WP Multisite Not Linking Users Properly - wordpress

Hi everyone… I’m trying to make a multi site (same site but different languages) and I need it to be available to all users, but when I make an account, it can only log in but has no access to any other content (ex. user dashboard)…
We checked the database and there is only one users field (I thought it might have made a different one).
How can I fix this?
P.S. I chose this option because the UI needs to be in the user defined language, and with translators plugins it translates the added content too, which needs to remain in the original language.


WordPress Export/Translate/Import Single Pages

Back story:
My company has recently expanded into other countries and requires the site have multiple iterations with different translations and the user be redirected based on their geolocation. I manage our public facing website which is part of the marketing department (no other developers on the team but me). Our website is a custom WordPress template that I inherited, originally developed by a third-party agency. Our parent global company has a relationship with a company called Language Wire, who will take files of many formats and translate them by hand to ensure quality, and then return them translated. In this case they will accept .html and .xml files. Before we get into a workflow of sending and receiving files regularly, they wanted me to send them some test files which they will machine translate quickly and send back to me so we can make sure the workflow will be smooth.
I did a WordPress export (which I've never done before) and I believe it exported our entire site in the form of an .xml file but I'm not sure what this file really is. Their machine translation translated a lot of dependencies that needed to remain in english which broke the file and disallowed me from importing back in but I'm assuming their agents who do manual translations will be able to navigate this better so I'm going to ask them to do a manual translation as a test. However, I'm wondering if there is a better way to export single pages or groups of single pages and then import them back in after translation without losing the template so I can send them a smaller file to manually translate.
Anyone have experience with this kind of situation? I'm also researching geolocation redirect plugins and have no idea how I'm going to organize the subdirectories of translated versions of our site. My main issue right now though is exporting and importing wordpress pages. Thanks!

How does multi-language support work in a platform like Drupal 8?

I am attempting to scope a website for a client who wants to have a site that will feature multiple language options. They also want it to be a CMS. I am reading that core initiatives for platforms like Joomla, Drupal, etc. are multi-language support, but I am wondering exactly how this works.
My question is on how the translated content gets generated and delivered within these platforms. Would these platforms just check for a language code, then based off that code, print out the Japanese version of the node? The English version of the node? So essentially, for however many languages I'd like to have, I'd have to create an individual page (node) for that specific language that mirrors say, English? So an install with a 10 English pages would also need the same 10 pages with nodes for the Japanese version?
For the admin's sake, would I be better off just setting up multiple Drupal installs in different subdomains or something? So the Japanese admin would visit jp.mysite.com/user and only have access to the Japanese database? And same for the English admin?
I guess essentially what I am asking, is if it is better to just duplicate my install on multiple boxes, or have one install on one box with a bunch of "duplicate nodes" that essentially mirror each other, but have different languages within them?
I can't speak to Drupal, but with Joomla - there are languages you can install on the backend (which are pulled from community added locale files I believe)
When you do switch it, you should see a message like "Default Language Saved".
This does not affect users that have chosen a specific language on their profile or on the login page.
However, when using the multilanguage functionality (i.e. when the plugin System - Languagefilter is enabled) the Site Default Language has to also be a published Content language.
So ultimately - use one install. Multiple installs would be a bit silly - especially considering these CMS are designed to have that functionality.
For Drupal, my recommendation would be creating only one site with multilingual support. You have the ability of deciding how you want your site to behave when there is no translation, like showing the original node, or hiding the page completely from the users if you have different menus per language.
Administration would be easier, and content edition probably too.
You can still use subdomains per language if you want to with a single site, that's a feature out of the box with Drupal. You can set up that in the language negotiation page, which is quite flexible in terms of how to perform negotiation of the content and interface languages you want to use.

How to map multiple domains to a WordPress (single install) site woring as SAAS?

