join grid column not available in vaadin hilla using Lit? - grid

in vaadin hilla grouping column header is working fine whereas joining column under one header not working.
vaadin 14 had option for joining 2 columns which is lacking in hilla. if anyone has any solution for this?
private static Grid<String> createGrid() {
Grid<String> grid = new Grid<>();
List<Grid.Column<String>> columns = addColumns(grid);
HeaderRow.HeaderCell header = grid.prependHeaderRow()
.join(columns.get(0), columns.get(1));
header.setText("first + second");
.join(columns.toArray(new Grid.Column[columns.size()]))
grid.setItems("1", "2", "3");
return grid;

There is no direct support for joining table body cells in vaadin-grid, it was not even in Vaadin 14 version. There is just option to join header cells.
If you want to show complex data in body cell, e.g. join data from multiple properties, you need to use renderer
import { columnBodyRenderer } from "#vaadin/grid/lit.js"
Use it in vaadin-grid
<vaadin-grid ...>
${columnBodyRenderer(contactRenderer, [])}
And define rendered function
const contactRenderer: GridColumnBodyLitRenderer<Contact> = (contact) => {
return html`
${contact.firstName} ${contact.lastName}


Grid with rows that have different number of columns

Is it possible to programmatically create a Grid that has 3 rows and 2 columns, but the last row only has 1 column instead of 2?
public class MyGrid : Grid
public void DefineRowsAndColumns()
// I know you can add RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions here, but how to make them uneven?
I'm not trying to get someone to do my homework here...I just want to know how I can get a grid to have rows with different number of columns.
you can use the ColumnSpan property to make content span multiple columns
var label = new Label { Text = "Row 1" };
the Label will span 2 columns, effectively making that row contain only a single column

Angular Ui-Grid: Highlight entire row with pinned column

I'm using ui-grid and the first column have to be pinned on the left. When the user hovers on one row, I want to highlight the entire row, which is the logical thing to do.
The problem is that ui-grid creates two distinct elements, one for the pinned column and the other on for the "regular" ones. So I don't know how to highlight the entire row at once, and solutions with CSS don't work.
.ui-grid-row:hover .ui-grid-cell {
background-color: red;
Plunker here:
Do you know how to do that ? Ideally just with ui-grid settings and CSS.
I solved it!
I used a row template that grabs the row id, defines ng-mouseover and ng-mouseout functions that fills the background for all the cells in the row. For whatever reason I had to wrap the entire template in a div, simply adding something to the class of the template broke the entire table.
Content of the rowTemplate:
<div class="row-uid-{{row.uid}}">
<div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by col.uid"
ui-grid-one-bind-id-grid="rowRenderIndex + '-' + col.uid + '-cell'"
ng-class="{ 'ui-grid-row-header-cell': col.isRowHeader}"
role="{{col.isRowHeader ? 'rowheader' : 'gridcell'}}"
Added functions in the controller:
$scope.onRowHover = function (rowUid) {
_.each(angular.element('.row-uid-' + rowUid + ' .ui-grid-cell-contents'), function (row) {
angular.element(row).css('background-color', 'red');
$scope.onRowOut = function (rowUid) {
_.each(angular.element('.row-uid-' + rowUid + ' .ui-grid-cell-contents'), function (row) {
angular.element(row).css('background-color', 'white');

Vaadin ListSelect - multiple styles in one list

i would like to have one list select that will have more than one style, i put two kinds of object's one is a group of users (bold), rest are users (italic or regular) is it possible to add style that will be added to part of added obj?
My code looks like this:
for(Usr usr: userSearchResult){
for (Gr gr : groupSearchResult) {
and also have style set in css correct similar to this
.v-select-bold .v-select-select {
i would be glad to solve this by myself but that was two days ago now i'm in a dot ;)
Thanks in advance for help!
You can store your row as a label with style. In the container there will be a label instance. There you can simply add the style.
Container container = new IndexedContainer();
container.addContainerProperty(NAME_PROPERTY, Label.class , "");
for (int i = 0; i <= 50 ; i++) {
Item item = container.addItem(i);
Label label = new Label(HashUtils.getRandomSalt());
return container;
You can't style rows of a ListSelect. You can use a Table component with one column to achieve a similar result. Table.setCellStyleGenerator method is used for differentiating styles for each cell (each row in your case).

ng-grid How to set separate style for last row

I am trying to display some aggregate value (like total) in the last row of an ng-grid. The style and css class of the last row needs to be different than the other cells in that column. How to acheive this?
The cellTemplate in a column definition applies to all cells in that column, but in my case I need to have a different style for the last row in that column. Can anyone please suggest me a solution.
I was able to add a class to the last row through a plugin:
function ngGridAddClassToLastRow(className) {
var self = this;
self.grid = null;
self.scope = null;
self.init = function (scope, grid, services) {
self.domUtilityService = services.DomUtilityService;
self.grid = grid;
self.scope = scope;
var addClass = function () {
var lastRow = self.scope.renderedRows[self.scope.renderedRows.length - 1];
lastRow.elm[0].className = lastRow.elm[0].className + ' ' + className;
self.scope.$watch(, addClass);
And with this added to the gridOptions:
plugins: [new ngGridAddClassToLastRow('<some class name>'),
And of course add some css, e.g. in my case:
.lastRow {
border-bottom: 0px;
That worked for me. I cannot say for certain that is the way to go since, needless to say, i'm a noob with Angular and ngGrid. I've constructed the plugin from flexible height plugin.
You can set a special property "isLast" (or however you like to name it) of the item that should be displayed in the last row. This item can be accessed through row.entity.isLast.
... somewhere in your controller ....
$scope.getRowClass = function(row) {
return row.entity.isLast === true ? 'lastRow' : '';
... somewhere inside the gridOptions ...
rowTemplate: '<div ng-style="{ \'cursor\': row.cursor }" ng-repeat="col in renderedColumns" ng-class="[col.colIndex(), getRowClass(row)]" class="ngCell {{col.cellClass}}">....</div>'
Based on the .lastRow class you could define a custom style for the last grid row.

Dojo Datagrid: How to change the style of the first row?

I am new to DoJo development so this could be basic.
I have created an EnhancedDatagrid and it shows the data fine.
The data comes from an JSON store in a different page.
I have a button which causes that one new entry is created in the datastore and then my datagrid is 'refreshed'. This works fine.
But now i want only as the last step to change the style of the first row in my datagrid.
(I need to make the newly added row more visible.)
But i simply can't figure out how to get a handle on the first row in a datagrid.
grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
id: strId,
store: store,
structure: layout,
}, document.createElement('div'));
var row = grid.getItem(0); // ---get the first row. How ? And how to apply new style ?
Thank you in advance.
Solved the problem like this:
dojo.connect(grid, 'onStyleRow', this, function (row) {
var item = grid.getItem(row.index);
if (row.index == 0) {
row.customClasses = "highlightRow";
row.customStyles += 'background-color:#FFB93F;';
I use the 'Claro' theme and it prevented me to set the background color of the row-cells.
The solution was to set the customClasses to a style like this:
.highlightRow tr
background-color: #FF6A00 !important;
Found part of the solution here:
