This SVG text will be displayed in 2 lines on Firefox, but in just 1 line on Chrome:
document.querySelector("text").textContent = "This is the first line \n This is the second line";
text {
white-space: pre;
<text x="10" y="50"></text>
Is there any reliable source describing the current compatibility of white-space: pre; in an SVG text with newline characters? I've looked at MDN, Caniuse etc. but couldn't find anything.
(by the way I believe there's nothing in the specs and Firefox implementation decided to do that independently, is that correct?)
white-space was not an SVG property in SVG 1.1
white-space is an SVG property in SVG 2 and should work as it does with HTML text
only Firefox has implemented this part of the SVG 2 specification so far
I have a really simple loading animation that works perfectly on Firefox and Chrome, but in IE11 it's not showing the SVG figure.
Here is the full example:
JSFiddle sample
<svg class="circular-loader" viewBox="25 25 50 50">
<circle class="loader-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/>
The animation, which is a rotation, is working on IE11, but the SVG, which is a circle, is not being displayed.
Any idea?
I just can't figure out what is not being supported by IE11.
Only Microsoft Edge will support SVG CSS Transitions and Animation.. especially stroke-dasharray.
Please see the Microsoft Developer Docs:
Allows CSS Transitions and Animations to apply to SVG elements.
Unprefixed version: Microsoft Edge build 10240+
As you can see in my fork of your example. You were not seeing the loader spin due to not having the stroke attribute on your circle element.
You can see how it can spin now. But you will have to check if the browser is IE and adjust your stroke-dasharray so it is larger dash. Since IE11 and below do not support animating SVG stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset with CSS animation or transitions, unless it is Microsoft Edge build 10240+.
But if you need a cross browser solution to animate SVG, especially stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset, then look into using a JS animation library like the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). Using the DrawSVGPlugin
IE does not support CSS animation of SVG elements. It also doesn't support the standard built-in SMIL animations that SVG has.
If you convert your animation to native SVG animations, you could perhaps get it working using the FakeSmile library. Otherwise you will need to use some alternative fallback for IE - such as an animated gif or something.
IE11 supports CSS3 animations but not on child nodes of an SVG element. You can animate the SVG node itself so my solution is to break up the parts into separate SVGs and animate those with CSS3.
This will even work if IE11 is in compatibility mode if you add the meta tag
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
For anyone having trouble with this, I have a workaround.
I had a full SVG with IDs and CSS animations, all working perfect for all the other major browsers.
I have my SVG inserted into the HTML, so I can access every item with CSS animations.
For this to work, you have to have your SVG with position:
absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px,
... inside a container .svgcontent (or whatever you want to call it)
var IE = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/7.0") > -1) ? true : false;
objs = [ '#file1', '#file2','#file3','#file4','#file5','#file6','#file7','#file8','#file9','#file10','#file11', '#bottom' ];
if ( IE ){
objs.forEach(function (item) {
item = $(item);
id = item.attr('id');
svgcontent = item.closest('.svgcontent')
svg = item.closest('svg');
svgattrs = ' width='+svg.attr('width')+' height='+svg.attr('height')+' '
html = '<svg id="'+id+'" '+svgattrs+'>'+item.html()+'</svg>';
This takes all the elements in the objs array, and insert them as a full SVG behind the first one (you can change prepend to append to change this behavior).
And the SVG is going to have the same id as the object, so the CSS animate is going to apply to a full SVG, not an SVG object.
And that's it!
I have a really simple loading animation that works perfectly on Firefox and Chrome, but in IE11 it's not showing the SVG figure.
Here is the full example:
JSFiddle sample
<svg class="circular-loader" viewBox="25 25 50 50">
<circle class="loader-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/>
The animation, which is a rotation, is working on IE11, but the SVG, which is a circle, is not being displayed.
Any idea?
I just can't figure out what is not being supported by IE11.
Only Microsoft Edge will support SVG CSS Transitions and Animation.. especially stroke-dasharray.
Please see the Microsoft Developer Docs:
Allows CSS Transitions and Animations to apply to SVG elements.
Unprefixed version: Microsoft Edge build 10240+
As you can see in my fork of your example. You were not seeing the loader spin due to not having the stroke attribute on your circle element.
