Free/Cheap ASP.NET Component Libraries -

earlier today someone asked about free/cheap component libraries for winforms. I'm interested in the same thing, but for There are some great commercial libraries like Telerik and DevExpress, but are there any great free/cheap alternatives?

I am not sure what you constitute as cheap, but the Peter Blum ASP.NET controls are a good buy.

I would suggest that you can get free components at sites like codeproject, but you are going to end up sinking a ton of time separating the wheat from the chaff and figuring out how to use them, and since they are not a unified library the APIs and integration will be a new learning curve for each different control.
So I would recommend, unless you are a hobbyist with a lot of time on your hands, it is without a doubt worth the money for your company to buy something from Peter Blum, DevExpress, Infragistics, Telerik, or one of the other vendors who will provide support and documentation.

I'm enjoying the control suite for - $200 buys you the whole suite and they seem to be actively developing it.
The Grid and Treeview are very strong in this suite, and I've been impressed with support.

Check out the ASP.NET Control Gallery.
"The Control Gallery is a directory of over 900 controls and components to use in your own applications. You will find everything from simple controls to full e-commerce components."
Not all of them are free but definitely worth a look.

Try this free custom web controls : Excentrics World .NET


Is Microsoft pushing Spark or Razor for the future view engine for ASP.NET MVC?

I am planning to learn ASP.NET MVC soon. I wanted to get a clear picture of which view engine should I concentrate on, Spark or Razor? Which one is Microsoft putting more energy into?
Tony, I'm one of the developers on the ASP.NET MVC team. Here are some thoughts:
We developed Razor because we felt that the Aspx view engine had a number of shortcomings and we felt that we could do a lot better (and I do hope that people will agree that the result is a lot better). We would recommend Razor to anyone starting a new MVC 3 application. Anyone with an existing MVC 2 application and a heavy investment in the WebForms view engine will have to do their own cost/benefit analysis and decide if they want to switch.
Both view engines (Razor and Aspx) will continue to be supported (we are not planning on deprecating WebForms) and we will make sure that existing APIs as well as anything new that we add continue to work in both. That said, it might not always be possible to keep the feature set of each view engine at parity (for example, the #model keyword has no direct analouge in WebForms).
Spark is a 3rd-party component and it remains independent from Microsoft (regardless of the fact that its creator, Louis DeJardin is now employeed here). As such we are not currently contributing any code to it (since we've had our hands quite full with Razor). We are, however, fully committed to exposing all the necessary APIs and extensions points to support 3rd-party view engines. For example, in MVC 3 we have made improvements to the New Project and Add View dialogs to make it easier for the Spark (or any other view engine such as NHaml) developers or community to plug Spark into the built in MVC tooling experience.
Ultimately all options are valid (though in my personal opinion the Aspx view engine is slightly less valid :) and it's up to you to find the one that best fits your needs.
Spark has not been developed by Microsoft and I wouldn't say that they have/intend to put much energy on it. On the other hand Razor is Microsoft child and if you want an MS supported view engine go for it.
If you want to stay w/ Microsoft-supported view engines, then your options are Razor or WebForms. I prefer Razor of the two. Spark is arguably a better view engine than Razor is right now (depending on your sense of style), but as Darin pointed out it's not an MS product, so they're not putting energy into it that I'm aware of.
Razor is the best option if you want to minimize the amount of code in your view and if you like the syntax.
WebForms is good if you have a lot of experience with traditional ASP.NET and like the idea of having a code behind.
Spark is not supported or written by Microsoft.
For me, I use Razor as I like the syntax and I find my views a lot cleaner. Sure it's more verbose than haml, but at the same time it still is valid looking HTML and most web developers will pick it up naturally.

Are ASP.NET readymade controls really production worthy?

