Wordpress theme from themeforest for membership website? - wordpress

I am looking for a theme for forex trading website. Where customer can sign up for paid membership and receive reports daily.
I want a theme which can deal with basic front end design (Company information based home page, about us, contact, blog) and users can signup and login there account. While at back end I can manage accounts and update reports daily.

What you're asking for can be accomplished many different ways, so you'll need to explore what works best for you and your particular skill set. Here's my take in things though.
I would likely go about this with WooCommerce and their StoreFront theme. Storefront is very generic looking out the the box which makes it very customizable. It doesn't have to look like a site that sells t-shirts.
WooCommerce is free and very actively supported. They also off an extension for paid memberships, which it sounds like you'd be interested in.
I hope this info helps give you some direction.


cms for online shop and scalable blog posts

I'm working on a web project that will consist of an online shop that will create some kind of blog post after checkout and let you edit this blog post.
So the customer can just buy a post on my website and edit it as he likes.
The post may contain text and media.
I'm looking for a nice tech stack to develop this online platform.
I have some kind of proof of concept using WordPress, WooCommerce, and a self developed plugin that will create a blog post after a WooCommerce checkout event and turn the ownership of the post to the customer's account.
The plugin also limits the maximum amount of media for upload and restricts access to the media of other users.
Next steps will be to modify the WooCommerce account page and list the blog posts there with a link to the editor, so the customer can edit posts anytime.
But I think this solution lacks scalability.
Depending on the popularity of the platform, there will be a lot of blog posts created, and I fear that someday, after a couple of thousand blog posts with multiple media types, etc., WordPress will come to its limits.
I have read something about static site generators, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have an online shop that will create a static site and let the customer edit it like my WordPress proof of concept now. With a nice editor and the possibility for online payment, etc.
Is there anybody that can recommend a nice stack for this kind of platform? Or maybe someone who can take my fears about the scalability of WordPress away?

Stuck at integrating payments and redirections on a WordPress website

I'm developing a WordPress website and finding myself stuck at a point. I have made several e-commerce sites and blogs but haven't really made this type of website.
This is an educational website. I'd like to know how can I implement the following workflow.
1- Someone comes and registers themself.
2- Pays a specific amount.
3- After the confirmation of the amount, he will be redirected to all the resources.
I'm actually done with the registration process, now I'd like to know how can I do the /2 and /3.
If there are any free or paid plugin which offers this workflow, please mention.
You can use Gravity forms (https://docs.gravityforms.com) to display the payment options. This can be used along with a customizable payment plugin (preferably with Gravity Forms integration) that will allow redirection to the required resources on payment confirmation, similar to this plugin offered by Novalnet.

What CMS should I use site that has a members only section

I am helping out a friend and rebuilding her dance business site.
- site owner friendly CMS for updates
- Prefer a free cms
- main site and a few pages will be for new/potential clients
- members only section where she can post updates instead of having to email a news letter.
- an additional page or 2 exclusive to members where videos can be posted for at home practice
I am thinking wordpress may be a great option for this. Any tutorials out there to help with the initial build of a member only section? I want to make sure I lock down the member section properly.
I am hoping to also generate an email each time a post is made in the members only section. Also use categories in the members only section to generate emails to members with corresponding tags that an update was made.
Is this attainable?
I am open to other CMS platforms but they must be responsive, free, and easy for the site owner to update.
Go for wordpress. As you are a starter use subscription / membership plugin to manage the member setting that you desire, and for email you can use newsletter plugins (both free adn paid) . Hope this helps :)
And for the final question : no wordpress is the easiest one out there

WordPress Permissions Roles Manager?

I´m currently developing the Intranet for the company I am working for. The site is currently based on SharePoint, but I have to migrate it to Wordpress. And that´s my first developer experience with Wordpress, you just should know. Creating the theme, content and working with the WP Admin area works very well, but where I´m feeling defenseless is the permissions topic.
Generally, the whole page content is managed by the Marketing department. So, for me it is ok that they have access to WP Admin and I would use one of the predefined roles available.
But there will be also an area for the departments where specified users per department should be able to
edit the pre created page content
add subpages and edit its content (it would be nice if it can be defined which page templates can be selected by the user)
add posts for a pre created category (that should not be changeable by the user)
edit its profile and password
A whole access to WP Admin should be therefore prevented.
I read much information about roles, capabilities and reviewed forums and blogs presenting potential plugins. But to be honest, I´ve lost the overview and I´m totally scared about what´s the right way to do such like this the professional way.
Is there anybody who was already in such a situation or knows a good resource where to read more?
Thanks a lot.
PressPermit is the tool I choosed. It covers all needs described in my question.
Note: To use all features, you need to buy a support subscription currently available for $55 a year for one site.
However, a very powerful tool and in comparison to Advanced Access Manager I tried before, it really supports permissions also for multiple roles.
If you are thinking about, use the screencasts to see if the tool cover your needs. Unfortunately, there is no trial available, but you can request an evolution wordpress installation which was setup within one day in my case. This service costs $5.

A WP plugin specifically to manage an organization’s membership

There are any number of membership plugins for Wordpress that exist to monetize website content. People pay a subscription and have access to pages and posts. This makes it difficult to locate what I am looking for.
Is there a plugin that is specifically for managing the membership in an organization?
Have the ability to import existing
membership details and create WP
users from those details.
Automate and manage the
collection of annual dues.
Facilitate mass e-mails to members.
Restrict access to some of the Web site pages
perhaps by linking membership to WP
Perhaps manage payments for conferences.
Have the ability to export membership details.
Have pay per post functionality.
Sell value added pages.
Have different levels of accounts based on content.
I was looking for a similar plugin for a non-profit organization client of mine, and finally found MemberMouse. I was particularly concerned about being able to setup annual dues at a certain time of the year with pro-rating for new members during the rest of the year. While this is not in their base plugin, they can custom program that for a small fee.
The only parts of your request that plugin may not cover is facilitating mass emails (you could manage that through something like Constant Contact) and taking payments for conferences (which you could setup on your site anyway pretty easily using PayPal or your merchant account provider and a cart).
Hope this helps. I would suggest contacting MemberMouse with your questions to see if it will work for you.