You can see how it can spin now. But you will have to check if the browser is IE and adjust your stroke-dasharray so it is larger dash. Since IE11 and below do not support animating SVG stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset with CSS animation or transitions, unless it is Microsoft Edge build 10240+.
But if you need a cross browser solution to animate SVG, especially stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset, then look into using a JS animation library like the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). Using the DrawSVGPlugin
IE does not support CSS animation of SVG elements. It also doesn't support the standard built-in SMIL animations that SVG has.
If you convert your animation to native SVG animations, you could perhaps get it working using the FakeSmile library. Otherwise you will need to use some alternative fallback for IE - such as an animated gif or something.
IE11 supports CSS3 animations but not on child nodes of an SVG element. You can animate the SVG node itself so my solution is to break up the parts into separate SVGs and animate those with CSS3.
This will even work if IE11 is in compatibility mode if you add the meta tag
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
For anyone having trouble with this, I have a workaround.
I had a full SVG with IDs and CSS animations, all working perfect for all the other major browsers.
I have my SVG inserted into the HTML, so I can access every item with CSS animations.
For this to work, you have to have your SVG with position:
absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px,
... inside a container .svgcontent (or whatever you want to call it)
var IE = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/7.0") > -1) ? true : false;
objs = [ '#file1', '#file2','#file3','#file4','#file5','#file6','#file7','#file8','#file9','#file10','#file11', '#bottom' ];
if ( IE ){
objs.forEach(function (item) {
item = $(item);
id = item.attr('id');
svgcontent = item.closest('.svgcontent')
svg = item.closest('svg');
svgattrs = ' width='+svg.attr('width')+' height='+svg.attr('height')+' '
html = '<svg id="'+id+'" '+svgattrs+'>'+item.html()+'</svg>';
This takes all the elements in the objs array, and insert them as a full SVG behind the first one (you can change prepend to append to change this behavior).
And the SVG is going to have the same id as the object, so the CSS animate is going to apply to a full SVG, not an SVG object.
And that's it!
I want to position a string of text inside the bottom right corner of an svg rect element in both RTL and LTR languages. Unfortunately, IE obeys the text-anchor attribute strictly regardless of text direction, whereas Chrome, FF, Safari and Opera swap the meaning of
text-anchor: start and text-anchor: end in RTL mode. How can I position the text correctly cross-browser and in an RTL-compatible manner?
LTR: (correct)
RTL: (doesn't work in IE9+, don't care about IE8-)
For IE, you don't need any CSS rule (to re-define the text-anchor), so we can detect the IE browser and if it's not IE, just insert the rule (to override the text-anchor) using Javascript like this:
//if not IE, just insert the rule body[dir="rtl"] svg > text ...
if(!('ActiveXObject' in window)){
.insertRule("body[dir='rtl'] svg > text { text-anchor: start;}",0);
Updated demo.
Note I think it's not possible to solve this without using script.
I'm using a YUI rich text editor in my project. it works fine for me, but I'm facing an issue. It doesn't break lines automatically when writing one big word as shown in the image.
You can use the CSS 3 property word-wrap:
div {
word-wrap: break-word;
Supported by IE 5.5+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 1.0+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 1.0+.
Alternatively, you can wrap everything in a <wbr> tag, although it's not supported by Opera.
#ali; just write
word-wrap force the text to wrap.
check this for more
I'm looking to use SVG versions of a company logo on a website. At present, all current versions of major browsers (IE, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera) support SVG, so this doesn't seem crazy. However, old browsers are still out there, so I need to fall back to PNG support.
The obvious solution is to put the SVG content in an object tag like so (forgive the inline styles...):
<object data='logo.svg' style='height:3em' >
<img src='logo.png' style='height:3em' />
Which in theory should render the object if possible, or else render the img. However, Chrome doesn't like this and applies the height style to the object itself but not the SVG, so I end up with a little iframe-like box with scrollbars, showing a huge logo.
Another solution would be to use the PNG as the img source, and then swap it out at render time with the SVG source with javascript, if I think I'm running on a SVG-capable browser. This is not ideal because the PNG will still get downloaded, and I'm not confidant I can properly detect SVG support. Unfortunately, jQuery doesn't seem to have a SVG-detect feature.
Finally, since my website is deployed with ASP.NET, I could inspect the user agent string before serving the page, and specify the img source depending on whether I think it will support SVG. But this also has the potential problem that I am not confidant I can make the right call.
