What exactly does REST mean? What is it, and why is it getting big now? - http

I understand (I think) the basic idea behind RESTful-ness. Use HTTP methods semantically - GET gets, PUT puts, DELETE deletes, etc... Right? thought I understood the idea behind REST, but I think I'm confusing that with the details of an HTTP implementation. What is the driving idea behind rest, why is this becoming an important thing? Have people actually been using it for a long time, in a corner of the internets that my flashlight never shined upon?
The Google talk mentions Atom Publishing Protocols having a lot of synergy with RESTful implementations. Any thoughts on that?

This is what REST might look like:
POST /user
The server responds:
201 Created
Location: /user/123
In the future, you can then retrieve the user information:
GET /user/123
The server responds (assuming an XML response):
200 OK
To update:
PUT /user/123

Here's my view...
The attraction to making RESTful services is that rather than creating web-services with dozens of functional methods, we standardize on four methods (Create,Retrieve, Update, Destroy):
REST is becoming popular because it also represents a standardization of messaging formats at the application layer. While HTTP uses the four basic verbs of REST, the common HTTP message format of HTML isn't a contract for building applications.
The best explanation I've heard is a comparison of TCP/IP to RSS.
Ethernet represents a standardization on the physical network. The Internet Protocol (IP) represents a standardization higher up the stack, and has several different flavors (TCP, UDP, etc). The introduction of the "Transmission Control Protocol" (guaranteed packet delivery) defined communication contracts that opened us up to a whole new set of services (FTP, Gopher, Telnet, HTTP) for the application layer.
In the analogy, we've adopted XML as the "Protocol", we are now beginning to standardize message formats. RSS is quickly becoming the basis for many RESTful services. Google's GData API is a RSS/ATOM variant.
The "desktop gadget" is a great realization of this hype: a simple client can consume basic web-content or complex-mashups using a common API and messaging standard.

HTTP currently is under-used and mis-used.
We usually use only two methods of HTTP: GET and POST, but there are some more: DELETE, PUT, etc (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html)
So if we have resources, defined by RESTful URLs (each domain object in your application has unique URL in form of http://yoursite.com/path/to/the/resource) and decent HTTP implementation, we can manipulate objects in your domain by writing sentences:
GET http://yoursite.com/path/to/the/resource
DELETE http://yoursite.com/path/to/the/resource
POST http://yoursite.com/path/to/the/resource
the architecture is nice and everything.
but this is just theoretical view, real world scenarios are described in all the links posted in answers before mine.

Lets go to history, Talk about the Roy Fielding Research – “Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures“. Its a big paper and talks a lot of various stuff. But as a standard engineer How you would like to explain the clear meaning of REST (Representational State Transfer), and what is its Architectural Style.
Here is my way to explain – “What is REST”.
See this www(world wide web) running on top of various hardwares e.g. routers,servers,firewalls, cloud infrastructures,switches,LAN,WAN. The overall objective of this www(world wide web) to distribute hypermedia. This world wide web equipped with various services e.g. informational based services, websites, youtube channels, dynamic websites, static websites. This world wide web uses HTTP protocol to distribute hypermedia across the world with a client/server mechanism. This HTTP Protocol works on top of TCP/IP or other appropriate network stack.
This HTTP protocol is using eight methods to manage the ‘protocol of distribution’ or ‘Architectural Style of Distribution’. Those eight methods are namely : OPTIONS,GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,TRACE,CONNECT.
But on Top of this HTTP, web applications are using its own way of distributing hypermedia e.g web applications are using web services which are highly tied with clients and servers ‘or’ web applications are using its own way of designed client/server mechanism to make such distribution channel on top of HTTP.
What Roy Fielding Research says , that these eight methods OPTIONS,GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,TRACE,CONNECT of HTTP are so successful to deliver HyperMedia to all across the world on top of variety of hardware resources and network stacks with client/server mechanism, Why don’t we use the similar strategy with our web based application as well. On this GET,POST,DELETE and PUT are used the most. so four methods deliver HyperMedia to all across the world.
In REST API Architecture Style application, a web application need to design the business logic(resides in a server e.g. Tomcat,Apache HTTP) with all set of object entities(e.g. Customer is an entity) and possible operations(e.g.‘Retrieve Customer Information based on a customer id’) on them. Those possible operations with these entities should be designed with four main operations or methods namely- Create,Retrieve,Update,Delete. These entities called as resources and these are presented or represented in a form e.g. JSON or XML or something else. We have Client(Browsers) who calls Create,Retrieve,Update,Delete (CRUD) methods to perform the appropriate function on such resource resides in the Server.
But as explained the concept of Representation, means the way entities of business logic or objects are represented. but what about with ‘State Transfer’ ?.
The State Transfer, its talks about the “state of communication” from Client to Server. It talks about the design of ‘state transfers’ from Client to Server e.g. Client first called the operation ‘Create Customer’, after calling this what would be next state of customer or states of customer which ‘client’ can call. Its state may be to ‘retrieve the created client data’, ‘update the client data’ or what