I have come across the ASP.NET ready made controls like grid, repeater... etc.
For example while dealing with GRID i remember following facts,
ASP.NET V1.1 has DataGrid with "virtual row count" which is heavily used for custom paging which is need of big sites to perform well.
ASP.NET V2.0 added the GridView with all sort of cool features but also split the DataSource parts as different component. Also "virtual row count" is not supported and for pagination to be done DataSource control is need to be used.
After all these thing i thought that ASP.NET control are not made to be used as is for the development.
Please let me know whether i am right or wrong? Also if you think i am wrong PLEASE provide inputs/links which can help me come out of this thinking of mine.
The mjority of the out-of-the-box controls are very simple, easy to use and they do that they claim to do, reliably. Many people have had issues with the GridView control, particularly with regard to preformance and size of ViewState. Performance issues have only partly been resolved through the use of AJAX.
I agree with #Neil Moss about the Repeater control. It is very flexible and it outputs what you tell it to. For grids, take a look at the JQuery plugin JQGrid. It has none of the performance issues and a lot of the powerful features of many thrid party custom grids.
Also, the ListView control is a very good alternative to the GridView as it provides many of the databinding, selection, paging, sorting, modifying features of the gridview (see here) but gives full control over the output template. Here is a good series of articles on the ListView
Although I am a strong advocate of using ASP.NET MVC, there is a considerable learning curve required to do this and the change in mindset required to work properly in the MVC way should not be underestimated.
I've never had a problem using these controls. I find that they have the same advantages and disadvantages as any set of controls - native or third party. If they do 100% of what you need them to do, then fantastic. If they don't give you 100%, and don't give you events or virtual methods to override, then you're stuck and you'd need to go back to more fundamental controls and do a little programming of your own. I always found the repeaters and lists to be very handy in that respect.
to be very short & direct, ASP.NET ready made controls are the best solution for most projects.
I’ll explain you in detail, but first, ASP.NET ready made controls are known as ASP.NET Controls Framework or ASP.NET Controls Library. I am insisting on the key phrases because, when you search google like search engines, you need to search by appropriate keywords to get better results.
There are many control libraries available on the internet and most are offering free tools too. Besides the question whether should I use it in my enterprise applications or not, you need to understand your requirement.
The first point is YES, you can absolutely use the controls in your enterprise applications, because there controls are more reliable and built by control development experts, tested by strong product testing team and are enriched with quality documentation. Note, you will also get good community support, human resources with controls knowledge, and compliance with industry standards. The best of all, you will be able to save your time on all the above factors. Some controls even gain you more advantages with its features & functionalities which you wouldn’t have even thought about.
The most important things you need to do when choosing a control
1. You need to go through their knowledgebase
2. Search relevant articles for the control you choose
3. Download evaluation version and DIY
Many good control libraries are available in the internet. I am using obout control libraries and I recommend you to go for obout. Besides quality control sets, these guys provide personal development support. Most time I can’t separate them from my internal team. Check for yourself.

What's your choice for your next ASP.NET project: Web Forms or MVC? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Let's say that you will start a new ASP.NET web site/application tomorrow. Would you chose Web Forms or MVC, and why?
MVC baby! And JQuery!
Edit: OK, it's fair enough to say my response warrants a little more info.
I'd choose MVC for the following reasons:
I have worked in Rails and found it highly productive. ASP MVC has borrowed so much from Rails that it feels like a direct port in some ways (and that's a good thing in my mind).
AJAX is important, but I hate the Microsoft "Atlas" approach to AJAX (whatever the product name is these days). If you're going to do AJAX, you need to understand the HTML and the JavaScript. Frameworks that hide that from you are hurting you more than they are helping you (IMO).
JQuery has taken over the world it seems in terms of JavaScript frameworks. ASPMVC is well-integrated with it. I want to learn it, so there's great alignment here.
The whole "control" model is a neat idea, but it is more complicated than it appears on the surface. For example, look around on SO for questions about how a UserControl can find its highest level containing control and so forth. The control hierarchy abstraction has leaks in it. Grids are great if they do what you want out of the box, but it's very very hard to customize them to do something they weren't made to do. And the best grid controls on the market (the ones that are highly customizable) are large, bloated, overly complicated beasts. Maybe that shows us that we should drop back down to HTML and let loops in our views do that kind of thing for us.
I believe I can build complete, beautiful apps in ASPMVC much faster than in ASP.Net (and I've got some years of ASP.Net under my belt). Look at StackOverflow ... built quickly on ASPMVC with JQuery, and it's fast, scalable and a joy to use IMO.
Oh, and it's completely open source! It is ok to read the source code, blog about it, and even modify then redistribute it!
I would choose MVC simply because it's designed to be testable and mock'able. That would be the major factor in my decision.
WebForms are much more difficult to Unit Test because they're rooted in several concrete classes that are difficult, it at all possible, to Mock. These include HttpContext, HttpResponse, HttpRequest and HttpCookie.
MVC is designed to be testable and it's API greatly facilitates doing so.
Good article on the testability of MVC:
Personally, I have decided to use both...
If it's a website (viewed online), I have decided to use ASP.NET MVC.
If it was an application (web application with a single purpose) I have decided to use web forms.
This decision is purely based on the case use and the solution you trying to deliver. If you are interested in good SEO and a faster website, MVC is much cleaner HTML and faster than web forms.
However if you after a complex functionality with a lot of filters, grids, postbacks on the same page and you are well experienced in Web Forms, just stick with it.
If I were starting today I would probably still stick with webforms because of the volume of knowledge and resources surrounding it.
That said I really want to give MVC a shot and as others have mentioned the excitement within the community means it wont take long before there is a lot of support for it.
MVC FTW!, Reasons?
Total Control over my HTML
No Web Forms magic
No complex page life-cycles
Closer to the metal
It is the natural thing to use with HTTP
Is MVC the "flavor of the day", or does it have staying power?
I have worked with MVC, and have a vast amount of webform experience. I often wonder about the staying power of MVC.
You should consider this when choosing one or the other. What do you want to support for the entire product lifespan?
I can't say which I'd really go with having not tried MVC yet. But I'd be a bit worried about using it for a really big enterprise project as yet.
Scroll through pass questions and you'll see that there a lots of questions/issues with MVC (compared to good o' WebForms that is). That alone has me worried. And a lot of the questions seems to be for special UI needs. Again having not tried it I don't know how mature it is yet but I'd still be a bit worried.
Maybe someone who has used it for an enterprise project can shed some light.
While MVC is the new kid on the block there are still a lot of benefits to designing with the Web Forms model.
Familiarity with the tool
consistency of look/feel with existing projects
Event driven
Controls to abstract
3rd party controls that work
Rapid development
Declaritive style
Rachel Appel did a great presentation at MIX on this very topic. You can view the video here:
Choosing between ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC
I would choose Webforms for local/intranet applications with rich business logic and MVC for public/internet site (blogs/forums/presentations/simple services). "WebForms application model" is preferable in areas where rich state support is critical
I have started a new Web site for our own product a week ago and I couldn't be happier with ASP.NET MVC. Everything seems natural, I always know where to go and look if something doesn't work or does not look the way I intended.
Frankly, the biggest chunk of time I've spent has been CSS. Coding, integration with jQuery... peanuts.
OTOH, if you are not experienced developer, ASP.NET will not appeal to you as it encourages you to go all the way and control all aspects of your site - HTML markup, CSS etc., which in turn means no controls, drag and drop visual editing etc.
Unlike traditional ASP.NET where you are left to yourself and often end up mixing all kinds of UI, persistence (DB) and business logic code in various pages, MVC will guide you and help you structure your app much more consistently. This will not sit with you if you don't like "opinionated" frameworks and/or just want to get the job done without caring about structure of the site, maintainability, scalability etc.
Note that it's perfectly possible not to care about this if all you're building is a one-off intranet site, but for public Internet site I'd choose MVC over classic ASP.NET every time.
... it just seems so obvious that's where the future is
In ASP.NET MVC you sacrifice your controls toolbox,
URL routing is already in ASP.NET (web forms)
So I would stick with ASP.NET web forms ( I'm not saying that MVC isn't good.)