What is the preferred way of doing SVG for images?
This is an old question, but here is another solution:
Download a version of Modernizr that is trimmed down to just testing SVG (assuming that’s the only test you need).
Run the test. If it passes, put in the SVG. If it fails, put in the bitmap. Essentially:
if (!Modernizr.svg) {
$("#logo").css("background-image", "url(fallback.png)");
SVG is a perfect use case for Modernizr, because there is no simple native way to provide a fallback.
Note: The browser don't load both (png and svg) versions.
For the record: the only reason you would need a fallback for SVG these days if you have to support IE 8 and down, or older Android.
I wouldn't call it the preferred way, but if you want to pursue your second option this should detect SVG support (from Raphaël 1.5.2):
if(window.SVGAngle ||
document.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1") {
// supports SVG
else {
// no SVG
Raphaël uses this to determine if it should render using VML (IE) or SVG (everyone else).
Out of curiosity, why SVG for your logo? If you already have a PNG version, this seems like a lot of work.
To solve your problem w/resizing SVGs in the object tag:
Add "preserveAspectRatio" and "viewBox" attributes to the svg tag. Open the file in a text editor and find the tag. in that tag, add the following attributes:
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 {width} {height}"
Replace {width} and {height} with some defaults for the viewBox. I use the values from the "width" and "height" attributes of the SVG tag. Save the SVG and it should now scale as expected.
See: How do I scale a stubborn SVG embedded with the <object> tag?
The problem w/SVGs in the object tag, though is that they swallow the clicks.
SVG as background-image w/PNG fallback:
My favorite is using the img tag and an onerror handler to change the src tag to a PNG.
Another good resource:
The only thing you need is CSS. First you declare the fallback image as a background-image. Then you can use multiple backgrounds to add the SVG.
IE8 and below will ignore the second background-image-declaration, because the lacking support of multiple backgrounds.
By the way, I'm using the img element here, because a logo is content, not layout. Using background-images might appear to be wrong in this context, but I disagree. You get the best of the worlds: SVG logo, fallback for
<a href="/" class="site-logo">
<!-- base64 encoded 1x1 px big transparent gif -->
<img src="" alt="company logo">
CSS (using multiple background images):
caniuse: multiple backgrounds
PNG for IE <9, FF <3.6, Opera <10.5
SVG for all the others supporting SVG
Android 2.x won't have a PNG or SVG, due to these versions actually supporting multiple backgrounds, but not SVG
There is only one HTTP request made for browsers supporting SVG
.site-logo > img {
/* Dimensions of your image need to be set */
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
/* Fallback for <IE9 */
background-image: url(logo.png);
/* multiple backgrounds are ignored by <IE9 */
background-image: url(logo.svg), none;
CSS (using linear gradients):
caniuse: CSS gradients
PNG for IE <10, FF <3.6, Safari <4.0, Opera <11.1, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile <11.1
SVG for all the others supporting SVG (if vendor-prefixes are specified)
Ignoring the old gradient syntax for webkit makes Android 2.x use the PNG fallback
.site-logo > img {
/* Dimensions of your image need to be set */
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
background: transparent url(logo.png) center center no-repeat;
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url(logo.svg);
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url(logo.svg);
Try svg-web they have a number of different ways of displaying svg images including flash with automatic fallback.
The best method I have found including SVG as an HTML element (with fallback) is this one:
<svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 100 100" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; vertical-align: top;">
<image xlink:href="image.svg" src="fallback.png" width="100%" height="100%"/>
Provides fallback in every device/browser I have tested (IE6-IE11, Android 2.0+, IOS3-7)
Only one image is loaded for each tested browser (except IE9-IE11)
Externally loaded images allows image to be cached
Unable to use as scaleable (responsive) image in IE9-IE11 (see this question)
IE9-IE11 loads both images
IOS3-4 (Mobile Safari) has SVG support but displays the PNG (since it lacks inline SVG support)
SVG file must not have height / width attributes (unsure about this, but have read about it somewhere and in my tests my SVG did not have them anyway)
Does not validate
Please provide comments with additional pros / cons you can think of. I know for one SVG's can appear pixeled in some browsers, but I was unable to test zooming in since using browserstack for emulation.