What tag should I use instead of deprecated tag font in html (cannot use CSS) - css

this question can create a misunderstanding: I know I have to use CSS to validate successfully my document as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The fact is that I have to embed in my webpage a picture composed by zeros and ones created with text image, and the problem is that the code uses deprecated tag font and looks like this
<font size="-3">
<font color="#000000">0001100000101101100011</font>
<font color="#010000">00</font>
<font color="#020101">0</font>
<font color="#040101">0</font>
<font color="#461919">1</font>
<font color="#b54f4f">1</font>
(In this code example I inserted a newline after each couple of tags to make it more readable, but the original code is all in one line because of the <pre> tag).
The font's color changes at least thousands times so I never considered to create a field in the CSS for each combination.Hope someone knows at least where to find a solution, I searched everywhere :)

You could replace
<font color="#000000">0001100000101101100011</font>
<span style="color:#000000">0001100000101101100011</span>
*Edit: I know this is CSS, but it doesn't involve a separate stylesheet like the question states, which may be ok.

Thanks a lot! :D I used this code
<div style="font-size:x-small;font-family:monospace">
<span style="color:#000000">0001100000101101100011</span>
<span style="color:#010000">00</span>
It works correctly! :D

What about javascript ?
Send the color data as a JSON array, the '0' and '1' as another array and dynamically generate the DOM elements.
values = [1, 0, 0, 1, ... ]
colors = ["010000", "020101", ...]
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
span = createElement("span"); // use a portable function for creating elements
span.setAttribute("style", "color:#"+colors[i]);
txtNode = document.createTextNode(values[i]);
Or something like this...

Why does it need to validate?
The solution you've already got is absolutely fine for what you're doing. It works. This is not a meaningful document that should be marked up with semantic tags for improved accessibility; it's a work of art, so feel free to ignore the rules if it helps you express your intentions more clearly.
If validation is part of the artistic statement you're trying to make, then use <span style="color:#ff00ff;">00</span> as suggested by other posters - but that'll increase your file size considerably.
Another approach is just to change the doctype so you're not targetting XHTML Transitional - use <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> or some earlier HTML revision instead.


How to display only part of string with CSS

This feels like something that everyone would say to use JavaScript for, but I'm asking anyway.
Take this DOM as an example:
<p>Check out these links:</p>
I'm looking for a way that I could show the last part of the URL that is being pointed to, without using JavaScript, or putting it in the HTML.
I was thinking that I might be able to shorten it down to something like this:
<base href="https://example.com/" />
<p>Check out these links:</p>
<a href="foo" />
<a href="bar" />
<a href="baz" />
<a href="quux" />
With the following CSS:
a::after {
contents: attr("href");
But, I have other links on the web page that use relative links to link to scripts, styles, other pages on the domain, etc.
I was thinking that I might be able to split the last part of the string after / off and display it, but I'm not sure if strings can be manipulated or even read in CSS at all.
It would be nice if we could control the HTML href attribute using CSS, but I doubt that's possible either.
Does anyone have a better solution?

