In an Ionic 6 Angular app how do you style the color of the Month/Year in ion-datetime? - datetime

Is the a web page that has a good explanation on how to style the ion-datetime calendar?
I am trying to change the color of the Month/Year which I can't find anywhere.
Here is a screen shot:
I have tried to style the ion-label and adding a class but the style does not show.


Ant Desgin Slider Styles Customization

I am using Antd (Ant Design) library to build this Reactjs website and It has the below slider inside it. It is showing its value using a tooltip.
I want to show its value inside the slider like below instead.
Is there a way to customize it's default style?

Vaadin Flow dark mode Dialog

How can i set my dialog theme from light to dark?
When i'm doing
dialog.setAttribute("theme", Lumo.DARK);
then background under dialog have solid colour and i can't see what is benath it like in normal theme. I changed dialog theme on the official vaadin page and there isthis same problem. I`m using Vaadin 14.7.6.
There’s no out-of-the-box support for a dark variant for Dialog specifically. You can set the whole application to use the dark theme, though.
If you only want a dark themed Dialog, you need to do what you already did, but override the background color of the <vaadin-dialog-overlay> element.

How can i change the fill color of an SVG image using nativescript

I am using Angular Nativescript to build an Android application. I want the app to show some SVG images and change their color dpending on which page they are in. I tried to change the 'fill' in the CSS but nothing happened. How can i change it?

iOS Safari - Change select dropdown option font size with CSS?

I’ve read about a couple of hacks adding an option group with HTML - but I’m using a Shopify app for dropdowns so can only style with CSS.
Is there any way to change the font size or to stop the truncation of long options?

possible to use font avsome icons in buttons

I can style a button using bootstrap, but is it somehow also possible to use font awsome icons together with some text so that I get a result like the one here (see buttons section)?
