Quoting command-line arguments in shell scripts - unix

The following shell script takes a list of arguments, turns Unix paths into WINE/Windows paths and invokes the given executable under WINE.
#! /bin/sh
if [ "${1+set}" != "set" ]
echo "Usage; winewrap EXEC [ARGS...]"
exit 1
for p in "$#";
if [ -e "$p" ]
p=$(winepath -w $p)
ARGS="$ARGS '$p'"
CMD="wine '$EXEC' $ARGS"
echo $CMD
However, there's something wrong with the quotation of command-line arguments.
$ winewrap '/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Research/Z3-1.3.6/bin/z3.exe' -smt /tmp/smtlib3cee8b.smt
Executing: wine '/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Research/Z3-1.3.6/bin/z3.exe' '-smt' 'Z: mp\smtlib3cee8b.smt'
wine: cannot find ''/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program'
Note that:
The path to the executable is being chopped off at the first space, even though it is single-quoted.
The literal "\t" in the last path is being transformed into a tab character.
Obviously, the quotations aren't being parsed the way I intended by the shell. How can I avoid these errors?
EDIT: The "\t" is being expanded through two levels of indirection: first, "$p" (and/or "$ARGS") is being expanded into Z:\tmp\smtlib3cee8b.smt; then, \t is being expanded into the tab character. This is (seemingly) equivalent to
echo $Z
which yields
and not
zy yz
UPDATE: eval "$CMD" does the trick. The "\t" problem seems to be echo's fault: "If the first operand is -n, or if any of the operands contain a backslash ( '\' ) character, the results are implementation-defined." (POSIX specification of echo)

bash’s arrays are unportable but the only sane way to handle argument lists in shell
The number of arguments is in ${#}
Bad stuff will happen with your script if there are filenames starting with a dash in the current directory
If the last line of your script just runs a program, and there are no traps on exit, you should exec it
With that in mind
#! /bin/bash
# push ARRAY arg1 arg2 ...
# adds arg1, arg2, ... to the end of ARRAY
function push() {
local ARRAY_NAME="${1}"
for ARG in "${#}"; do
eval "${ARRAY_NAME}[\${#${ARRAY_NAME}[#]}]=\${ARG}"
PROG="$(basename -- "${0}")"
if (( ${#} < 1 )); then
# Error messages should state the program name and go to stderr
echo "${PROG}: Usage: winewrap EXEC [ARGS...]" 1>&2
exit 1
for p in "${#}"; do
if [ -e "${p}" ]; then
p="$(winepath -w -- "${p}")"
push EXEC "${p}"
exec "${EXEC[#]}"

I you do want to have the assignment to CMD you should use
eval $CMD
instead of just $CMD in the last line of your script. This should solve your problem with spaces in the paths, I don't know what to do about the "\t" problem.

replace the last line from $CMD to just
wine '$EXEC' $ARGS
You'll note that the error is ''/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program' and not '/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program'
The single quotes are not being interpolated properly, and the string is being split by spaces.

You can try preceeding the spaces with \ like so:
/home/chris/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft\ Research/Z3-1.3.6/bin/z3.exe
You can also do the same with your \t problem - replace it with \\t.


Unable to use -C of grep in Unix Shell Script

I am able to use grep in normal command line.
grep "ABC" Filename -C4
This is giving me the desired output which is 4 lines above and below the matched pattern line.
But if I use the same command in a Unix shell script, I am unable to grep the lines above and below the pattern. It is giving me output as the only lines where pattern is matched and an error in the end that cannot says cannot open grep : -C4
The results are similar if I use -A4 and -B4
I'll assume you need a portable POSIX solution without the GNU extensions (-C NUM, -A NUM, and -B NUM are all GNU, as are arguments following the pattern and/or file name).
POSIX grep can't do this, but POSIX awk can. This can be invoked as e.g. grepC -C4 "ABC" Filename (assuming it is named "grepC", is executable, and is in your $PATH):
die() { echo "$*\nUsage: $0 [-C NUMBER] PATTERN [FILE]..." >&2; exit 2; }
CONTEXT=0 # default value
case $1 in
-C ) CONTEXT="$2"; shift 2 ;; # extract "4" from "-C 4"
-C* ) CONTEXT="${1#-C}"; shift ;; # extract "4" from "-C4"
--|-) shift ;; # no args or use std input (implicit)
-* ) [ -f "$1" ] || die "Illegal option '$1'" ;; # non-option non-file
[ "$CONTEXT" -ge 0 ] 2>/dev/null || die "Invalid context '$CONTEXT'"
[ "$#" = 0 ] && die "Missing PATTERN"
awk '
/'"$PATTERN"'/ {
for(i=1; i<=CONTEXT; i++) if(NR>i) print last[i];
match { print; match-- }
{ for(i='$CONTEXT'; i>1; i--) last[i] = last[i-1]; last[1] = $0 }
' "$#"
This sets up die as a fatal error function, then finds the desired lines of context from your arguments (either -C NUMBER or -CNUMBER), with an error for unsupported options (unless they're files).
If the context is not a number or there is no pattern, we again fatally error out.
Otherwise, we save the pattern, shift it away, and reserve the rest of the options for handing to awk as files ("$#").
There are three stanzas in this awk call:
Match the pattern itself. This requires ending the single-quote portion of the string in order to incorporate the $PATTERN variable (which may not behave correctly if imported via awk -v). Upon that match, we store the number of lines of context into the match variable, loop through the previous lines saved in the last hash (if we've gone far enough to have had them), and print them. We then skip to the next line without evaluating the other two stanzas.
If there was a match, we need the next few lines for context. As this stanza prints them, it decrements the counter. A new match (previous stanza) will reset that count.
We need to save previous lines for recalling upon a match. This loops through the number of lines of context we care about and stores them in the last hash. The current line ($0) is stored in last[1].

Loop over environment variables in POSIX sh

I need to loop over environment variables and get their names and values in POSIX sh (not bash). This is what I have so far.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Loop over each line from the env command
while read -r line; do
# Get the string before = (the var name)
eval value="\$$name"
echo "name: ${name}, value: ${value}"
done <<EOF
It works most of the time, except when an environment variable contains a newline. I need it to work in that case.
I am aware of the -0 flag for env that separates variables with nul instead of newlines, but if I use that flag, how do I loop over each variable? Edit: #chepner pointed out that POSIX env doesn't support -0, so that's out.
Any solution that uses portable linux utilities is good as long as it works in POSIX sh.
There is no way to parse the output of env with complete confidence; consider this output:
I can produce that with two different environments:
$ env -i "bar=3" "baz=9"
$ env -i "bar=3
> baz=9"
Is that two environment variables, bar and baz, with simple numeric values, or is it one variable bar with the value $'3\nbaz=9' (to use bash's ANSI quoting style)?
You can safely access the environment with POSIX awk, however, using the ENVIRON array. For example:
awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) {
print "Name is "name;
print "Value is "ENVIRON[name];
}' < /dev/null
With this command, you can distinguish between the two environments mentioned above.
$ env -i "bar=3" "baz=9" awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print "Name is "name; print "Value is "ENVIRON[name]; }}' < /dev/null
Name is baz
Value is 9
Name is bar
Value is 3
$ env -i "bar=3
> baz=9" awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print "Name is "name; print "Value is "ENVIRON[name]; }}' < /dev/null
Name is bar
Value is 3
Maybe this would work?
#!/usr/bin/env sh
env | while IFS= read -r line
indirect_presence="$(eval echo "\${$name+x}")"
[ -z "$name" ] || [ -z "$indirect_presence" ] || echo "name:$name, value:$(eval echo "\$$name")"
It is not bullet-proof, as if the value of a variable with a newline happens to have a line beginning that looks like an assignment, it could be somewhat confused.
The expansion uses %% to remove the longest match, so if a line contains several = signs, they should all be removed to leave only the variable name from the beginning of the line.
Here an example based on the awk approach:
for NAME in $(awk "END { for (name in ENVIRON) { print name; }}" < /dev/null)
VAL="$(awk "END { printf ENVIRON[\"$NAME\"]; }" < /dev/null)"
echo "$NAME=$VAL"

How can I set a default value when incorrect/invalid input is entered in Unix?

