EC2 and Wordpress Times Out When Downloading Anything - wordpress

I put up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance (Linux, micro). I couldn't get the install of WordPress using ssh command line because it would constantly time out. But I did get it working by Ftping the files to my server. Now, everything is working but when I try to install a new theme or plugin through the wordpess admin interface, I only get the timeout error.
I have no idea why I'm getting timeouts when I connect to the site (for the install or plugins or themes), but that seems to be the common denominator.
Does anybody know what might be going on here?

It turns out I forgot to include https for outbound connections in the security group.


How to solve http 500 error in wordpress?

I am trying to open a website since yesterday but facing this problem
This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
I searched on the net and tried all the method I could to solve the issue but wasn't able to solve it. I tried htaccess file method (but I don't have access to the admin panel due to the same issue), increasing php memory, disable plugin by renaming the folder. I have hosted the website via aws ec2 wordpress by bitnami instance.
Can you ssh your ec2 instance and access check the error logs? please post them here.
if you are having difficulty using ssh, check the following documentation by bitnami to troubleshoot AWS/WordPress issues.
Depending on OS or apache installation your location of the error log may be different. try following command
sudo tail -100 /var/log/apache2/error.log

How to install Wordpress on subdirectory of my domain using Aamazon Web Server

Hi, I am trying to install a WordPress in a subdirectory
"". But I don't know anything about Amazon Web
Server. I tried youtube and google. but they only show that how to
install WordPress on AWS. nothing more in deep detail.
Please help me, if anyone knows how to install WordPress on a subdirectory of my domain on the AWS server, or suggest me any proper post/tutorial.
like say the guys, you need install wordpress normally.
First your need connect with your instance, this is a virtual server, the ssh protocol is commonly used.
I recommend read the documentation.
For linux instance:
For Windows instance:
Second step is install your web server normally, LAMP or WAMP depending your instance, i recommend apache, mysql or MariaDB and the last version of php, but exist a lot web servers softwares for your choice. If you have not a experiencie read this:
Finally your need download the need version of wordpress, edit config file (wp-config.php) and run.
If you have not a experiencie read this:
Note: If you need "" is possible with VirtualHost in apache.

wordpress admin redirect loop

I've got a copy of our wordpress instance running inside a Docker container.
Our live instance works well but inside the docker container, I do get a redirect-loop as soon as I try to get access to wp-admin.
I've disabled all plugins, I've cleared my cache and so on but nothing worked so far.
OS is debian, similar to our live system. When I get the redirect-loop, there's no information written in my apache error.log-file.
Oh and this instance is accessible by using a subdomain. I had to rewrite all "" to "".
If I can provide you with any informations to solve my problem just ask. I have absolutely no idea where to start.
Seems like you missed some records in the database. The best approach is to use a tool like
If you download this free tool and upload to your server then it does a batch find-and-replace across every single table in your Wordpress database.
So, for example, replace with
You can do a dry run and it will show you all the replaces that it will make. Once you're happy then click the "live run" button and all the changes are made.
I use this tool all the time when I am moving a site from my local machine to the live server. I also use the exact same approach when migrating a site from http to https

WordPress Multisite Redirect Loop After Botched Plugin Update

So I've seen a bunch of questions like this, but many of them have no answers or the setup seems to be slightly different, so I thought I'd venture a new one.
I also apologize if some of this is vague and rushed, I'm sort of pulling my hair out trying to figure things out, but want to give as much detail as possible.
So I have a multisite WordPress installation on a Google Compute Engine instance. It was launched from the Cloud Launcher ( I have three sites running, one at, one at, and one at It's all been working great for the past several months, but this morning a colleague was updating a plugin (Beaver Builder in case that turns out to be significant), and perhaps simultaneously taking a backup with Updraft Plus. In the middle of the update/backup, the browser redirected to a long error saying the update failed, and from then on the site was showing a 500 Server Error.
I got in to work about half an hour later and noticed it was showing the "Apache2 Debian Default Page". I took a look at the httpd.conf, and noticed the DocumentRoot was pointing to the default Apache folder. I tried changing it to the WordPress install folder, and then was getting a different error related to permissions. I set the file permissions of the wordpress install to the recommended settings, and after that both subdomains worked. The root URL was kind of working -- it redirected from to http://IPADDRESS/wp-signup.php. I looked in the wp-config and saw that DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE was now set to the IP address, as well as the home and site url fields in the database. I changed them all to the domain name, and started getting a redirect loop error.
So for now I've left it as redirecting to the IP address, and added a NOBLOGREDIRECT setting to the wp-config to stop the wp-signup.php redirect. I am obviously not great at sys admin things, so I have no idea what to try next. I've ruled out the htaccess, plugins, and DNS settings (DNS hasn't changed).
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
If you got the Debian Apache page then it is highly likely that someone installed the Debian apache2 package, which conflicts with the apache bundled in the stack. I advise you to uninstall the Debian Apache:
sudo apt-get remove apache2
Then restart the server services:
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart

Gateway Anti-Virus Alert - WP

As you can see from the image above. I am experiencing some sort of error message but i have no idea what it means.
I am using wordpress 4.1 with a default theme. Every time i tried to add a menu to the menu structure i get the following message:
Gateway Anti-Virus Alert
This request is blocked by the Firewall Gateway Anti-Virus
Service. Name: Mailer.S (Trojan)
Things that i have already tried:
Using different theme
Installing and re-installing wordpress
Delete everything and start from beginning
And none of this work!
Please help me.
Thank you
You probably got infected with malware, and a service running on your hosting is blocking some malicious code. At best you can contact your hosting provider and ask them how to resolve. Malware on a WordPress site is pretty common by using outdated plugins, themes or having insecure rights on folders and files.
It's pretty hard to get rid of, you have to search trough every file to check for malicious code and check every folder for files that shouldn't be there.
