How to load source file without header in IICS - informatica-cloud

I want to load flat file which is ~ delimited but doesn't any header into Snowflake table using informatica cloud integration service.
Just wanted to know how to add header to source file or any turn around in order to map fields in fields mapping option in target .Please find below screenshot. Not able to figure it out which field in source will be mapped in target table as source file does not have headers.


When i'm trying to create microsoft text driver(.txt , .csv) pointing to some specified .csv file,it don't show the file in Select directory?

Actually my intension is talking with non-conventional database like ms=excel,txt files. When i'm trying to create microsoft text driver in data source pointing to some .csv file and also trying to some file in my drives.. in that select Directory file is not visible to pointing it is in hidden mode What is the problem.
You must point to the directory in ODBC first, then set the options for the defined column header format. The ODBC connection will recognize all text files in the directory, and follow the header formats for the columns you must specify

Ms access 2010 how to open MSpaint with a blank page using the form name as a file name?

I made a program to create Jobs field Tickets, and i want to add a option in the same form that open MSPaint or other program in a blank page using the ticket number as a file name, so, whoever is creating the Ticket can hand draw anything.
Create an empty template image file with appropriate dimensions and file type at a constant path
use FileCopy to copy it to your desired path & file name
use Shell to launch a mspaint.exe command-line with your file name as parameter.

How to Set a File's Blob Filename?

In a Plone's File content type, which property stores the file's original filename?
I'm using plone.jsonapi.routes to upload files to a plone instance. I can set the id ant the title but I can't set the associated file's filename.
For example, when I upload a file to Plone in the regular way, I can set its id and title, but additionally to that, the original file name is stored somewhere. You can see it here:
objects-essay.pdf - PDF document indicates the name the original file has.
But when I upload it with plone.jsonapi.routes that field is empty. So, I'm trying to figure it out which property stores the name to pass it to the api or to set it by hand.
IIRC, all Archetypes-based content types have a setFilename method that you can use to do this.
On Dexterity-based content types file's content is stored in blobs in the ZODB (instances of NamedBlobFile) and there's a parameter named filename that you can use to set it.
You can see an example of the later in

xml file back up?

I have a application which reads and updates and xml file in my file system.I do have the options edit and save.As of now it serves my purpose but what if the user edits the values and saves but for some reason he wants to restore the old values to the xml file.I want to
have an option called reset which will get the old values of the xml file incase the user wants to get back to the default values.How do i create a back up to the original file and how do i call that xml file ??? Can any one suggest whether i am in right path or not?
I am using Linq-to xml here .
Keep a copy of the original XML file. Call it xml_file.bk and when the user clicks "reset" delete the current XML file and make a copy of XML_File.bk to the real name with the .xml extension.
You can use File.Move(sourcefile, destinationFile) to make a copy of the original.
File.Move documentation.

File upload and read from database

I am using file upload mechanism to upload file for an employee and converting it into byte[] and passing it to varBinary(Max) to store into database.
Now I what I have to do is, if any file is already uploaded for employee, simply read it from table and show file name. I have only one column to store a file and which is of type VarBinary.
Is it possible to get all file information from VarBinary field?
Any other way around, please let me know.
If you're not storing the filename, you can't retrieve it.
(Unless the file itself contains its filename in which case you'd need to parse the blob's contents.)
If the name of the file (and any other data about the file that's not part of the file's byte data) needs to be used later, then you need to save that data as well. I'd recommend adding a column for the file name, perhaps one for its type (mime type or something like that for properly sending it back to the client's browser, etc.) and maybe even one for size so you don't have to calculate that on the fly for each file (useful when displaying a grid of files and not wanting to touch the large blob field in the query that populates the grid).
Try to stay away from using the file name for system-internal identity purposes. It's fine for allowing the users to search for a file by name, select it, etc. But when actually making the request to the server to display the file it's better to use a simple integer primary key from the table to actually identify it. (On a side note, it's probably a good idea to put a unique constraint on the file name column.)
If you also need help displaying the file to the user, you'll probably want to take the approach that's tried and true for displaying images from a database. Basically it involves having a resource (generally an .aspx page, but could just as well be an HttpHandler instead) which accepts the file ID as a query string parameter and outputs the file.
This resource would have no UI (remove everything from the .aspx except the Page directive) and would manually manipulate the response headers (this is where you'd set the content type from the file's type), write the byte stream to the client, and end the response. From the client's perspective, something like ~/MyContent/MyFile.aspx?fileID=123 would be the file. (You can suggest a file name to the browser for saving purposes in the response headers, which you'd probably want to do with the file's stored name.)
There's no shortage of quick tutorials (some several years old, it's been around for a while) on how to do this with images. Just remember that there's essentially no difference from the server's perspective if it's an image or any other kind of file. All the server needs to do is send the type in the response headers and write the file's bytes to the client. How the client handles the file is up to the browser. In the vast majority of cases, the browser will know what to do (display an image, display via a plugin a PDF, save a .doc, etc.).
