Remove Radial background and remove border padding in charts - lightningchart

From version 4 there seems to be some error when Themes.dark is used
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isDark')
Also not able to remove radial background in charts
chartXY.setBackgroundFillStyle(new SolidFill({color:ColorRGBA(...)}))
Also padding , margins are there around charts.
How do I make the background pure black , remove padding , margin around dashboard charts(multiple charts in single chart)


How to make this type of shape in react

I want to create this shape in react. I am able to code some of the parts but the border is creating issues.
Image Link here
What I am able to produce
Yo can use z-index property to achieve it.Set the z-index of vertical line to higher number than horizontal line and make sure both overlap each other at there intersection point.

CSS Table border - not straight lines

I am trying to create HTML Table and give some cells a special border,
you can see the example here - I marked it with Arrow..
Please help me to understand how can I create such border , without using images.
I read this topic, but I could not be able to transfer it to table element or do it as the border of it..
Customizing border properties using zigzag edges
The answer is to use an image as a background to the cell. The image contains the curve and the image could be white and grey, or transparent and grey depending on your use case.
Always try to see what could be there instead of what you think is there

How add Border to Flex charts?

Im trying to add border like in the image to flex charts. I used vertical and horizontal Axis renderers but that method id not proper solution. Guys do you have any idea to achieve this one?
Just put it inside a canvas and give it that colour and required padding.

Piechart wedge border styling in Flex

Adobe's docs describe how to apply an outline to the pie chart by using the mx:stroke element within a PieSeries, however this only changes the border of the entire chart.
How do I add a border around each of the wedges in the chart?
There's two properties:
stroke (the stroke around the circumference)
radialStroke (the stroke within the pie chart itself)
If you're successfully setting one then the other is applied in the same manner.

NSTableView get rid blank space separating columns

I have an NSTableView with 4 columns. I also have a custom background color for each row. The only problem is I have these ugly white spaces where the gridlines would go in both the horizontal and vertical axis. I have both unchecked in IB, but they still show up. How can I get rid of the vertical ones and change the color and size of the horizontal ones?
Here's what I see:
alt text
To get rid of vertical spaces but keep the horizontal ones:
[yourTableView setIntercellSpacing:NSMakeSize(0.0, 2.0)];
See Apple documentation for more details.
You'll need to override drawClipInRect to draw your own grid. The article I linked to modifies it so it only draws vertical gridlines. You'll have to modify it to only draw horizontal ones instead, but the basic strategy is the same: By overriding it, you can make it not draw vertical lines by simply not including the code for it.
