Issue with Floodlight Counter - google-tag-manager

I'm trying to track conversions using Floodlight Counter. The form is getting submitted but conversions are not getting created. This is happening for gtm.submit event only. In fact I'm seeing some GTM script error and ads.doubleclick error. Could you please help me out to figure what I did wrong here? I'm attaching the error screenshot for reference.


Did anyone experience also malfunctions at their action since the Google Update a few weeks ago?

The actions worked properly before Google changed the UI and probably some more things at the assistant console. Now the action some times works and some times does not work.
Error messages at the simulator ar for instance:
We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.
No output at all (with intent next / previous)
Sorry, this action is not available in simulation

Incorrect Client ID

I have trouble. After adding a clientID custom dimension in my report started tracking such strange data . There are just a few users with such clientID but I couldn't understand why it happening.
The problem certainly depends on how you send that value to Analytics, I would look for the problem on the content of the value that returns your function, it is definitely not a Google Analytics problem.

How much time google analytic take to update a goal?

I am facing a problem in GA analytic. My own analytics tells the different thing about no. of user made sign up while GA tell something else.
This is the goal designation
The funneling is like
Is it something wrong with the goal created or analytics is telling me wrong.
You can get immediate results by going to realtime->conversions.
For the rest of reports it takes few hours, you just have to set the date range to "today"
Impossible to know anything else by viewing only the urls you posted, please debug by using the real time view

Incorrect page saved for visits on the index page

We have two nopcommerce shops running on pretty much the same code. Both of those have GA handled through GTM with more or less the same code, however for some reason on one of those two shops all visits to the index page end up being registered incorrectly.
There are two index pages:
Visiting redirects to one of the above. Anyway when I visit either of those two, analytics adds the domain name at the end for some reason, so if I visit GA registers
I tried adding canonical (with the actual address) to the index page, but it changed nothing. Note this problem only happens on the index page, other pages are registered correctly in GA. Anyone got an idea what could possibly make analytics save those addresses incorrectly?
It's hard to reproduce this error, the only way is via "RequestURI" filter. Is there any chance you have such, it could be the reason for this.
Barnettt's suggestion made me (and my boss) look through the Analitics' settings some more and I think I figured it out. Someone set default page (view settings) to The value is obviously incorrect, but more interesting is the fact that it was probably there from the start, yet the incorrect page started getting registered only a few months ago.

Google Analytics funnel - Virtual Pageview 100% backfill - what am I doing wrong?

My first post. I'm having big problems with a Goal Funnel in Google Analytics.
We've set up a funnel to track registration from our main company site to user registration which is handled on a third-party site (using a virtual pageview to track the user's 'click' to continue to the registration).
We're clearly doing something wrong however as the funnel seems to have a conversion rate of 100% for several steps. From the many tutorials and posts I've read it looks like there could be something wrong in our syntax and GA is seeing at least two pages as the same then backfilling the funnel to give this incorrect 100%.
Problem is - after many tweaks - we still can't seem to find quite what this error is. I'm also not entirely sure if we should be using 'begins with' or 'regular expression' for the funnel and if that the correct application of one of those would nip this data issue in the bud instantly.
Underneath is the configuration and then the data it's showing us in GA.
Thanks for any help on this!
p.s. Since we're using tag manager, I also wasn't sure if this could this be something in our firing rules but since the first conversion step in the funnel looks ok I guess that rules this out and points straight to the funnel??
p.p.s. Sorry, since I normally just read, I don't have permission to embed images.
[The goal flow]
[The funnel setup]
The virtual pageview you have in the second image in step 2, is: virtual/registration. The virtual pageview that is firing off when I click on Register for online account is: /virtual/cas-registration# So you'll want to update step 2 to: /virtual/cas-registration(.*) - I believe you can use regular expressions in goal funnel steps.
