plot a 3 axis graph as a mesh - math

I have seen 3d surface plots of data before but i do not know what software i could use to make it.
I have 3 series of data (X, Y, Z) basically i want each of the rows on the table to be a point in 3d space, all joined as a mesh. The data is currently csv, but i can change the format, as it is data i generated myself.
Can anyone help

If your x & y points topologically lie on a grid, then you can use MESH. They don't need to have even spacing; they just need to be organized so that x(r:r+1,c:c+1) and y(r:r+1,c:c+1) define a quadrilateral on your mesh, for each row r and column c.
If your data do not lie on a grid, but you know what the faces should be, look at the PATCH function.
If you only have points and you don't know anything about the surface, you need to first solve the surface reconstruction problem. I've used cocone; there are other good packages there too. Once you have the reconstructed surface, then you can use PATCH to display it.

Have you looked at using vtk? If you have Matlab then you should be able to use plot3d or surf with meshgrid and griddata to generate 3D surface plots or patch as suggested by Mr. Fooz.

gnuplot or scilab
Below is a script for SciLab that I wrote awhile back. It reads in three columns separated by tabs. You can easily change this to fit your needs, pretty self-explanatory. Here is a quick guide to reading/writing in scilab and the one I reference below is here:
function plot_from_file(datafile)
// Make a simple x-y-z plot based on values read from a datafile.
// We assume that the datafile has three columns of floating-point
// values seperated by tabs.
// set verbose = 1 to see lots of diagnostics
verbose = 1;
// open the datafile (quit if we can't)
fid = mopen(datafile, 'r');
if (fid == -1)
error('cannot open datafile');
// loop over all lines in the file, reading them one at a time
num_lines = 0;
while (true)
// try to read the line ...
[num_read, val(1), val(2), val(3)] = mfscanf(fid, "%f\t%f\t%f");
if (num_read <= 0)
if (verbose > 0)
fprintf(1, 'num_lines %3d num_read %4d \n', num_lines, num_read);
if (num_read ~= 3)
error('didn''t read three points');
// okay, that line contained valid data. Store in arrays
num_lines = num_lines + 1;
x_array(num_lines) = val(1);
y_array(num_lines) = val(2);
z_array(num_lines) = val(3);
// now, make the plot
plot3d2(x_array, y_array, z_array);
// close the datafile


applying noise to voronoï for procedural generation

I know how to generate a Voronoï / cell noise such as this one using Delaunay Triangles :
But how do I apply noise to the lines to make them more natural ? I cannot have sharp edges for procedural generation as it would look very out of place and unpleasant.
I am looking for a result that would somehow look like this :
( the picture is from a more advanced project )
Note : I cannot generate the entire map at once ( it is too big ) so the Voronoï diagram is used as metadata but I need a way to know in what cell are the coordinates (x, y) after deformation in order to make it work.
I would randomize 3 - 5 points on each line to generate sub segments, based on a seed computed thanks to the coords of the two original segment points.
This kind of random seed allows to get the same results each time.
You could thus cache the results or decide to compute the same ones again.
Maybe more zoom means more random sub-segments based on the same method.

Constrained (Delaunay) Triangulation

For a university project I need to implement a computer graphics paper that has been relased a couple of years ago. At one point, I need to triangulate the results I get from my simulation. I guess its easier to explain what I need looking at a picture contained within the paper:
Let's say I already have got all the information it takes to reconstruct the contour lines that you can see in the second thumbnail. Using those I need to do some triangulation using those siluettes as constrains. I have searched the internet for triangulation libraries like CGAL, VTK, Triangle, Triangle++, ... but I always ended up throwing my hands up in horror. I am not a good programmer and it seems impossible to me to get into one of those APIs before the deadline of this project passes.
I would appreciate any kind of help like code snipplets, tips, etc...
I know that the algorithms need segments (pairs of points) as input, so let's say I have got one std::vector containing all pairs of points defining the siluette as well as the left and right side of the rectangle.
Can you somehow give me a code snipplet for i.e. CGAL that I could use for my purpose? First of all I just want to achieve the state of the third thumbnail. Lateron I will have to do some displacement within the "cracks" and finally write the information into a VBO for OpenGL rendering.
I have started working it out with CGAL. One simple problem still drives me crazy:
It is possible to attach informations (like ints) to points before adding them up to the triangulator object. I do this since I need on the one hand an int-flag that I use lateron to define my texture coordinates and on the other hand an index which I use so that I can create a indexed VBO.
But instead of points I only want to insert constraint-edges. If I insert both CGAL returns strange results since points have been fed into two times (once as point and once as point of a constrained edge).
Is it possible to connect in the same way as with points information to "Constraints" so that I can only use this function cdt.insert_constraint( Point(j,0), Point(j,6)); before I iterate over the resulting faces?
Lateron when I loop over the triangles I need some way to access the int-flags that I defined before. Like this but not on acutal points but the "ends" defined by the constraint edges:
for(CDT::Finite_faces_iterator fit = m_cdt.finite_faces_begin(); fit != m_cdt.finite_faces_end(); ++fit, ++k) {
int j = k*3;
for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
indices[j+i] = fit->vertex(i)->info().first;

