kusto KQL summarize argmax() returns modified column names - azure-data-explorer

I have a quite big table as input where two fields (Id, StartTsUtc) form a unique key. the TimeStamp shows several updates for this unique key
Wanting to keep only the latest update for each (Id,StartTsUtc), I'm applying the argmax function
| summarize argmax(TimeStamp, *) by Id, StartTsUtc
The result is correct, but the columns seem to have 'max_TimeStamp_' added in their column name
Why would that happen ? And how can this be avoided ?
Is there a way to easily remove 'max_TimeStamp_' from each columname ? The columns are dynamic, so it's not possible to use a project-rename using a fixed list

You should use "arg_max()" instead of "argmax()". "argmax()" is the old version that had this undesirable behavior.


why filtering on extents_tags() is slow

Why the following command is slow (5 mins)?
mytable | where extent_tags() contains "20210613" | count
I know this is not the best way to get count , I could have used .show table extents and could have simply calculated sum(RowCount) using summarize operator. But I am just testing. Ideally ADX should be able to search tags across extents and get counts , so it is only metadata search and once it finds correct extent, row count is already stored as part of the extent metadata anyways, so why should it take 5 mins? And by the, the extent(s) I am interested in has the following tag:-
There is a datetime field in the table which I could have used to filter too , which is what adx ideally recommends in general scenarios and I can guess the reason that min and max of every datetime field in the table is stored in every extent of the table -- but then similarly even tag is stored in every extent. So which method is more efficient , filtering on a datetime field if available or tags?
a. you're correct that using .show table T extents where tags contains 'string' | ... would be much more efficient
b. as mentioned in the documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extenttagsfunction
Filtering on the value of extent_tags() performs best when one of the following string operators is used: has, has_cs, !has, !has_cs.
c. which method is more efficient , filtering on a datetime field if available or tags?
The former, especially when your filter is on a substring, and not on the full content of the tag. Tags are a non-indexed metadata property of shards, and isn't an indexed data column. Also see: https://yonileibowitz.github.io/blog-posts/datetime-columns.html

Is there a way to display dynamic columns in Oracle apex

Long story short, I can't use pivot for this task due to the long elements that I need to include in the columns. Although I tried to create a Classic Report based on function in Oracle Apex. The query it's generated correctly but it's not working in the Classic Report.
A general hint first: Output your variable l_sql to your console using dbms_output.put_line or use some kind of debugging table where you can insert it into. Also be careful about the data type of that variable. If you need to expand the SQL you can reach a point where you need to use a CLOB variable instead of varchar2.
You will need to supply table structures and test data if you like to have your problem analyzed completely, therefore I will at first give you some general explanations:
Use Generic Column Names is ok if you have a permanent, unchangable amount of columns. But if the order of your columns or even the amount can change, then this is a bad idea, as your page will show an error if your query results in more columns than Generic Column Count
Option 1: Use column aliases in your query
Enhance your PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL Query in a way that it outputs verbose display names, like this:
return 'select 1 as "Your verbose column name", 2 as "Column #2", 3 as "Column #3" from dual';
That looks like this:
It has the disadvantage that the column names also appear in this way in the designer and APEX will only update these column names if you re-validate the function. You will have a hard time to reference a column with the internal name of Your verbose column name in a process code or dynamic action.
However it still works, even if you change the column names without telling APEX, for example by externalizing the PL/SQL Function Body into a real function.
Option 2: Use custom column headings
A little bit hidden, but there is also the option of completely custom column headings. It is almost at the end of the attributes page of your report region.
Here you can also supply a function that returns your column names. Be careful that this function is not supposed to return an SQL query that itself returns column names, but instead return column names seperated by a colon.
With this method, it is easier to identify and reference your columns in the designer:
Option 3: Both of it
Turn off Generic Column Names, let your query return column names that can be easily identified and referenced, and use the custom column headings function return verbose names for your users.
My personal opinion
Im using the 3rd option in a production application where people can change the amount and order of columns using shuttle items on the report page themselves. It took some time, but now it works like a charm, like some dynamic PIVOT without PIVOT.

Split dynamic column into multiple rows using using mv-expand

While using mv-expand on a dynamic value column I expect to get separate rows for each value in the column. Ultimately I want to count each separate value using summarize
The dynamic value column can contain one or multiple values of any number between 1 and 300
like [], [1,3],[1,2,10,30]
I tried using the mv-expand reference but I couldn't make it work.
| mv-expand categories=CustomDimension['category_id']
Instead of giving separate rows for each value in the column it creates a new column that has the same dynamic value as the original column.
You would have to use 'mvexpand' in the query instead of 'mv-expand'. I know this is misleading but if you go to your query page and type 'mv-expand' then it doesn't resolve but it does work if you try 'mvexpand'.
To accomplish your requirement, the answer provided by me in this thread should help you. Also for even more advanced example, you may refer this one as well.
Hope this helps!! Cheers!!

Moving rows in sqlite database

I have a table that is actually a ranking list. I want to give user a chance to rearrange that top the way he wants, ergo, allow him to move the rows in that table. Should I create a separate column that would hold the place, or can it be done using embedded order in table?
The documentation says:
If a SELECT statement that returns more than one row does not have an ORDER BY clause, the order in which the rows are returned is undefined.
(This is true for all SQL databases.)
So you cannot rely on the order that the rows happen to be stored in; you have to use some value in some table column.

How can I insert a new table row into every other row in an existing table?

Ok I have a sqlite db, that has roughly 100 rows. It is kind of a strange thing that I'm trying to do, but I need to insert a new row between each of the existing rows.
I have been trying to use the Insert statement as follows, but haven't had any luck:
insert into t1(column1) values("hello") where id%2 == 0
So I'm basically trying to use the %-operator to tell me if the id is even or odd. For every even id number, I'd like to insert a new row.
What am I missing? What can I do differently? How can I insert a new row into every other row and have the index updated as well?
Your question assumes that the rows have some kind of built-in order to them, and that you can insert rows between other rows. That's not true.
It is true that rows have an order on disk, and that the id column is usually assigned in order, but that's an implementation detail. When you perform a query, the database is free to return the rows in any order it chooses, unless you specify what you want with an ORDER BY clause.
Now, I'm assuming what you really want is to insert rows between the existing rows in id order. One way to get what you want would look like this:
UPDATE t1 SET id = id * 2
INSERT INTO t1 (id, column) SELECT id+1, "hello" FROM t1
The UPDATE would double the ids of all the existing rows (so 1,2,3 becomes 2,4,6); then the INSERT would perform a query on t1 and use the result to insert a new set of rows with id values one more than the existing rows (so 2,4,6 becomes 3,5,7).
I haven't tested the above statements, so I don't know if they would work or if they require some extra trickery (like a temporary table) since we are querying and updating the same table in one statement. Also I may have made a syntax error.
Don't consider the rows as pre-ordered in the database. A database will store them as they come in, or according to an index. It's your task to order them on retrieval (i.e. when you query for data) according to your needs.