jQuery, do you think the IT folks will let you use it?
ASP.NET MVC because I want to learn how to use it.
I would currently choose ASP.NET MVC for 2 reasons: 1) I want to learn to master it. 2) There is already a great community forming around ASP.NET MVC and everyone seems to have very positive entergy regarding it's use. I can't wait to see where it all ends up and I want to be part of it.
I would like to go with MVC. I always seam to be fighting the abstraction when I work with WebForms.
To use WebForms effectively you actually need to know more about how the web works than if you use something like PHP. I find myself using <asp:Literal instead of <asp:Label to avoid putting a <span> around the text and running labs to figure out the order of events, etc.
it really depends on the project, since i havent build anything with MVC and if the project has a short time delivery, i will probably find some hinders in MVC that could make me not to deliver the project in Time.
I wait for MVC on .net for a long time.
I think more than 90% people will choose MVC rather than webform.
If it was a personal project then I would use MVC. Just to learn more about it. If it was a project at work I would use WebForms, possibly in combination with DynamicData for the administrative parts. The reason is that I would be more productive with a technology I know, and using DynamicData for the administrative part would let me setup that part in minutes.
As always it depends upon the type of application you are developing and the individual circumstances. A lot of our internal applications are being developed in SharePoint as that is our internal platform of choice for intranet type applications.
This automatically limits us to ASP.Net on the standard model.
I really want to get to grips with MVC, but I don't have a justification for this at work and I have 2 kids and a wife at home so no time to develop at home.
Sometimes circumstances force your hand, if only we all had the choice of exactly what platform, framework etc. to develop with.
I am currently working on a project in MVC with jQuery and jQuery-ui, and it's a lot of fun.
If you're familiar with html and javascript (or other MVC frameworks like rails), MVC makes much more sense than the old webforms. And you control the output, not some vague control on a form, so if there is an error on the page or if you want to change the layout you can :).
MVC. We're going to redo an application that is SEO intensive and MVC seams to fit right in out of the box. Plus I want to hang out with the cool kids on the playground.
I just released a major public site on the MVC platform after using webforms for all previous projects. Without a doubt it is the way to go, IMO.
With webforms, I have found the sites tend to become a mess over time as you have blocks of code in the code-behind that handles both view logic and controller logic. As the site grows and the logic gets more complex it is difficult to trace what is happening and where.
I find that that MVC forces you to break things up in a more logical manner. Controller and model classes allow you to get a better control on the organization of the application. In addition, views are more flexible because there is a specific way of providing data to them, through models.
Also, like others have mentioned, you have more control over the markup and urls and it plays nicer with client libraries like mvc.
The only time I would use MVC is if I was building and intranet site that was focused on reporting data of some sort where the built in controls that come with would save development time and I wasn't as concerned with the look and feel. I would never use webforms again for a major public facing site.
I am making the long haul to MVC. I have too much code that readily works in Web Forms. MVC is fantasic, but it sill leaves a lot in the productivty areas such as templated grids and lists, basic UI controls (calender, autocomplete, etc.) and scafolding. These are all areas where Web Forms excels at, but comes off the rails if you want precise control and want to keep things simple.
MVC 3 and EF Code-Only could be a great marriage if they are willing to bridge the gaps between the two. Most people that use Ruby use it for Rails, and ActiveRecord makes that easy to work with.
Also I would love to see a parallel "Feature Pack" project for MVC with MS support, similar to the way they did the Microsoft Ajax Toolkit, that would say have quarterly updates. I find MVC Futures and MVCContrib both lacking. But I know they only have so much budget. So, here's to hoping that MVC 3 changes all that.
Just say NO to ASP.NET MVC if you are developing for Intranet. For Internet, sure.
Hmm.. At the moment I am confused like you are and about to start building a new site :). I was going to start with Webforms, but now I see where the crowd is heading and I think I am going to give MVC a whirl now.
Thanks for asking this question.
Now that it's RTMed and now that there are some very good resources on it I would say MVC would be my strong preference, but it's not cut and dried.
Web forms hasn't gone though, it's still there, it's still supported and I've worked on several major sites and used Web Forms very successfully, so if there were other external factors such as a customer preference, or perhaps a team that had solid Web Forms experience then I'd still be happy to work with Web Forms. That said I have already worked on one project with MVC (while it was still in preview), and I much prefer it - my reasons are similar to those given above so I won't repeat them all. I will say that if testability isn't the best reason it's certainly in the top one:).
I would choose MVC since designers and developers can work in parallel on the same project. Designers can work on the view part (JavaScript, CSS, HTML) while backend developers can work on the controller code.
I would like to be doing ASP.Net MVC, even though I'm still very new to MVC. But it's not to be in the foreseeable future.
I'm actually going to be starting a rebuild of a web site in the next couple of weeks that was horribly written in ASP.NET 2.0 and I am going to be using ASP.NET MVC. For a lot of the same reasons as above. I would rather not use custom .NET controls and handle the HTML/JavaScript (using jQuery) myself. I do a lot of Java web development as well so having a good understanding of the underlying HTML/JavaScript/CSS is important to me.