REST is an architecture where resources are defined and addressed.
To understand REST best, you should look at the Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) which gives a set of guidelines for when actually implementing the REST architecture.
REST does not need to be over HTTP, but it is the most common. REST was first created by one of the creators of HTTP though.


How to handle network calls in Microservices architecture

We are using Micro services architecture where top services are used for exposing REST API's to end user and backend services does the work of querying database.
When we get 1 user request we make ~30k requests to backend service. We are using RxJava for top service so all 30K requests gets executed in parallel.
We are using haproxy to distribute the load between backend services.
However when we get 3-5 user requests we are getting network connection Exceptions, No Route to Host Exception, Socket connection Exception.
What are the best practices for this kind of use case?
Well you ended up with the classical microservice mayhem. It's completely irrelevant what technologies you employ - the problem lays within the way you applied the concept of microservices!
It is natural in this architecture, that services call each other (preferably that should happen asynchronously!!). Since I know only little about your service APIs I'll have to make some assumptions about what went wrong in your backend:
I assume that a user makes a request to one service. This service will now (obviously synchronously) query another service and receive these 30k records you described. Since you probably have to know more about these records you now have to make another request per record to a third service/endpoint to aggregate all the information your frontend requires!
This shows me that you probably got the whole thing with bounded contexts wrong! So much for the analytical part. Now to the solution:
Your API should return all the information along with the query that enumerates them! Sometimes that could seem like a contradiction to the kind of isolation and authority over data/state that the microservices pattern specifies - but it is not feasible to isolate data/state in one service only because that leads to the problem you currently have - all other services HAVE to query that data every time to be able to return correct data to the frontend! However it is possible to duplicate it as long as the authority over the data/state is clear!
Let me illustrate that with an example: Let's assume you have a classical shop system. Articles are grouped. Now you would probably write two microservices - one that handles articles and one that handles groups! And you would be right to do so! You might have already decided that the group-service will hold the relation to the articles assigned to a group! Now if the frontend wants to show all items in a group - what happens: The group service receives the request and returns 30'000 Article numbers in a beautiful JSON array that the frontend receives. This is where it all goes south: The frontend now has to query the article-service for every article it received from the group-service!!! Aaand your're screwed!
Now there are multiple ways to solve this problem: One is (as previously mentioned) to duplicate article information to the group-service: So every time an article is assigned to a group using the group-service, it has to read all the information for that article form the article-service and store it to be able to return it with the get-me-all-the-articles-in-group-x query. This is fairly simple but keep in mind that you will need to update this information when it changes in the article-service or you'll be serving stale data from the group-service. Event-Sourcing can be a very powerful tool in this use case and I suggest you read up on it! You can also use simple messages sent from one service (in this case the article-service) to a message bus of your preference and make the group-service listen and react to these messages.
Another very simple quick-and-dirty solution to your problem could also be just to provide a new REST endpoint on the articles services that takes an array of article-ids and returns the information to all of them which would be much quicker. This could probably solve your problem very quickly.
A good rule of thumb in a backend with microservices is to aspire for a constant number of these cross-service calls which means your number of calls that go across service boundaries should never be directly related to the amount of data that was requested! We closely monitory what service calls are made because of a given request that comes through our API to keep track of what services calls what other services and where our performance bottlenecks will arise or have been caused. Whenever we detect that a service makes many (there is no fixed threshold but everytime I see >4 I start asking questions!) calls to other services we investigate why and how this could be fixed! There are some great metrics tools out there that can help you with tracing requests across service boundaries!
Let me know if this was helpful or not, and whatever solution you implemented!

