One gridview - two datasources? -

I am working on a co-workers website, and he mistakenly put up a gridview that shows a TypeID instead of the TypeName. I want to put the actual NAME of the type, instead of it's arbitrary ID number, like he has it. I see he has two "ObjectDataSource"'s on the page -- one for Type and one for Item. Items contains the ID of what TYPE the item is, which is all in the Items datasource. He is pulling this ID to populate the gridview. I want to use that ID to pull the NAME form the other data source, and place that NAME into the gridview for that specific column. Can this be done? Can I use two different datasources on a gridview?

If i'm understanding this right, what you have is two datasources that do this:
1) SELECT ID, Item, ItemTypeID FROM Item
2) SELECT ID, ItemType FROM ItemTypes
And you're wanting the Item name and the Item Type displayed in your grid.
To answer your fundamental question if you can use both sources on the grid: yes. But that's not the most efficient way to perform the operation, as you'd need to be walking the second datasource for every line in the first.
A better way would be to join the two datasources together, and only have one.
Modify the SELECT statement for the first datasrouce to be something along these lines:
SELECT i.ID, i.Item, t.ItemType FROM Item i INNER JOIN ItemTypes t ON i.ItemTypeId = t.ID;


Populate Multi-Select widget names from related values

I have a multi-select widget bound to a table that only contains relations. I want to use the related values for each record to populate the multi-select name.
- Child-Table-One
- Child-Table-Two
No matter which way I try using the multi-select name paths, only the first record name in the multi-select gets populated with the related value from the related child table, the others just display the record ID of the Parent Table.
Do I need to use a function somehow to iterate through all records to get the related values for every record?
Binding to the Relation should get you a list of records. Assuming you're trying to get list of the display names, this should work:

How to show all items in Listbox that is linked to dropdown

In an Access Userform I have a listbox that is linked to a dropdown field. In the dropdown field the user can choose a country, and the listbox then updates and shows only the records that are relevant to that country.
I have described how I get the listbox to filter based on the selection in the dropdown in this question here.
While I managed to solve one problem there I created another.
Now when I open the form, the listbox is empty instead of showing all records.
My question: How can I show all records in the listbox to begin with and THEN have the user filter the list based on the dropdown?
The SQL Code in the LIstbox is now the following:
SELECT tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country
FROM tblFUNDS INNER JOIN tblISIN_Country_Table ON tblFUNDS.ISIN = tblISIN_Country_Table.ISIN
GROUP BY tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country, tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection
HAVING (((tblISIN_Country_Table.Country)=[Forms]![frmMain]![ddnCountry].[Text]) AND ((tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection)=0));
So I ended up solving this one as well... with a bit of help from an online article which I can now no longer find unfortunately (otherwise I would reference it here):
SELECT tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country
FROM tblFUNDS INNER JOIN tblISIN_Country_Table ON tblFUNDS.ISIN = tblISIN_Country_Table.ISIN
GROUP BY tblFUNDS.MorningsStar_Fund_Name, tblFUNDS.ISIN, tblFUNDS.RDR, tblISIN_Country_Table.Country, tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection
HAVING (((tblISIN_Country_Table.Country) Like Nz([Forms]![frmMain]![ddnCountry].[Text],'*')) AND ((tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection)=0));
The important part is this...
Like Nz([Forms]![frmMain]![ddnCountry].[Text],'*')) AND ((tblFUNDS.Fund_Selection)=0));
Essentially the Nz function lets you return a value when a variant is null. I had it return * which ofcourse is the SQL equivalent of Return All.

Choosing from multiple query results to display in a single form

I have a form that submits parameters to a query, then opens the resulting record in another form. The problem is, whenever there is more than one record it automatically puts the first one into the from without any kind of option to choose the record I want. I have a macro set up on the search button on the first form that submits the parameters to the query and then displays it in the second form, I've tried to set up another macro in between the two, but I don't know if it's possible to set up the expression creator to check the number of rows resulting from a query. Is it possible to modify the query to create a prompt to choose which record I want? Or should I change something else?
This is the query:(automatically created by access)
((CHILD.CHILD_F_NAME)=[Forms]![Search]![F_NAME])) OR
(((CHILD.CHILD_L_NAME)=[Forms]![Search]![L_NAME]) AND
((CHILD.DOB)=[Forms]![Search]![DOB])) OR
(((CHILD.DOB)=[Forms]![Search]![DOB])) OR
If I understood well your problem and you use VBA it's quite easy to do.
You can create a reduced query based on the query you're creating with the button. This new query should include all and only the fields that allows you to discriminate beetwen the records to show in the 2nd form.
For instance it could include LastName, FirstName and classroom to select between children with same full name.
You can count the number of records of this 2nd query and if greater than 1 it means that you have more than one children to show.
So you can use this 2nd query to populate a combo-box or a listbox for selecting the record you really want to show.
When number of records is 1 you can simply skip the listbox population using an if statement on recordcount.
Next step is opening the form with the selected (or unique) record.

Find a specific record by field value in DevExpress VerticalGrid

Scenario: DevExpress VerticalGrid with LayoutStyle = MultiRecordView; it is bound to a System.Data.DataTable (e.g. VGridControl1.DataSource = MyDataTable).
The grid contains records of 5000 customers. We want to set the record where the CompanyName field starts with the letters 'Foo' as the focused record. Users want to be able to type a few letters of the company-name into a text-box on the form, hit a button, and then have the Vertical Grid bring the matching record into focus, without eliminating all of the other records. They want to do a "seek" not a filter. The underlying datasource would already be sorted by CompanyName.
*ADDENDUM: Also, they don't want to have to click on the sought record before they do another such search; and they want it to work even after they have scrolled the grid horizontally with the horizontal scroll bar. *
Does the Vertical Grid have any helper methods that would help with this procedure?
With the vertical grid bound to the DefaultView of a DataTable, one can iterate the DataRowViews in the DataView and examine the relevant column for a string match, returning the recordindex of the matched row, and then doing this:
vGridControl1.FocusedRecord = {record index of the matching row}

Coding practice: how to avoid hard coding?

I have a table in the database that store 4 category and the structure of the table is ID (GUID), description. I load the category into a dropdown list ( webform) to allow people to select a category and based on what they selected. I'll then display info associated with their selection and hide the others.
Currently, i do a "select case" based on the GUID that i hard coded in code behind to display the associated info. Is there a better way to do this without hard code in GUID on the code behind?
What is the Data that's associated with the Guid/Description...
The data you've hardcoded sound's like a candidate for being added to the database itself.
If it's one piece of information per Category/Guid, then consider extending your Database Table to store that info to.
If it's multiple piece of information per Category/Guid, then consider creating a new Table With a CategoryID on it, and a foreign key relationship between your Category Table and your ExtraInfo table
You could query the database for the GUIDs when the app starts and cache them in a static Dictionary.
you could store the GUID in your web-config and load it at run time. then, you can easily replace that GUID with another w/o having to recompile.
You should have a Categories table and a Posts table (or whatever it is that you will tag with your categories). In the Posts table you have a column for the CategoryID (assuming each post can only belong to one category), so that you only have the category name in one place (normalize your data).
When you render the dropdownlist, you select the GUID:s from the database. No hard coding, and if you add another category (or remove one) the dropdownlist will automatically reflect the available categories.
If you bind the dropdown list to the Category row or a Tuple that contains the category name and the value you can load the Guid in your codebehind using the SelectedValue property. You will then set the DataTextField and DataValueField on the Dropdownlist.
