Drawing an iso line of a 2D implicit scalar field - math

I have an implicit scalar field defined in 2D, for every point in 2D I can make it compute an exact scalar value but its a somewhat complex computation.
I would like to draw an iso-line of that surface, say the line of the '0' value. The function itself is continuous but the '0' iso-line can have multiple continuous instances and it is not guaranteed that all of them are connected.
Calculating the value for each pixel is not an option because that would take too much time - in the order of a few seconds and this needs to be as real time as possible.
What I'm currently using is a recursive division of space which can be thought of as a kind of quad-tree. I take an initial, very coarse sampling of the space and if I find a square which contains a transition from positive to negative values, I recursively divide it to 4 smaller squares and checks again, stopping at the pixel level. The positive-negative transition is detected by sampling a sqaure in its 4 corners.
This work fairly well, except when it doesn't. The iso-lines which are drawn sometimes get cut because the transition detection fails for transitions which happen in a small area of an edge and that don't cross a corner of a square.
Is there a better way to do iso-line drawing in this settings?

I've had a lot of success with the algorithms described here http://web.archive.org/web/20140718130446/http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2vrva/thesis.html
which discuss adaptive contouring (similar to that which you describe), and also some other issues with contour plotting in general.
There is no general way to guarantee finding all the contours of a function, without looking at every pixel. There could be a very small closed contour, where a region only about the size of a pixel where the function is positive, in a region where the function is generally negative. Unless you sample finely enough that you place a sample inside the positive region, there is no general way of knowing that it is there.
If your function is smooth enough, you may be able to guess where such small closed contours lie, because the modulus of the function gets small in a region surrounding them. The sampling could then be refined in these regions only.


How to smooth hand drawn lines?

So I am using Kinect with Unity.
With the Kinect, we detect a hand gesture and when it is active we draw a line on the screen that follows where ever the hand is going. Every update the location is stored as the newest (and last) point in a line. However the lines can often look very choppy.
Here is a general picture that shows what I want to achieve:
With the red being the original line, and the purple being the new smoothed line. If the user suddenly stops and turns direction, we think we want it to not exactly do that but instead have a rapid turn or a loop.
My current solution is using Cubic Bezier, and only using points that are X distance away from each other (with Y points being placed between the two points using Cubic Bezier). However there are two problems with this, amongst others:
1) It often doesn't preserve the curves to the distance outwards the user drew them, for example if the user suddenly stop a line and reverse the direction there is a pretty good chance the line won't extend to point where the user reversed the direction.
2) There is also a chance that the selected "good" point is actually a "bad" random jump point.
So I've thought about other solutions. One including limiting the max angle between points (with 0 degrees being a straight line). However if the point has an angle beyond the limit the math behind lowering the angle while still following the drawn line as best possible seems complicated. But maybe it's not. Either way I'm not sure what to do and looking for help.
Keep in mind this needs to be done in real time as the user is drawing the line.
You can try the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify your curve:
It's a simple algorithm, and parameterization is reasonably intuitive. You may use it as a preprocessing step or maybe after one or more other algorithms. In any case it's a good algorithm to have in your toolbox.
Using angles to reject "jump" points may be tricky, as you've seen. One option is to compare the total length of N line segments to the straight-line distance between the extreme end points of that chain of N line segments. You can threshold the ratio of (totalLength/straightLineLength) to identify line segments to be rejected. This would be a quick calculation, and it's easy to understand.
If you want to take line segment lengths and segment-to-segment angles into consideration, you could treat the line segments as vectors and compute the cross product. If you imagine the two vectors as defining a parallelogram, and if knowing the area of the parallegram would be a method to accept/reject a point, then the cross product is another simple and quick calculation.
If you only have a few dozen points, you could randomly eliminate one point at a time, generate your spline fits, and then calculate the point-to-spline distances for all the original points. Given all those point-to-spline distances you can generate a metric (e.g. mean distance) that you'd like to minimize: the best fit would result from eliminating points (Pn, Pn+k, ...) resulting in a spline fit quality S. This technique wouldn't scale well with more points, but it might be worth a try if you break each chain of line segments into groups of maybe half a dozen segments each.
Although it's overkill for this problem, I'll mention that Euler curves can be good fits to "natural" curves. What's nice about Euler curves is that you can generate an Euler curve fit by two points in space and the tangents at those two points in space. The code gets hairy, but Euler curves (a.k.a. aesthetic curves, if I remember correctly) can generate better and/or more useful fits to natural curves than Bezier nth degree splines.

Calculate a dynamic iteration value when zooming into a Mandelbrot

I'm trying to figure out how to automatically adjust the maximum iteration value when moving around in the Mandelbrot fractal.
All examples I've found uses a constant of 1000 or less but that's not enough when zooming into the fractal set.
Is there a way to determine the number of max_iterations based on for example where you are in the Mandelbrot space (x_start,x_end,y_start,y_end)?
One method I tried was to repetitively pre-process a small area in the region of the Mset boundary with increasing iterations until the percentage change in status from one repetition to the next was small. The problem was, that would vary in different places on the current map, since the "depth" varies across it. How to find the right place to do it? By logging the "deepest" boundary area during the previous generation (that will still be within the next zoom area).
But my best strategy was to avoid iterating wherever possible:
Away from the boundary of the Mset, areas of equal depth can be "contoured" and then filled with that depth. It was not an easy algorithm. Basically I followed a raster scan but when I detected a boundary of iteration change (examining all the neighbours to ensure I wasn't close the the edge of the Mset), I would switch to a curve-stitching method to iterate around a contour back to where it started (obviously not recalculating spots I already did), and then make a second pass filling in the raster lines within the countour with the iteration level. It was fraught with leaks but eventually I cracked it.
Within the Mset, I followed the same approach, because the very last thing you want to do is to plough across vast areas and hit the iteration limit.
The difficult area is close the the boundary, where the iteration results can't be related to smooth contours with the neighbours. The contour stitching method won't work here, since there is only ever 1 pixel of a particular depth.
Using the contour method also will have faults to the lower or Mset sides of this region, but since this area looks chaotic until you zoom deeper, I lived with that.
So having said all that, I simply set the iteration depth as high as I can tolerate, but perhaps you can combine my first paragraph with the area-filling techniques.
BTW colouring the region adjacent to the Mset looks terrible when an animated smooth playback of the zoom is attempted. For that reason I coloured this area in a grey scale, by comparing with neighbours. If there was too much difference, I coloured to 0x808080 at first, then adapted that depending on the predominance of the neighbours' depth. All requiring fine tuning!

Rectangle physics in 2D. Am I doing this right?

I'm writing a 2D game, in which I would like to have crate-like objects. These objects would move around, like real crates do. I have a hypothetical idea of how I would like to achieve that:
Basically I'd store the boxes' corners' coordinates with their force and velocity unit vectors, and in every update I'd basically do the following steps:
1. Apply the forces(gravity, from collisions, etc..) accordingly.
2. Modify velocity vector based on the force.
3. Move every corner of the box, like so:
4. I repeat nr 3. for every corner, so I get the real movement of the cube.
My questions are: Is this approach heading in the right direction? Is this theory even correct? If not, what would be the correct way to move a box around based on vectors in a 2D environment?
Just to clarify: I'm only dragging corner "A" in the picture, but I want to repeat the dragging for every other corner, with their own vectors. By "dragging" I mean the algorithm I just stated.
Keeping each corner's coordinate and speed makes no sense as you would be storing lots of redundant information. Boxes are rigid objects, which means that there are constraints that must be satisfied at any time instant, namely the distance between any two given corners is fixed. This also translates to a constraint that links the velocities of all four corners and so they are not independent values. With rigid bodies the movement of any point is the sum of two independent movements - the linear movement of the centre of mass (CM) and the rotation around a fixed axis - often, but not always, chosen to be the one that goes through the CM. Hence you only need to store the position and the velocity of the crate's CM (which coincides with the geometric centre of the crate) as well as the angle of rotation and the rate of rotation around the CM.
As to the motion, the gravity field is a constant vector field and hence cannot induce rotation in symmetric objects like those rectangular crates. Instead it only produces accelerated vertical motion of the CM. This is also what happens due to all external forces - one has to take their vector sum and apply it to the CM. Only external forces whose direction does not go through the CM give torque and so cause rotation. Such forces are any external pushes/pulls or reaction forces that arise when crates collide with each other or hit the ground / a wall. Computing torque due to external forces is easy but computing reaction forces could be quite involving process because of the constrained dynamics that has to be employed. Once the torque has been computed, one has to divide it by the moment of inertia of the create in order to get the angular acceleration. Often it is more convenient to use another axis and not the one that goes through the CM - Steiner's theorem can be employed in this case in order to compute the moment of inertia around that other axis.
To summarise:
all forces, acting on the create, are first added together (as vectors) and the resultant force (divided by the mass of the create) determines the linear acceleration of the CM;
the torque of all forces is computed and then used to determine the angular acceleration around a given axis.
See here for some sample problems of rigid body motion and how the physics is actually worked out.
Given your algorithm, if by "velocity vector" you actually mean "the velocity of CM", then 1 would be correct - all corners move in the same direction (the linear motion of the CM). But 2 would not be always correct - the proper angle of rotation would depend on the time the torque was applied (e.g. the simulation timestep), and one has to take into account that the lever arm length changes in between as the crate rotates.