Converting 2 point coords to vector coords for angleBetween()?

I'm working on a PyMEL script that allows the user to duplicate a selected object multiple times, using a CV curve and its points coordinates to transform & rotate each copy to a certain point in space.
In order to achieve this, Im using the adjacent 2 points of each CV (control vertex) to determine the rotation for the object.
I have managed to retrieve the coordinates of the curve's CVs
#Add all points of the curve to the cvDict dictionary
while int<selSize:
pointName='point%s' % int
coords= pointPosition ('[%s]' % (obj,int), w=1)
#Setup the key for the current point
#add coords to x,y,z subkeys to dict
cvDict[pointName]['x']= coords[0]
cvDict[pointName]['y']= coords[1]
cvDict[pointName]['z']= coords[2]
int += 1
Now the problem I'm having is figuring out how to get the angle for each CV.
I stumbled upon the angleBetween() function:
In theory, this should be my solution, since I could find the "middle vector" (not sure if that's the mathematical term) of each of the curve's CVs (using the adjacent CVs' coordinates to find a fourth point) and use the above mentioned function to determine how much I'd have to rotate the object using a reference vector, for example on the z axis.
At least theoretically - the issue is that the function only takes 1 set of coords for each vector and I have absolutely no Idea how to convert my point coords to that format (since I always have at least 2 sets of coordinates, one for each point).
If you wanna go the long way and not grab the world transforms of the curve, definitely make use of pymel's datatypes module. It has everything that python's native math module does and a few others that are Maya specific. Also the math you would require to do this based on CVs can be found here.
Hope that puts you in the right direction.
If you're going to skip the math, maybe you should just create a locator, path-animate it along the curve, and then sample the result. That would allow you to get completely continuous orientations along the curve. The midpoint-constraint method you've outlined above is limited to 1 valid sample per curve segment -- if you wanted 1/4 of the way or 3/4 of the way between two cv's your orientation would be off. Plus you don't have to reinvent all of the manu different options for deciding on the secondary axis of rotation, reading curves with funky parameterization, and so forth.

How do I rotate an image?

See also: Why is my image rotation algorithm not working?
This question isn't language specific, and is a math problem. I will however use some C++ code to explain what I need as I'm not experienced with the mathematic equations needed to express the problem (but if you know about this, I’d be interested to learn).
Here's how the image is composed:
ImageMatrix image;
image[0][0][0] = 1;
image[0][1][0] = 2;
image[0][2][0] = 1;
image[1][0][0] = 0;
image[1][1][0] = 0;
image[1][2][0] = 0;
image[2][0][0] = -1;
image[2][1][0] = -2;
image[2][2][0] = -1;
Here's the prototype for the function I'm trying to create:
ImageMatrix rotateImage(ImageMatrix image, double angle);
I'd like to rotate only the first two indices (rows and columns) but not the channel.
The usual way to solve this is by doing it backwards. Instead of calculating where each pixel in the input image ends up in the output image, you calculate where each pixel in the output image is located in the input image (by rotationg the same amount in the other direction. This way you can be sure that all pixels in the output image will have a value.
output = new Image(input.size())
for each pixel in input:
p2 = rotate(pixel, -angle);
value = interpolate(input, p2)
output(pixel) = value
There are different ways to do interpolation. For the formula of rotation I think you should check
But just to be nice, here it is (rotation of point (x,y) angle degrees/radians):
newX = cos(angle)*x - sin(angle)*y
newY = sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y
To rotate an image, you create 3 points:
and rotate that around A. To get the new rotated image you do this:
rotate ABC around A in 2D, so this is a single euler rotation
traverse in the rotated state from A to B. For every pixel you traverse also from left to right over the horizontal line in the original image. So if the image is an image of width 100, height 50, you'll traverse from A to B in 100 steps and from A to C in 50 steps, drawing 50 lines of 100 pixels in the area formed by ABC in their rotated state.
This might sound complicated but it's not. Please see this C# code I wrote some time ago:
rotoZoomer by me
When drawing, I alter the source pointers a bit to get a rubber-like effect, but if you disable that, you'll see the code rotates the image without problems. Of course, on some angles you'll get an image which looks slightly distorted. The sourcecode contains comments what's going on so you should be able to grab the math/logic behind it easily.
If you like Java better, I also have made a java version once, 14 or so years ago ;) ->
Note there's another solution apart from rotation matrices, that doesn't loose image information through aliasing.
You can separate 2D image rotation into skews and scalings, which preserve the image quality.
Here's a simpler explanation
It seems like the example you've provided is some edge detection kernel. So if what you want to is detect edges of different angles you'd better choose some continuous function (which in your case might be a parametrized gaussian of x1 multiplied by x2) and then rotate it according to formulae provided by kigurai. As a result you would be able to produce a diskrete kernel more efficiently and without aliasing.