HTTP out-of-order responses and Async processing in Servlet 3.0

I have multiple AJAX requests going out of my browser.
My UI is comprised of multiple views and the AJAX requests are trying to populate those views simultaneously. In some cases I require more than 10 simultaneous requests to be sent from client and processed concurrently at the server.
But due to browser limitations on max concurrent requests to a single domain and because of HTTP's "A server MUST send its responses to requests in the same order that the requests were received" constraint, I am not deriving as much concurrency in request processing as I would want.
From my application's standpoint, I dont need responses to come in the order in which I sent the request. I am ok if view8 gets populated before view1, for example.
Async processing using Servlet 3.0 constructs seems to address only one-side of the problem (the Server-side) and hence cannot be fully exploited for maximizing application concurrency.
My question is:
Am I missing out on some proper constructs ? ('proper' in contrast to workarounds like "host your images from a different sub domain") that can yield me more concurrency ?
This seems like something many web UIs would need ! If not, then I am designing my UI the wrong way. In either case, I would appreciate your inputs.
Edit1: To my advantage, I dont have to support a huge number of concurrent clients. The maximum number of concurrent clients accessing the app would be < 100. Given that fact, basically am trying to enhance the experience of these clients when I have the processing power available aplenty on my server-side.
Edit2: Our application/API is not for 'public' consumption. For ex: It is like my company's webmail app. It is hosted on the internet but it is not meant for everyone's consumption. Only meant for consumption by the relevant few.
The reason why am giving that info, is to differentiate my app from SO/Twitter, which seem to differentiate their (REST) API users from their normal website users. In our case, we think we should not differentiate that way and want to provide single-set of REST endpoints for both.
The reason behind the limitation in the spec (RFC2616) seems to be : "These guidelines are intended to improve HTTP response and avoid congestion.". However, intranet web apps have more luxuries and should not have to be so constrained !?
The server is exposing REST API and hence the UI makes specific GETs
for various resource catogories (ex: blogs, videos, news, articles).
Since each resource catogory has its exclusive view it all fits in
nicely. It feels wrong to collate requests to get blogs and videos
together in one request. Isnt it ?
Well, IMHO being pragmatic is more important. Sure, it makes sense for a service to expose RESTful API but it's not always necessary to expose the entire API to the browser. Your API can be separate from your server side web app. You can always make those multiple API requests on the server side, collate the results and send them back to the client. For e.g. look at the SO home page. The StackOverflow API does expose a RESTful API but when loading the home page the browser doesn't send across multiple requests just to populate the tags, thread listing etc.
Thanks Sanjay for the suggestion. But we wanted to have a single-API
for both REST clients and Browser clients. Interestingly, the root URI
"stackoverflow.com" is not mentioned in SO's REST API, but the browser
client uses it. I suppose if they had exposed the root URI, their
response would be difficult to process (as it would be a mixture of
data). Their REST API is granular (as is in my application), but their
javascript code uses some other doors(APIs) to decrease no. of
round-trips to the server! Somehow that doesnt feel right (Am a novice
in this field though). Feel free to correct me
SO doesn't use any "other doors". It's just that they simply don't send across 10 concurrent requests for populating something on the page. They make XHR request when you vote, mark thread as favorite, comment etc. For loading the page itself, there are no multiple requests. If you want to directly hit your RESTful API from the browser, you'll have to honor the limitations. Either that or go the desktop way which allows you virtually unlimited connections to your server but I guess you don't want to go that route...

