DNN 6.2 URL hacked - asp.net

I am running one of my client's websites on DotNetNuke 6.2. Yesterday I noticed that the menu links for the website appear to have been hacked.
So when I click on a link which is supposed to go to: www.wossname.com/search.aspx
It instead takes me to: http://www.wossname.comlley.com.auomnern.edumd400b40cn/Search.aspx
So basically I think that someone has hacked the URL generation bit of DNN and added some malicious code to our DNN installation. I am aware that I should upgrade to the latest version of DNN but I am looking for a short term fix to keep the site running in the interim.
Is their any solution to this?

Sorry about asking an off topic question. I was under the impression that it would be a scripting issue and would be related to code. Anyway I just happened to check the database and noticed that multiple aliases are being created. So if you are having a similar problem simply delete those aliases and you should get the site running in the interim. Of course do update your version of DNN ASAP!


Sudden Website Title Change and Order Email Notification not Working

I am not sure about my what happened to my site but the site title suddenly change to
+ADw-/title+AD4-Hacked By Mister Spy +ACYAJg Souheyel.+ADw-DIV style+AD0AIg-DISPLAY: none+ACIAPgA8-xmp+AD4
and my order email is not working properly. Anyone got same problem?
Do you think what happened to my site? Any Solution to this?
Ah, the clue is this: "Hacked By Mister Spy".
You got hacked because you are using an old version of WordPress. That's very typical; when running WordPress, keep it and all themes/plugins updated in order to stay safe and secure.
Since version 3.7, WordPress will automatically update itself with security fixes when they are released by WordPress. FYI, these security updates are not full updates to the latest version; they are patches, and you will still see advisories to fully update to the latest full version.
To correctly clean your site and hosting account of the hack, carefully follow https://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_My_site_was_hacked .
Then take a look at the recommended security measures in https://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress and http://codex.wordpress.org/Brute_Force_Attacks

Slow page load after Wordpress 4.0.1 update

All my WP sites ran perfectly fast until they got automatically updated to 4.0.1, now they each take approximately 3 minutes to load any page, even in admin. I am using different hostings on those pages, so it's not server related.
Do you please have any ideas what might be causing the problem or what should I try to do? I tried rolling back to 4.0 but the slowness stays. I'm getting desperate.
I was facing the same problem, i guess you are using the same template on your all sites. I recommend to change your theme to Twenty Fourteen.
In my case I narrowed the issue down to the options table of the WordPress database. I'm not entirely sure which rogue option caused the issue after updating to 4.0.1 but something was choking it up pretty badly as every page request was taking 2-3min to load both on front and backend.
I've replaced the options table with a fresh one and the problem was gone. The issue was resolved easily in my case as the website was fairly simple, however, if yours has numerous option values then your only hope it so dissect the table to find what could be choking it.

can't update concrete5 add ons with this error: Unable to locate this add-on on concrete5.org"

I can't update all the add ons that I have installed, everytime I click that "update plugins" button, I got this error message: "Unable to locate this add-on on concrete5.org" on every plugins that i want to update
At first, I developed the website on my localhost. I connect it to the marketplace from there, so the URL of the project is something like this: locahost/myConcrete5Web,... in the middle of the development, I moved it to a development server. I'm not so sure if the problem appear on this server or not, cause I don't test the update functionality in here. By the way, when googling for the solution of my problem, I found the similarity of the case on this thread (http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/chat/marketplace-is-broken-on-upgrade-to-5.5/) with the one I have right now. So, just FYI, I do update the concrete5 version on this development server. From 5.5 to 5.6
My client start found the problem on the staging server. He tried to update the plugins and got that error message that I mentioned earlier. He told me and I started to google out for the solution. I found several clue from these pages:
So, I tried to disconnect my website on the staging server by removing the value of MARKETPLACE_SITE_TOKEN & MARKETPLACE_SITE_URL_TOKEN on the database. Nothing changed. Next, I tried to delete the project listed on my concrete5 marketplace account. Turns out the problem getting worse. My concrete5 installatation still says that it is connected to the marketplace. They still show the project URL of the one that I have deleted before.
Now, I have no project listed on my account, when I tried to reconnect to the marketplace, it's show that i have successfully connect my web to concrete5 marketplace with the same project URL that I have deleted before. yet there's still no project listed on my account. Now, regarding the paid add ons, I'm kinda confused right now, where does my paid add on license go with this condition?? Do I still have it?
Anybody know how to resolve this problem?
Please feel free to ask for more clarification, my english is bad and I don't think my message could be understood well enough
Not really sure if this is the correct place to post question like this. I've posted this on concrete5's forum with no response at all. I think this is the kind of issue that should be complained to the concrete5 team. The fault seems to be on how their marketplace work. But unfortunately, AFAIK, they don't give such technical support/bug report for this. So, I hope stackoverflow could help me out.