i want to set the value of inputLineNumber to 20. I tried checking if no value is given by user by [[-z "$inputLineNumber"]] and then setting the value by inputLineNumber=20. The code gives this message ./t.sh: [-z: not found as message on the console. How to resolve this? Here's my full script as well.
cat /dev/null>copy.txt
echo "Please enter the sentence you want to search:"
read "inputVar"
echo "Please enter the name of the file in which you want to search:"
read "inputFileName"
echo "Please enter the number of lines you want to copy:"
read "inputLineNumber"
[[-z "$inputLineNumber"]] || inputLineNumber=20
for N in `grep -n $inputVar $inputFileName | cut -d ":" -f1`
LIMIT=`expr $N + $inputLineNumber`
sed -n $N,${LIMIT}p $inputFileName >> copy.txt
echo "-----------------------" >> copy.txt
cat copy.txt
Changed the script after suggestion from #Kevin. Now the error message ./t.sh: syntax error at line 11: `$' unexpected
truncate copy.txt
echo "Please enter the sentence you want to search:"
read inputVar
echo "Please enter the name of the file in which you want to search:"
read inputFileName
echo Please enter the number of lines you want to copy:
read inputLineNumber
[ -z "$inputLineNumber" ] || inputLineNumber=20
for N in $(grep -n $inputVar $inputFileName | cut -d ":" -f1)
sed -n $N,${LIMIT}p $inputFileName >> copy.txt
echo "-----------------------" >> copy.txt
cat copy.txt
Try changing this line from:
[[-z "$inputLineNumber"]] || inputLineNumber=20
To this:
if [[ -z "$inputLineNumber" ]]; then
Hope this helps.
Where to start...
You are running as /bin/sh but trying to use [[. [[ is a bash command that sh does not recognize. Either change the shebang to /bin/bash (preferred) or use [ instead.
You do not have a space between [[-z. That causes bash to read it as a command named [[-z, which clearly doesn't exist. You need [[ -z $inputLineNumber ]] (note the space at the end too). Quoting within [[ doesn't matter, but if you change to [ (see above), you will need to keep the quotes.
Your code says [[-z but your error says [-z. Pick one.
Use $(...) instead of `...`. The backticks are deprecated, and $() handles quoting appropriately.
You don't need to cat /dev/null >copy.txt, certainly not twice without writing to it in-between. Use truncate copy.txt or just plain >copy.txt.
You seem to have inconsistent quoting. Quote or escape (\x) anything with special characters (~, `, !, #, $, &, *, ^, (), [], \, <, >, ?, ', ", ;) or whitespace and any variable that could have whitespace. You don't need to quote string literals with no special characters (e.g. ":").
Instead of LIMIT=`expr...`, use limit=$((N+inputLineNumber)).

How to set font color for STDOUT and STDERR

I want to differentiate the STDOUT and STDERR messages in my terminal.
If a script or command is printing a message in terminal I want to differentiate by colors; is it possible?
(E.g. stderr font color is red, and stdout font color is blue.)
Example (using bold):
Wed Jul 27 12:36:50 IST 2011
bash: datee: command not found
$alias ls
alias ls='ls --color=auto -F'
$aliass ls
bash: aliass: command not found
Create a function in a bash shell or script:
color()(set -o pipefail;"$#" 2>&1>&3|sed $'s,.*,\e[31m&\e[m,'>&2)3>&1
Use it like this:
$ color command -program -args
It will show the command's stderr in red.
Keep reading for an explanation of how it works. There are some interesting features demonstrated by this command.
color()... — Creates a bash function called color.
set -o pipefail — This is a shell option that preserves the error return code of a command whose output is piped into another command. This is done in a subshell, which is created by the parentheses, so as not to change the pipefail option in the outer shell.
"$#" — Executes the arguments to the function as a new command. "$#" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" ...
2>&1 — Redirects the stderr of the command to stdout so that it becomes sed's stdin.
>&3 — Shorthand for 1>&3, this redirects stdout to a new temporary file descriptor 3. 3 gets routed back into stdout later.
sed ... — Because of the redirects above, sed's stdin is the stderr of the executed command. Its function is to surround each line with color codes.
$'...' A bash construct that causes it to understand backslash-escaped characters
.* — Matches the entire line.
\e[31m — The ANSI escape sequence that causes the following characters to be red
& — The sed replace character that expands to the entire matched string (the entire line in this case).
\e[m — The ANSI escape sequence that resets the color.
>&2 — Shorthand for 1>&2, this redirects sed's stdout to stderr.
3>&1 — Redirects the temporary file descriptor 3 back into stdout.
Here's a hack that I thought of and it seems to work:
Given the following aliases for readability:
alias blue='echo -en "\033[36m"'
alias red='echo -en "\033[31m"'
alias formatOutput='while read line; do blue; echo $line; red; done'
Now, you need to first set the font color in your terminal to red (as the default, which will be used for stderr).
Then, run your command and pipe the stdout through formatOutput defined above (which simply prints each line as blue and then resets the font color to red):
shell$ red
shell$ ls / somenonexistingfile | formatOutput
The above command will print in both stderr and stdout and you'll see that the lines are coloured differently.
Hope this helps
To make this reusable, I've put it all in a small script:
$ cat bin/run
echo -en "\033[31m" ## red
eval $* | while read line; do
echo -en "\033[36m" ## blue
echo $line
echo -en "\033[31m" ## red
echo -en "\033[0m" ## reset color
Now you can use this with any command:
$ run yourCommand
I color stderr red by linking the file descriptor to a custom function that adds color to everything that goes through it. Add to following to your .bashrc:
export COLOR_RED="$(tput setaf 1)"
export COLOR_RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
exec 9>&2
exec 8> >(
perl -e '$|=1; while(sysread STDIN,$a,9999) {print
function undirect(){ exec 2>&9; }
function redirect(){ exec 2>&8; }
trap "redirect;" DEBUG
So what is happening? The debug trap is executed just before and immediately after executing a command. stderr is thus redirected before a command is executed to enable red output. PROMPT_COMMAND is evaluated before the prompt is shown and with this I restore stderr to its normal state. This is necessary because PS1 and PS2 (your prompt) are printed over stderr and I do not want a red prompt. voila, red output over stderr!
You should check out stderred: https://github.com/sickill/stderred
Yes it's not possible natively. You'll have to hack the tty management (in the kernel).
I somehow finished some little C wrapper before I saw the other answers :-)
Might be buggy, and values are hardcoded, don't use this except for testing.
#include "unistd.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include <sys/select.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char buf[1024];
int pout[2], perr[2];
pipe(pout); pipe(perr);
if (fork()!=0)
close(1); close(2);
dup2(pout[1],1); dup2(perr[1],2);
close(pout[1]); close(perr[1]);
execvp(argv[1], argv+1);
fprintf(stderr,"exec failed\n");
return 0;
close(pout[1]); close(perr[1]);
while (1)
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(pout[0], &fds);
FD_SET(perr[0], &fds);
int max = pout[0] > perr[0] ? pout[0] : perr[0];
int v = select(max+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (FD_ISSET(pout[0], &fds))
int r;
r = read(pout[0], buf, 1024);
if (!r) {close(pout[0]); continue;}
write(1, "\033[33m", 5);
write(1, buf, r);
write(1, "\033[0m", 4);
if (FD_ISSET(perr[0], &fds))
int r;
r = read(perr[0], buf, 1024);
if (!r) {close(perr[0]); continue;}
write(2, "\033[31m", 5);
write(2, buf, r);
write(2, "\033[0m", 4);
if (v <= 0) break;
return 0;
Edit: Compared to the shell solution, this one will preserve the order of lines/characters more often. (It's not possible to be as accurate as direct tty reading.) Hitting ^C won't show an ugly error message, and it behaves correctly on this example:
./c_color_script sh -c "while true; do (echo -n a; echo -n b 1>&2) done"
I'm surprised that nobody has actually figured out how to color stdio streams. This will color stderr red for the entire (sub)shell:
exec 3>&2
exec 2> >(sed -u 's/^\(.*\)$/'$'\e''[31m\1'$'\e''[m/' >&3)
In this case, &3 will hold the original stderr stream.
You should not be passing any commands to exec, only the redirects. This special case causes exec to replace the current (sub)shell's stdio streams with those that it receives.
There are a few caveats:
Since sed will be running persistently in a parallel subshell, any direct output immediately following a write to the colored stdio will probably beat sed to the tty.
This method uses a FIFO file descriptor; FIFO nodes only deal in lines. If you don't write a linefeed to the stream, your output will be buffered until a newline is encountered. This is not buffering on sed's part: it's how these file types function.
The most troublesome of the caveats is the first, but a race condition can be more or less avoided by applying similar processing to all outputs, even if you use the default color.
You can perform similar processing for single commands by piping to the same sed command with the normal pipe operator (|). Piped chains are executed synchronously, so no race condition will occur, though the last command in a pipe chain receives its own subshell by default.
Expanding on the answer #gospes gave, I added the functionality to print out partial lines without waiting for a newline, and some comments. Allows for better output from wget or typing in a interactive shell.
exec 9>&2
exec 8> >(
while [ "$r" != "1" ]; do
# read input, no field separators or backslash escaping, 1/20th second timeout
IFS='' read -rt 0.05 line
# if we have input, print the color change control char and what input we have
if ! [ "${#line}" = "0" ]; then
echo -ne "\e[1;33m${line}"
# end of line detected, print default color control char and newline
if [ "$r" = "0" ] ; then
echo -e "\e[0m"
# slow infinite loops on unexpected returns - shouldn't happen
if ! [ "$r" = "0" ] && ! [ "$r" = "142" ]; then
sleep 0.05
function undirect(){ exec 2>&9; }
function redirect(){ exec 2>&8; }
trap "redirect;" DEBUG
I used bold yellow (1;33) but you can replace it with whatever, red for example (31) or bold red (1;33), and I arbitrarily chose 0.05 seconds for re-checking for end-of-lines and pausing on unexpected return codes (never found any); it could probably be lowered, or possibly removed from the read command.
You can make use of grep for this. Note that this assumes that grep is configured to have coloured output (this is the default on many systems).
$ aliass ls 2> >(GREP_COLORS='ms=01;31' grep .) 1> >(GREP_COLORS='ms=01;32' grep .)
aliass: command not found
This is a little long winded, if you are simply wanting to distinguish stderr fromstdout you can simply do this:
$ (echo "this is stdout"; echo "this is stderr" >&2) | grep .
this is stderr
this is stdout
This will result in stdout being highlighted with the default grep colour and stderr being white.
This might be the opposite of what you want if your default grep colour is red. If so you can explicitly set the grep colour to green:
$ GREP_COLORS='ms=01;32'
$ (echo "this is stdout"; echo "this is stderr" >&2) | grep .
If you explicitly want to get red output for stderr:
$ GREP_COLORS='ms=01;31'
$ (echo "this is stdout"; echo "this is stderr" >&2) 2> >(grep .)
Note that this solution will not preserve the output order.

How to quote strings in file names in zsh (passing back to other scripts)

I have a script that has a string in a file name like so:
filename_with_spaces="a file with spaces"
echo test > "$filename_with_spaces"
test_expect_success "test1: filename with spaces" "
run cat \"$filename_with_spaces\"
run grep test \"$filename_with_spaces\"
test_expect_success is defined as:
test_expect_success () {
echo "expecting success: $1"
eval "$2"
and run is defined as:
# make nice filename removing special characters, replace space with _
filename=`echo $# | tr ' ' _ | tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9_.'`.run
echo "#!/bin/zsh" > $filename
print "$#" >> $filename
chmod +x $filename
But when I run the toplevel script test_expect_success... I get cat_a_file_with_spaces.run with:
cat a file with spaces
The problem is the quotes around a file with spaces in cat_a_file_with_spaces.run is missing. How do you get Z shell to keep the correct quoting?
run cat ${(q)filename_with_spaces}
. It is what (q) modifier was written for. Same for run script:
echo -E ${(q)#} >> $filename
. And it is not bash, you don't need to put quotes around variables: unless you specify some option (don't remember which exactly)
command $var
always passes exactly one argument to command no matter what is in $var. To ensure that some zsh option will not alter the behavior, put
emulate -L zsh
at the top of every script.
Note that initial variant (run cat \"$filename_with_spaces\") is not a correct quoting: filename may contain any character except NULL and / used for separating directories. ${(q)} takes care about it.
Update: I would have written test_expect_success function in the following fashion:
function test_expect_success()
emulate -L zsh
echo "Expecting success: $1" ; shift
test_expect_success "Message" run cat $filename_with_spaces