What is the difference between REST and HTTP protocols?

What is the REST protocol and what does it differ from HTTP protocol ?
REST is a design style for protocols, it was developed by Roy Fielding in his PhD dissertation and formalised the approach behind HTTP/1.0, finding what worked well with it, and then using this more structured understanding of it to influence the design of HTTP/1.1. So, while it was after-the-fact in a lot of ways, REST is the design style behind HTTP.
Fielding's dissertation can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/top.htm and is very much worth reading, and also very readable. PhD dissertations can be pretty hard-going, but this one is wonderfully well-described and very readable to those of us without a comparable level of Computer Science. It helps that REST itself is pretty simple; it's one of those things that are obvious after someone else has come up with it. (It also for that matter encapsulates a lot of things that older web developers learnt themselves the hard way in one simple style, which made reading it a major "a ha!" moment for many).
Other application-level protocols as well as HTTP can also use REST, but HTTP is the classic example.
Because HTTP uses REST, all uses of HTTP are using a REST system. The description of a web application or service as RESTful or non-RESTful relates to whether it takes advantage of REST or works against it.
The classic example of a RESTful system is a "plain" website without cookies (cookies aren't always counter to REST, but they can be): Client state is changed by the user clicking a link which loads another page, or doing GET form queries which brings results. POST form queries can change both server and client state (the server does something on the basis of the POST, and then sends a hypertext document that describes the new state). URIs describe resources, but the entity (document) describing it may differ according to content-type or language preferred by the user. Finally, it's always been possible for browsers to update the page itself through PUT and DELETE though this has never been very common and if anything is less so now.
The classic example of a non-RESTful system using HTTP is something which treats HTTP as if it was a transport protocol, and with every request sends a POST of data to the same URI which is then acted upon in an RPC-like manner, possibly with the connection itself having shared state.
A RESTful computer-readable (i.e. not a website in a browser, but something used programmatically) system would obtain information about the resources concerned by GETting URI which would then return a document (e.g. in XML, but not necessarily) which would describe the state of the resource, including URIs to related resources (hypermedia therefore), change their state through PUTting entities describing the new state or DELETEing them, and have other actions performed by POSTing.
Key advantages are:
Scalability: The lack of shared state makes for a much more scalable system (demonstrated to me massively when I removed all use of session state from a heavily hit website, while I was expecting it to give a bit of extra performance, even a long-time anti-session advocate like myself was blown-away by the massive gain from removing what had been pretty slim use of sessions, it wasn't even why I had been removing them!)
Simplicity: There are a few different ways in which REST is simpler than more RPC-like models, in particular there are only a few "verbs" that are ever possible, and each type of resource can be reasoned about in reasonable isolation to the others.
Lightweight Entities: More RPC-like models tend to end up with a lot of data in the entities sent both ways just to reflect the RPC-like model. This isn't needed. Indeed, sometimes a simple plain-text document is all that is really needed in a given case, in which case with REST, that's all we would need to send (though this would be an "end-result" case only, since plain-text doesn't link to related resources). Another classic example is a request to obtain an image file, RPC-like models generally have to wrap it in another format, and perhaps encode it in some way to let it sit within the parent format (e.g. if the RPC-like model uses XML, the image will need to be base-64'd or similar to fit into valid XML). A RESTful model would just transmit the file the same as it does to a browser.
Human Readable Results: Not necessarily so, but it is often easy to build a RESTful webservice where the results are relatively easy to read, which aids debugging and development no end. I've even built one where an XSLT meant that the entire thing could be used by humans as a (relatively crude) website, though it wasn't primarily for human-use (essentially, the XSLT served as a client to present it to users, it wasn't even in the spec, just done to make my own development easier!).
Looser binding between server and client: Leads to easier later development or moves in how the system is hosted. Indeed, if you keep to the hypertext model, you can change the entire structure, including moving from single-host to multiple hosts for different services, without changing client code at all.
Caching: For the GET operations where the client obtains information about the state of a resource, standard HTTP caching mechanisms allow both for statements that the resource won't meaningfully change until a certain date at the earliest (no need to query at all until then) or that it hasn't changed since the last query (send a couple hundred bytes of headers saying this rather than several kilobytes of data). The improvement in performance can be immense (big enough to move the performance of something from the point where it is impractical to use to the point where performance is no longer a concern, in some cases).
