Problems connecting BLE with ESP32. Return gatt status 62 - bluetooth-lowenergy

We have been using hundreds of ESP32 Devkit V1 boards in a device using a BLE connection for several years now.
Since one month ago, the latest units of ESP32 Devkit V1 that I have buy, they give BLE connection error with any android app, even loading their own examples in Arduino as "BLE notify.ino".
Could it be a hardware error? or is it due to the ESP32 upgrade to BLE 5.0? Can someone provide some information?
This is the link to the example I'm testing with:
Any suggestions?


I2C communications seems overloaded or blocked

I am working on an Arduino project with a Controllino Maxi Automation, Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express and multiple sensors and displays. The setup so far is that the Controllino is the i2c master. The Adafruit Feather is a i2c slave that takes data from the Controllino to send it via BLE and responds via i2c with data it receives from BLE.
So far everything worked really well, but now I started connecting my 7 pressure sensors and things got really weird. I was not able to find any of the sensors with an i2c-scanner while the feather was connected. When I remove the Feather everything gets found by the scanner with no problem.
From what I have seen, I would guess that the constant requests/responses between the Controllino and the Feather overload/crash the i2c bus, but I don't really know.
Currently I am requesting and responding every time the main loop runs with no delays.
Should it really be an overloading/too much communication issue, what would be good practice to fix this? Or maybe there is a different/better way to separate the Controllino <-> Feather Communication from the i2c bus?

arduino cant turn on the infra red sensor from raspberry pi

so recently make iot smart remote, so I want to turn on the ir trasnmiter in arduino when I push turn on from my web service , can anyoone tell me how to make it happen thank you or can anyone suggest where can learn about that
To solve this problem and not over-engineer it you should only use an Arduino, and ESP32 or other ESP versions. It's cheap and easy to use. By the way ESP32 is what the majority IoT-manufacturers use in there electronics. There are plenty of ESP32, ESP14, ESP8266 boards, small ones, big ones, ones with cameras and display and with or without Bluetooth, BLE and Wifi.
Here is a good tutorial for setting up an WebServer on ESP32.
Just replace the blink led part in the tutorial with your transmitting the IR-signal code and you good to go.

Create the Pairing limitation on HC-05 sensor

I have been trying to set the limit of pairing the Bluetooth device HC-05(interface by Arduino controller) with my smartphone.
I have tried making this solution work with AT command
Example: AT+INQM=1,9,48\r\n
But instead of converting AT commands using serial.h with embedded C, I am looking for any dedicated library which helps to work this kind solution in using Arduino.
Basically, with the help of Bluetooth device connect to Arduino Nano, I want to send the altimeter sensor data to my smartphone.
During the connection, HC-05 should be responding any one device at a time, if another smartphone tries to pair then the error will be shown.
Please share your advice on this.
Yes there are some libraries in arduino but these are only meant for connection and pairing and low energy connections. We don't have any dedicated library from where we can control the mode of operation of HC05 or any bluetooth module. like bypassing or accessing GAP and GATT services of bluetooth. However there is a way to flash HC-05. But we can only use it for updating the firmware of this device. This github repo is dedicated for this purpose . Hope it helps you

Testing Microchip RN4871 BLE Module with Raspberry Pi 3

I got a Microchip RN4871 BLE Module and want it to act as beacon.
So, I connected over UART and executed the following commands:
I am able to scan and connect to it using hcitool and gattool command. Now I want to verify whether the beacon functionality is working or not. I mean the device is periodically broadcasting Beacon packets or not..
How can I verify that.. Is there any android application which can help or can i do with raspberry pi 3 as it has in built Bluetooth Chip
There are some really nice apps from nordic for free available. I like the nrF connect app. I guess it will help you.

Arduino 2006 how to connect to my laptop?

I have borrowed an Arduino BT-V06 (analogue) from my college IT storage department.
At home I am trying to do some research on this for subsequent work I am going to perform with this Arduino later on. As this model is a 2006 version; my question is, how do I connect it to my laptop? Some sort of adapter? or perhaps shield it with a newer model that has a usb-port?
Because I would like to have it connected to my laptop in order to try out some codes on it.
Thank you very much for your time!
There's at least two options. First, it's set up to be programmed over Bluetooth. So if you have Bluetooth on your laptop, you can connect the two wirelessly. Pins 0 and 1, per the documentation, are TTL serial transmit and receive pins (which are also used for Bluetooth communications), so if you AREN'T connecting via Bluetooth, you could connect a serial to USB adapter so you can connect to your laptop via USB. This reference has this to also say:
"The on-board serial communication between the bluetooth module and the Arduino sketch (running on the ATmega328) needs to be at 115200 baud (i.e. call Serial.begin(115200) in your setup() function). Communication between the bluetooth module and the computer can be at any baud rate.
Communication between the BT module and the computer can be temperamental. You might want to open the serial monitor a couple of seconds after resetting the board. The text of the Arduino getting started guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the guide are released into the public domain."
