Is it possible to use a an existing mock-server using pact-jvm and Junit5? - pact

Is it possible to configure an existing Pact Mock Server using Pact Junit5 Consumer?
I know it is possible to write my own Pact Plugin just for that but it seems overkill.
I do not want the Junit Framework to create the Mock Server for me but I want to set it up myself.
Is this possible?
PS. is there a good community where I can ask Pact questions?

I'm not sure if it's possible to do so, but the best community to ask questions is :)


How to share pact file in bitbucket

I want to share the pact file from consumer to bitbucket and then provider can use from the same location.
Does anybody implemented this?
Thanks in advance.
It's worth noting that it's very much a non-standard way of doing it and I would highly recommend you don't do it this way (see You're going to have to build a lot of the workflows again, and that will require investment in building tooling and coming up with ideas to evolve the contract. At some point, you'll be rebuilding key features the Pact Broker already has and would be better off just running that or using a hosted service like
So, without a pact broker, you don't get the can-i-deploy tool, versioning, environment management and all of these powerful workflows.
With that said - if you do want to use bitbucket:
you'll need to create a manual process (i.e. script) to upload (from consumer) and download (provider) from bitbucket
You'll only want to upload from CI, so that's easier to control
For provider verification, you really want to do this on a laptop, so you'll need a standard approach for pulling down the correct contract to verify there and on CI. Every team member will need credentials to read from that repo
Pact doesn't have a mechanism to pull from git protocols, but you could potentially add that feature to the languages you need them for

How to migrate content from Documentum WebTop to Alfresco?

I want to migrate content with metadata from Documentum WebTop to Alfresco.
Can anyone please help me with the possible ways and some basic steps if possible.
For the moment I can think about using apache chemistry open CMIS API to connect to both repository and migrate content.
But is there any other simplest way available? or is there any tool available that we can use as is with slight modifications?
Your inputs will be really helpfull.
Thanks in Advance...
The simplest way possible is to use CMIS to read from Documentum and write to Alfresco, especially if you don't already know anything about Documentum. That way you only have to learn one API.
This assumes your version of Documentum supports CMIS.
If you have a high volume of data to move you will probably end up implementing some sort of queue or streaming approach, as Miki suggests. But that still doesn't require you to write DFC code unless CMIS falls short in some area.
There are various ways.
Easiest way could be using middle layer migration app/toolkit/platform and implement DFC client for reading to middle layer from Documentum.
On the write side of your middle layer you could easily use client that could consume REST api at the Alfresco target environment.
We've done this using Kafka as a middle layer using source & sink connectors (Confluent).

Starting point for PACT-JS newbie

I found PACT in some videos from youtube and looks great and quite interested to start POC for my team.
I've read previous questions and try to follow the examples in Pact-JS, but still had some confusion on very basic stuff, so excuse my noob questions.
1. Which repo do I need to refer as official repo?
I assumed ones under Pact-foundation organization are official, but some links in document usually go to different ones.
2. What do I need and from which repo for all the parts of PACT working?
For the start, I think I need PACT_JS.
Mock service.
Do I need either pact-node or pact-mock-service-npm, or both as well for mock service?
If I want to use broker, then this will need.
I think those 3 are the parts I need to use. Is it correct?
3. If there are multiple teams involved, does 1 shared mock server need/help or not really matter? I'm not clear the benefit of stand alone mock server. is the official top-level JS repo.
a) That's correct:
b) You won't need to explicitly include it soon (I'm in the process of an API uplift which should simplify usage), but currently you will need to pull in pact-node to do provider verification
c) If you want to share via a broker, head to for details (this is not strictly necessary, but recommended)
You won't need the standalone mock service if you use Pact JS. It is designed to be used in cases where there is no language support for Pact (in this case, JS wraps this under the hood for you)
I would check out the end-to-end example which contains all that you'll probably need, including integration to a Broker.

Using Symfony2 with Salesforce PHP toolkit

I want to use the Salesforce php toolkit( within Symfony2.
Has anyone had experience doing this?
What is the best route to take?
A bundle, entity or service?
If I just namespace my initial Salesforce.php, which will provide the connection to Salesforce and leave the toolkits require_once files for its other classes.
Then, I guess, any bundles I write can use this namesspace and directly use this connection throughout my app?
Sorry this is a bit vague, any guidance would be appreciated!
I haven't tested but you can take a look at

Perform service interception with Fabric3

I´m doing a POC with Fabric3 (Service Component Architecture Framework) and would like to know if there is some native way to proceed interception in my Services? Something like #Interceptors of EJB or a Filter of a web environment.
There are a couple of ways to do this depending on your requirements. One is via binding handlers and the other is by writing a custom interceptor.
We'd be happy to help you further and walk you through this. Could you post a brief description of your requirements to the user list? Instructions for doing so can be found on our support page:
