the module on the new site, it gives an error when that specific url is called that page does not exist.
First the assumption was that Openpublish may not have hooks but recently saw the path module installed (which in my knowledge required the menu hook).
Now the question was that whether it is possible that the path module may be causing issues for the custom module's menu hook to work properly.. ? if so, can there be any workarounds. cannot possibly turn off the path module as i have only been asked to add this new module and the site is already live (so experimentation may not be a choice :) )
Any help appreciated..
issue seems to have been solved after clearing the drupal cache . wasn't actually considering cache at that time.
thought to answer in case it helps others as well :)

Etherpad and Wordpress, possible?

I recently stumbled upon Etherpad, it's a collaborative writing tool
http://code.google.com/p/etherpad/ - main project page
online Examples:
I want to add this engine somehow to my wordpress and let people collaborate their posts,
I'm wondering if it has been done before and/or does it take more than
shared hosting (that is what I have) to do it [server capabilities or what-not] ?
In general, I think this is a complicated way to go about it. Also, Etherpad allows some very basic font formatting but no images and such things you might want to include in a blog. Instead I suggest looking for some Wordpress plugin for collaborative writing, and you might find something less "real-timey" but perhaps good enough.
Or if you really want to try with Etherpad:
Etherpad needs lots of memory (RAM) to run. A typical configuration is 1 GB, but it might be possible to get by on 128MB dedicated to Etherpad. This means you'll need at least 256MB in total for a first attempt. Your shared host also needs to have a Java server installed (typically Jetty) and some proxying server (typically nginx). All in all, you have some work ahead of you in just getting Etherpad up and running. After that, integrating into the Wordpress blog editor. If/how this can be done, I don't know. I'd probably do a client-side javascript-hack to get the Wordpress textarea or richtext editarea to update from the Etherpad readonly view, which is the only place where you can get the contents of a pad as more-or-less raw source text.
A simpler solution would be to just add an Etherpad page through an iFrame. See this post for example - http://www.knowledgepolicy.com/2010/02/embed-etherpad-into-blogpost-or-on-any.html
In theory it's possible to replace Wordpress' editor with an Etherpad Lite iFrame. Etherpad now allows image/font editing and table support as plugins.
Java is no longer required for Etherpad, NodeJS however is.
Here is a plugin that is in development that does what you want - however development seemed to stop in early 2012.
http://participad.org/ seems to be the best solution in this space to date. I haven't tested it on my own site, but they have an at least partially-working demo online.
Yes! It is possible. WordPress now has a plugin. The plugin has three modules which enables an Editor in dashboard and let you edit via front-end.
You can find more details on their FAQ page.