Integrate blog into own website

There are already several questions with a similar title, but they received either no answers, or the answers were too specific.
I would like to integrate a blog into a website, so that content can be updated using a simple interface, e.g. from a wordpress/blogger/... account. I find the solutions with iframe cumbersome and unprofessional and I am not sure that modding a wordpress/blogger/... theme gives satisfactory results either, plus, I am not fond of running a whole wordpress engine on my website.
I build my light-weight websites from scratch (in gedit, Notepad for Linux), so I am not tied to any particular system or software and have full control over the layout.
Do you have any suggestions for achieving a satisfactory solution? Will I have to learn ASP.NET and IIS?
Many thanks.
WordPress is a good solution for your system. It's easy to install and use.
Requirements from WordPress Codex:
WordPress server requirements for Version 3.2:
o PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
o MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater
o (Optional)(Required for MultiSite) Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)
It is also required that you install it on Apache. So, no need to learn ASP.NET and IIS.
If you want to have a blog, just pust the wordpress files in a folder called blog and install it there. You will then be able to access the website from yourdomain.com/blog/
Perhaps, I think integrating WP will be the best solution.. Integrating WordPress.
And for the IIS alternative, ChiliASP can be an alternative for IIS on Linux, but costs $$$ and I heard it wasn't working well. Alternative to that, learn PHP/MySQL. You'll never regret learning it, and you'll never go back to IIS/ASP. Linux/GNU opens doors like you wont beleive.

Drupal: xmlsitemap file is not generated

I have chosen XMLSiteMap module from the most popular usage statistics on Drupal site,
so I assume the module is not too buggy. But the map file is absent.
I've installed this module on my Windows machine into drupal/sites/default/modules.
I've activated all the submodules of XMLSiteMap in admin menu.
Per docs, I've also run cron.php manually to create sitemap.xml in drupal/sites/default/files - but it's just not present there even when second re-install.
How can I force to create sitemap.xml?
(also tried with and w/o clean URLs - still no help).
Also, if there any good reliable alternative for this module?
Are you sure you've installed it properly? Please check the Status report (admin/logs/status in Drupal 5, admin/reports/status in Drupal 6) to ensure that you've got everything right.
It's possible that you haven't set the permissions of sites/default/files properly yet for example.
I'm not sure if this will help you, but if you are looking for an actual created sitemap.xml file rather than navigating to it in the browser I don't believe one is created by the module. I think the module creates a menu callback to create the sitemap file, so a request for sitemap.xml is handled by Drupal's menu system, rather than creating an actual file. There will however be a cached version in sites/default/files/xmlsitemap.
Apologies if this is an oversimplification of the question asked.
I have not had any problems with the reliability of the module myself.
Also make sure you have the latest version installed, it just came out yesterday:
Also, see this issue, seems related to your problem:
I'd probably recommend trying the 6.x-2.x branch which I've been rewriting to kind of solve all the annoying bugs and architectural problems of the 6.x-1.x branch. It's currently incomplete, but it works for nodes and menu items currently. Taxonomy terms and user profiles will be added soon.
You can find the link to it on the project page. Sorry I can't link since I'm a new user. :)
Running the CRON worked for me:
