MSI for multiple websites WITHOUT custom actions -

I would like to create an installer that installs 6 websites, all of which rely on a data access library. So the solution contains 6 web applications, and 1 class library.
Question is: how can I accomplish this without using custom actions?
So far, the only thing I've thought of is to make merge modules out of the web app projects, each of them throwing in the primary output of the class library project, and then making a main installer that has all the merge modules.

I would put each website in a feature that way you could give the end user the control over which website they require, if that is an option.
Although, you'll have to repeat the same type of code for each website in their respective.wxs file.


How to use .NET 6-windows and .NET 6 targets in one library

I've segregated my WinUI 3 application into different layers: Application, Infrastructure, Presentation etc.
And all the projects have targets: net6.0-windows and I want to move it to the Uno Platform.
So, I've added a new target: net6.0
And at this moment the problem arises:
Type [WinUI] component already defines a member, called InitializeComponent or some problems with binding.
Is it possible to make such type of library with targets to net6-windows and net6.0?
For the Windows app project itself, you need to use net6-windows, as that provides additional dependencies specific to Windows app projects. All other libraries (non-app projects) can then use net6.0.
Regarding the specific error message, you are getting, the reason might be the generated files have some kind of conflict - you can try deleting the obj and bin folders and rebuild.
The easiest way to make existing Windows app support Uno would probably be to create a blank Uno solution and then migrate the code there (as the solution has already the required setup for platform-specific projects prepared and you can then just add your code.
Uno also provides templates for cross-targeted libraries, so you might be able to use similar approach. The one linked is for "UWP" solution however, so to make it WinUI, you would need to switch from uap10.0.18362 to net6-windows.

Design web application as two separate modules for separate deployment

I'm working on a web application that consists of two separate modules. I've finished working on module 1 of the application and right now I'm starting to work on module 2. I need to find a way that allows me to deploy the two modules separately at the customer.
For example, when doing changes to module 1 I would deploy module 1 only, when adding new features in module 2 I would deploy module 2 only.
I currently have a single project in my application which includes module 1:
should I create a new project for module 2? If so, I'm not sure how I can create a link between them, as I will need to navigate from Module 1 to Module 2 using an aspx page or so.
If I let them be in the same project, would that be a good design practice? Also Is there a way to still separate between the deploys?

How to reference code in website

My code is divided into websites, one for each module (in TFS). Also, I have some application level code (like loginpage.aspx, webconfig.xml, Configuration.xml, Common.css, Logo.gif, masterpage.js, mainmaster.master, mainmaster.master.cs, etc) which is common for all module level websites. Is there a way I can reference the common application level files in each module level website. I want to avoid multiple copies of the application level code, by using a reference or some other mechanism.
The best way to handle this kind of shared code is in your solution-structure, so TFS can stay straightforward and your common code is not duplicated localy either.
So try to make the common-code shared by creating a project that provide baseclasses where the other projcets (the websites) can build on.

What are Modules in a project?

Hi i want to know what is meant by modules in a project??how they are classified and how many modules we can have in a project?can anyone explain with simple examples??What modules we can have in a typical online shopping website?
In .net context I believe one can draw 2 meanings not sure what specific you are looking for.
One is modular programming by following design principles like "Separation of concerns", "Single Responsibility", "loose coupling". This means divide you code into classes based on these principles and further group these classes again based on these principles into modules.
In ASP.NET or C# or in general we create class library projects and use them across the entire project. Like all the logging functionality is put in some classes and these classes are include in an class library project which can be called "Logging module". Whenever you need logging in any of the project you can include this module and use the functionality.
Some examples:
Web module for HTTP requests ( The WebApp)
Repository and Data access Layer modules. (DAL code)
Models module containing all the business entities.
WebService modules for integrating with other apps.
Logging for debugging and problem identification
Infrastructure/Utility modules for utility like functionalities and
application configuration.
Business logic modules.
Transaction gateway module.
Other way to define module in .net is they are PE files and I believe they have extension .netmodule which contain Metadata but they do not contain the assembly manifest. To use a module you have to create a PE file with the necessary assembly manifest.
Create a module:
csc /t:module ufo.cs
Create assembly using the module:
csc /t:library /addmodule:ufo.netmodule /out:airvehicles.dll helicopter.cs
Above 2 commands are from this link
The module is an external code that you plugin on your site and runs in order to do some actions.
We make and use modules to have the ability to share the actions of the module with others with out giving the source code, and vice versa, we use modules from other that we do not have access to the source code. Or we can simple use module for have the ability so simplify our code and remove it easy if we do not need it.
We can have as modules as we like, but each module place extra overhead on our code - after all is need to make more thinks there.
More about modules:
How to create module:

Windows symbolic link ASP.NET app repository

We are hosting huge app for our cutomers. There are diffrent configuration and contents (images, user files). But the core code, directories structure, databse scheme is this same for every client.
I'm looking for a way to create one core code repository, so all clientes will use it. We do updates often, so this will make our live easyer.
The idea is to create the repo and In clients directories create just symbolic links to that repo direcories: bin, App_Resources, Css, SystemImages etc.
Is this a good idea? Will ASP.NET MVC app handle this correctly, or I've to add some code for it handle the 'virtual direcotories'?
I would suggest that you take a look Single-tenant and Multi-tenant applications even if you say that your code base is the same for every one.
Here is a nice Multi-Tenancy ASP.NET example
I would also suggest that you check as you can easily push changes from your master repository to appHarbour using Git or Mercurial.
Regarding your exact question, I also keep static files in a custom scheme under Amazon S3, so each client can upload there own files, plus the ones I have and all is based on a single location that does not put more resources just to delivery static files.
You can see my live web application using this technique checking the View Source.