Implementing ridge detection

I'm trying to write a ridge detection algorithm, and all of the sources I've found seem to conflate edge detection with ridge detection. Right now, I've implemented the Canny edge detection algorithm, but it's not what I want: for example, given a single line in the image, it will effectively translate it to a double line of edges (since it will record both sides of the line) - I just want it to read the one line.
The wikipedia article about ridge detection has a bunch of math, but this kind of this doesn't help me as a programmer (not that I'm averse to math, but it's not my field, and I don't understand how to translate their differential equations into code). Is there a good source for actually implementing this? Or, for that matter, is there a good open source implementation?
Edit: here's the simple example. We start with a simple line:
and run the Canny Algorithm to get:
(you can see that it's thicker here - if you click on the image, you'll see that it really is two adjacent lines with a blank in between)
Also, I'm writing in C++, but that shouldn't really matter. But I want to code the algorithm, not just write SomePackage::findRidges() and be done with it.
Maybe you need to think in terms of cleaning up the line you already have, rather than a Canny-like edge detection. It feels like you should be able to do something with image morphology, in particular I'm thinking of the skeletonize and ultimate eroded points type operations. Used appropriately these should remove from your image any features which are not 'lines' - I believe they're implemented in Intel's OpenCV library.
You can recover a single line from your double line generated using the Canny filter using one dilate operation followed by 3 erodes (I tried it out in ImageJ) - this should also remove any edges.
I was going to suggest cleaning up your lines like Ian said, but if you don't want to do that, you might also look into doing some variant of a hough transform.
You should be able to get the actual equation for the line from this, so you can make it as thin or as thick as you like. The only tricky part is figuring out where the line ends.
Here's the code I wrote for a hough transform a few years ago, written in MATLAB. I'm not sure how well it works anymore, but it should give you a general idea. It will find all the lines (not segments) in an image
im = imread('cube.tif');
[bin1,bin2,bin3] = canny(im);
%% define constants
binary = bin1;
distStep = 10; % in pixels
angStep = 6; % in degrees
thresh = 50;
%% vote
maxDist = sqrt((size(binary,1))^2+(size(binary,2))^2);
angLoop = 0:angStep*pi/180:pi;
origin = size(binary)/2;
accum = zeros(ceil(maxDist/distStep)+1,ceil(360/angStep)+1);
for y=1:size(binary,2)
for x=1:size(binary,1)
if binary(x,y)
for t = angLoop
dx = x-origin(1);
dy = y-origin(2);
r = x*cos(t)+y*sin(t);
if r < 0
r = -r;
t = t + pi;
ri = round(r/distStep)+1;
ti = round(t*180/pi/angStep)+1;
accum(ri,ti) = accum(ri,ti)+1;
%% find local maxima in accumulator
accumThresh = accum - thresh;
accumThresh(logical(accumThresh<0)) = 0;
accumMax = imregionalmax(accumThresh);
%% calculate radius & angle of lines
dist = [];
ang = [];
for t=1:size(accumMax,2)
for r=1:size(accumMax,1)
if accumMax(r,t)
ang = [ang;(t-1)*angStep/180*pi];
dist = [dist;(r-1)*distStep];
If anyone is still interested in this, here is an implementation of the ridges/valleys algorithm: C++ source code. Look for a function called get_ridges_or_valleys(). This implementation is a 3D version of the algorithm proposed by Linderhed (2009). See page 8 of the paper for the ridges/valleys algorithm.
