Known javascript malware: spam-seo.hidden_content in wordpress site - wordpress

I have an issue with my wordpress site. I have already clean core files, All plugin theme etc and DB as well. But Securi still shows malware error.
Known javascript malware: spam-seo.hidden_content
Please see the link above
Thank you


how can solve polylang plugin arabic problem

I am using Polylang plugin in WordPress. Everything works fine on local, but when I move to the live server, I am facing the following problem.
If I try to switch language to Arabic, a lot of "???" are being appended to the URL and I can't reach the page URL in Arabic, because it gives me "This page isn’t working" error.
This page isn’t working - it's because you have those ??? in your URL. Based on what I researched, and other questions on WordPress community (, it's a plugin/theme conflict with Polylang plugin.
So what I'd suggest to do is to turn off all of the plugins, then try to enable them one by one, testing again and again, so you detect the conflicting plugin.
If disabling all the plugins didn't resolve the issue, try switching to another theme temporarily. If it solves the issue, then the problem is somewhere in your theme's code files.
(do this on live.)

Wordpress Bug In Google search : showing already deleted malware directory

Hope you doing well.
Recently I've built a site on a managed wp hosting called easywp. The site was attacked by malware. Securi scan report was showing up..
I deleted all the files except wp-content and uploaded a fresh wordpress through sftp server.I didn't make any changes of the database..
After this, The securi scan shows the malware is removed.. But when i search for my domain name on google(attachment) please see the .... /advertisel, which is already deleted! or even i write it on twitter for sharing the site, the information show below the link is the injected link..
I'm unable to configure where from the code is coming.Can anyone help me to find it out?
Thank you!
You will have to resubmit the site maps or update Google's crawling of your website. There are plenty of resources online to assist you with the how to for this process.

WordPress website pages are redirecting to adult site pages

I have a website built on WordPress platform. Today, when I opened the website and when I clicked anywhere on the website, adult site pages are opening up continuously.
Can anyone please suggest what could be done to resolve the issue?
Your site is hacked by someone and some script injected in your WordPress installation or database which causing to load this video your website need to scan your website using plugin like SECURI You can get this on
Here are some solutions that you can try(Remember to take a backup before using this)
Check and clean all your recently modified files
Contact your hosting provider if you are not using dedicated server.
If you have some inactive themes and plugins which you don't need more remove them.Hackers can hide script there.
-You can upload new word-press core files which you haven't customised.
Install fresh copy of themes and plugins if you not customised them.
Change your secret keys in your wp-config file.
Check users in your word-press and delete suspected ones.
Check permission of your installation directory .if not secure them make changes.
Change you WordPress password
If this all not works to solve problem let me i will look into it.

Wordpress update to 4.7 causes Magento/Fishpig integration to redirect base URL to the Wordpress folder

I've copied a live site to a test server to test updating Wordpress on a Magento site that uses Fishpig to bridge content from Wordpress to Magento. Since the udpate, the site always redirects from the homepage to the wordpress folder. e.g. goes to It's not an .htaccess issues, if I wipe them out in both directories it still does it, if I rename index.php in the wordpress folder it stops it but breaks the preview. If I rename the theme and plugins folders it still redirects, something in the core is causing it but I am having issues figuring out what it is. Thanks.
Also if I change the site to show the latest blog post instead of the static home page, it doesn't redirect but shows the blog page.
We will need more information to help solve your problem.
Are your FishPig extensions at the latest version?
What FishPig add-on extensions, if any, are you using?
Have you tried disabling all WordPress plugins?
Do you have any error messages in System > Configuration > WordPress?
My guess is that your WordPress URLs aren't setup correctly and you're using an out dated add-on extension (eg. Visual Composer). There was a bug in older versions of some add-ons that caused this issue, but this has now been fixed.
If you can provide the actual link to your dev site, it will make debugging the issue much easier.

Visual composer plugin seems to not working on localhost

I have a online web site with Visual Composer plugin, and all works fine.
Today I downloaded this site in local, but Seems That the VC plugin does not work because the page layout is wrong and some parts of the pages are no longer visible.
I think that these parts are used by VC.
Does anyone know what happened?
-- UPLOAD --
I think I found the problem. Custom css files (of theme) are not loaded on pages.
For example on remote site pages load css/custom-f5s6da4f.css file, instead in local not.
You have downloaded website from server to local you will need to update wordpress & website URL. Currently website is not able to load various assets CSS/JS check browser console. If you see short-codes for visual composer then its issue with Visual Composer plugin.
I found the solution, if someone could help.
The custom css were blocked. The first error may be that the folders do not have the permission.
The second (what is served to me) is to reset and restore the custom CSS: theme option / general / advanced (tab) -> 'disabled' and than 'enabled' responsive layout.
have a nice day