My question is quite similar to this question. However my concerns are not fully answered there, so I am posting a separate question.
I will try to be as detailed as possible here.
I have to build a website (SAAS), say abc.com wherein registered users would get a subdomain on the website, like abc.com/def or pqr.abc.com.
Now some of those users might want to have their own domains in use. for eg. 123.com or xyz.com.
All of these websites need to have identical backend (dashboard). But most importantly a visitor should be able to type a search term on the main website (abc.com), and the search should contain results from ALL websites including the subdomains (abc.com/def or pqr.abc.com) and custom domains (xyz.com).
I am not versed with other frameworks, so I figured out that WordPress could be a good solution.
My approach was that every registered user would be assigned role of an author, with them being able to create/edit their own content. I would then add custom post type for the exact type of content they can add. I would then use dashboard customizing plugins (like Adminimize) to configure what admin menus can the editors see. THis way I would be able to define/force the fields they can use for adding content, and I can also restrict the custom taxonomoies and terms they can use. And also be able to search through the content created by any user.
The only issue here is to create domains for the users.
The I heard of domain mapping. So, is it possible that map domains like xyz.com to abc.com in such a way that whenever a user types 123.com (or xyz.com) in address-bar, they are served the content of abc.com, but still see 123.com (or xyz.com) in their address bar.
I believe this is called masked domain forwarding. I tried a bit of it, and succeeded partially in that whenever a visitor types 123.com (or xyz.com) in address-bar, they are served the content of abc.com, but still see 123.com (or xyz.com) in their address bar. The problem is that whenever users type 123.com/wp-admin/ then instead of getting to the login screen, they see blank screen.
Not sure if the setup is corret, or if it is even acievable using WordPress.
Another alternative could be using WordPress multisite. But it has limitations for my caase:
1. Search across all sites in network is going to be a very expensive operation
2. I would not be able to force identical terms of custom taxonomies across all sites. I can create the taxonmies and terms using code and put it in a plugin and network activate it. It would work for new terms. But when I decide to delete/edit a term, I will have to login to each site's dashboard to sync the terms.
So, is there a way with WordPress to achieve what i am trying to do :custom domain names and identical dashboards, that can be controlled/dictated by admin (me) , and the facility to search through all the sites/domains.
If not with WordPress, then is there any other framework with which I can do this?

Load content (FRONT-END) from two separate WP installation

I'm struggling in an idea to have one main site (possibly WP but not necessarily) which shows contents taken from 3 or more separate WP installations sharing the same DB. The aim is to completely restyle an old (huge) portal and make it as a hub of contents with a vertical structure (News, business, real estate, etc...) each of these vertical site is a separate WP installation. I've currently setup a test environment composed of 2 separate WP installation sharing the same user table, that means a backend user can login in one part and move to the other, that's the first part. Now the problem is how to build the front-end. Is there a way to query the different WP installations to show contents taken from all of them??...
Any idea would be much appreciated.
P.S. I'm not using Multisite.
in WordPress 3.0 there is now a native ability to create multiple blogs, referred to as a network of sites. This is because the codebase for WordPressMU was merged into core.
See this page on how you can create a network.

best implementation for user group display differences

I am developing a site in Wordpress that offers functionality and content to companies.
Each company will have hundreds of users. All users of all companies get the same content.
However, the main header changes (it needs to include the companies own logo). They also will have their own sub-domain, at least fo the login page, preferably for all pages.
The content will change regularly, so I would prefer having only one copy of that.
So the requirements are:
Same content for all users at same relative url
Different header based on group of current user
Different base url per group
forwarding of user to the correct base url if they login under a wrong one
What is the best way to implement this?
Straight WP with a sub-theme that deals with the header. Mod-rewrite to deal with the urls
WP-MultiSite (how would the same content under different base urls work here?)
Several copies of the site and somehow sync the content (how would I do the sync?)
Use a different CMS
Which of these is the most future proof way to go, assuming I might have to deal with thousands of companies each with hundreds to thousands of users.
Also, If there is an easier way because I missed something in my research like an existing plugin, that would be great too.
Thanks for your help.
I would say that such a thing depends on a lot more than these requirements. For instance, how granular would you like to have your user management? And how much are the users allowed to do on the different groups? Is unique information allowed on the different domains, or is all the information shared?
Based on the information you are providing, I think youy would be best off using the multisite version of wordpress. You then could use a broadcast plugin to share the information on all sites, and create a template site from which to create new sites (using the NS cloner plugin for instance).
There are of course some problems with this approach, for instance search engine optimisation. You will get a lot of duplicate content that will hurt the google ranking of the individual sites.
It would also be possible to do this using a single site install, but then you'll run into problems with the multiple domain structure. It can be done, but the available caching plugins will not support it (at least not that I know off), whereas a multisite environment is supported out of the box. It is also more difficult to keep users from posting on different domains, as they are using a single install. A multisite environment also has as shared user base, but they can be added or removed from the different sites at will.
Using a multisite environment would also allow you greater flexibility template-wise.