Best Value for Paid ASP.NET Controls

We have questions about free .NET libraries and applications, but I'm curious about what ASP.NET control packages you've used that provide the best bang for your buck. Yes, paid stuff.
I'll get the ball rolling by saying I love the Telerik controls, but their price tag isn't great. The one reason I would say the value is the greatest here because of the licensing, which makes deployment so easy.
[Full Disclosure: I work at Telerik.]
I won't make any statements about which controls are the best- since clearly my opinions would be biased- but I will say that in the "3rd party" component market (in other words, not Microsoft and not open source) the pricing amongst the big players is all about the same. And in general, if you need the rich functionality offered by any of the 3rd party suites, the price is significantly lower than what you'd pay in your own dev time to rebuild the controls from scratch (or even to customize an open source control).
There are some significant differences in the way the licensing is handled, though, and as Josh originally highlighted, Telerik has the most open, "developer friendly" licensing approach. Purchased controls have no license keys to deal with.
Hope that helps.
I have both Telerik and DevExpress and I find myself, more and more, moving away from the Telerik stuff and using more of the DevExpress controls. I particularly like the DevExpress reporting package (the Telerik one was unusable) and the Grid / PivotGrid. However, Telerik does have better AJAX management helpers (although I no longer use them as I've learned enough about "raw" AJAX) and the Telerik Editor control is the best there is. vote here for DevExpress.
Telerik is by far the most robust for the cost; but you're right that the cost is a bit high.
We use the "Web.UI" suite from ComponentArt and we're very happy with it. You get the source code, redistribution, etc. Makes our web app stand out for sure.
The cost of Telerik's / DevExpress controls are CHEAP compared the cost having one or two people develop "something better". I have had developers work two weeks on just a grid with no Ajax, no client side anything and it looked like crap. Unless you have great skill with tools like jQuery and the team all possesses those skills, it is cheaper to go with a purchased library. Stuck on an issue, open a ticket. It's that simple.

Invite Suggestions of good 3rd-party controls for development

Will anyone suggest good 3rd party controls for development.
Especially gridview.tabcontrols,treeview.Menu
Please suggest controls which scores well on all points below
Easy development,
good performance in run time.
Less page overhead and less page
objects etc.
faster page loading.
I used few but had bad experience on page performance.
Swapna MC
The consensus here at SO seems to be DevExpress. Telerik and ComponentArt are good, too. DevExpress seems to be the fastest performer.
How about "obout" controls.
This is suggested by some one .But i am facing performance issues now.Page load is very slow.I am not sure its the controls causing the problem.
I have experience with Telerik and DevExpress. As others have noted, DevExpress is probably the fastest; however, I still strongly prefer Telerik. Their big advantage is that they have been around a very long time and have a huge support database. Compared to every other .Net control library I've worked with, theirs is, by far, the easiest to get help for.
Considering that each library will have its own nuances and bugs, going with the one with the most vibrant user community and support forum is a smart move.
One more point, DevExpress's AspXPivotGrid is fantastic. Clients absolutely love pivot grids, and they are a smart move for the first report and clients will cut you a lot of slack when they can build their own reports.
telerik ajax controls provide a quite rich client-side api. it's their most attractive side for me.