Availability of toolkits: Because it works at a relatively simple level, if you have a webserver you can build a RESTful system's server and if you have any sort of HTTP client API (XHR in browser javascript, HttpWebRequest in .NET, etc) you can build a RESTful system's client.
Resiliance: In particular, the lack of shared state means that a client can die and come back into use without the server knowing, and even the server can die and come back into use without the client knowing. Obviously communications during that period will fail, but once the server is back online things can just continue as they were. This also really simplifies the use of web-farms for redundancy and performance - each server acts like it's the only server there is, and it doesn't matter that its actually only dealing with a fraction of the requests from a given client.
REST is an approach that leverages the HTTP protocol, and is not an alternative to it.
Data is uniquely referenced by URL and can be acted upon using HTTP operations (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc). A wide variety of mime types are supported for the message/response but XML and JSON are the most common.
For example to read data about a customer you could use an HTTP get operation with the URL http://www.example.com/customers/1. If you want to delete that customer, simply use the HTTP delete operation with the same URL.
The Java code below demonstrates how to make a REST call over the HTTP protocol:
String uri =
URL url = new URL(uri);
HttpURLConnection connection =
(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/xml");
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Customer.class);
InputStream xml = connection.getInputStream();
Customer customer =
(Customer) jc.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(xml);
For a Java (JAX-RS) example see:
REST is not a protocol, it is a generalized architecture for describing a stateless, caching client-server distributed-media platform. A REST architecture can be implemented using a number of different communication protocols, though HTTP is by far the most common.
REST is not a protocol, it is a way of exposing your application, mostly done over HTTP.
for example, you want to expose an api of your application that does getClientById
instead of creating a URL
you can do
since you are using a GET method it means that you want to GET data
You take advantage over the HTTP methods: GET/DELETE/PUT
yourapi.com/clients/id/4 can also deal with delete, if you send a delete method and not GET, meaning that you want to dekete the record
All the answers are good.
I hereby add a detailed description of REST and how it uses HTTP.
REST = Representational State Transfer
REST is a set of rules, that when followed, enable you to build a distributed application that has a specific set of desirable constraints.
It is stateless, which means that ideally no connection should be maintained between the client and server.
It is the responsibility of the client to pass its context to the server and then the server can store this context to process the client's further request. For example, session maintained by server is identified by session identifier passed by the client.
Advantages of Statelessness:
Web Services can treat each method calls separately.
Web Services need not maintain the client's previous interaction.
This in turn simplifies application design.
HTTP is itself a stateless protocol unlike TCP and thus RESTful Web Services work seamlessly with the HTTP protocols.
Disadvantages of Statelessness:
One extra layer in the form of heading needs to be added to every request to preserve the client's state.
For security we may need to add a header info to every request.
HTTP Methods supported by REST:
GET: /string/someotherstring:
It is idempotent(means multiple calls should return the same results every time) and should ideally return the same results every time a call is made
Same like GET. Idempotent and is used to update resources.
POST: should contain a url and body
Used for creating resources. Multiple calls should ideally return different results and should create multiple products.
Used to delete resources on the server.
The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the response. The meta information contained in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD request SHOULD be identical to the information sent in response to a GET request.
This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.
HTTP Responses
Go here for all the responses.
Here are a few important ones:
200 - OK
3XX - Additional information needed from the client and url redirection
400 - Bad request
401 - Unauthorized to access
403 - Forbidden
The request was valid, but the server is refusing action. The user might not have the necessary permissions for a resource, or may need an account of some sort.
404 - Not Found
The requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible.
405 - Method Not Allowed
A request method is not supported for the requested resource; for example, a GET request on a form that requires data to be presented via POST, or a PUT request on a read-only resource.
404 - Request not found
500 - Internal Server Failure
502 - Bad Gateway Error

How is an SOA architecture really supposed to be implemented?

