Can I symlink multiple directories into one? - unix

I have a feeling that I already know the answer to this one, but I thought I'd check.
I have a number of different folders:
Can I create some sort of symlink such that this new directory has the contents of all those directories? That is this new "images_all" would contain all the files in images_a, images_b and images_c?

No. You would have to symbolically link all the individual files.
What you could do is to create a job to run periodically which basically removed all of the existing symbolic links in images_all, then re-create the links for all files from the three other directories, but it's a bit of a kludge, something like this:
rm -f images_all/*
for i in images_[abc]/* ; do; ln -s $i images_all/$(basename $i) ; done
Note that, while this job is running, it may appear to other processes that the files have temporarily disappeared.
You will also need to watch out for the case where a single file name exists in two or more of the directories.
Having come back to this question after a while, it also occurs to me that you can minimise the time during which the files are not available.
If you link them to a different directory then do relatively fast mv operations that would minimise the time. Something like:
mkdir images_new
for i in images_[abc]/* ; do
ln -s $i images_new/$(basename $i)
# These next two commands are the minimal-time switchover.
mv images_all images_old
mv images_new images_all
rm -rf images_old
I haven't tested that so anyone implementing it will have to confirm the suitability or otherwise.

You could try a unioning file system like unionfs!

to add on to paxdiablo 's great answer, i think you could use cp -s
(-s or --symbolic-link)
which makes symbolic links instead of literal copying
to maybe speed up or simplify the the bulk adding of symlinks to the "merge" folder A , of the files from folder B and C.
(i have not tested this though)
I cant recall of the top of my head, but im sure there is some option for CP to NOT overwrite existing, thus only symlinks of new files will be "cp -s" ed


Rsync all files (recursively) from one dir to another, maintaining only a portion of the original dir structure

I have two directories:
Directory #1, 'C'
C's absolute path:
Directory #2, 'T'
T's absolute path:
I want to use rsync, to copy all files, recursively, from C, and copy them in to T, while maintaining the original directory structure - but only from B onwards.
Example to make it clearer: suppose 'B' has only 3 files nested within it:
Then I want to end up with only f2.txt and f3.txt being copied over, with the final filepaths as follows (notice how I keep the directory structure, only from B onwards):
Here is the catch: I must execute the rsync cmd from within /Q/R/. So when I execute this command, my pwd must be /Q/R/.
Can anyone help me figure out how to do this?
[If I did not have this constraint of where my cwd must be, I could cd to /A/B, and then execute: rsync . /Q/R/T/ --recursive --relative . Unfortunately, I can not do that for reasons that would take a lot of pointless explaining here. And when I try to execute rsync /A/. /Q/R/T/ --recursive --relative, I end up with not only everything within A, but maintaining that first part of the dir structure (/A/) that I don't want. (Note - in the real life scenario the dir structure is much more complex then this, this is just the general problem.]
The rsync command includes a couple of options which are suitable for this scenario. They are:
--include=PATTERN - Don't exclude files matching PATTERN
--exclude=PATTERN - Exclude files matching PATTERN
An excellent description and examples of the --exclude flag can be found here.
Given the directory structures provided in your question and your pwd being set to /Q/R/. Running the following command will meet your requirement:
rsync ../../A/ T/ --recursive --include A/B/** --exclude B/*.*
If you do want /A/B/f1.txt to copy to /Q/R/T/B/f1.txt (as it's unclear in your question because you don't show it in the "I want to end up with" example"). Then omit the --exclude B/*.* part, so the complete command is reduced to:
rsync ../../A/ T/ --recursive --include A/B/**
or reduced even further in complexity to just:
rsync ../../A/** T/ --recursive
Explanation of the command
The first argument provides the path to the source directory. I.e. The relative position within the hierarchical tree of names (Based on your pwd being /Q/R).
The second argument provides the path to the destination directory. Again this is a relative position within the hierarchical tree of names (and is also based on the pwd being /Q/R).
The first option is to recurse into the directories.
--include A/B/**
This says that you want to include all the assets (files/folders), however many levels deep, from within the folder named B which resides inside folder A.
--exclude B/*.*
This says that you want to exclude any assets (files/folders), whose name includes a dot [.] plus extension, which reside inside folder B (at the top level). This will prevent the file named f1.txt from being copied. You could be even more specific here and use --exclude B/f1.txt instead, however I'm assuming in real life you perhaps have additional files you want to exclude here too.
Additional notes
Both the --include and --exclude options can be utilized multiple times. This can be very useful for some scenarios too as it enables you to be specific about what to include and/or exclude during the copy process.
For example, lets assume that your source directory /A/B/, (as described in your question), also contains a folder named X. So its path is A/B/X.
Lets say that we also do not want to copy this folder named X (in the same way as you currently do not want to copy /A/B/f1.txt).
For this scenario we add another --exclude option as follows:
rsync ../../A/ T/ --recursive --include A/B/** --exclude B/*.* --exclude X/
Note the additional --exclude X/ at the end.
You mention...
(Note - in the real life scenario the dir structure is much more complex then this, this is just the general problem.
... in your question, so you may find it necessary to add additional --exclude=PATTERN to truly meet your requirements.
As you have included the gruntjs flag with your question, then you may want to consider utilizing plug-ins which can run shell commands like rsync such as:

How to move certain directories under few parent directories one level up in unix

I have
all these are folders. I am trying to move the directories so that it may look like
I am sure I should use mv command but I am not sure to do it for all the directories at once.
Not in one go, but since we're not code golfing:
mv A/1/* A; rmdir A/1
mv B/1/* B; rmdir B/1
The canonical gotchas apply, like * not globbing dot files, depending on shell options. You'll know when you run into them when you see rmdir: directory not empty.

Makefile rule depend on directory content changes

Using Make is there a nice way to depend on a directories contents.
Essentially I have some generated code which the application code depends on. The generated code only needs to change if the contents of a directory changes, not necessarily if the files within change their content. So if a file is removed or added or renamed I need the rule to run.
My first thought is generate a text file listing of the directory and diff that with the last listing. A change means rerun the build. I think I will have to pass off the generate and diff part to a bash script.
I am hoping somehow in their infinite intelligence might have an easier solution.
Kudos to gjulianm who got me on the right track. His solution works perfect for a single directory.
To get it working recursively I did the following.
ASSET_DIRS = $(shell find ../../assets/ -type d)
ASSET_FILES = $(shell find ../../assets/ -type f -name '*')
codegen: ../../assets/ $(ASSET_DIRS) $(ASSET_FILES)
It appears now any changes to the directory or files (add, delete, rename, modify) will cause this rule to run. There is likely some issue with file names here (spaces might cause issues).
Let's say your directory is called dir, then this makefile will do what you want:
FILES = $(wildcard dir/*)
codegen: dir # Add $(FILES) here if you want the rule to run on file changes too.
As the comment says, you can also add the FILES variable if you want the code to depend on file contents too.
A disadvantage of having the rule depend on a directory is that any change to that directory will cause the rule to be out-of-date — including creating generated files in that directory. So unless you segregate source and target files into different directories, the rule will trigger on every make.
Here is an alternative approach that allows you to specify a subset of files for which additions, deletions, and changes are relevant. Suppose for example that only *.foo files are relevant.
# replace indentation with tabs if copy-pasting
.PHONY: codegen
find . -name '*.foo' |sort >
diff .filelist.current || cp -f .filelist.current
rm -f
$(MAKE) generate
generate: .filelist.current $(shell cat .filelist.current)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f .filelist.*
The second line in the codegen rule ensures that .filelist.current is only modified when the list of relevant files changes, avoiding false-positive triggering of the generate rule.

How to use mv command to rename multiple files in unix?

I am trying to rename multiple files with extension xyz[n] to extension xyz
example :
mv *.xyz[1] to *.xyz
but the error is coming as - " *.xyz No such file or directory"
Don't know if mv can directly work using * but this would work
find ./ -name "*.xyz\[*\]" | while read line
mv "$line" ${line%.*}.xyz
Let's say we have some files as shown below.Now i want remove the part -(ab...) from those files.
> ls -1 foo*
So the expected file names would be :
> ls -1 foo*
Below is a simple way to do it.
> ls -1 | nawk '/foo-bar-/{old=$0;gsub(/-\(.*\)/,"",$0);system("mv \""old"\" "$0)}'
for detailed explanation check here
Here is another way using the automated tools of StringSolver. Let us say your first file is named[1] a second named[1] and a third named ghi.jpg (not the same extension as the previous two).
First, filter the files you want by giving examples (ok and notok are any words such that the first describes the accepted files):
filter[1] ok[1] ok ghi.jpg notok
Then perform the move with the filter it created:
mv --filter --all
The second line generalizes the first transformation on all files ending with .xyz[1].
The last two lines can also be abbreviated in just one, which performs the moves and immediately generalizes it:
mv --filter --all[1]
DISCLAIMER: I am a co-author of this work for academic purposes. Other examples are available on youtube.
I think mv can't operate on multiple files directly without loop.
Use rename command instead. it uses regular expressions but easy to use once mastered and more powerful.
rename 's/^text-to-replace/new-text-you-want/' text-to-replace*
e.g to rename all .jar files in a directory to .jar_bak
rename 's/^jar/jar_bak/' jar*

Rename a file but keeping the orginal creation, modification time in UNIX

Is there any way to rename a file while keeping the original creation / modification/ read time?
This is in Solaris.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think you can do that with mv. However, you can with cp -p; copy the file to a new name, then delete the original. The -p flag preserves timestamps.
You will get a new inode though... something you wouldn't with mv
In a variation on the theme suggested by others:
cp -al "$oldname" "$newname"
unlink "$oldname"
should avoid any copying as long as $oldname and $newname are on the same mountpoint (filesystem).
You're in luck.
Solaris (with ZFS) is one of the very few filesystems that actually honour a creation time property for files.
Now on topic: No you cannot preserve all times: the inode will change and the filename changes. This means that the inode ctime will change by (POSIX) definition.
Your last accessed time will also change, unless you're running a noatime mount point (zfs set atime=off).
I don't think there is a way to change that. However, the file creation date time should not be changed at all. I was going to show the commands to show creation times, but unfortunately I don't have a Solaris box handy and I can't seem to find it. I think your best bet is man ls find stat.
You can probably use cp -p and then remove the original.
The touch command can force the file modification time, but I am not sure this works with ZFS. If you are renaming large files this is lower overhead than cp -p. Here is a bash script:
oldFileTime=`find "$1" -maxdepth 0 -printf "%Ty%Tm%Td%TH%TM.%.2TS"`
mv "$1" "$2"
touch -t "$oldFileTime" "$2"