Vector Shape Difference & intersection

Let me explain my problem:
I have a black vector shape (let's say it's a series of joined, straight lines for now, but it'd be nice if I could also support quadratic curves).
I also have a rectangle of a predefined width and height. I'm going to place it on top of the black shape, and then take the union of the two.
My first issue is that I don't know how to quickly extract vector unions, but I think there is a well-defined formula I can figure out for myself.
My second, and more tricky issue is how to efficiently detect the position the rectangle needs to be in (i.e., what translation and rotation are needed by the matrices), in order to maximize the black, remaining after the union (see figure, below).
The red outlined shape below is ~33% black; the green is something like 85%; and there are positions for this shape & rectangle wherein either could have 100% coverage.
Obviously, I can brute-force this by trying every translation and rotation value for every point where at least part of the rectangle is touching the black shape, then keep track of the one with the most black coverage. The problem is, I can only try a finite number of positions (and may therefore miss the maximum). Apart from that, it feels very inefficient!
Can you think of a more efficient way of tackling this problem?
Something from my Uni days tells me that a Fourier transform might improve the efficiency here, but I can't figure out how I'd do that with a vector shape!
Three ideas that have promise of being faster and/or more precise than brute force search:
Suppose you have a 3d physics engine. Define a "cone-shaped" surface where the apex is at say (0,0,-1), the black polygon boundary on the z=0 plane with its centroid at the origin, and the cone surface is formed by connecting the apex with semi-infinite rays through the polygon boundary. Think of a party hat turned upside down and crumpled to the shape of the black polygon. Now constrain the rectangle to be parallel to the z=0 plane and initially so high above the cone (large z value) that it's easy to find a place where it's definitely "inside". Then let the rectangle fall downward under gravity, twisting about z and translating in x-y only as it touches the cone, staying inside all the way down until it settles and can't move any farther. The collision detection and force resolution of the physics engine takes care of the complexities. When it settles, it will be in a position of maximal coverage of the black polygon in a local sense. (If it settles with z<0, then coverage is 100%.) For the convex case it's probably a global maximum. To probabilistically improve the result for non-convex cases (like your example), you'd randomize the starting position, dropping the polygon many times, taking the best result. Note you don't really need a full blown physics engine (though they certainly exist in open source). It's enough to use collision resolution to tell you how to rotate and translate the rectangle in a pseudo-physical way as it twists and slides uniformly down the z axis as far as possible.
Different physics model. Suppose the black area is an attractive field generator in 2d following the usual inverse square rule like gravity and magnetism. Now let the rectangle drift in a damping medium responding to this field. It ought to settle with a maximal area overlapping the black area. There are problems with "nulls" like at the center of a donut, but I don't think these can ever be stable equillibria. Can they? The simulation could be easily done by modeling both shapes as particle swarms. Or since the rectangle is a simple shape and you are a physicist, you could come up with a closed form for the integral of attractive force between a point and the rectangle. This way only the black shape needs representation as particles. Come to think of it, if you can come up with a closed form for torque and linear attraction due to two triangles, then you can decompose both shapes with a (e.g. Delaunay) triangulation and get a precise answer. Unfortunately this discussion implies it can't be done analytically. So particle clouds may be the final solution. The good news is that modern processors, particularly GPUs, do very large particle computations with amazing speed. Edit: I implemented this quick and dirty. It works great for convex shapes, but concavities create stable points that aren't what you want. Using the example:
This problem is related to robot path planning. Looking at this literature may turn up some ideas In RPP you have obstacles and a robot and want to find a path the robot can travel while avoiding and/or sliding along them. If the robot is asymmetric and can rotate, then 2d planning is done in a 3d (toroidal) configuration space (C-space) where one dimension is rotation (so closes on itself). The idea is to "grow" the obstacles in C-space while shrinking the robot to a point. Growing the obstacles is achieved by computing Minkowski Differences.) If you decompose all polygons to convex shapes, then there is a simple "edge merge" algorithm for computing the MD.) When the C-space representation is complete, any 1d path that does not pierce the "grown" obstacles corresponds to continuous translation/rotation of the robot in world space that avoids the original obstacles. For your problem the white area is the obstacle and the rectangle is the robot. You're looking for any open point at all. This would correspond to 100% coverage. For the less than 100% case, the C-space would have to be a function on 3d that reflects how "bad" the intersection of the robot is with the obstacle rather than just a binary value. You're looking for the least bad point. C-space representation is an open research topic. An octree might work here.
Lots of details to think through in both cases, and they may not pan out at all, but at least these are frameworks to think more about the problem. The physics idea is a bit like using simulated spring systems to do graph layout, which has been very successful.
I don't believe it is possible to find the precise maximum for this problem, so you will need to make do with an approximation.
You could potentially render the vector image into a bitmap and use Haar features for this - they provide a very quick O(1) way of calculating the average colour of a rectangular region.
You'd still need to perform this multiple times for different rotations and positions, but it would bring it algorithmic complexity down from a naive O(n^5) to O(n^3) which may be acceptably fast. (with n here being the size of the different degrees of freedom you are scanning)
Have you thought to keep track of the remaining white space inside the blocks with something like if whitespace !== 0?