My project is converting a legacy fat-client desktop application into the web. The database is not changing as a result. Consequently, we are being forced to call external web services to access data in our own database. Couple this with the fact that some parts of our application are allowed to access the database directly through DAOs (a practice that is much faster and easier). The functionality we're supposed to call web services for are what has been deemed necessary for downstream, dependent systems.
Is this really how SOA is supposed to work? Admittedly, this is my first foray into the SOA world, but I have to think this is the complete wrong way to go about this.
I agree that it's the wrong approach. Calling your own database via a webservice should raise red flags in a design review, and a simple DAO is the way to go (KISS principle).
Now, if it's data that truly needs to be shared across your company (accounts, billing, etc) THEN it's time to consider a more heavy-duty solution such as SOAP or REST. But your team could still access it directly, which would be faster.
My team had the same thing happen with a web service that we wanted to call in batch mode. Rather than call our own SOAP endpoint, we instead set it up to call a POJO (plain old java object) interface. There's no XML transformation or extra network hop through an SOA appliance.
It's overkill to put an XML interface between MVC layers when your team owns the whole application. It may not be traditional SOA... but IMO it's traditional common sense. ;)
I've seen people try to jam SOA at too low a level and this may be such a case. I would certainly not equate DAO and SOA at the same level.
I agree with #ewernli
What is SOA "in plain english"?
IMHO, SOA makes sense only at the enterprise-level, and means nothing for a single application.
If I'm reading into your question correctly, your web services are for C/R/U/D data into the database. If so, providing C/R/U/D services directly to the database and its tables are likely too low level to be SOA services.
I'd look for services at a higher level and try to determine whether they are interesting at to the enterprise. If so, those are your services. I'd also ask myself whether my former desktop app is providing services (i.e. should you be looking to make your new app an SOA service itself rather than trying to force an SOA architecture into the desktop app at a low level.
Consequently, we are being forced to
call external web services to access
data in our own database.
Man, that gotta hurt. As far as services in SOA go,
a service is a repeatable logical manifestation of a business task - that means you are not implementing SOA if you are not 'service enabling' business processes. If you are putting some web services to select data out of your data base, all you got is a bunch of webservices, which would slowdown your applications which could have been faster by conventional data access patterns (like DAO)
When you equate SOA with Web services there is a risk of replacing existing APIs with Web services without proper architecture. This will result in identifying many services that are not business aligned.
Also, service orientation is a way of integrating a business as a group of linked services - so ask yourself is the organization making use of these atomic services to achieve further benefits?
Do a google search for SOA anti-patterns and you will find what are the different ways to end up with a pile of web-services instead of SOA.
SOA... SOA... is the bane of my existence, for just this reason. What, or what not, constitutes SOA? I support SOA products in my day job, and some people get it, some don't. SOA.. SOA is about wrapping discrete business services in XML. ZIP+4 validation services. Payment gateways. B2B messaging.
SOA CAN be used to decouple desktop apps from backend databases. Sometimes it doesn't make sense, sometimes it does. What almost NEVER makes sense is low-latency high-query-count logic. If you ever have to use an application in France directly connected to a database in California, you'll get what I mean. SOA pretty much forces you to then smartly about how you model and return your data (look into SDO - Service Data Objects). The devil's in the details though. Marshalling data to/from XML can be costly.
Good SOA design is all about separation of behavior and data.
I repeat behavior and data need to be separate or else you will have lots or problems whether its CORBA/SOAP/REST/XMLRPC or even plain old in-the-same-JVM-method calls.
Lots of people will talk about service end points, message handling, and contracts making SOA one of the more soporific areas of computing when its surprisingly not complicated.
If you are doing Java its really easy. Make POJOs for your domain objects with no weird state behavior and no weird collaborators and then make Service classes with the behavior. More often then not you can just use your DAO as the service (I mean you should have a thin layer over the DAO but if you don't need one....).
OOP lovers will disagree of this separation of data and behavior but this design pattern scales extremely well and is infact what most functional programming languages like Erlang do.
That being said if you are making a video game or something very state based then this design philosophy is a bad idea. BTW SOA is about as vacuous as the term enterprise.
Which part do you think is wrong? The part that you have to hit the web service, or the part you are hitting the database directly?
SOA is more of an API design guideline, not a development methodology. It's not an easy thing to implement, but the reward of reusability is often worth it.
See Service-Oriented Architecture expands the vision of Web services or any technical book on SOA. Simply wrapping function calls with web call does not make it a Service Oriented Architecture. The idea of the SOA is to make reusable services, and then you make higher level services (like website) by compositing or orchestrating underlying low-level services. At the very low level, you should focus on things like statelessness, loose coupling, and granularity. Modern frameworks like Microsoft's WCF supports wiring protocols like SOAP, REST, and faster binary side by side.
If your application is designed to run over the Internet, you should be mindful of the network latency issues. In a traditional client-server application that is deployed on a LAN, because the latency is sub 10 msec, you could hit the database every time you need the data without interrupting the user experience. However, on the Internet, it is not uncommon to have 200 msec latency if you go across proxies or oceans. If you hit the database 100 times, and that will add up to 20 seconds of pause. In SOA, you would try to pack the whole thing into a single document, and you exchange the document back and forth, similar to the way tax is filed using Form 1040 if you live in the US.
You may say that the latency issue is irrelevant because the web service is only consumed by your web application layer. But you could hit the web service from the browser using AJAX reload the data, which should give the user shorter response time.

