Wordpresson GCP VM very slow after install - wordpress

I'm playing around with GCP VMs for my wordpress site but am having some problems.
Installed wordpress with Click to Deploy from the marketplace. This install was working fine but was broken by Updraftplus. So I've stopped it by clicking stop.
I've now installed Wordpress on a new 2nd VM and moved the reserved IP address to the 2nd VM.
However when I try to access the site with its domain name or IP address its extremely slow and i cant login to admin.
In monitoring everything is within its limits and my qoutas look fine.
Any help provided will be much appreciated as I'd really like to learn how to use a VM on GCP so I can use it for my proper website and be able to solve any problems I might encounter.
why is my 2nd install of wordpress click to deploy running so slow ?


No access to wordpress backend anymore - "Your connection is not private"

hope you can help me because I'm losing my mind here:
A couple of months ago, I started to build my new website (WordPress, hosted on Google Cloud, deployed with "Click to deploy" and I got the domain name on Google Domains).
Everything worked fine back then. But I needed to put this project on hold.
Now I wanted to continue working on the website, and I realized the VM was stopped. I successfully re-started it and wanted to access the WP back end with the link that can be found in the Deployment Manager of Google Clouds ([IP address]/wp-admin) but it doesn't work anymore. It only says the connection is not private, and I can't access the website. I can't even get to the login form.
What I have tried so far:
Changed ephemeral IP to static external IP & connected the VM to the IP
Pointed Domain toward static external IP - as shown in any tutorial
Updated NS on Google Domains
Created DNS Zones (A, CNAME)
Installed SSL for my domain successfull
Still not working, neither the IP nor the domain (server not found).
My guess - the Domain (mk-studios.net) is not live yet, and therefore, the SSL certification doesn't work yet. If not, I messed something up, and I don't know where to look. I don't get why it worked well months ago and has stopped working now.
Does anyone have a guess? Do you need any further details?
Thank you so much in advance,
This problem may have many causes but the most common is that your SSL has NOT installed properly. I suggest you the following steps:
Make sure that your SSL works fine and reinstall your SSL.
If you have access to DB, go to *_options table and in the first two rows siteurl && home you will find your URL. In this point remove the "S" from the https:// and make it http://.
If you have other server take the DB locally an connect with WP files from fresh installation.
Also when you remove the -s from https:// visit your url with incognito mode/private mode.
I will stay here to help you.

Amazon Workspaces VM prevented from logging in to WordPress on DreamHost

I have several WordPress websites being hosted on DreamHost. I decided to set up an Amazon WorkSpaces VM to do my WordPress development because my current computer is under-performing (I have a new one on the way). However, I can't log in to any WordPress dashboard from the Amazon Workspaces VM.
I also tried logging in from an EC2 VM. Same issue.
Using a VPN allows me to log in, leading me to think that there is IP level blocking going on. However DreamHost assures me that there is no blacklisting against the IP address.
Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
(Side note: this is in no way intended to make DreamHost look bad. They are my top recommendation for shared hosting, and their customer support is excellent. I named them in case the specificity would be helpful.)

Amazon Lightsail LAMP app site can no longer be reached

I have a LAMP app in Amazon Lightsail using Bitnami. I was going to switch to a static IP. For testing, I created a snapshot of the app. The snapshot worked with a static IP. When I tried to move the static IP over to the original instance, both instances gave me a This site can’t be reached, XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX took too long to respond I went back and tried to set up a 3rd instance off the snapshot and that will not work either. I don't understand why even that one won't work. I have tried in Chrome and Firefox with no luck. I can reach the instances via the command lines which say that apache is running.
Help me obi-stackoverflow-nobi. You are my only hope!
It turns out that the way the site was built had the older IP saved in the database and the wordpress site was trying to go to the old IP instead of the newer one. I changed the IP in the DB and restarted the apache server to a beautiful website.

ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Wordpress website hosted on GCP

I'm new to GCP and using Bitnami I installed wordpress on GCP and redirected my domain to GCP. As I don't know much about cloud computing it worked and was working fine until a few days ago when anyone opens the website it takes some time to load and after that it shows:
I tried searching online but it's a common error and there is a lot of other information but nothing in regards to GCP. Now I don't know what to check in GCP to see if it's working but here is a screenshot of Compute Engine for the website:
Screenshot of Compute Engine
And the Cloud Platform Status seems to be fine too:
Screenshot of Cloud Platform Status
Comment if you need more info as I can't seems to figure out what to share here so that the thing causing this error can be identified.
Bitnami Engineer here. If the IP of your instance changed, you will need to change your DNS records to use that new one.
Regarding the default Apache's page, it seems you installed the apache system's package and that's why you see that page. You will need to stop and remove that service
sudo service apache2 stop && sudo service apache2 disable
and start the Bitnami's one again
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh start

EC2 and Wordpress Times Out When Downloading Anything

I put up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance (Linux, micro). I couldn't get the install of WordPress using ssh command line because it would constantly time out. But I did get it working by Ftping the files to my server. Now, everything is working but when I try to install a new theme or plugin through the wordpess admin interface, I only get the timeout error.
I have no idea why I'm getting timeouts when I connect to the www.wordpress.com site (for the install or plugins or themes), but that seems to be the common denominator.
Does anybody know what might be going on here?
It turns out I forgot to include https for outbound connections in the security group.