How can I compute the mass and moment of inertia of a polyhedron?

For use in a rigid body simulation, I want to compute the mass and inertia tensor (moment of inertia), given a triangle mesh representing the boundary of the (not necessarily convex) object, and assuming constant density in the interior.
Assuming your trimesh is closed (whether convex or not) there is a way!
As dmckee points out, the general approach is building tetrahedrons from each surface triangle, then applying the obvious math to total up the mass and moment contributions from each tet. The trick comes in when the surface of the body has concavities that make internal pockets when viewed from whatever your reference point is.
So, to get started, pick some reference point (the origin in model coordinates will work fine), it doesn't even need to be inside of the body. For every triangle, connect the three points of that triangle to the reference point to form a tetrahedron. Here's the trick: use the triangle's surface normal to figure out if the triangle is facing towards or away from the reference point (which you can find by looking at the sign of the dot product of the normal and a vector pointing at the centroid of the triangle). If the triangle is facing away from the reference point, treat its mass and moment normally, but if it is facing towards the reference point (suggesting that there is open space between the reference point and the solid body), negate your results for that tet.
Effectively what this does is over-count chunks of volume and then correct once those areas are shown to be not part of the solid body. If a body has lots of blubbery flanges and grotesque folds (got that image?), a particular piece of volume may be over-counted by a hefty factor, but it will be subtracted off just enough times to cancel it out if your mesh is closed. Working this way you can even handle internal bubbles of space in your objects (assuming the normals are set correctly). On top of that, each triangle can be handled independently so you can parallelize at will. Enjoy!
Afterthought: You might wonder what happens when that dot product gives you a value at or near zero. This only happens when the triangle face is parallel (its normal is perpendicular) do the direction to the reference point -- which only happens for degenerate tets with small or zero area anyway. That is to say, the decision to add or subtract a tet's contribution is only questionable when the tet wasn't going to contribute anything anyway.
Decompose your object into a set of tetrahedrons around the selected interior point. (That is solids using each triangular face element and the chosen center.)
You should be able to look up the volume of each element. The moment of inertia should also be available.
It gets to be rather more trouble if the surface is non-convex.
I seem to have miss-remembered by nomenclature and skew is not the adjective I wanted. I mean non-regular.
This is covered in the book "Game Physics, Second Edition" by D. Eberly. The chapter 2.5.5 and sample code is available online. (Just found it, haven't tried it out yet.)
Also note that the polyhedron doesn't have to be convex for the formulas to work, it just has to be simple.
I'd take a look at vtkMassProperties. This is a fairly robust algorithm for computing this, given a surface enclosing a volume.
If your polydedron is complicated, consider using Monte Carlo integration, which is often used for multidimensional integrals. You will need an enclosing hypercube, and you will need to be able to test whether a given point is inside or outside the polyhedron. And you will need to be patient, as Monte Carlo integration is slow.
Start as usual at Wikipedia, and then follow the external links pages for further reading.
(For those unfamiliar with Monte Carlo integration, here's how to compute a mass. Pick a point in the containing hypercube. Add to the point_total counter. Is it in the polyhedron? If yes, add to the point_internal counter. Do this lots (see the convergence and error bound estimates.) Then
mass_polyhedron/mass_hypercube \approx points_internal/points_total.
For a moment of inertia, you weight each count by the square of the distance of the point to the reference axis.
The tricky part is testing whether a point is inside or outside your polyhedron. I'm sure that there are computational geometry algorithms for that.