Data-sly-list is adding white space, causing bugginess

I'm having an issue where an unordered list created by data-sly-list is adding whitespace that isn't represented in the DOM or by any class. If I manually code the list rather than letting data-sly-list handle it, the whitespace isn't added.
 <div class="bullets">
    <ul class="columns unordered-list" id="stateList">
      <div data-sly-unwrap data-sly-list.slidesNode="${resource.listChildren}">
        <div data-sly-unwrap data-sly-list.states="${slidesNode.listChildren}">
          <li data-sly-test="${states.valueMap.flag}">
<sly data-sly-use.htmlpaths="${'htmlpaths.js' # thePath=states.valueMap.path}" data-sly-unwrap>
If I hardcode the list like the following, there's no whitespace
  <div class="bullets">
    <ul class="columns unordered-list" id="stateList">
There's also a htmlpaths.js involved:
"use strict";
use(function() {
var path = this.thePath;
var httpRegex = /http/;
    var hashRegex = /#/;
    if (path !== undefined && (httpRegex.test(path) === false && hashRegex.test(path) === false)){
       path = path + '.html';
return {
href: path
The only difference I see is that its run through Sightly iterating. Is there any fix to this? In addition to listing I'm trying to break them into columns with the following CSS
li {
This works perfectly fine on the hardcoded list, but on the Sightly iterated one it creates all kind of weird spacing issues that change based on screen width
This whitespace isn't accounted for at all in the DOM. I'm not sure what to do.
More weirdness:
If the margin top is set to -9 or higher, it looks like the above screenshot. But if its set to -10 or lower, it looks like this
It's like its a breakpoint, it goes from one extreme to the other on that one pixel change. No change otherwise. It's bizarre.
It's a little weird behavior in sightly, when you have some extra spaces in your HTML code, it will display with extra spaces in the HTML.
Try to remove all the spaces in the HTML as shown below and try it.
 <div class="bullets"><ul class="columns unordered-list" id="stateList"><sly data-sly-list.slidesNode="${resource.listChildren}"><sly data-sly-list.states="${slidesNode.listChildren}"><li>${states.valueMap.name}</li></sly></sly></ul></div>
You can use HTML formatter in your IDE or online tools like below to format the HTML for a readable format
<div class="bullets">
<ul class="columns unordered-list" id="stateList">
<sly data-sly-list.slidesNode="${resource.listChildren}">
<sly data-sly-list.states="${slidesNode.listChildren}">
This should get rid of the extra spaces in your HTML.
Also, it is best to use sightly tags wherever we need some conditions to check or embed them directly in the actual div tag or html tags instead of using data-sly-unwrap.
You can also use sling models to get the required data and check all the conditions(including appending html) in the backend and send the data just to display and avoid all the conditions in sightly.
Using data-sly-unwrap or a sly tag still adds an empty line in the generated HTML. Even though most browsers ignore those spaces, they might cause issues in some cases. If you want the HTL output to look similar to your hardcoded HTML, try placing the use statement and anchor tag in a single line as shown below.
<div class="bullets">
    <ul class="columns unordered-list" id="stateList" data-sly-list.slidesNode="${resource.listChildren}">
       <li data-sly-repeat.states="${slidesNode.listChildren}" data-sly-test="${states.valueMap.flag}"><sly data-sly-use.htmlpaths="${'htmlpaths.js' # thePath=states.valueMap.path}">${states.valueMap.name} </sly></li>
Also, a few tips
The sly tag doesn't need a data-sly-unwrap. It is automatically
removed in the generated HTML.
data-sly-list can be added to the parent ul tag itself instead of introducing an extra div tag and then unwrapping it.
Use data-sly-repeat instead of data-sly-list wherever possible. I was able to bring down the generated HTML of one of our complex pages from 20k lines to 12k lines, as data-sly-repeat doesn't introduce additional white spaces.
The issue is on line 7 of your HTL template:
You have a space at the end of the inner HTML of your tag ;)
Regarding your htmlpaths.js script, are you aware of Transformers in AEM? You can use them to implement a global Link Rewriter which will fix links when a page is rendered, much like your script does. You can see an example here: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem63_link_rewriter.html
If you decide to keep htmlpaths.js, you may want to review it because I'm afraid there might be some problems with it. Of course, I don't know your requirement so it's just a suggestion :)

Adding widget (dynamic) CSS in Genshi (TurboGears 2)

I'm trying to figure out how to add CSS in Genshi to some markup which is dynamically generated. I'm trying to avoid inline CSS, and ideally the rules would appear in the <head/> tag of the parent document.
I'm working with existing code that looks like this (I rewrote this from the original, to simplify, so I might have some syntax mistakes; but the original works, so I think you can ignore syntax mistakes if any):
<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
<style type="text/css">
.file-widget {
background-color:#eee; display:inline-block; padding:4px;
<py:def function="file_widget(file_name)">
<div class=".file-widget">
class FileWidget:
def html():
markup_template = genshi.template.MarkupTemplate('''
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<xi:include href="my_project/widgets/file_widget.html" />
markup = markup_template.generate(file_name = self.file_name, description = genshi.core.Markup(self.description))
return markup.render('html', doctype = 'html')
<div py:for='widget in app.widgets'>
${ genshi.core.Markup( widget.html() ) }
Unfortunately, the <style/> tag gets rendered twice: once, as I want it to be, inside the original document <head/>, and then the widget <head/> gets rendered again.
How can I change the code to properly include the CSS in the right place? Since this is collaborative code, little changes and clearer code are appreciated!
Thanks for reading and for your help.
You might want to use a widget library like ToscaWidget2 which is meant to actually manage widgets with resources.
Otherwise you might want to use a static files framework like fanstatic which provides support for resources inclusion: http://www.fanstatic.org/en/1.0a5/quickstart.html#including-resources-with-fanstatic
If you want to roll your own custom solution you should register the resources somewhere whenever the widget is rendered (like in request) and then add them to the head tag when template is rendered. This is actually what tw2.core.resources does: https://github.com/toscawidgets/tw2.core/blob/develop/tw2/core/resources.py

Cancelling a style sheet from certain parts of HTML [duplicate]