Will a REST interface slow down my search engine?

To get a search website built quickly I plan to split the work between two teams: One to build the search engine and one to build web UIs (mobile/desktop). My plan is to build the search engine as a set of REST services based on .NET 3.5. UIs may be built using some other technology.
Questions: is the REST interface likely to be a performance bottleneck? How best to avoid this?
REST is unlikley to be a bottleneck in this scenario. It wasn't clear from your post whether you were making REST calls directly from your HTML UI on the client, or whether you were making server-to-server REST calls on the back end. So I'll cover both cases below.
If your REST calls are being made between your client UI and your servers, then using REST or another HTTP remoting approach matters relatively little-- the time it takes to execute the search on the back end and then send the results back down to the client should dwarf the impact of the REST call itself. If you want to improve perf, focus on client-side networking tricks (e.g. HTTP Compression, proper caching headers, etc) and optimizing your search engine itself.
If your architecture is one tier of servers (hosting your web UI) calling another tier (your serach engine), then calling between those tiers over REST also shouldn't add too much to your overall latency. This is because (same as above) running the search and sending results back down to the client will usually take a few hundred milliseconds at least, and the overhead of the back-end REST call (if done properly) will usually be 50ms or less.
That said, it's easy to mess up the client end of server-to-server HTTP calls. For example, many HTTP Client libraries (including .NET's) will by default limit the number of concurrent client connections, which makes sense if you're building an actual client app but will kill your scalability if used from a "client" that's actually a server serving hundreds of users concurrently. Other potential problems include authentication issues, proxy problems, DNS, etc. So be careful to build and configure your REST client code carefully, and be sure to load-test with a few hundred concurrent users!
No. REST is not (and generally cannot be) a bottleneck. REST is HTTP without the fancy HTML page. It's cheaper and faster than a regular web page.
I think it should not effect your performance, but to have a proper use of REST service .Net has ASP.Net MVC which supports REST fully.
Do remember to read through this link http://www.ytechie.com/2008/10/aspnet-mvc-what-about-seo.html
