Capture Particular Values from the body text of an Email -

I have a scenario in that watches a folder in my email and when mail arrives it takes the attachment and stores it in my google drive folder and adds a row in spreadsheet that serves as a log.
The body of the email contains some values that I want to capture to make the log entries more useful:
Example of email body text:
Full Name: Myname
Region: Region 1
Division: Division 1
I want to capture "Region 1" and Division 1"


Contact form 7 Name, Email, Zip Code pass another page

1st link: to
2nd link:
1st link, "Name, Email, Zip Code, pass another page works,"
2nd link, "but the problem is the data showing the input field on the top I want the data showing input on the field."
Here is the video:

How to send email alert to groups based on condition success using Kibana Rules

I have created a rule using Kibana rules, by following the below steps:
Created a new rule by selecting "Rule" under the "Security" section
Then selected the rule type as "Event Correlation", wherein I added the index pattern and wrote the EQL (which included the where condition to include the events)
Added the required fields in the Action section, and then saved the rule.
I am getting the email alerts based on the condition written, but the alerts are such that:
Suppose a single mail contains the below content -
ClientName: ABC
HostName: ABC
ClientName: ABC
HostName: ABC
ClientName: DEF
HostName: DEF
But I want to group the mail so that each mail should have data related to only 1 clientName. As in this case email should have contained data of only those clients whose name is ABC
Whereas the data of clientName DEF, should be sent in a different mail.
Is there a way to achieve this type of grouping based on the clientName? This similar situation can be done using watcher as given in this answer, but can anyone please let me know what the ideal way to do that in my case ?

Patch function doesn't send items to my sharepoint list ( Power Apps)

please, I have a problem with the Patch function, it shows me no error but it sends nothing to the sharepoint list, here are the columns I have:
Country, Project_Customer, Project_Category, Project_Type, are comboboxes of choice, project_site is a search column, project manager is a person type column, project description and project name are text lines and project amount is a number (currency type) , and project_status is a dropdown.
here is the patch function:
{Country: ComboBoxCOUNTRY.Selected;
Project_Customer: ComboBoxCustomer.Selected;
Project_site: ComboBoxSite.Selected;
Project_Category: ComboBoxCATEGORY.Selected;
Project_Type: ComboBoxPROJECTTYPE.Selected;
Project_Name: Text (TextInputProjectName);
Project_Amount: TextInputProjectAmount;
Project_status: DropdownSTATUS;
Project_manager: ComboBoxmanager;
'Project_Description': Text (TextInputDETAIL)})````
Different SharePoint fields have different requirements for patching.
For a Person field you have to send an object with Claims, Department, DisplayName, Email, Jobtitle and Picture fields, but only the Claims, displayname and email address seem to be required (you may want to experiment with which fields actually need a value, but all of them have to be present). Below is an example from one of my powerapps
AssignedTo: {'#odata.type':"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
For SharePoint choice fields, you have to send an object with a value property
mychoicefield: {Value: "some value" }
For lookup fields, you have to send an ID and value, where ID is the ID from the lookup list item and Value is the Title
MyLookupField: { ID:1,Value:"Some title"}
Patch doesn't throw an error when you send the wrong information. YOu can capture and output your patch by setting a variable or checking for errors. I typically do both
Title: "Hello"
The above check if the datasource to which you patched has any errors and if there are, creates a message at the top with a red background.

contact form 7 send mail according to user response

I have set up a Contact Form 7 on my website and It has a drop down so the user can select any option from the drop down . so my problem is this that when a user select from any of the 3 option , a mail has been sent to the user who has submitted a form but I want to sent the mail according to the desired option because I have three different mails for 3 different option
So there is only one option for mailto . Is there any hook to send the mail accoridng to user selection
I'm not 100% sure of what you want, but for what I understand you need to send the email to a different address according to the selected option in the dropdown, right?
The pipes feature allow that.
Your select tag would be something like that:
[select your-recipient "CEO|"
With that you'll have the following dropdown in your form:
But in the email the [your-recipient] tag will produce the value after the "|" character. So you can put this tag inside the Mail fields (in your case, it should be in the "To" field, because you want to send the email to that address).
So, if for example an user select "CEO" in the dropdown, the email will be sent to And if another user select "Sales", then it will go to

Remove text from one field and output the result into another field.

We currently have emails that go out to people when an Project has been assigned to them.
However we want to make it so that when the Info Path Form is changed, it only sends out an email to the people who have not been emailed before.
We have tried, Translate to remove the text.
So for example:
It will be:
Persons to be Emailed:
Persons Email List:
Persons Emailed -
Form is updated, and we add
Updated fields as below (how it should be):
Persons to be Emailed:
Persons Email List: |
Persons Emailed -
How do you remove the emails in Person Emailed from the Email List and then return the value in Persons to be emailed?
Try using concat() to append the new users email onto the email list. Ex:
concat(PersonsEmailListField, " | ", EmailToAddField)
You can concat as many things as you want, just keep adding parameters. You might also want to do some cleanup/integrity validation (check if there was data in the email to add field before appending, etc).
If I understood your problem correctly, you wanted to have the new email entry in the "Person to be Emailed".
Try this, create a rule in "Email List" field with no condition and with the following formula:
translate(substring-after(. , PersonsEmailed), " |","")
First part of the formula is substring-after (., PersonsEmailed) . In this formula, we are getting the new email entry after the PersonsEmailed value.
The second part is translating the result. The raw result that we will be getting from the first formula ha spaces and it includes the "|" character. That is why we are translating any spaces and the character to no space.
Now after sending the email to the new email entry, you can use concat() to add the new email entry and the Emailed values and enter it in the PersonsEmailed field.