This question may sound a bit weird/novice/stupid. Please bear with me.
The below code is a small portion of a webpage I have created using CSS,
HTML and coldfusion.
---------------------Part 1--------------------------------------
<CFIF CompareNoCase('#aid#', 0)>
<cfinclude template="show.cfm">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css?1322665623">
---------------------------PART 2------------------------------------
<body id="wp-home">
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="header left">
<h1>Name Of Client</h1>
<div class="tagline">
<span class="left blair">home</span>
<span class="headerline"></span>
<span class="right blair">antiques</span>
As you see, I have included a css file, style.css which contains all the style classes required to display PART 2 correctly.
Problem is, whenever part 1 is active ( is true), the same
css is applied to elements in file SHOW.CFM also. This totally messes up the page's original display.
For the time being I have placed a tag below the link to stop page from processing and the css file being loaded.
I have checked show.css multiple times and can confirm that no class from styles.css is used in it.
Hence, my question is if I can stop the styles from style.css to be applied on elements loaded from SHOW.CFM
Pardon me if the question is insanely stupid ;)
If a selector matches then a rule will apply until overridden by a rule (which sets the same property) further down the cascade.
You can either change your selectors to stop them matching the elements you don't want them to match, or you can override all your rules in that section.
HTML5 allows scoped stylesheets, but only Firefox supports it so far. There is also a polyfill JavaScript.
Therefore, you'll have to adapt your markup and styles so that it only matches part2, and not part1. In a pinch, you can precede every selector with #wrapper. For example, if a rule says a{color:red}, substitute that with #wrapper a {color:red;}.
By the way, part1 should probably be a child of <body> instead of <head>.
Use the pseudo-class :not():
.myStyle:not(.classWhereYouDontWantToApplyTheStyle) {
What about using if else instead of just if to determine which css file you should include? In other words, include styles.css only when part 2 displays. That way, you avoid inheritance and scoping issues altogether.

why <br /> and not <br/>?

This is one of those things that you read once, say "aha!" and then forget. Exactly my case.
Why is the line-break tag in xhtml preferentially written with a space <br /> and not in the also ok format <br/> ? I remember the reason was interesting, and as you can imagine it's not easy to find with google.
For sure it's not an issue of xml well-formedness. From W3C
[44] EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
Empty-element tags may be used for any element which has no content, whether
or not it is declared using the keyword EMPTY. For interoperability, the
empty-element tag should be used, and should only be used, for elements which
are declared EMPTY.
Examples of empty elements:
<IMG align="left" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home" />
So the space at the end is optional.
w3c specifies this as the grammar:
EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
That means open bracket, a name, a number of (space and attribute) tokens, an optional space, a slash, and an end tag. According to this, both are correct.
If I recall correctly it's simply because some older browsers had problems with a self-closing tag without a space before the slash. I doubt it's an issue nowadays, but a lot of developers (myself included) got into the habit of including the space.
Edit: Ah, here we are:
Include a space before the trailing / and > of empty elements, e.g. <br />, <hr /> and <img src="karen.jpg" alt="Karen" />. Also, use the minimized tag syntax for empty elements, e.g. <br />, as the alternative syntax <br></br> allowed by XML gives uncertain results in many existing user agents.
Some older browsers didn't parse the element correctly without the space, so most web developers use <br />. I don't remember which browsers offhand, but I believe they're just about extinct.
EDIT: The browser was Netscape 4.
There is no right way in XHTML. They are formally identical in XML. Whitespace is not significant in that location.
For XHTML: both of them. For HTML4 and earlier: neither.
<br /> is valid (old) HTML, while <br/> is not. If you are serving your XHTML as XML, it doesn't matter. If you are serving it as text/html, then it needs to be valid HTML in addition to being valid XHTML. (Why serve XHTML as HTML? Because IE doesn't understand XHTML as XML, and because no major browser will start rendering XHTML mid-way through downloading the text, but they will do that to HTML. My blog appears to load slowly not because the site is slow, but because the browser won't start rendering the page until everything has been fetched. I hate browsers.)
A little background to add to Matt Hamilton's answer.
A least one problem browser was Netscape 4. A quick check shows that in that browser, <br/> (i.e. no space) doesn't cause a line break. In fact, it doesn't appear to do anything. <br /> (i.e. with space) does perform a line break.
When creating polyglot documents that can behave as XHTML or HTML (Note: "behave as" - not "valid") it's necessary to use either <br /> or <br></br>. However, when parsed as HTML, </br> is treated as if it was <br>, so <br></br> produces two line breaks.
Both <br/> and <br /> are correct. The reason that <br /> came about in the first place was to support older browsers that didn't understand the new <br/> syntax. It's really kind of a hack where the / is interpreted as an attribute with no value and ignored.
Both are correct, and both will be accepted by web browsers. You may as well save yourself the extra character, and use <br/>
Both are correct. But I would use <br /> just to keep my code consistent... because I would never write
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
instead of
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
just to save a byte... and the second version is imho better readable. But that's just a matter of taste. Do it as you like, but do it consistent :-)
Either will work just fine. Assuming you are asking for evangelical reasons, I prefer <br/>
Both are correct.
<br>. You aren't using XML anyway.
